"Ouch! Yes!"

"Wait a minute, now I can safely kill him by crossing the tower."

Xu Mo responded to the factory manager.

Hearing this, the factory manager's face suddenly darkened. He was wondering whether he should continue to help him with vision?

Even if Yasuo has the advantage now, Gary got the first blood after all, and his equipment is better than Yasuo. Wanting to kill Gary under the tower, isn't this just making trouble?

"I take back what I just said!"

The factory manager quickly followed up

"Brother Seven, this is a bit unkind of you!"

"But it doesn't matter, Gragas is not in the upper jungle area now, I can still kill Gnar."

Xu Mo called out another nickname of the factory manager.

It was quite smooth to say.

The factory manager was a little helpless, there was really no way to deal with this guy.

"I'll help you with the vision, but can you just play it steady?"


"Then I won't risk killing him under the tower. I'll flash first and then kill him."

Xu Mo was talking to the factory manager with a smile.

The factory manager didn't know what to say about Xu Mo. In Xu Mo's eyes, it seemed that his opponents were always so weak, and he couldn't beat him no matter how he played.

He felt that the top laner on the opposite side was a rookie.

At this moment, after killing the red buff, the factory manager began to control the vision near the top lane.

Xu Mo looked at these scenes and suddenly had a strange feeling.

You know, before he traveled through time, this intercontinental game was not like this. At that time, after getting the red buff, the factory manager played a counter-routine.

He didn't brush the stone man and F6 and went directly to the bottom lane to get a double kill.

Now, because of his arrival, everything has changed. Under this circumstance, the factory manager can't play a counter-routine now.

Thinking of all this, Xu Mo felt a little weird.

But he confirmed one thing, that is, future professional competitions may also directly produce a butterfly effect because of his appearance.

Many corresponding competitions are expected to be affected.

The result will also change.

In fact.

His arrival is not just to change many of the original Is it a certain result? Those regrets left in S7, those dreams that were out of reach in the past.

Now that we have such a good opportunity, we should cherish it and work hard for it.

Xu Mo thought about it and felt relieved!

Focusing on the game, he saw that his Yasuo's passive shield was ready, and he rushed forward to hit Gnar.

Gnar, a hero, is countered by Yasuo. Cuvee has almost no resistance to this and can only retreat after being hit.

Resistance will only bring greater damage.

But at the moment, Gnar's anger has almost accumulated and will soon become bigger.

This can give Cuvee a little breath.

Next, at least he can take advantage of the opportunity when Gnar becomes bigger to make good use of the soldiers, otherwise it will be too miserable to be suppressed in the line.

There is no way to play!

Both top laners are at level 4 at this time, but look at the comparison of soldiers.

Gnar, who originally got the first blood in the early stage, is now 16 knives behind Yasuo in soldiers. It is a bit exaggerated to lag behind so much at this point in time. cuvee only thought that after Gnar became bigger, he would come up to farm the minions and make up for the disadvantage in farm economy.

But he didn't expect... the EDG rookie top laner on the opposite side was really too much.


"Killing’s laning phase is quite fierce!"

"Even though he gave the first blood to Gnar, he now directly suppressed the opponent by 16 last-hitting soldiers."

The commentator Zhihuan was still optimistic about Xu Mo.

He said this after seeing the director's camera switch to the top lane.

Obviously, the viewers in the live broadcast room also saw it all. Gnar, who was 1-0, was suppressed by Yasuo, who was 0-1.

What if the opponent was cuvee?

What if he was the top three top laners in LCK?

Now in the laning phase, he was still suppressed by Xu Mo.

Those netizens who originally wanted to criticize Xu Mo couldn't do so now. The facts were in front of them, and they had no choice but to argue. What else could they say if they couldn't even get the first blood?

When RNG played against EDG before, letme was crushed by Xu Mo in both games. It can be said that letme played very badly in those two games.

So this time in the intercontinental competition, right now In this situation, can we also say that cuvee is bad?

If we add that Xu Mo encountered Khan during the live broadcast before, and the nurse directly beat Khan's sword princess, it would be even more difficult to say.

Could it be that these three recognized top laners are bad?

The trolls are confused!

Top lane.

At this time, Xu Mo saw that his shield turned to about 80%, and at this time cuvee's Gnar was about to grow bigger. Seeing this, Xu Mo's mouth curved slightly.

The opportunity is here!

Step forward and use the E skill to rush in front of Gnar.

At this moment, cuvee's Gnar grew bigger, and a giant Gnar appeared in front of Xu Mo.

Seeing Yasuo coming up, cuvee was stunned!

Knowing that his Gnar has grown bigger, he still wants to come up to fight?

This guy is really too inflated! cuvee was not scared either, since Yasuo wanted to fight, and the minion line was still more advantageous on his side, even in terms of health, even though Gnar was only half-health, his health was still higher than Yasuo's who was almost full-health.

Lost Fang Gnar was the former holder of two records in the League of Legends. Before the transformation, his health was the lowest in the league, but after the transformation, he became the tankiest. His health, armor, and magic resistance were all enhanced.

Under normal circumstances, when Gnar becomes bigger, the top laner will temporarily dodge.

But Xu Mo did not do this, he chose to fight head-on.


"It looks like a fight is about to take place in the top lane!"

"At this time, Gnar has grown bigger and his fighting power is too strong. Are you sure you want to fight Killing?"

Seeing this scene, Changmao couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"To be honest, sometimes I don’t understand the killing operation, it’s very confusing!"

"Is this a master who is so hard to guess?"

Yu Tong said jokingly with a smile on his face.

The director's camera was directed to the top lane at this time, and the viewers in the live broadcast room could clearly see what was happening on the top lane.

What will happen next?

At this moment, the audience was nervously watching the fight on the top lane. They really wanted to know what the result of this fight would be?

Some people were looking forward to Xu Mo's showmanship.

Because in many cases, when you think something is impossible, it may happen to him.

Some people were waiting for Xu Mo to become autistic.

He was too inflated, to the point where he was annoying.

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