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"You guys are all scared."

"The sword lady on the opposite side has flashed, and now there is a blood bottle to restore the blood volume. How can I kill him alone within 10 seconds!"

Seeing that Meikou refused so thoroughly, Xu Mo said a few more words leisurely.


It seems so. This seems to be much more difficult than the 70,000 damage he dealt to Rambo last time.

And it is obvious.

Just chat with him for a few words, won't ten seconds pass?

But still can't bet.

Xu Mo's routine is too deep.

On the road.

At this time, Xu Mo's Teemo has suppressed Khan Ji's last hits a lot, but it is also true that if he can't suppress Khan's soldiers even if he plays like this.

Then Xu Mo is not Xu Mo!

But now the problem is that Khan's blood line dare not move forward easily, and the fear from the nurse appears again.

This is really uncomfortable!

The key is that this Teemo's Spellthief's Blade is really a bit injured. He chases A like this. I don't know how much money I have earned from the Spellthief's Blade.

Experience suppression, last hit suppression, economic suppression.

Khan is a little embarrassed to face his teammates.

Before this, he was very happy to see the opponent pick Teemo during the BP, but now after seeing the details of Xu Mo's operation, Khan is not happy at all.

Now he is a little afraid that as BDD said, will this guy have any black technology next time?

If so, can he deal with it?


"Uh, Khan collapsed? Doesn't it feel too fast?"

"The top lane battle has basically been declared over"

"Brother Pangzhang is really awesome. He can even hang Khan up and beat her just by playing Teemo, and this is the global finals"

"Details are very important. If you look carefully, you will find that the details of the expansion brother when he is on the line are super awesome."


In the barrage area, there are some viewers who really saw Xu Mo's laning against Teemo in this match.

From the beginning to now, Xu Mo has indeed done a perfect job in the details.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to suppress Khan so much.

But what disappointed everyone is that they originally thought that the laning in this game should still be worth watching because of Khan.

But now they find that Khan and Fiora can't beat Xu Mo's Teemo.

But on the other side.

The Korean commentator of OGN TV, who was broadcasting this game live, looked at the scenes in front of him with an ugly face.

As for the Korean netizens who were watching the live broadcast, it was even more so.

"Shame! So shameful."

"If even Khan can't compete with him, who else can compete with him? Is it possible that EDG will really win the championship of this year's world finals?"

"This shopkeeper is really amazing."

"All the top laners in LCK were abused by him"


In the game.

This time, he was on the line.

Xu Mo was very happy now. His Teemo was so arrogant that he even suppressed Khan Ji and didn't dare to move forward easily.

Seeing his health, Khan chose to compromise.

He returned to the city!

If he didn't retreat this time, he would only suffer a greater loss when the soldiers entered the tower. If he teleported up, he could not only eat up this wave of soldiers steadily, but also develop himself safely.

It was the best of both worlds.


"Khan's health was a bit low, so he chose to return to the city."

"This choice is also very wise. A slight loss of soldiers will bring about a stable development in the future."

"But from this point, it can be seen that Killing's laning strength is really terrifying. Even playing a Teemo can suppress Khan like this."

Changmao is also talking when he sees Khan's actions.

The current situation has surprised many domestic netizens.

But everyone knows that now is just the time for Fiora to be patient. Once Fiora stabilizes and develops to level 6 in the early stage, it may be the other way around.

In the eyes of some netizens, Xu Mo should be anxious.

Because if Fiora is not killed in the early stage, then if Fiora makes magic resistance equipment later, Teemo will basically not be a threat to Fiora.

But Xu Mo himself is not panicked at all.


"I thought you were using some tricks again?"

"You actually didn’t kill Fiora alone.

Meikou waited for a long time.

On the upper lane, there was no sound of a kill. He even looked to see if he hadn’t heard it.

In the end, Xu Mo still didn’t kill her alone.

"Ha ha!"

"Do you think I'm lying to you?"

Xu Mo said with a smile. When he was playing the game, he seemed to be more relaxed than anyone else.

"But I'm going to kill Fiora soon."

Then, Xu Mo added slowly.

Single kill?

Upon hearing this, iboy was quite interested.

Meikou and iboy looked at Kong and saw that the factory director's prince had quietly moved to the blue half of the Longzhu team, ready to cross the tower and kill Khan at any time.


"Brother Seven, whoever gets this head gets it."

"Fair competition!"

Seeing the factory director preparing to go out, Xu Mo said in advance

"Don't worry, I will give you a kill."

Zichang replied with a smile.

Xu Mo didn't believe it, and even the other EDG teammates didn't want to believe it.

At this time,

Khan was ready to return to the city, but he had already sensed the crisis. He didn't choose to retreat under the tower, but walked back directly.

After all, this position was not safe at all.


"It looks like the factory manager is going to attack Khan's sword princess"

"The biggest change for EDG this year is the coordination between the top and jungle. Judging from past games, the cooperation between Zz1tai and Killing is quite tacit."

"Let's see what will happen in this gank?"

Several commentators were also highly focused at this moment.

Cuzz on the opposite side didn't dare to come over to gank Xu Mo easily, but the factory manager would not be angry with Khan. If there was a chance to complete a tower dive and kill,

Khan would collapse!

"Brother Pengzhang, you are really going too far. You have already defeated your opponent in the line, and you still call for help?"

"This young man, I can't stand it anymore"

"Khan is having a hard time. He can't even win in the lane and now he is being bullied by the factory manager."

"The two beasts have teamed up again"


The netizens in the live broadcast room looked down on Xu Mo when they saw this scene.

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