“Haha, I won, it’s 2-0 again, and I can leave work early again!”

“Brothers, did you see me snatching the dragon? I went down and snatched it with a Q, can you believe it?”

“Our final tower push speed was too fast. I’m afraid RNG was stunned. Who would have thought that we would take down their base crystal directly from the first tower in the middle lane in less than forty seconds!”

“Shake hands, shake hands, don’t make them wait.”

In the competition booth, just as everyone was feeling helpless about this invincible QG team that had won eleven consecutive victoriesWhile waiting for the time limit, the five members of QG didn’t expect so much and so far, they were just rejoicing at another victory today.

When shaking hands with the five members of RNG, the atmosphere among the players was not as tense as in the game, but they praised each other instead.

“Huh, Sofm, everyone calls me a reckless man, but compared to you, a bandit, I feel like I still have to keep learning.”

“Brother Gou is indeed Brother Gou. I am convinced by the two rounds.”

“Xiao Ming, are you sure this is your first LPL season? Come on, the future is definitely promising!”

“Why do people call you junior? You are clearly a college bully! And EDG sold you out at the time, and now they must regret it to death.”

“Brother Holy Gun, we will see you in the finals of the summer competition. At that time, I will definitely not be caught to death by you again!”

The five members of RNG praised the strength of the five members of QG, and the five members of QG also responded modestly.

Then they walked to the stage together and bowed to the audience for the eleventh time in this summer competition!

“Manager Zhang, we can all win Group A and B. Can we have a big meal tonight?”

As soon as he returned to the rest room, Xiao Ming asked with a smile. After more than two months of contact, he is no longer as young as he was at the beginning, and he is very glib!

“How about rewarding you with ten buckets of instant noodles? Is it a feast?”

Zhang Mingrui gave Xiao Ming an angry look.

“The regular season is over?”

“Are you making it to the playoffs?”

“Won the summer competition?”

“There is still a long way to go. I just want to eat, what else do I want to do?”

Zhang Mingrui came directly to a series of life-threatening tortures. Xiao Ming was so frightened that he quickly admitted his mistake, but there was a smile on his face, and he knew that Zhang Mingrui had a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

As expected, shortly after Zhang Mingrui finished speaking, he spoke again.

“However, AB’s unanimous victory is indeed something worth celebrating.”

“How about this, when I replay tonight, I’ll order some grilled crayfish for you, and you can eat while listening to my replay, right?”

Zhang Mingrui said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw ecstatic expressions on the faces of the five people, which made him dumbfounded. After all, they were a group of children.

“Okay, it’s time to go to the post-match interview and go quickly, and then go to the press conference.”

Zhang Mingrui waved his hand and said, but he didn’t expect that the next moment, the host Yu Shuang walked directly in front of him.

“Well, Manager Zhang… Oh no, Coach Zhang, can I invite you and Uzi for today’s post-match interview?”


After receiving Yu Shuang’s invitation, Zhang Mingrui froze for a moment.

“The post-match interview and the coach interview?”

This rhetorical question also made Yu Shuang stunned for a moment.

“Normally not, but the fans really want to see your post-match interview.”

“Besides, today is the day you end the confrontation between different groups. The opponent is still RNG, so I want to invite you.”

Yu Shuang’s eyes widened again, and she said with great anticipation.


This time, Zhang Mingrui did not refuse again, and followed Yu Shuang to the stage with Uzi.

“By the way, Manager Zhang, I have to make sure first. Should I call you Manager Zhang? Or Coach Zhang?”

While walking, Yu Shuang asked. These two names are usually called by people, but they have never been unified.

“Manager Zhang, after all, this is my main job. Coaching is actually my side job.”

Zhang Mingrui said with a smile, although it sounds strange, but from the perspective of the club, it is the truth.

And the most important reason is that the salary of a “manager” is higher than that of a “coach”.

When the three of them walked to the interview area, Baby Miller was still doing post-match analysis.

However, a burst of enthusiastic cheers erupted from the scene. The two were taken aback for a moment, and then heard the director’s reminder from the earphones.

“I believe the audience in front of the screen has also heard the cheers.”

“That’s right! We have invited the much-anticipated Manager Zhang to our post-match interview today!”

“The post-match interview is ready, let’s hand over the camera to the host!”

The next moment, when the camera turned, Yu Shuang, Uzi, and Zhang Mingrui appeared on the screen.

“Welcome all summoners to our post-match interview. I’m the host, Yu Shuang. Let’s say hello to everyone first!”

Yu Shuang invited with a smile.

“Hi everyone, I’m the adc of the QG team, uzi.”

Uzi first smiled innocently, and then handed the microphone to Zhang Mingrui.

“Hi everyone, I am the manager of the QG team, Zhang Mingrui.” ”

Zhang Mingrui also smiled and waved at the camera.

“The first question I want to ask Manager Zhang, in the past 22 games, did you arrange all the tactics in advance?”

“The general direction is, but the specific command of the game is still from uzi, with other players as assistants.”

“Then the second question I want to ask uzi, in the second game, in the perfect team battle of the second tower in the middle, did Scout die by accident, or did you ask him to sacrifice?”

