After taking the big dragon BUFF and forcing off the two key summoner skills of Bang and Blank, relying on the accelerated return effect of the big dragon BUFF, the QG five satisfactorily pressed B to go home and update their equipment.

When they went out aggressively again, the equipment on the five of QG was already luxurious!

Uzi’s policewoman already has a three-piece suit, Endless, Hurricane, and Big Whisper. As long as she can point to someone, she can let the SKT players know what explosive output is!

Scout’s Dragon King is also a three-piece suit, ice staff, GLP800 and banshee, not only can use skills to slow down opponents, but also can resist a key skill with the passive effect of banshee!

Brother Holy Gun’s Bobby is also a three-piece set, blue shield, green armor and ice fist. In addition to having the fleshiness that makes everyone in SKT despair, he can also use the passive effect of ice fist to cause a deceleration effect, which is convenient for Uzi output!

Although the equipment of Sofm and Xiao Ming is not as luxurious as the three Cs, but the two have been more functional until now, so it doesn’t matter if the equipment is not equipped at all!

And with such luxurious equipment, relying on the effect of the big dragon BUFF, the five QG members no longer played with SKT for real and imaginary, and directly formed a group in the middle, preparing to rush to the high ground of the SKT team!

The SKT team also chose to form a group again, but it was not a five-person group, but still a four-person group. Duke’s Rambo led the line on the road alone, trying to continue using their classic LCK-style operation style to drag away QG’s dragon BUFF time.

It’s not that the SKT team is pushing the big ones, it’s because Snake Girl and Wheel Mom’s line-clearing speed is really fast. Even facing the big dragon’s BUFF line, the speed of clearing the line is a little more difficult than usual.

On the other hand, on QG’s side, if Uzi and Scout want to go up to the tower, they may be consumed by Faker’s Snake Girl!

But in such a situation, how can everyone in QG bear it? !

Seeing that Faker and Bang are going to defend another wave of mid-lane towers, Xiao Ming, who had been holding back for a long time, finally moved!

Even though Xiao Ming’s position is right in front of SKT, even though he knows in his heart that everyone in SKT reacts very quickly.

But when he saw that the four players in the middle lane of SKT were a little close to each other, Xiao Ming understood that this opportunity was once in a thousand years!


Barbaric shock!

The earth shattered!

A flashing WQ triple, originally looking rather clumsy bull head, suddenly appeared under the red square tower, in the 4-man formation of SKT!

nextAt this moment, the four of SKT, the whole family ascended to heaven!

It’s okay that Bang without Blink has no plan, Faker and Wolf with Blink, Blank with ult, the three of them, none of them reacted!

Because in their view, it is impossible for everyone in this wave of QG to attack. After all, the location here is their defense tower!

But what QG is best at doing is to make the impossible possible!

Although Olaf immediately activated the landing contact control of his big move, the other three people who were still flying in the sky had no room to operate at all.

What about the operating space?

The operating space has been occupied by all QGs!

Sofm’s blind monk, Olaf in the front row in the direct Q, instantly activated the second-stage Q and flew into the 4-man formation of SKT.

It wasn’t for the purpose of dealing damage at all, but he directly touched W behind the four of SKT, and at the same time as they were about to land, he swung his tail with the big move Raptor, and pressed down brazenly!

A library!


Following the blind monk’s shout, he who was in front of Fan Mama immediately appeared behind Fan Mama.

At this moment, the Raptor finally kicked Mama Fan’s back waist with its tail swinging its tail. While kicking her away with one kick, it also achieved the effect of wearing candied haws!

Scout’s reaction was also not slow!

Seeing Xiao Ming’s flashing second company, which turned out to be quite a wonderful Q four, he also flashed immediately to keep up, and the QWR skills were unleashed, and all the output was poured down!


So much so that when he spit out his ultimate move, Star String Gaoluo, combined with the effect of Sofm’s blind monk’s ultimate move, he actually directly played the famous scene of blazing fire and burning hearts, killing four birds with one stone!

The teammates are so good, how can Holy Gun give up the opportunity to participate?

Without further ado, he directly activated the W skill, firm demeanor, and then appeared in the SKT four-man formation in a flash.

