Wuwuwu, it should be on the shelves tomorrow night, but the increase in V revenue and flower evaluation votes in the past two days is very, very small, is it that no one has seen it?

The author of this book has used what he has learned all his life to integrate managers, coaches, tactical routines, tactical analysis and other factors into it. It should be the best book the author has written so far.

But the grades still look a bit bad. Is it because I’m really not suitable for writing novels?

Is anyone else watching? The author needs the support of everyone!

Finally, I beg all the big guys to vote for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes. One flower and one evaluation vote are enough, even if it is a 1 deduction in the comment area!

As long as everyone supports you, the author will continue to write, and the next story will definitely be both good-looking and exciting!

After playing RNG, you will enter the playoffs directly, and then you will win the S6 World Championship. After winning the championship, you will continue to draw cards, and directly replace a new wave of players to play the S7 Spring Split and MSI, and then there will be another wave of S7 Summer Split and World Championship people……

The all-China class, the Asian Games, and even the Olympic Games that you guys want to see will be slowly written. I just ask for your support!

1 flower, 1 evaluation ticket, and 1 comment are enough!

Woohoo, howling!


Wuwuwu, it should be on the shelves tomorrow night, but the increase in V revenue and flower evaluation votes in the past two days is very, very small, is it that no one has seen it?

The author of this book has used what he has learned all his life to integrate managers, coaches, tactical routines, tactical analysis and other factors into it. It should be the best book the author has written so far.

But the grades still look a bit bad. Is it because I’m really not suitable for writing novels?

Is anyone else watching? The author needs the support of everyone!

Finally, I beg all the big guys to vote for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes. One flower and one evaluation vote are enough, even if it is a 1 deduction in the comment area!

As long as everyone supports you, the author will continue to write, and the next story will definitely be both good-looking and exciting!

After playing RNG, you will enter the playoffs directly, and then you will win the S6 World Championship. After winning the championship, you will continue to draw cards, and directly replace a new wave of players to play the S7 Spring Split and MSI, and then there will be another wave of S7 Summer Split and World Championship people……

The all-China class, the Asian Games, and even the Olympic Games that you guys want to see will be slowly written. I just ask for your support!

1 flower, 1 evaluation ticket, and 1 comment are enough!

Woohoo, howling!


Wuwuwu, it should be on the shelves tomorrow night, but the increase in V revenue and flower evaluation votes in the past two days is very, very small, is it that no one has seen it?

The author of this book has used what he has learned all his life to integrate managers, coaches, tactical routines, tactical analysis and other factors into it. It should be the best book the author has written so far.

But the grades still look a bit bad. Is it because I’m really not suitable for writing novels?

Is anyone else watching? The author needs the support of everyone!

Finally, I beg all the big guys to vote for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes. One flower and one evaluation vote will do, even if it is an evaluation vote.You can also deduct 1 in the comment area!

As long as everyone supports you, the author will continue to write, and the next story will definitely be both good-looking and exciting!

After playing RNG, you will enter the playoffs directly, and then you will win the S6 World Championship. After winning the championship, you will continue to draw cards, and directly replace a new wave of players to play the S7 Spring Split and MSI, and then there will be another wave of S7 Summer Split and World Championship people……

The all-China class, the Asian Games, and even the Olympic Games that you guys want to see will be slowly written. I just ask for your support!

1 flower, 1 evaluation ticket, and 1 comment are enough!

Woohoo, howling!


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