""Phantom tank, da da da!"

Xu Mo is really playing now.

After killing letme's Shen, Xu Mo in the bottom lane began to push the line frantically with his W skill.

In fact, in Xu Mo's opinion, the current Urgot is not the strongest.

He remembered that before his rebirth, Riot had modified the hero Urgot, and his W skill had 0 CD.

What does that mean?

Many people said that this was an epic enhancement for Urgot.

Such an Urgot can spray minions when he sees minions, spray enemies when he sees enemies, and can even spray three directly.

It's quite terrifying.

Of course, the Urgot that was just reworked in S7 not long ago is actually very strong, but relatively speaking, it's not that terrifying.


"This guy is finished!"

"Immersed in the beautiful dream of pink Urgot, I can't extricate myself." iboy said this while watching Xu Mo.

It's mainly because Xu Mo is so magical, always flirting like this, and he seems to like it very much.

"I don’t want to play anymore!"

"It's almost time to end the game."

Pink Urgot, Xu Mo tried it out and it was quite effective.

At this time, he felt that there was no need to continue to torture RNG. Next, he started to choose tank equipment.

Urgot was already overwhelming in terms of level and equipment. Now after he became a tank, RNG couldn't beat him at all.


"This Urgot really makes people not want to play with him."

Miller looked at Xu Mo's outfit and felt sorry for RNG again.

The RNG fans in the live broadcast room were even more desperate when they saw such an Urgot. The next development of this game seemed to have lost suspense.

EDG's top laner Urgot was almost invincible and unstoppable.

25 minutes, the game ended


"Let us congratulate EDG for winning the first game."

""Congratulations to EDG."

Several commentators were also saying this.

In the barrage area of the live broadcast room, EDG fans were obviously very happy. If they won the first game, it would be a very favorable opportunity for EDG.

And from the current point of view, RNG still has no way to deal with Xu Mo.

Everything is almost foreshadowing.

EDG seems to be really stable in winning the summer championship.


"In fact"

"This game is already over."

"RNG is totally unable to deal with this Urgot, there is simply no way, absolutely no solution."

The director's camera returned to the commentary booth.

Miller said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

Although many RNG fans are reluctant to admit it, this is indeed the fact.

In this game, Urgot's record of 7-0 is infinitely close to being a super god. He is both tanky and explosive. This kind of hero definitely has the opportunity to become a T1-level top laner.

Before this, no one played him in the professional arena.

After this game, it is estimated that he will be popular.



"After the level 2 Zzitai helped the top laner get the first blood, this Urgot was unstoppable"

"It basically snowballed all the way."

Wawa was also reviewing the game after the match.

"Actually, now I think RNG needs to think carefully about how to play the next game?"

"Killing is really too powerful in the top position."

At this time, Wang Duoduo brought up another topic.

"RNG must make adjustments as soon as possible"

"If you can't play the top lane position in the laning phase, you must think of other ways to target killing."

Miller continued the topic that Wang Duoduo was talking about.

In fact, this is also what RNG and RNG fans are paying close attention to.

Online hero counter?

This move seems to be a stupid move. After so many games, even theshy can't beat Xu Mo with Jayce, so what kind of counter is there?

Switch lanes?

This strategy has actually been seen in many games this year.

As for other methods, the commentary booth has not thought of a better one for the time being, and I don't know if the RNG team coaching staff has a better strategy.

At this time in the team lounge.

The entire RNG team and coaches are discussing frantically.

Losing the first game of the finals does not mean that the game is over. You know, this is a bo5. For RNG, there are still several times to play.

If a suitable method can be found at this time, it will still work.


"When facing a regular top laner, it is enough to pick a pressure-resistant type, but this trick is completely useless when fighting against the expansion brother, and you must change your strategy"

"In addition to changing lanes, you can also change mid and top lanes, which can also be used for fun"

"It's okay that Boom Brother is able to crush everyone in the lane, but in team fights he's always one against three or one against five. It seems like he has no weaknesses at all. How can we target him?"

"Forget it, let's not fight for this championship. Anyway, RNG's goal this year should be the World Finals, and we should just strive to win the World Finals."


RNG fans will be crazy about this.

But in the end, it is difficult for them to come up with any good ideas for RNG.

Instead, some extreme fans have come up with some dirty tricks, but it is obvious that RNG will not do these.


""Guang-chan, the next game depends on you."

In the team lounge, after Xu Mo said something to Abu and the coach, he came over to chat with Mouse.

Mouse now knows that he is really no match for Xu Mo in terms of strength. Every time he appears on the court, it is almost when Xu Mo doesn't want to play.

But Mouse needs such a stage.

Even if he leaves EDG in the future, he needs to play a few more games to prove his strength before leaving.

In this finals, Mouse once thought that he would not be able to play.

But now, he seems to have to thank Xu Mo for his expansion.

It is because of this that he has the opportunity to appear in the finals of the summer season again. Such an opportunity is even more precious.

"no problem!"

"Letme may not be able to beat me."

Mouse looked at Xu Mo and smiled, a standard A Guang smile.

Xu Mo shook hands with him.

"Come on!"

He said two simple words.

Xu Mo didn't know how A Guang would view him. But to be honest, Xu Mo was very sincere at this time.

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