The next moment, the judgment of the ultimate guard was released in seconds, knocking the three of SKT into the air again on the spot. Only Olaf who activated the ultimate move slipped through the net!

As for Uzi’s policewoman… Even though he was slashed crazily by Olaf who ran away, at this moment, he gave up even going A, and just stood where he was, holding on to the other three of SKT!

With the Infinity Blade and the splitting arrow effect of Hurricane Runa, one bullet can hit three people at the same time, reducing their HP crazily.

Clap clap!

Again and again!

Even in order to increase the number of times I leveled A, I didn’t even have time to put the W clip.

Because it is really unnecessary!

Want to see a hat-trick?

And just when the three of SKT were finally able to land, Uzi stopped tying A and set up a big sniper.

ambassador of peace!

The next moment, the Q skill poured out, unpretentiously running through the bloody bodies of the three of SKT.

In an instant, the blood bars of the three SKT players disappeared at the same time!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Faker!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Bang!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Wolf!


Three kills, instant success!


Naturally, the battle wasn’t over yet, because at this moment, Duke’s Rambo finally teleported to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he instantly pressed his ult and poured it on the five of QG.

But the effect was not good at all. He was directly healed by Uzi and opened his body, and at the same time recovered his blood volume, and he chased after Blank Olaf who had hacked himself for a long time and now seemed to want to run!

But want to run? how is this possible!

With Olaf’s acceleration effect finally ending, and with the Dragon King GLP800’s deceleration effect being given, Blank’s Olaf instantly became unable to move an inch!

At the same time, after being picked up by Uzi with an E skill and a clip, there is no escape!

head shot!

head shot!

head shot!

The policewoman’s bullets were no longer bullets at all, they could even be said to be missiles, bombarding Olaf one after another.

Although he was not controlled when he just activated his ultimate move, the reduction in blood volume was visible to the naked eye.

So much so that after taking so much damage, he with residual blood… finally had a chance to hit the policewoman with Q, opened a distance, and got a chance to escape!


But how can Uzi give him the possibility to leave?

Immediately flashed to catch up, and then hit a life-seeking flat A, and then turned back confidently!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Blank!


At the same time, on the other side of the battle, the upper middle field and the three didn’t care about Olaf at all, but chased Duke Rambo, who was passing first and then sent, and killed him.

Although Rambo’s output is very high, if he fights three, he is still no match for the three of QG, so he can only dodge and retreat in an attempt to escape.

But the three of QG also didn’t give him any chance to escape, and once again used various skills to catch up!

But obviously they could kill, but the three of them just didn’t do it!

Because they are waiting for Uzi’s return!

The target is locked!

At this moment, there was a sound of “Zi”, and a red thread landed on Rambo’s body out of thin air.

It’s the policewoman’s big move, let the bullets fly!

Until this time, the QG trio gave up chasing Rambo, turned back confidently, and prepared to go to the tower.

But at this moment, Duke felt ashamed. He pressed the S key and stood where he was, giving up struggling.


nextAt that moment, a bullet piercing the sky swept across and hit Rambo directly between the eyebrows, knocking him off the robot mount with a single shot!

QG.Uzi killed SKT.Duke!


Five kills! ! !

Group destroyed! ! !

When there were only five QG players left in Summoner’s Canyon, leading the Dragon BUFF line along the middle lane and advancing all the way, not only the game scene, but all the LPL audience in front of the screen were so excited that they jumped up from their seats. The face is full of unparalleled excitement!

“QG is awesome!”

“Uzi beef batch!”

“Xiao Ming Niubi!”

“Sofm beef batch!”

“Brother Holy Gun is awesome!”

“Scout bull batch!”

For a while, countless voices of praise rang out one after another, but because of the lack of vocabulary, they couldn’t say anything more than “Niu Pi”!

At the same time, the doll Miller on the commentary stand was also beating his chest and feet in ecstasy!

“Five kills!”

“Uzi’s pentakill! QG’s pentakill!”

“So far in this World Championship, the first Pentakill!”

“When people are united, Mount Tai will move!”

