"How many female fans' hearts have been broken by this brother?"

"In fact, Brother Pengzhang is just being true to his nature!"

"Didn't this young man say a little more in the interview? Is this the end?"

"Hey! The part of talking nonsense and exaggerating is over. Now we can only wait for the voice of the game. I wonder if EDG will release it this time."

"It's a bit sensitive. If it is released, it will prick Principal Wang's scar. Let's see if EDG dares to do it?"


The netizens in the live broadcast room are still discussing it crazily.

Many people are still reluctant to leave. This game has touched the hearts of countless people from before the game to after the game.

Unfortunately, it's all over.

Now even the post-match interviews are over.

At this time, if many netizens are bored, they can only check some post-match news to see what kind of stories those talented editors will make up.

Or check Weibo.

I don’t know what Principal Wang will say after this game. These are the focus of everyone’s attention now.


Until now, everything is still calm.

IG lost and was abused in the fountain, and Principal Wang didn’t seem to say much. This made many people very puzzled. They felt that this was not like Principal Wang’s style.

Perhaps, only Principal Wang himself knows the reason


EDG team base.

After returning from the game, Abu was very happy because he had secured first place in the regular season. He didn't know what would happen next with Xu Mo.

But now, EDG is going to hold a celebration party.

Everyone has worked hard in this summer season, and has achieved very impressive results. It's time to reward them.

Of course, Abu is also very clear that the celebration party should not be too much. At most, it's just a meal to have fun. After all, they will play WE soon, and then they will prepare for the playoffs.

The games are still very intensive.

Under such circumstances, it is obviously not a good thing to relax too much.

However... for Xu Mo, this small celebration party is quite fun, but for the other three teammates of EDG, this will be their nightmare night.

"Come come come!"

"Don't run any of them."

"One portion of mustard soup per person, not three or four thousand, not one or two thousand, just one dollar and eighty!

Just one dollar and eighty!

Just one dollar and eighty, take the mustard soup home!

Really just one dollar and eighty!

" Xu Mo had already started shouting at the dinner table.

After learning the whole story, Abu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This guy really knows how to make trouble in the game.

From his previous game voice, we can know something about it.

Just looking at the bowls of mustard soup, Abu suddenly felt sorry for his teammates.

This thing seemed a bit uncomfortable.

Looking at the factory manager, Meikou and Xiaozhao at this time, their faces were full of fear.

The fear from the mustard soup!



"Brothers, you are not playing tricks on me, are you? I specially found a SLR to take close-up photos for you, don't be scared."

Xu Mo looked at the factory director and his faces and suddenly became happier.

"Damn it!"

"One day you will fall into our hands."

The girl mustered up the courage to pick up the mustard soup in front of her.

She said this in a very domineering way.


"Xu Mo, I remember this grudge."

"Come on! Let's drink, brothers!"

Before the factory manager drank, he complained about Xu Mo.

Then he saw the three of them pick up the mustard soup and drink it slowly. At first, it was nothing, but gradually, the expressions on the faces of the three people changed dramatically.


Meikou cried.

The factory manager cried. iboy cried with a smile.

The expressions on the faces of the three people were very interesting. Xu Mo, holding a SLR in his hand, watched all this with a smile.

"Brave man!"

"Your courage is worthy of the honor of the world champion."

Seeing that the three of them had drunk a lot, Xu Mo teased with a smile. The three of them wanted to beat Xu Mo now, and beat him up.

But because of the mustard soup, they really had no strength.

After a while, they started to rush into the bathroom frantically.

This is really unbearable!

At this time, Xu Mo smiled and started to make the video he shot into a work, and directly posted it on his Weibo, and also sent a copy to the official Weibo girl.

As for whether others play or not, Xu Mo doesn't know.

Anyway, he will play it himself


On Weibo, Xu Mo just posted these three words, and then attached a photo of the three people and mustard soup. As for the specific reason, Xu Mo did not explain.

Netizens who follow his Weibo looked confused.

What's going on?

Why did the factory manager, Meikou, and iboy drink mustard soup?

Originally, after the game with IG, many netizens had been paying attention to the situation after the game, but they were a little disappointed that they never waited for more news.

Instead, they saw the three people from EDG drinking mustard soup.

Suddenly, the gossip fire of netizens burned fiercely, and all kinds of speculations began to come.

"What's going on? Why are the factory manager, iboy and Meikou drinking mustard soup?"

"Was it caused by Brother Zhangzhuang?"

"Brother Zhang didn't drink, something is wrong"

"It must be that the three of them were playing with the swelling brother, and they were outshined by the swelling brother."


Seeing Xu Mo's Weibo, there are quite a lot of comments from netizens.

On the other side,

EDG's official Weibo also released similar news, but the content released here is more complete, and there are short videos.

"The three poor kids who lost the bet in the game were really screwed.

The official blog directly explained the reason.

The mystery was solved.

"Damn, it's really the expansion brother's fault"

"This is really interesting. No wonder Brother Pengzhang laughed so arrogantly."

"You guys are really arrogant for daring to bet against this young man."

"It seems like these guys have a really good relationship."


In fact, netizens are quite happy to see this, which means that the atmosphere within the EDG team is quite good, which is worthy of praise.

However, another official account that many people pay more attention to has not made any movement.

Netizens don’t know whether this is good or bad. Normally, at this point in time, the official should have made some statement, but it has not.

This makes many people quite puzzled.

Now, all they can do is continue to wait.

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