Hao Kai is also full of disbelief!! He looked at the blind monk on the field and couldn’t help but start praise:

“Indeed, broiler chickens are fierce… No blue bar is still so murderous. There is also the wilderness, this newcomer’s wilderness operation is really remarkable! An R kicks the flying pig girl, and does not give the pig girl any chance to escape and punish the blue blood! With such a wild gang, is it possible that single broiler chickens in this wave want c? ”

According to past practice, IG teams are almost always on the rhythm of 1v5, but I didn’t expect this wave to let the broiler chicken alone? What’s more, this is still Theshy’s bureau.


Offstage, the audience couldn’t help but erupt into a huge discussion, this eyeball explosion operation!!

Simply stunning!!

“That’s awesome!! This wave looks too cool, especially this fight, this wave of hand speed is too fast!! ”

“I was originally aiming at Theshy, but… Seeing this wild operation, I couldn’t help but circle fans. ”

“Is this Tano sure it’s a newcomer? How do I feel that he is more stable than a veteran! ”

“No, no, I’ll go to Weibo to wait and see, and by the way, pay attention to this newbie!!”


This wave of IG made a big profit.

At the same time, EDG is bloody.

Even Theshy, who was at ease with the line, couldn’t help but praise: “This wave played well.” ”

Wang Fan nodded slightly, “It’s not bad.” ”

Of course, Theshy said so…

Wang Fan suddenly thought of a heavy thing!!

That is, their lineup!!

It’s just that ordinary pairing, it’s too wasteful, right?

Think about it, Zhongshan Ruiz R skill teleportation drive, road auxiliary Tamu R can teleport and drive, on single theshy driver lightspeed driving R is crazy driving…

The drivers of the three canyons who are extremely flexible, this one was actually selected by them all!!!

In that case, why do you still have the line?

Of course, it’s driving to do things!

A bubble of bad taste surged in his heart, and Wang Fan actually had a bold idea in his heart.

Think about it this way… Wang Fan saw the card in the middle again.

Card Master – Trist.

The player behind it is Junior Brother.

And this junior brother seems to be the one who came on the field before and arrogantly said to him “you are not qualified person”

Thinking of the wave of blue buff, the four people were on the spot, and the cards also went!

Wang Fan is very vindictive! It’s time for this card to talk!


IG internal voice:

Wang Fan: “Toad toad, how about we go to the middle gank wave?” ”

Baolan was stunned, and asked a little unclear, “What?” Let’s go both to the middle gank? But I don’t have control skills…”

“What control skills do you want? Let’s drive and do something!! ”

Wang Fan smiled, and then said to the broiler: “Broiler, your route of the single is the fastest troop line, how about we cross the second tower of the junior brother in several waves?” ”

“Two towers??”

The broiler was confused.

Didn’t he hear correctly? Yue 2 Tower?

Isn’t this a little too arrogant?

Not to mention that the area of the two towers is full of red territory, the speed of field support on the opposite side is not slow…

Even one hammer five theshy did not dare to pursue to the second tower, Wang Fan, is he crazy?

Wang Fan affirmed: “That’s right, after these waves, we can completely cross the second tower. ”

Baolan and broiler are quite confused, and they don’t know the so-called time…

Theshy smiled slightly and nodded: “Tano, you are very creative and thoughtful, indeed, even I didn’t find it, and before I knew it, our family was full of driving lineup…”

As soon as he drove, Baolan and the broiler immediately understood!!!


Without further ado, now that you understand, the next step is the time to cooperate.

The broiler hurriedly went online and matched the card master again.

And the toad also followed Wang Fan’s route, trailing all the way to the wild area of his red buff.

“Broiler, ready to go, got it?”

Wang Fan raised his eyebrows and quipped.

The broiler immediately responded and nodded, “Got it!” ”

On the single line, Ruiz gradually approached and took the lead in attacking.

The blue high-value AP Law Wound launched an offensive first!

E Skill – Spell Surge!

Ruiz’s eyes were full of killing intent, and the magic power in his hand suddenly surged up. The dark blue spell suddenly struck towards the card master wearing a leather suit and a polite head, and immediately caused considerable damage.

“Start fighting, start fighting, who is false to you?”

The junior brother’s eyebrows rose with disdain, and he kept selecting cards in his hand, directly switching to yellow cards.

I saw a burst of golden cards above the card master’s head, and the card master raised his hand, wanting to preemptively.

“Little sample, take the bait!”

The broiler smiled happily, and looked greedily at the bells and whistles man in front of him.

The two of them don’t intimidate each other online, and the card master’s eye position is doing well…

Can…… Did he know that this wave of toads level 6 was going to start?

I don’t know!

Obviously can’t bear it!

Rune confinement!

Ruiz red-eyed, while being dazzled by the card master, took the lead in casting a spell, using the lost Valoran secret technique, and stepped forward to imprison.

The dark blue cylindrical spell cage was instantly formed in the place of the card master, and Rez and the card almost controlled each other.

Seeing that the two controlled each other, Wang Fan smiled informally: “Hurry up, the old driver is leaving!” ”

Baolan also became unorthodox: “Okay, come on, hit the wild and get on the car!” The car to the kindergarten started! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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