After going online again, Khan found helplessly that his Fiora was actually a little bit inferior to the Sona.

This was the most shocking thing for him.

From the perspective of hero mechanism, such a situation is impossible to happen, but Khan found helplessly that he was beaten directly by the Sona.

The difference in last-hitting was beaten back.

Khan was now being beaten very uncomfortably by the Sona's basic attack. At the moment, it was very difficult for him to fight against the Sona because of the disadvantage of equipment. As long as the Sona used the Q or E skill at his feet when he rushed forward, the Fiora would either run away or use the W.

The key is that this Sona knows how to play. Khan's Fiora's W skill almost never hit the Sona.

The Sona used a set of


Fiora is half dead.

After a few more attacks, Fiora is left with only a little health. Now the situation is reversed. The nurse starts to suppress Fiora. The key is that one has a long range and the other is a melee. Fiora is hit by the attack and has no way to last hit. The advantage of last hit, which was originally ahead, has become behind.

What to do?

Call the jungler!


"With the wards I have placed, it is almost impossible for the opponent to pose a threat to me."

Xu Mo is obviously very clear about this. The nurse has an advantage against the sword lady now, but he must further expand the advantage at this point in time.

Otherwise, after level 6, when the sword lady grows up and uses her ultimate to fight, it will basically be really unbeatable. However... the netizens in the live broadcast room have already seen the opponent's jungler Mantis coming.

But Xu Mo didn't seem to see it.

Or, he thinks he can fight two people alone?


Xu Mo is really like this

"You don't have to remind me!"

"Just the two of them, they really can't beat me"

"Even though I am playing a nanny, I can kill two of them."

The fans were puzzled. How can a nanny want to beat these two?

The warrior Fiora and the assassin Mantis, these two heroes are too threatening to the nanny.

Even if Fiora is low on health now, it is still a piece of cake to fight the nanny with the help of the full-health Mantis. As long as you rush forward and deal some damage, you can basically complete the task. If you can't kill the nanny, at least you can retreat safely.

"If you are so arrogant, then you should just stop buying wards."

"Damn it, you’re so awesome anyway, why are you still looking ahead?"

"Wait for a slap in the face!"


In this case, the water friends are really confused

"I just want to know when the opponent's mantis will come to kill me."

"If he delivers faster, I can finish this ranking match and go off the air earlier."

Xu Mo responded to the doubts of the fans.


This guy's reasons are always so inflated, and he even wants to go off the air earlier.

Pitfall anchor!

Xu Mo's nurse began to retreat, and Mantis jumped up directly. This version of Mantis, although not T1 level, is not bad.

Mantis directly dealt a set of damage to the nurse.

In an instant, Xu Mo's nurse was half-blood gone. Seeing this, Khan's Sword Princess also rushed up. Although he still couldn't hit the flaw, it was still pretty good.

Xu Mo retreated.

But what made people feel incredible was that Xu Mo didn't use the Q skill under his feet.

Instead, he chose to use it at the position where Khan's Sword Princess rushed up.

This surprised Khan himself.

At the moment, Mantis was hammering Sokara frantically. He didn't use Q under his feet, but on himself?

Want to kill him?

One Q skill, not that!

Khan also reacted very quickly. He knew that he could not afford this skill, so he directly used Fiora's W to block it.

Although he failed to parry the nurse, at least he blocked this wave of damage.

Mantis W slowed down, followed by A, and the nurse did not have flash. The fans really didn't know how Xu Mo ran in this wave? Not to mention the counter-kill


"Come on, soldiers, beat these two bad guys quickly."

Xu Mo himself was grinning.

Sokala, who was being beaten by two people, was indeed getting help from the soldiers, but the damage from these soldiers was not a fatal threat to them.

But then, netizens noticed something strange.

After Mantis used up all his skills, it seemed that he could only chase and attack with a basic attack, and the subsequent damage output was quite limited.

Xu Mo threw an E skill at his feet.

At this time, Mantis was silenced for a short time, and because of the range of Sokala's E skill, he couldn't chase directly.

Otherwise, he would be imprisoned by the nurse's E skill, and could only move around a little. The same was true for Fiora, who had to bypass the nurse's astral barrier.

Xu Mo started to walk A


"Mango Strike!"

"First shot!"

"One more shot!"

"Thunderbolt triggered!"

It seemed quite exciting to see Xu Mo attack Mantis like this.

Next, when everyone thought that the nurse was about to retreat to the tower, Xu Mo's operation stunned many people.

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