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Against FNC.

From the beginning of the BP, we can see that the opponent has made sufficient preparations for the match against EDG, especially when facing Xu Mo. In the

BP stage,

FNC completely copied the approach of the Longzhu team against EDG.

And they originally wanted to ban Rumble and Kled, but now they have replaced them with Fizz and Corki. Corki

, the hero, is a very good choice for the mid-lane position in the current version.

FNC's selection of people is like one person taking two.

But when they really started to select people.

FNC was dumbfounded.

EDG selected a Lulu on the blue side.

It seems that...

Lulu is also a Yodel.

Previously, they had always played Lulu as a support, and basically only appeared in the bottom lane, but in this game.

When Lulu appeared in EDG's third pick, FNC panicked.

When the final lineup was determined.

EDG: Lulu, Gragas, Lucian, Tristana, Minotaur.

Lulu in the top lane?

At first glance.

Xu Mo's playing of Lulu is indeed a bit non-mainstream.

But FNC quickly thought of a very good top lane hero in the current public games, that is, top lane Karma. There is no disadvantage in the early laning phase, and a censer in the mid-term.

Unity, tanky and output.

And in the team fight, everyone is shielded, and the censer is given to the AD.

Lulu at the moment seems to have this idea.

It's over!

This EDG has actually formed a very complete lineup.

On the FNC side.

The top lane Maokai, the jungle Sejuani, the mid lane Cassiopeia, the bottom lane Varus + Varus.

Overall, they didn't gain any advantage in terms of the lineup, and the BP they carefully prepared before seemed to have become a huge joke.


"This game was planned by EDG from the beginning of BP"

"Poor FNC, EDG is here to take revenge"

"EDG often has a very bad lineup, just like in the last game, they were able to beat Longzhu. In this game, they almost had a very complete lineup, and beating FNC was no problem at all."

"The game is over before it even starts"


The netizens in the live broadcast room, seeing this situation, were also discussing in the barrage area.

In fact.

For such a game, they were actually very excited before the game because of the fierceness released by Xu Mo. Even many netizens were arranging the Yodels like FNC, but they didn’t realize it until the end.

The key link of Lulu was missed.

This is not FNC’s fault, because in the past, heroes like Kennen, Gnar, and Fizz can obviously go to the top, and if Xu Mo gets these heroes, the threat will be greater.

As for Lulu, since Xu Mo dared to choose her, they had no choice.

But FNC is also very clear that with EDG’s lineup, this game will probably be very difficult for them.

What can comfort themselves is that

Xu Mo, the devil, got a hero that is difficult to kill, and with EDG’s lineup, Xu Mo is very likely to be a censer.

In terms of single kills, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

In this way, it will be much more comfortable.

Calculate it, I can still fight in the team later.



"Now that the two teams have been confirmed, let's take a look at EDG's third group match against FNC and see how EDG will perform."

"I really hope that EDG can win this game smoothly and lay a very good foundation for the second stage of the group stage."

On the commentary stand.

The commentators of this game are Guan Zeyuan, Zhihuan and Haokai. The partnership of these three is still very magical.

In the eyes of netizens in the live broadcast room, it is completely a magical trio.

"Hello everyone, I am Guan Zeyuan!"

"Hello everyone, I am Haokai"

"Hello everyone, I am the commentator Zhihuan!"


As usual, the three commentators introduced themselves before the game officially started.

At this time, both teams have already entered the Summoner's Rift.

Xu Mo himself was a little helpless.

Before this global finals, he spent a lot of expansion points to strengthen the top hero, but now it seems that from Teemo in the last game to Lulu in this game, Xu Mo had not strengthened them before.

In the end, he could only continue to spend expansion points to strengthen them during the game, which was really a pitfall.

But there was no way, who made him set such a flag.

Spending 15 million expansion points.

Xu Mo strengthened the ability of the hero Lulu to a very high level. In his opinion, it was enough to beat the FNC team.

And what made him helpless was that

FNC had been messing around, but in the end, he was able to choose a hero like Lulu.

It was really painful.

Are European and American teams really more careless?

In terms of calculation, Asians are still a little more awesome.

But these are no longer important.

What gave Xu Mo a headache in today's game was that the opponent FNC chose a big tree.

It felt like there was no point in killing a tree alone, because even if you kill the big tree hero two or three times online, it doesn't matter.

It can still play a role in team battles.

And it's not too tanky.

In this case, Xu Mo decided to show everyone his other abilities.

Speaking of it.

Since he stepped onto the stage of professional competitions, Xu Mo has relied on online crushing, various crazy single kills, and blown up opponents in many games.

To win.

But for this game, he decided to change it and treat it as a surprise to his teammates and all the audiences who like him.

Xu Mo thought about it and it was still very good.

In fact, when the final lineup was determined, the factory manager and the others were a little surprised.

Because Xu Mo actually said that he wanted to play a single support Lulu in this game. His teammates also understood this style of play. Isn't it similar to a copy of Karma? What shocked them was that

Xu Mo was willing to play such a role.

Rare, too rare! They are also looking forward to

Xu Mo's performance.

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