Soon, with the divine assistance of the tower, Hammerstone died on the spot under the tower.

After the death of the hammerstone, the praying mantis presses the E skill at the speed of second, and jumps back under the tower at the speed of light.

Mantis dragonfly point water!!

Ning and Theshy gasped.

Mantis dragonfly point water, as the name suggests, that is, the praying mantis wants to point water in the dragonfly, put skills in the air, and then complete the kill and then jump up at the speed of light, the whole process does not land!

Dragonfly point water, lightspeed EQE can be completed, this operation is not so difficult, rare is the scene play. Especially this kind of master bureau king bureau.

The praying mantis kills, refreshes the E, runs when it is finished, but Yasso is not so lucky without the line.

Soon, as soon as the time of the wind wall of the orphan Sow passed, he was beaten to death by a group of people.

After Yasso died, Jace danced in place, and soon summoned the canyon pioneer.

The praying mantis glanced at the canyon pioneer, then at his half-blooded tower, thought about it three times, decisively gave up the first tower, and steadily returned to the second tower.

Can…… The second tower cannot be guarded!

The purple people gathered near the middle tower, and pulled down the second tower of the middle road.

The praying mantis retreated to the heights, intending to hold the highland tower.

At this time, the remaining three teammates were revived.

I don’t know if it was the courage given by Liang Jingru, the three teammates saw that their home was about to be dismantled, and their brains immediately calmed down. Rush up and go up….


The praying mantis has not yet typed, and Auxiliary Luo takes the lead and wants to drive R and rush into the pile!

Grand debut!

Luo leaped forward and rushed in not far from the pile of people at close range.

Theshy raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly, “This auxiliary brain is not good? With their rhythm, they still want to open people? ”

Ning’s face was even more full of a playful smile, “That Xia, you should know how to do it, right?” As for this Lo – I’ll tease and tease him. ”


Theshy nodded and motioned for Ning to play at will.

Unexpectedly, Theshy spoke, and Ning immediately deliberately approached Luo in front of him, and also lit up the icon by the way!

Bright icon?

Who can endure this? Especially also deliberately stepped forward ??

Luo red-eyed!


Luo directly opened R, instantly increased the attack speed, a burst of golden light flashed, Luo Jinhuang wings quickly stepped forward, wanting to seduce the male gun.

“Want to chase me?” Ning said with a smile.

E skill quick gun draw!

The bearded man was instantly ahead, leaned forward, and without saying a word, the displacement was crossed away….

Luo red eyes, watching the male gun E go, but he couldn’t do anything!

Luo stepped forward disobediently, and Xia followed closely.

Although the distance of the male gun is far enough, a weak can still be set!

Law put weakness on the male gun, and a drive to rush up and shoot the male gun.

“Still want to chase me? Well, give you e, I’ll see what use you can have! ”

Ning chuckled, the sarcasm obvious.

On the field, the weak male gun stopped dancing in place, and simply stopped running.

“I’ll let you show!!”

Luo Qi red-eyed, raised his hand to E.

Grand debut!

A golden aperture appeared at the foot of the male gun, and Law crossed forward again, this time finally E on the male gun.

At the same time, the couple behind Luo, Xia, is not to be outdone.

Double edge! Deadly Yue!


Pieces of purple feathers went out with the dart in the hand of the purple light-clothed girl, and Kasumi quickly QW out, quickly connecting skills at the same time in Person A, one, two, three…

Just when the third one, Kasumi is about to barb!

Ning coughed, “Ahem… Theshy!”


Theshy chuckled and guessed the train of thought of the Xialo King Duan.

E skill acceleration door!

A dark blue electromagnetic horizontal line appeared diagonally to the right of Luo, although it was Luo’s diagonal right, but it was the position of Zhongxia.

The handsome man in a suit smiled confidently and raised the Heavenly God Hammer——

Q skill power shock!

A huge light blue ball of law sped away from the blue electromagnetic wire.

The huge amount of damage instantly beat Kasumi into a broken blood!

“Flying feathers!”

The girl raised her hand, quickly flirtatious R hung in the air, and the purple feathers also barbed back along her figure.

For a while, the male gun was charged in place.

Theshy raised his eyebrows and said lightly, “Okay, I’ll help you get to this point.” ”

His task was to force Kasumi’s big move, and of course he did as promised.

Ning looked at Xia, who was forced to make a big move, with satisfaction, and bowed his head slightly.

A big move can save you? Ning chuckled.

At the same time, the bearded man on the field mercilessly raised the barrel of his gun——

The ultimate bomb!


The bomb was fired down the barrel of the gun towards Kasumi, and for a time, sparks were everywhere, this penetrating damage, one move killed, and the result was Kasumi.

Lucian hurriedly stepped forward, and without saying a word, he came up to Luo E and flattened A twice, followed by Q and then flattened A twice… Try to maximize your damage.

Because of passive reasons, Lucian A’s speed is extremely fast, and soon, Luo in front can’t stand it!

As soon as the vampire saw Luo ADC Lucian step forward, he also entered the scene without brains, only to see a flash of red light, and the vampire opened R directly over….

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