The audience was surprisingly respectful, and it was obvious that Li Zeyu's previous performance had left a deep impression on them.

Of course, more people were skeptical, because if you were to be serious, this was only Li Zeyu's second time on the professional stage, and the first game was the S game, so it was inevitable that people would worry that he would be nervous.

"Yes, Killer is a familiar player to everyone. Although he is a new player, his blind man is still fresh in my memory.……"Guan Zeyuan had obviously done his homework, and he spoke very clearly at this time.

"Newcomers, new atmosphere...The players on the scene are also ready, let us enter the first BO1 of today together!"

""The screen is for BP!"

After that, IG vs. SC9.

The game officially began.

In this game, IG was on the blue side, and C9 was on the red side.

At the beginning, C9 banned Leblanc, Spear of Vengeance, and Tristana.

These bans were obviously aimed at Xihuang's hero pool.

Everyone knows that Xihuang likes to use Tristana the most. Banning his Tristana will undoubtedly make IG's bottom lane more difficult to play.

IG also responded by banning the relatively strong Prince in this version, and then banned several signature heroes of C9 in succession.

IG team

"Want Lee Sin?" TheShy asked Rouji to translate for Li Zeyu.

Li Zeyu discussed with the coach and nodded,"Take it!"

He didn't expect the opponent to release Lee Sin. Maybe they haven't watched the bubble game?

Or maybe Li Zeyu is too unfamiliar, a newcomer, not worth C9's efforts.

But no matter what... if Lee Sin is released, Li Zeyu will definitely take it.

He is very confident now!

"C9's bans were very targeted... Rookie's Leblanc is gone, will IG continue to play the early game? Let's see how they choose... Hmm? Lee Sin... Lee Sin is released, will IG grab it? Killer's Lee Sin is still vivid in my memory"

"I think it's okay. Killer is very proficient in playing Lee Sin, and no matter in the early, mid or late game, as long as Lee Sin uses his ultimate well, he can decide the outcome with one kick..." The oxygen bottle said:"But it also depends on how IG plays. Killer is just a newcomer after all, and it's inevitable that he will be nervous in the first game. You can choose a more stable one.……"

"Hey, no change, locked! IG locked Lee Sin!"

After saying that, IG locked Lee Sin without hesitation.

Cheers rang out at the scene.

"Wow, Killer seems very confident. I wonder what he is discussing with his teammates. It seems that the atmosphere in IG should be quite relaxed now.

The director’s camera is focused on Li Zeyu, who is discussing with his teammates.

"Anyway, for a new player, playing in the S game right from the start, this starting point is really high. Killer can lock up Lee Sin in seconds. I think no matter what the outcome of this game is... just based on this confidence, I think the audience should give this young player some encouragement!"

There was an applause at the scene.

The colonel is really good at controlling the game.

"Then, if Lee Sin is picked here, IG will most likely continue to use the previous three-pronged strategy, play the lineup they are most familiar with, and use the early offensive rhythm system!"

On the BP interface, the two sides battled wits and courage, and the final result was also settled.

IG blue side: top lane Jayce, jungle Lee Sin, mid lane Syndra, bottom lane Annie Lulu.

C9 red side: top lane Shen, jungle Graves, mid lane Clockwork, bottom lane Xayah and Wind Girl.

IG's lineup is still as strong as ever in the early stage, and its laning ability is very outstanding. You can tell at a glance that it is a fast-paced one, focusing on the top, mid and jungle.

It's not that they don't want to play in the bottom lane, because this is a bottom lane version after all, and they would definitely be happy to play if they can.

It's just... IG's bottom lane is too lame, there's really nothing they can do!

At this moment, many viewers can see IG's helplessness.

"Wow, this IG lineup... is really good!"The commentator spent a long time looking for an adjective and finally said this.

The comments were also filled with question marks.

"This lineup? Is the coach crazy?"

"IG coach is really stupid!"

"Can anyone tell me how to start a teamfight with this lineup? ? Just rely on a new player like King? ? What if he fails, then this game will be over again?"

"IG’s lineup… is so fierce. Although this lineup is strong in the early game, there is no one to initiate a team fight. There is only one Lee Sin, and that can only be played after level 6… In this version, only IG can play this lineup!"Guan Zeyuan said:"Compared to IG, C9 is much more stable. They have a typical lineup for this version!"

"It's very extreme, but in the S game, everyone brought out the lineup that suits them best and also brought out what they are most proficient in, to exchange and learn from each other. The two different regions will definitely create different sparks... It all depends on who has the better skills!"

"This game depends on Killer. His ultimate skill is crucial. If he can't use it, IG will have no chance in the mid-to-late game.……"

Oxygen Bottle used to be a long-term commentator for the LCS region. At this moment, he said:"It's right to look at the jungler, but Killer's opponent is Contractz! This jungler is the top carry jungler in North America and the main core of C9... This time Contractz also got the powerful Graves in the early stage... This jungle is not peaceful!"

"The jungle duel is the most important in this game. Whoever can gain the early rhythm will have a much easier time.……"


"Come on IG!!"

After the words fell, cheers for IG suddenly rang out at the scene.

The game officially began!

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