“Snake already contacted you? When?”

Zhang Mingrui frowned. Didn’t he just make a “simple” contact yesterday? Why did he offer all the conditions today?

“Yesterday afternoon, I told Snake’s manager that you were coming, so he chatted with Sofm in advance.”

The manager of GFL smiled badly. Anyway, according to the current situation, Sofm must be sold. In this case, why not see which club can offer a higher price?

“What conditions did Snake offer, I’ll listen and see.”

Zhang Mingrui curled his lips. Without selling other players, his current available funds are only 500,000. If Snake goes crazy, or the GFL Lions open their mouths, he won’t be able to resist!

“No, you can talk about QG’s conditions first, and I’ll see how important I am in your heart.”

Unexpectedly, Sofm, who is only 17 years old, is so clever that he is unwilling to reveal Snake’s conditions!



Zhang Mingrui sighed softly, and had no choice but to start “babbling nonsense”.

“First, competitive salary!”

“Second, strong teammates!”

“Third, give full play to the space!”

“Fourth, the LPL Summer Championship!”

Clap clap!

Zhang Mingrui said three conditions in a row, which immediately made Sofm’s eyes light up and his spirits lifted!

Obviously, he was moved by Zhang Mingrui’s offer!

But what I have to say is that a child is a child. Even though they are ghosts, they can’t distinguish “social evil”, because the above four points are all the idiomatic words used by ordinary companies for recruitment, and they are specially used to draw big cakes!

Although Zhang Mingrui didn’t intend to cheat Sofm, but after saying these four points, he still managed to get out of Sofm’s words.

“Snake is willing to pay a transfer fee of 500,000 yuan and a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan. How much can you give me?”

Sofm looked forward to asking, which made Zhang Mingrui ecstatic!

“500,000 transfer fee? No problem! I’ll give you 20,000 as a salary!”

Zhang Mingrui laughed heartily. As long as the transfer fee does not exceed his bottom line, even if he wants a salary of 50,000, it is still worth the price!

“I’ve already gotten to know the Snake team. The teammates are all very good. Who is there in QG now?”

Sofm was already very satisfied, but he still asked.

“We have uzi!”

Zhang Mingrui said proudly, this is why the whole team only keeps uzi, he is his golden signboard for recruiting players!

“uzi?! Great, he is the number one ADC in the world in my mind!”

Sure enough, Sofm also became ecstatic, but when he was about to agree, the GFL manager at the side took advantage of the fire and said.

“Team Snake also promised a game bonus, does QG have any?”

“We have Uzi!”

“Snake also promised Sofm that he will be equipped with the best performance equipment, will QG do it?”

“We have Uzi!”

“QG wants to win the LPL Summer Championship. Isn’t that ridiculous? After all, teams like EDG and RNG are so powerful.”

“We have Uzi!”

“Manager, stop asking, I am willing to go to QG!”

For the GFL manager, the words “we have Uzi” are really speechless.

But for Sofm, it made him more excited every time!

“I have another question!”

But the GFL manager still didn’t agree immediately, and asked again.

“Sofm players are quite strong when they are playing in the jungle.”

“But as far as I know, Uzi is a particularly resource-rich player. How are you going to solve this matter?”

The GFL manager’s words were calm enough to make Sofm calm down instantly. He stared straight at Zhang Mingrui, hoping to know the answer to this question as well.

After all, if he went to QG to let himself assist Uzi and play four guarantees and one guarantee, Sofm would definitely not be willing!

“This is simple.”

Zhang Mingrui had thought about this question a long time ago, and already had the answer in his heart!

“Who said two people can’t eat resources at the same time? If uzi eats your resources, you can eat the resources on the opposite side, wouldn’t it be fine?”

“And I believe that this style of play should also be your favorite, right?”

Zhang Mingrui smiled, making Sofm extremely ecstatic!

“Manager, I want to go to QG!”

The next moment, he stood up and said to the manager solemnly.

“LPL’s first “Vietnamese” aid, Sofm, a talented boy from the wild card division, officially joined the QG team! Play as a jungler! ”

When this article appeared on the Internet, all the teams and LPL viewers were dumbfounded!

Immediately afterwards, a discussion about “Is Manager Zhang Mingrui an idiot” broke out!

“Let’s leave the wild king Swift alone. I have to sell it and buy a wild card jungler? Is there something wrong with Zhang Mingrui’s brain?!”

“Didn’t Swift talk about the poisonous coins without him? QG sold the poisonous coins, so wouldn’t it be nice to keep Swift? Now it’s all right, you don’t have anything you want, nothing!”

“I’ve checked, and this Sofm is not a jungler at all, but an ADC! He didn’t even win the wild card championship, but came to the LPL. Isn’t this looking for abuse?!”

“Anyway, this Zhang Mingrui is an idiot! First he bought Xiaoming, then he bought Sofm, to pick up garbage in the garbage dump! Even if uzi is left behind, what future does QG have in the summer split?”

“Well, the current QG is still two people behind. I want to see what kind of stupid deal Zhang Mingrui can come up with!”

Just when netizens were yelling at each other, Zhang Mingrui and Sofm had already returned to the club base of the QG team!

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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