Mouse's sudden exit and Xu Mo's sudden entry caused the entire audience to fall into an awkward silence.

Many EDG fans began to loudly criticize EDG, saying that EDG had given up hope and had no hope at all.

Seeing that the situation was beginning to get out of control, Wawa immediately changed the subject.

"We just received an official notice from EDG that Mouse suddenly felt unwell and could not play. A new player, Xu Mo, will replace him in the top position to complete the next game."

Wawa's words made the audience feel a little relieved, but they still stared at Xu Mo fiercely.

The members of both teams entered their game rooms one after another. The RNG players were all talking and laughing, and obviously did not take the new Xu Mo too seriously.

"Don't worry, just play with all your strength. If you can't beat letme, just choose a tanky hero and hide under the tower. The factory manager will help you."

The factory manager is a player who can distinguish right from wrong. Although he is unwilling to let mouse go, he can only accept Xu Mo as soon as possible for the sake of the team's honor.

Xu Mo shook his head and said,

"Don't worry, I said I would kill letme."

Seeing that Xu Mo was still so arrogant, the factory manager didn't say anything but just shook his head.

Xu Mo himself was very happy.

Because this wave made him earn another 20 inflation points.


【The novice mission is triggered. The host is now on the field to play a game. Please win the first game of your career.】

【In this game, as long as the host expands, he will get some very special rewards to help the host play better.

At this time, the voice of the system in his mind rang.

Xu Mo didn't expect that it was a novice task.

When he thought of the reward, Xu Mo knew that he needed to expand a little more in this game.

This side.

Nofe behind him clenched his fists, hoping that Xu Mo's expansion was just talk. If he was worse than mouse and audi, EDG would be really screwed.

After the players on both sides simply debugged their respective peripherals, the referee signaled RNG and EDG to enter the game room.

"Hello, dear audience friends, welcome to the LPL Summer Games. I am Miller."

"Today, the two teams are RNG and EDG. In the last game, EDG may have felt that the top laner mouse was not in good enough condition, so in the second game, which was also EDG's decisive game, the top laner position was played by a newcomer named Xu Mo. As for what kind of results this top laner will play, let us wait and see!"

Miller briefly explained the reasons for the last game and mouse's departure in a few words, so that those viewers who came into the live broadcast room at the right time could understand the cause and effect and not be confused throughout the whole game. After

RNG was on the blue side in the last game, the second game will be the blue side with EDG in the first BP position.

"Now we are entering the BP phase of both teams. We can see that EDG directly banned Uzi's Kog'Maw right at the start. This hero's damage in the later stages is really too explosive. It is totally incomprehensible."

"In addition, Xiao Ming has been cooperating with Xiao Gou to coordinate with the jungler during this period. If RNG gets the lineup and formation they are good at, then EDG will basically have no hope of winning as long as it is dragged into the late stage."

"That's right, now RNG has made the first ban, directly banning Galio. After the rework, this hero has gone from being the least popular hero to being either banned or picked. He has strong lane clearing ability, and his ultimate can enter the battlefield at the first time and has a very powerful knock-up effect. Don't worry!"

Wawa called up the usage rate of Galio and the heroes that Scout is more accustomed to using recently. It can be seen that some training has been done on Galio, and RNG's ban is somewhat targeted.

Xiaohu's playing style is more offensive, while Galio's defensive ability is very strong. In this way, it is difficult for Xiaohu to play a big advantage in the middle lane, which is difficult for RNG, which is accustomed to playing rhythm in the early and middle stages, to play a tactical advantage.

"EDG's second ban took down the support Thresh"

"As for RNG, they banned Corki. Everyone knows that Scout is very good at playing Corki. Although he is not the best in the world, his strength should not be underestimated. Combined with his clever coordination with Factory Manager, it can be said that he can always catch the opponent off guard."

"In the third round, EDG banned Mala Xiangguo's Mantis. Xiangguo is a very aggressive player. If Mala Xiangguo gets such a powerful Mantis, EDG will not be very comfortable in the early and mid-game, especially Scout in the middle and Zet in the bottom."

"The last ban position of RNG was given to Luo, who was also a very good support played by Meiko."

Now both sides have used up their first three ban positions, and the next step is the three selection phases. After the three heroes are revealed, we can have a rough guess about what kind of routine tactics the team will use. The director now turned the camera to the players on both sides.

RNG's faces were very relaxed because they won the first game, while the EDG players were a little serious.

This BO3 is likely to affect the rankings of both sides in the summer season.

At that time, it will even directly affect the S World Finals quota, so you can't be careless!

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