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"It's almost level 2, and then it's my turn to bully you."

Xu Mo was actually very clear about the situation facing his Shen.

Perhaps many people think that a long-range hero like Jayce should be easy to beat Shen, or at least evenly matched, but in Xu Mo's opinion, this is not the case.

Shen is definitely a very good hero to beat Jayce.

If the details are played well, it is possible to suppress Jayce from level 1.

In the early stage of this game, at level 1, the main reason why Xu Mo was suppressed by Huni's Jayce was simply because he did not point out the E skill at level 1.

If he had pointed out E at level 1 and fought Jayce head-on, his Shen would not suffer at all.

Xu Mo was 100% sure of this.

But none of this matters.

Adding W at level 1 and E at level 2 are also very good.

If you reach level 3 and have all three skills, QWE, then Shen will be even more powerful against Jayce.



"I won't give you any chance in this game."

In the first game of the semi-finals, Xu Mo's Rambo now looks back and feels that he is also to blame.

Because Xu Mo did not completely destroy Gnar, he still allowed him to play a key role in several team battles. Several waves of Tathagata Palm directly led to EDG's loss of team battles.

In that game, Huni's Gnar really made a great contribution.

And this time.

Xu Mo will not make the same mistake again.

He has planned to beat Huni's Jayce hard and beat him to death, and never give him any chance to turn over.

On the court.

Huni was still a little proud that his Jayce could suppress the line and fight against Qing Gangying. How many people were bullied when they were on the line with this guy.

And he could suppress Xu Mo.

This feeling is quite good.

At this time, Qing Gangying dared to rush up and get close to Jayce.

If he didn't beat him up in one wave, would he still be my Huni's Jayce?

Seeing Qing Gangying coming up, Jayce, who was also at level 2, continued to use basic attacks to brush Qing Gangying without hesitation. The key to this kind of head-on confrontation is to be in a position that does not attract too much hatred from the minions.

Huni really wasn't scared at all.

Mainly because he felt that there was no need for him to be scared. Jayce's strength in the early stages was almost universally recognized, and Huni was also very good at the hero, Shen.

He didn't think the opponent's Shen could do anything fancy.

But Huni soon realized that something was wrong.

After Shen attacked, he used his E skill to hang on the wall in advance.

This was a normal skill for Shen to fight against, but Huni soon discovered that there was a huge difference in damage between him and Shen. Huni's Jayce only took down a quarter of his health.

But his Jayce himself had lost more than half of his health. Huni knew he was wrong. Even though his Jayce was very strong, some of the subtle operations of the opponent were really terrible. This wave of blood exchange really convinced Huni.


"In this fight, Killing's Shen is really detailed."

"Too much detail!"

PDD couldn't help but be amazed after seeing the battle between the two sides.

"When fighting"

"Attack Jayce first and then use the E skill instantly. In this case, Shen's E skill can quickly cancel the backswing of the basic attack."

"I watched this wave very carefully. The most terrifying thing about Killing is that at the moment when the first part of the E skill of the Blue Steel Shadow flew out, he hit another basic attack."

"This is definitely a test of a player's hand speed and operation."

PDD had deliberately practiced the hero Qing Gangying before.

In this wave of confrontation, perhaps the parties involved did not see it carefully enough, but for the commentator, PDD really understood this wave.

Qing Gangying, if you want to deal high damage in the early stage, you must know how to steal A.

Many people may only steal A once in a short period of time.

But Xu Mo.

So far, he has successfully stolen A twice.

The second stage of E comes back.

In the process of displacement, he directly hits the damage of the W skill, and then lands and follows with a basic attack to deal full damage!

In the time of one E skill, Xu Mo stole three basic attacks plus a W skill damage. Under this situation, it is impossible for Jayce not to drop below half of his health.

At this time, Huni could only sigh that this opponent is really too scary


"This Blue Steel Shadow of the Expanding Brother is probably the trump card"

"The first time I saw a Shen, he could be so strong in the early stage against the opponent's top laner"

"Although I was completely confused by what PDD said, I know that the expansion brother is invincible"

"I feel like this expansion is getting serious."


The audience in the live broadcast room were also very happy to see the result of this battle in the top lane.

In this exchange of blood, Xu Mo's Camille can be said to have made a lot of money.

Then the next battle was really easy.


"Damn it!"

"Huni is starting to get scared now!"

Xu Mo was just secretly excited about his operation, but he didn't expect that after this wave, Huni seemed to have completely given up on treatment.

This was the most uncomfortable thing for Xu Mo.

Jayce's initial strength was completely thrown aside. Now he simply used his long arm advantage to farm from a distance, and didn't dare to cross the line to suppress Shen. He even seemed to be retreating.

"You're welcome, don't hit Huni as a human being." iboy always speaks so truthfully, and after hearing Xu Mo's words, he added this sentence, which was simply a mess.


"Don't treat them like human beings."

The younger sister followed up.

The two guys were really ruthless.

The factory manager just smiled when he heard them talking.

"no problem!"

"I will let them see what a life mentor Camille is."

Xu Mo agreed readily.

Since he picked up the hero Qing Gangying, he did not intend to give Huni the possibility of being timid, because Qing Gangying's E skill was very long-range.

It was very difficult for Huni to be timid.

Since Xu Mo said that he would beat Huni's Jayce in the early stage, he would definitely do it._Please download Feilu Xiao to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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