“I asked him to sacrifice. At that time, RNG wanted to unplug the second tower when he saw it, so he wanted him to give him a deception skill, and then he won.”

“The third question is for Manager Zhang. You have won eleven consecutive victories in the regular season, so what is the next goal of the QG team?”What? ”

“In the second round of Group A confrontation, we should try our best to achieve a complete victory, and then strive to win the summer championship!”

The post-match interview was still very short and didn’t ask too many questions.

But the answers to every question are so shocking and shocking!

When Manager Zhang was not interviewed before, everyone was guessing how the QG team came up with such miraculous tactics and routines.

There is also the mysterious and unpredictable on-the-spot strategy, who is in command.

But today, all the questions have a definite answer…

Everything is because of Manager Zhang!

Can such tactics as “sacrifice teammates in exchange for victory in the team battle” be arranged when necessary?

This Manager Zhang is simply terrifying!

“I finally understand why the QG team is so strong…”

“The five members of QG, each of them is indeed very strong in personal strength, but the reason why they didn’t stand out in the previous team is because they didn’t meet a coach like Manager Zhang!”

“Really, if the coaches of other teams can also have such tactical arrangements, the advantage of the QG team may not be so great!”

“However, the most important thing is Manager Zhang’s vision… He is clearly the god of drawing cards! Except for Uzi, the other four people can be spotted by him at a glance, and then they can show their potential!”

After watching the QG team’s post-match interview, the audience felt shocked. They felt that everyone was playing the same League of Legends game, but the effect was so different!

Of course, even if Zhang Mingrui is regarded as a god in the hearts of QG fans, in the eyes of fans of the other eleven teams, such a QG, such manager Zhang, is still not absolutely invincible!

“What about QG leather? Isn’t it just a winning streak? Last year’s EDG also did it, and won the MSI championship!”

“That’s right. In the opening match, it was only because EDG didn’t have QG’s information, so they didn’t know their situation. But now, after the AB group has finished, the next round will be against the same group. At that time, EDG will definitely have revenge!”

“Not just EDG, but other teams can definitely find a way to defeat QG and send them a losing streak!”

“That’s right, after a winning streak, there will be a losing streak. The eternal law of the League of Legends, even QG is no exception!”

“Do you still want to win the summer championship? It’s ridiculous. The playoffs are BO5, and they are two completely different games from B03!”

“Don’t say it’s the fifth game, has QG played the third game this season?”

“If you want me to say, QG is Cheng Yaojin. There are only three tricks. Once the third game is played, it will be revealed!”

“And even if you sweep the LPL, so what? Can you beat SKT? When the time comes to go to the World Championship, wouldn’t it be embarrassing for the LPL?”

“Oh, I don’t think QG can go to the World Championship. After all, EDG, RNG and WE Yu are very strong in BO5. It’s impossible for newcomers like QG to handle it!”

There are always more words of abuse than words of praise.

Although after eleven consecutive victories, the QG team has already received rave reviews, but the bad reviews have come one after another, and they are still endless!

Since I can’t control the mouth of the troll, since I can’t control the hands of the keyboard man, since I can’t stop the insults and ridicule from coming…

Then, use victory to fight back against all doubts!

If one victory is not enough, then two!

If two victories are not enough, then five, ten!

One day, QG will be able to make doubts disappear!

And in the following confrontation in the same group, QG also completed their goal once again.

On July 22, QG played against GT, 2-0.

On July 24, QG played NB, 2-0.

On July 28, QG played Snake 2-0.

On July 30, QG played IG 2-0.

And when the time came to August 7th, QG played against EDG again in the final closing match!

Although EDG has high hopes from all LPL audiences, even QG fans have high hopes.

Even though they have watched the entire 16 games of 32 games played by the QG team, they have also studied so many games.

Even in the final battle, he almost won QG by a little bit.

However, it seemed that fate was as it should be. The EDG team lost to the QG team again with a score of 0 to 2.

“Let us congratulate the QG team. They won the EDG team again and won the first place in Group A of the LPL regular season, and also the first place in the entire LPL regular season!”

“From the beginning of the reorganization, they were not favored, and they were called motley crews.”

“Until now, it has become a QG that no one can beat, but only wants to be defeated!”

“In just one season, QG has proved their super strength to the entire LPL and audiences all over the world!”

“Sixteen B03, thirty-two small games, QG is undefeated, maintaining a terrifying 100% winning rate!”

“QG not only created the historical results of the LPL, but also created the best results in the history of the five major leagues! Moreover, it is a record that future generations can only match, and cannot surpass at all!”

“And now, this unstoppable QG team will usher in the first playoffs after reorganization. Can they really win the summer championship trophy in one go as Manager Zhang described?!”

“On August 14,See you in the semifinals of the playoffs! ”

The regular season of the 2016 LPL Summer Split has finally come to an end. Looking back at the entire QG Summer Split, even Zhang Mingrui himself feels a bit dreamy.

I thought it would take at least half a season for the motley crew he formed to display their full strength.

I never thought that after winning the opening match against EDG, they would be out of control and win consecutive victories!

“Perhaps, in the S6 World Championship, we can really win the world championship trophy from SKT!”

