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【Reporting to the host, the normal price of a language ability is at least 20 million inflation points. It is already quite impressive to be able to offer such a discount. 】

In fact,

Xu Mo was just joking.

In the past, he might have thought that 5 million inflation points were quite a lot, but now, he already has 100 million inflation points.

5 million is a piece of cake.

He bought both English and Korean abilities. It is obvious that the system wants him to be able to directly expand his language with European and American teams or the Korean team in the upcoming global finals. Especially when facing reporters, the voice ability is quite useful. I don’t know why, but Xu Mo felt quite excited when he thought about it. This is definitely a good thing. After purchasing the two abilities, Xu Mo tried to say


Xu Mo... was still a little uncomfortable.

The first word that came out was actually this.

Xu Mo himself���It was a little awkward.

But Xu Mo could feel that he had already reached a high level of proficiency in English.

Without further agonizing over this matter, Xu Mo quickly began to prepare for the next team interview with his teammates.

But this was just a formality at best.


"You can speak freely in this post-match interview."

Before the interview started, Abu went straight to Xu Mo and said, anyway, it's already this time, EDG has won the summer championship.

If you are still timid at this time, it's really too much.

From the current point of view, everything is very good for EDG this year, and the overall strength of the team is also very strong.

Letting Xu Mo expand a little doesn't seem to be a bad thing

"Manager Bu, have you figured it out?"

Listening to Abu's words, Xu Mo couldn't help but tease.

After every game, Abu always wanted to stop Xu Mo from talking nonsense, although he was not very successful every time.

This time, Abu simply didn't stop him.

"What the hell!"

"I won the championship, and I just don't want to make you feel bad anymore."

Abu rolled his eyes at Xu Mo and said

"Ha ha……"

Xu Mo smiled happily.

After they packed up, they walked to the press interview booth as a team and began to be interviewed.

Compared with the past, this kind of interview with the whole team faced many more people.


Reporter: EDG is getting better and better in this summer season, and has won a crazy 13-game winning streak, and now has successfully won the summer championship. Although it is an interview with the whole team, most of the answers are given by designated people.

The first question of the interview.

The reporter directly asked nofe, the head coach of EDG. nofe: It is mainly because our top position has been well adjusted. The arrival of killing has helped us become much stronger in overall strength.

Coach nofe's answer directly praised Xu Mo.


Reporter: We have already won the finals, is there anything the factory manager wants to say to everyone? clearlove: Well, thank you fans for your support along the way, and we will continue to work hard to achieve better results in the next global finals, or even win the championship in the Bird's Nest. As soon as the factory manager finished answering, the reporters at the scene burst into applause.

Winning the championship in the Bird's Nest?

When the other teammates heard this, they were stunned for a moment.

The factory manager was so inflated.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of the reporters, the factory manager himself couldn't help but laugh.

"I was influenced by a certain top laner, and he is responsible for this."

At this time, the factory manager added another sentence.

The reporters couldn't help but laugh at the factory manager's words.

This time, it must be said that the factory manager is quite humorous. He directly pushed the arrogance to Xu Mo. Anyway, this guy has always said this. What made Xu Mo a little uncomfortable was that.

Then Meikou and iboy were interviewed after the game. They were also arrogant, but they were very frivolous when answering.

Crazy targeting Xu Mo


Reporter: Killing played twice in this finals, but the heroes he played in these two games were both very outstanding, one was Urgot, and the other was Viktor. I would like to ask how Killing came up with the idea of using these two heroes.

At this time, the reporter finally started to ask Xu Mo.

It was obvious that the reporter was very interested in interviewing Xu Mo, as there were so many topics about this guy.

It can be clearly said that with Xu Mo's answer in this interview, the click-through rate directly increased by 50%.

There is absolutely no problem at all.

At this time, everyone began to wait for Xu Mo's answer.

"I was originally planning to use these two heroes in the World Championship finals. As you can see, the suppression power of these two heroes in the top position is simply quite crazy."

"But I changed my mind temporarily. I felt that RNG was a very strong team. Using these two heroes to play against them was worthy of their performance in the semifinals."

Xu Mo then answered a few words leisurely.

I have to say that this guy's way of speaking is awesome.

And it feels like he is expanding all the time.

The World Finals.

Using these two heroes is worthy of RNG.

These are really unsolvable.


Reporter: What does Killing want to say about the upcoming global finals?

This question is almost the most concerned question among reporters and many netizens in this interview.

It is also the real point of interest for everyone.

Xu Mo listened and smiled.

"I know what you want me to say"

"But what I want to say is that in front of our EDG, the LCK and European and American teams are all……"

When Xu Mo said this, he paused.

Are they all losers?

Almost subconsciously, many people wanted to help Xu Mo finish this sentence.

"Not worth mentioning!"

Two seconds later.

Xu Mo said the last four words with a smile.

The people at the scene remembered that Xu Mo was also amused. This word is actually almost the same as"spicy chicken", but it is just a little more civilized and direct.

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