“It doesn’t matter how strong SKT is, and how strong the LCK is!”

“In front of QG, there is no way to win the game!”

While the two were cheering, in the Summoner Canyon, the five QG members rushed to the SKT high ground like a rainbow. When the QG icon collectively lit up, the SKT base crystal also exploded!


“let us……”

“Congratulations to QG!”

The next moment, countless blessings sounded in unison.

All LPL audiences, congratulate QG for their victory, congratulations for this hard-won victory!


“I thought this game would be very difficult, but I didn’t expect it to be easy.”

“Hahaha, I killed five times, handsome!”

“Master Dog, why don’t you thank me for the good team formation? They didn’t react at all in the blink of an eye!”

“My QQ touch eye R flash is also very handsome, and there is also the big move of Brother Holy Gun. In the last wave, they have basically never come down from the sky!”

After winning this crucial game, everyone in QG cheered and laughed, then got up and walked towards the SKT game booth.

When shaking hands, it was obvious that everyone in SKT was in a daze. They seemed to have not realized how they were fired in the end, or how they lost this game!

But everyone in QG doesn’t care about your SKT mentality, they just know that they won SKT, not only killing the spirit of the LCK team, but also boosting the morale of the entire LPL!

The most important thing is that this wave of victories that almost crushed the game made all LPL audiences see the hope of LPL!

It’s a real hope, not a joking hope!

Perhaps, this year’s QG team, this year’s LPL, really has a chance to defeat the LCK and win the first world championship belonging to LPL from them!

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

QG! ! !

When the five people bowed in the center of the stage to express their thanks, the audience burst into wild cheers again, congratulations to QG!

On the commentary stage, the excited baby Miller finally sat back in his seat. Of course, the excitement still couldn’t be stopped.

“After defeating SKT, QG is very close to qualifying first in Group B.”

“However, we still have to prepare well for the upcoming match against C9, as well as the second round of knockout matches within the group.”

“If we are pulled back by SKT, we will have to play a playoff.”

“However, considering the current state of the QG team, I think it is very difficult for SKT to win!”

Miller said solemnly, his face flushed.

“This victory, in addition to making the QG team’s qualifying situation very good, I think the most important thing is to give RNG and EDG teams great confidence!”

“In the past two days, the records of RNG and EDG were really not good, especially EDG, which lost two games in a row, and the situation of qualifying was precarious.”

“But now, with the QG team winning the SKT team, the players of the two teams must have also been greatly encouraged! I believe they can win consecutive battles and successfully qualify for the next game!”

Wa Wa blesses the two teams from the air, but she also knows in her heart that whether they can win or not depends on the players themselves!

When the players returned to the waiting room, Zhang Mingrui had been waiting for a long time.

While welcoming their triumphant return with a smile, he said with a light smile.

“I’ve told you all before, Faker is just like that, and SKT is just like that. As a result, you still don’t believe it, and you’ve been worried.”

“It’s all right now, have you won? It’s still the same sentence, as long as you listen to my tactical arrangements and train hard, if you want to win against SKT, it will be an easy task at all!”

Zhang Mingrui laughed repeatedly. If outsiders heard it, they would probably be directly scolded for being inflated.

But the contestants didn’t think much of it at all, and they also smiled easily, because they knew that this was indeed Manager Zhang’s true thoughts!

After saying a few words, the contestants were invited away by reporters from each competition area to conduct post-match interviews.

In the first round of the group stage, there is only one game a day, so after this match, QG will be fine today.

So Zhang Mingrui had nothing to do,Pack up the things in the lounge with the staff, and then set off back to the hotel after the team members return.

As far as QG is concerned, the victory in this game is actually very common, it is just a BO1 victory.

But for the entire LPL, it is indeed a crucial victory!

Not long after the game ended, various articles and videos were published on the Internet by many media and self-media, praising the strength of the QG team!

“Crush the Bureau! QG bloodbathed SKT, proving the strength of LPL! ”

“0-5! The darkest day of Faker’s career! ”

“Five Kills! Invincible Uzi, invincible QG! ”

“This year is really the most promising year for LPL! ”

Numerous articles and videos circulated on the Internet, as if it was a new year, making the vast majority of LPL viewers cheer.