Zhang Mingrui’s face was full of expectant smiles, but secretly he clenched his fists. Naturally, he knew how dark S5, S6 and even next year’s S7 would be for LPL!

But now, with the complete victory of the QG team, Zhang Mingrui has reason to believe that they can definitely lead the LPL to break through the darkness and usher in the dawn!

“QG may actually not be able to enter the World Championship!”

However, just as everyone in QG began to prepare for the playoffs, some people on the Internet began to calculate the probability that the QG team would not be able to enter the S6 World Championship.

In this year’s S6 World Championship, the LPL Division has three entries as usual.

The first one is the champion team of the summer split, which can directly become the No. 1 seed of the LPL.

The second one is the first place in the spring and summer competition points, and automatically becomes the second seed of the LPL.

The third one is the championship of the S6 finals trials, which will be contested by the four teams from the third to the sixth in the standings.

During the Spring Split, because of the “¨. One Minute BO5” incident, Team QG ranked fourth in the Spring Split with only 30 points.

Although the QG team secured fourth place in the summer competition and could get 60 points, the total is only 90 points…

That is to say, if the QG team loses in the semi-finals of the playoffs, then with only 90 points, they may not even be able to enter the trials!

Or even if they were “lucky” to enter the finals, but still lost, and at the same time, the lost team of EDG and RNG won the third place in the summer split, then they will become the second seed, and QG needs to Go to the trial, and then lose the selection of the trial, and you will not be able to go to the S6 World Championship!


Zhang Mingrui only felt a little ridiculous when he saw that netizens spent a lot of time calculating the probability that QG would not make it to the World Championship.

When the co-authored group of netizens calculated the probability, they really only cared about the probability, and didn’t care about the strength gap between the teams at all?

Let’s not talk about how terrifying the current QG team is and how good it is.

Even if they lose, the only team that has a chance to win against them is the Yusan family. Other teams may not win even if they are given a chance.

Unless QG really loses to one of the Yusanjia teams twice in a row in BO5, it may not be able to enter the World Championship. Otherwise, the World Championship is still advancing steadily.

“These netizens, don’t you think this condition is too harsh?”

“Win our QG two BO5s in a row? Unless our keyboard and mouse are broken!”

Zhang Mingrui couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry, but it was just teasing, because in his heart, these considerations were quite meaningless.

Because the QG team will definitely win the summer championship!

Then, ignore all promotion rules and become the No. 1 seed in the LPL division!

On August 14th, the semi-finals of the playoffs, QG ushered in a match against RNG again.

Although everyone believes that the spring champion RNG will definitely be able to defeat QG with their rich BO5 experience, avenge their hatred and advance to the finals at the same time, and hit the consecutive championships in the spring and summer games.

But the result was that they once again left work with a score of 0-3 and exited in humiliation.

After the first semi-final, the second semi-final was EDG vs. WE.

If it was the previous life, EDG should have won this game, but what I didn’t expect was that WE obviously stole a few tricks from QG, and finally successfully advanced to the summer finals with a thrilling score of 2 chasing 3!

Two semi-finals, two upsets (by Li Li)!

The first upset was that the audience felt that even if RNG couldn’t beat QG, they could more or less win a small game. Who knew that they were directly shaved 3-0.

The second upset was that WE won EDG and successfully advanced to the finals.

You must know that although the WE team at this time is still Yusanjia, it is no longer the WE version, it is the WE2.0 version, and it is still very young.

And the upcoming summer finals will be decided between two very young teams!

“Not bad, not bad. Fortunately, the WE team won. Otherwise, if they played EDG again, even if their mentality didn’t collapse, I would feel annoyed.”

Seeing this result, Zhang Mingrui was very satisfied.

And what’s more surprising is that the progress of the WE team is as fast as the naked eye can see!

When playing against WE in the regular season, the 2-0 was quite smooth. Even if Sofm was robbed by Condi, it didn’t help, and he was carried away directly.

But today, in their match against EDG, several WE players played quite calmly. Instead, they pushed EDG into a hurry and won the victory.

“It seems that the biggest challenge of the entire summer split will appear on the WE team.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled softly. After all, the upcoming game is the summer finals.

If WE has no strength to fight back, QG will be fine.Even if you win the championship, it will be boring!

“Okay, we’re done watching the game. Everyone, take a rest tonight. We will start tomorrow and we will enter the final week to prepare for the finals!”

Zhang Mingrui got up and turned off the TV in the training room, and said to everyone with a smile.

But when the team members cheered and prepared to have a hot pot to celebrate, Zhang Mingrui rejected their invitation.

The team members can rest, but I can’t. After all, I haven’t won the championship trophy in the summer competition yet. Any rest is the fatigue of victory!

So, after waving goodbye to the team members, Zhang Mingrui returned to the room, turned on his computer, and clicked on the folder named “WE Battle Video and Match Analysis”, and started the most detailed and serious research on the WE team in history. !

Even if they were once defeated by QG, ​​but they want to win the final championship trophy with ease…

Team QG still needs to make 10,000% pre-match preparations!

(Thanks to Big Brother Canglang King for his monthly ticket support!!!).

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