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"Killing, will you choose Rambo as the top laner?"

At this time, Xu Mo's choice of top laner hero has become the focus of many people's attention.

In fact, in this game, especially the TSM players, they attach great importance to Xu Mo's choice of top laner hero. Before the group stage, after the draw to determine the same group with EDG,

TSM had already conducted some research on Xu Mo.

Although they have been arguing with EDG or Xu Mo, the TSM players have to admit in public that

Xu Mo's strength is indeed very strong.

At this time,

Rambo has been determined.

The opposing TSM quickly determined the top laner hero, and finally they chose the big worm.

The big worm hero had many wonderful performances in the qualifying round. At present, the top laner is more or less biased towards the meat tank version. The big worm hero can be said to be the version hero. Even if he is slightly countered by Rambo on the line, the big worm can still develop.

Originally before.

TSM was still a little worried that Xu Mo would come up with a black technology top laner, but now they realize that their worries were a little unnecessary.

In this way, TSM felt a lot more at ease.

The lineups of both sides were determined.

Soon, they began to enter the Summoner's Rift.

Netizens also found it a little incredible that Xu Mo chose the hero Rambo, because everyone has always been accustomed to Xu Mo's hero choices in the game, relatively speaking, he would play some different top laners.

But in this game.

Xu Mo was not inflated at all in his hero selection.

At least the hero Rambo did not make everyone feel surprised.

Of course, there is also a saying that.

Xu Mo in a normal state is far more terrifying than him when he is inflated. This is also very possible, but it feels a bit nonsense to say this now. You have to watch the game to know how Xu Mo's Rambo is.


"Suddenly I realized that I haven't played Yodel top lane in many games."

EDG's internal voice.

Everyone was waiting to enter the Summoner's Rift, and Xu Mo said this with interest.

Looking back at his many games in the past, Xu Mo really didn't play Yodel type heroes very often. Rambo seemed to be the first one he played in a game.

Realizing this, Xu Mo also felt it was quite novel.

"You haven't played much, but don't make trouble."

For some reason, when the factory manager heard Xu Mo's words, he subconsciously felt a little scared.

He always felt that he would say something inflated next.

"Don't worry, Brother Seven, I only plan to use the player in the first three games, not all six group matches."

Xu Mo said slowly afterwards.

The factory manager's face darkened.

Xu Mo's words really confirmed his guess. After playing many games with this guy, the factory manager could sometimes guess some of Xu Mo's crazy ideas.

"Damn you!"

"I knew you would get arrogant and cause trouble."

The factory manager is now a little speechless.

But fortunately, Xu Mo only talked about the first three games, so there is no problem. After all, there are quite a few Yodel top-lane heroes.

Just counting them, there should be seven or eight, enough for Xu Mo to play.

This was also an idea that Xu Mo came up with for a while. He thought it should be very good, so he made such a plan.

But for this game, he needs to play Rambo well first.

This is the first time Xu Mo has played a Yodel hero, and he doesn't want to play it too badly.

In fact,

Xu Mo quite likes the hero Rambo.

As a Yodel, Rambo is always so different.

He is short, but not afraid.

Like a desperate warrior, a brave lone ranger.

This hero is similar to the cute Gnar in operation, and needs to release skills reasonably to control the temperature.

As long as the temperature can be controlled, the hero Rambo can use his small body to create extremely explosive damage output. On the battlefield, one big move can often destroy the world. In this game, Xu Mo also wants to try


"There was a warm cheer for EDG at the scene."

"After all, this is our home team, and it is also the factory manager’s hometown. It is the home of the home, and everyone’s support is still very consistent."

The game started.

In the stadium, the audience was already cheering loudly for EDG.

Even though it was 8 o'clock in the evening, the audience was still very supportive.

"Take a look"

"Both teams chose a long line formation at the beginning, which is a very stable position."

After saying this, the commentator Zhihuan also said this.

On the live broadcast screen, Summoner's Rift can already be seen. At this time, the game between the two teams has really begun.

The director's camera was given to the top lane.

Xu Mo's Rambo was breathing fire, and the EDG team logo was lit up. This action made the audience cheer.

"My brother is still okay, as long as I play in the game, I will be arrogant and arrogant"

"This move is so cool!"

"Young man, this time it depends on your performance"

"I found that the hero used by Pengpengge in almost every game is slightly different. This is probably a real sea of heroes."

"You just discovered this? We knew about it a long time ago."


The barrage area of the live broadcast room of the game.

Netizens in the live broadcast room have already begun to happily swipe the barrage.

Xu Mo's highlighting action just now not only made the audience excited, but also made the netizens in the live broadcast room happy. This shows that Xu Mo's mentality in this game is still quite relaxed.

He is still the familiar inflated brother.

At this time.

The soldiers have begun to come to the line, and the junglers on both sides are already brushing the red buff in their respective jungle areas.

On the live broadcast screen of the game.

At this time, the support rates of the two teams appeared.

EDG: 92% and TSM, only a pitiful 8%.

It has to be said that EDG's fans are still very scary.

TSM's top laner Hauntzer did not appear online at the first time at this time. The meaning is quite obvious. It is basically certain that his big worm is helping his jungler Prince to start with the red buff.

This information is obviously very important to the factory director's excavator. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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