But there are still a small number of LPL viewers who have a pessimistic attitude towards QG and LPL… Or, in other words, they don’t want to see their victory at all!

“¨. You only won one game, so you blow it like this?”

“QG entered the World Championship in the first year, and SKT didn’t study them at all, that’s why they lost.”

“If it weren’t for SKT’s poor state, how could QG win?!”

“I laughed. I only won against SKT once, as if QG had already won the championship. Just watch, in the second round of the group stage, SKT will definitely come back!”

“Isn’t it just a BO1? As for? If it’s a BO5, QG won’t be able to win at all! RNG also won a game against SKT at MSI, and then? Didn’t it end up being 1-3?”

“The first round of the group stage was just a warm-up, and SKT didn’t show its full strength at all!”

“Put this post as evidence. In the second round of the group stage, SKT won QG first, and then won the extra match. The group will qualify first!”

“QG may beat SKT once, but it is absolutely impossible to beat him a second time!”

Although LPL fans refuted the black fans’ remarks in various ways, the effect was minimal.

Because the strength of e-sports speaks for itself, before winning the world championship, a little victory is really not worth mentioning!

What made these black fans collectively rejoice was that despite the fact that on the third match day, the QG team defeated SKT first, allowing all LPL viewers to see the hope of LPL.

But then, the RNG team once again handed over such hopes with their own hands!

LPL No. 3 seed RNG lost 0-1 against LCK No. 1 seed ROX!

And it was a humiliating defeat!

Because ROX also seemed to want to avenge SKT and regain the field for LCK, so they won this game extremely cruelly.

Using a fairly LCK-style game, we won the game!

At the end of the game, RNG broke all three lanes, and ROX didn’t drop a single tower!

In addition, the head ratio is only ROX5, RNG0, but the experience is ahead, it is as high as 15,000!

That is to say, throughout the entire game, ROX has been operating and operating, using suffocating pressure, making it impossible for RNG to fight back.

So much so that at the end of the game, RNG was forced to fight a wave of decisive team battles with ROX.

(Wang De’s) In the end, because of the huge lag in equipment and level, he was directly beaten by ROX for a wave of zero for five!

Although EDG finally regained its momentum in a later game and defeated the FW team 1-0, it could not get the encouragement of the LPL audience at all. It was said that they only dared to attack the provincial team. Station layman.

There are even some remarks that the so-called hope of LPL, in fact, only QG is the hope, RNG and EDG are two terrible battles, it is a waste of the World Championship, it is better to let WE win!

“Four strong, eight strong, sixteen strong, getting stronger every year!”

“Last year in S5, there was only one team in the LPL that reached the top 16. This year, both teams are in the top 16, and they couldn’t even make it to the knockout round!”

“Please stop bragging that LPL is the second division in the world. With eight knockout spots, only one team from QG can enter. It’s the second division of bullshit?!”

“Tiantian jokes that the European and American divisions are lobbies. In fact, the biggest lootie is the LPL!”

“Hahahaha, Lord laughed. He spent a lot of money to buy players from the LCK, but he couldn’t even make it to the quarter-finals. Is this the national football in e-sports?”

“It would be interesting if QG lost to C9 tomorrow and was eliminated in the second round of the group stage, and the entire LPL missed the knockout stage.”

“Impossible? I think it is very possible. After all, the LCS is also very strong, at least stronger than the LPL!”

In the hotel, Zhang Mingrui casually browsed through these comments while staring at the players’ training.

Although some of the contents were quite ugly, Zhang Mingrui’s mood was quite calm.

Because he is very clear that only by winning every next game can these people shut up!

And we can’t blame them for saying this, because last year’s LPL’s record in S5 was too tragic, especially the MSI champion EDG, who lost to FNC in S5 and fell to the quarterfinals!

“At first, I thought that after we won against SKT, we could more or less give their two teams blood.”

“Now it seems that RNG has failed to win, and the situation of EDG is not optimistic.”“不过也没事,冠军只有一个,就算他们两家真的没有改变历史,也无所谓。”




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