The excavator came out of the ground and rushed straight towards the stone man. A, A, A, punishment, A…

At this moment, the entire competition venue fell silent. Everyone stared at the excavator on the big screen in astonishment, as if what was going on now was not a competition at all, but a solo show of the excavator playing field!

It wasn’t until the director suddenly adjusted the camera and gave the factory director’s male gun, and saw that he was still shooting the freshly refreshed toad, that the two people in the commentary seat were embarrassed to speak out.

“What’s happening here?”

“Sofm actually precisely caught the Golem’s clearing time. At the same time, he accurately guessed the location of the factory manager. That’s why he dared to fight against the Golem?”

“Is this a coincidence? Is it Sofm’s jungle talent, or is it the tactical arrangement arranged by MR coach in advance?”

The baby was dumbfounded, and asked three questions in a row.

But this time, Miller beside him could no longer give an accurate answer.

“But…could it be a coincidence?”

“I’ve watched this player’s ranks in a few games, and I only know that he is very accurate in timing cards for his own wild monsters, but I don’t know that he also has such an accurate calculation of the timing of the opponent’s wild monsters!”

Miller was stunned, and his voice trembled a little. After all, he and Wawa have commented on the LPL for so many years, met so many junglers, and watched so many jungle routes.

But this kind of situation where you don’t play double buffs at the beginning, directly rush to the double river crab, and then don’t turn back to brush your own toad, but go directly to the opposite side to fight against the wild…

This is the first time I’ve seen you!

“I see!”

Suddenly, Wawa said in surprise.

“Coach MR must have studied the factory manager’s jungle spawning route. In this version, most junglers open the first wild monster together with the top lane, and leave the bottom lane jungle monsters to the duo.”

“So, when the Sofm toad is refreshed, it is the time when the factory director, the stone man, is refreshed!”

“Coupled with the fact that the factory manager must be in the bot lane at this time, and Sofm’s abnormal spawning route at the beginning, at this time, he can successfully invade the jungle area of ​​EDG without being discovered!”

After finishing the series of analysis in one breath, Wawa took a long breath.

“So, as long as EDG can capture Sofm’s location, the factory director can successfully break the situation and even counter Sofm!”

Immediately afterwards, Miller made suggestions from the sidelines, and the dawn of victory appeared on his face.

And these words also let the worried EDG fans breathe a sigh of relief.

“That’s right, as long as the factory manager reacts in time, it will be absolutely fine to kill this little jungler!”

“Wait, dare to touch the stone man of the factory manager? You will know how to write dead words in a while!”

But just as the EDG fans were gnashing their teeth, the next moment, Sofm’s actions made them lose their voices again!

Because after beating the stone man, Sofm still didn’t return to the city, but continued to control the excavator to dig a hole, and walked towards the factory manager’s red BUFF area!

Immediately afterwards, they passed by the empty red BUFF camp, ran straight to F4, and then stopped!

“Sofm wants to move the factory director’s F4?”

“You also moved the factory director’s F4?!”

“Damn, this Sofm really thinks that he can push his nose on his face if he gets a little cheap?”

“You also moved the factory manager’s F4? Get out of here! Get out!”

In an instant, the EDG fans shouted together, which was finally heard by the two people in the commentary booth.

“Before Sofm came to LPL, didn’t he collect intelligence?”

“Even if you haven’t collected it, the MR coach should tell him that the factory manager’s F4 can’t be touched?”

The baby laughed, but her mind was very stable.

Because from the perspective of God, he knew clearly that the factory manager’s F4 was blown to death by Mouse’s tree son at the beginning of the game, and it’s not even time to refresh it now!

“I don’t think Sofm wants to move F4, he wants to go around and gank…”

Miller suddenly pouted at this moment.

“Zeras couldn’t push the czar in the early stage, so now he is under the tower.”

“If Sofm digs a hole and comes to W to dodge, it is possible to jump over the tower and kill General Pawn!”

“Let’s take a look at Sofm’s options…”

Miller slowly elongated his voice, and, together with everyone else, stared at the excavator.

But he didn’t move!

The Tsar’s line of troops advancing in the middle tower disappeared, and Sofm didn’t move.

The lines of soldiers from both sides rejoined in the middle of the road, and Sofm still didn’t move!

At this time, the factory manager’s male gun finally decided to invade the wild area!

“Here we come! The factory director has come to his senses!”

“Although F4 hasn’t been refreshed yet, Sofm’s red buff is always there. If the factory manager can detect Sofm…”

Seeing the direction of the factory manager, Doll became excited again. Like the EDG fans, they all hope that the factory manager can steal Sofm’s red BUFF and stone man!

But at this moment, Czar Scout, who was retreating under the tower, suddenly made a movement towards the wild area…

“The excavator is red, let’s catch the Tsar first!”

The factory manager took a look at the F4 area, which was empty. In addition to the Tsar’s position, he immediately made a judgment, went straight up, and outflanked the Tsar together with Xerath!

But the next moment, Scout sneered and turned back directly.

Although the blood volume was hit very low, not only did he fail to hand over the flash, but he successfully helped Sofm buy time!

And when the director shot showed the excavator again, Sofm had already finished playing F4, got into the grass, and started returning to the city!


“The factory director’s F4 is gone!”

The next moment, the audience howled!

(Thanks to “hnpjq1212” for his monthly ticket support!!!)

(Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes!!!).

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