“Okay, received!”

Hearing Uzi’s call, Sofm responded immediately, but he was not in a hurry to go to the bottom lane. After all, he hadn’t reached the third level yet, and the distance to the bottom lane was very far away. It would take a while to get there.

So, I continued to follow the regular route of stone man, red buff, and F4 to clear the field, and I was not in a hurry to do things.

After all, in the current version, the mining speed of the excavator has declined, not as fast as the spider on the opposite side. If you act rashly at this time, if you fail to do something, your jungle rhythm may collapse.

After a wave of fights in the bottom lane on both sides, they quickly pulled apart and started to line up normally.

But because Uzi and Xiao Ming had an advantage in the collision just now, the laning in the bottom lane was only “normal” for a few seconds, and then it became abnormal.

Because Niutou was too weak at the first level, Xiao Ming’s Tahm took advantage of his power to bully others, frequently bypassing the pawn line to consume the C9 duo with Q skills, and the two who fought back kept retreating, and they didn’t even dare to make up the knife.

At the same time, good news came from the alignment between the middle and upper lanes.

In the middle lane, although Dragon King’s line pushing speed is very fast, Scout Ryze’s line pushing speed is not too slow. You can even find opportunities to use skills to consume Jianhuang, and then move to twist the Dragon King’s bodyguard planet.

On the road side, the advantage is the greatest.

Although Ike has an E skill that can be regarded as a face-lifting skill, Ike of the first level will naturally not learn E. Generally, he learns Q to push the line, and at most learns W to exchange blood with the shield.

But because Holy Gun’s Kenan is long enough, so that he frequently flattened A Ike during the interval between Ike’s make-ups, which also made his scalp numb and backed up again and again!

“This is the laning strength of our QG players!”

Seeing this scene, Changmao and Jiji on the commentary stage immediately felt relieved.

Although it is true that C9 played well against SKT before, it is reasonable to say that it was because of some mistakes made by the SKT team in the team battle that led to the upset defeat.

But in QG’s state, want to be caught by C9? Almost impossible!

What’s more, if everyone in QG has the same big advantage as before in the laning stage, then C9 basically may not be able to survive the team battle stage, and will be directly defeated by QG!

The commentators know this, and the C9 players naturally also know this.

The game time was just over two minutes, and the three lanes hadn’t played much in the lane yet, so they were at a disadvantage online, which was enough to show that there was a huge gap in the strength of the players on both sides.

So under such circumstances, we must think of some countermeasures to win by surprise!

So, after C9’s jungler Rush finished playing Toad, Blue BUFF and Three Wolves and upgraded to level 3, he didn’t continue to fight F4, but passed by it and walked directly towards the river.

First put an accessory eye on the grass in the QG blue area to detect the movement of the excavator, and then walked directly towards the grass in the lower road, and the crabs around him didn’t even look at it!

“Here we come! Catch the third level!”

The spider’s 21 move immediately made the commentator, who had just felt relieved, nervous again.

At this time, Uzi and Xiao Ming are still relatively deep in the pressure line, and there is no vision on the river,The trial order was hit by the spider’s E skill cocooning, and then combined with the bull’s head flashing two times, one of them should be here to explain.

The worst thing is to force a flash!

“This wave of Level 3 caught something.”

Seeing the spider getting closer and closer to the grass in the river, Changmao’s voice became more nervous.

“Under normal circumstances, the jungler will destroy the red buff first even if it is caught. After all, it has a slowing effect.”

“And even if it’s a gank, it will go to the wild area instead of the river!”

“In this wave, Rush’s gank route is definitely unexpected. If Uzi and Xiao Ming hadn’t noticed it… hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, I noticed it!”

Just when Chang Mao was nervous, Uzi and Xiao Ming suddenly started to retreat.

But it wasn’t all of a sudden, because the head of Hai’s bull head had been obscenely behind the pawn line all the time, but he suddenly started to step forward and force him to move away. It was obvious that the jungler was coming and wanted to cooperate with the fight.

So, even though they didn’t know where the spider was, Uzi and Xiao Ming retreated at the same time.


Sure enough, when Uzi walked to the grass not far from the river, a group of white spider cocoons flew out of the darkness and flew straight towards Jhin’s body.


Savage collision!

At the same time, Headmaster Hai directly flashed W to head towards Uzi. Once W arrives, he can use the Q skill to link up and kill him instantly with the spider’s burst.

You know, Jhin no longer has treatment!


The spider’s cocoon was indeed a hit, which made everyone in C9 ecstatic.


Feast on it!

But who knew, just when the bull head was about to QQ Jin, Tamm, who was on the side, flashed directly in front of Jin, and then turned around with a W skill, directly swallowing Jin back into his stomach!

“Xiao Ming!”

“Uzi didn’t hand over Flash, but Xiao Ming handed over W, and successfully saved Uzi!”

“If Uzi is really caught and killed in this wave, C9’s early rhythm will be beaten by them!”

This wave of three-level catches on the bottom road seems to be safe and sound, but in fact, the risks involved are quite great!

After all, Jhin is a functional ADC. While the late game is not as good as Wheel Mom, it needs to deal damage in the mid game.

Once he dies this time, Jhin’s equipment formation speed will be very slow. At the same time, he will give up the advantage of the bot lane and even bring it to Sofm’s wild area. It can be said that it will affect the whole body!

But all of this, with a flash of Xiao Ming, turned the danger into a breeze, so that everyone in C9 came here in high spirits, and returned in disappointment!

“Yes, the hand speed is quite fast, otherwise I would have to hand it in myself.”

In the QG team, Uzi, who had watched the spider leave, returned to the line and continued to suppress. At the same time, he said to Xiaoming.

It’s not that he didn’t react just now, but because the distance was too close and he couldn’t move away, so he hurriedly called Xiao Ming, and managed to avoid this wave of danger perfectly.

“Master Dog’s flash is for attacking. For this kind of thing, just leave it to me.”

Xiao Ming laughed, and chased the spider to C9’s triangle grass to make an eye, to prevent him from doing it again after a while.

“I’ll go there after I finish beating the toad, very soon.”

At the same time, Sofm rushed to the two of them and sent a signal ahead of time that they were on their way.

But at this moment, when the three of them were about to win Sneaky’s first blood, they went on the road, but Brother Holy Gun suddenly let out a triumphant laugh.

“Hahahaha, I’m sorry, the first blood in this round is mine!”

When the voice fell, the director’s camera cut directly to the road.

I don’t know how Ike fought in the previous waves, so that when he used the E skill to pull back, he was directly shocked to one-third of his blood by Kenan’s W skill Profound Electric Blade, and even directly played a passive , knocked Ike in place!


Immediately afterwards, he turned on the E skill and went straight to Ike’s back, and at the same time started chasing wildly!

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Seeing that Ike had fled back to his tower, the next wave of soldiers from the blue side came to Kenan, but Brother Holy Gun still didn’t want to let the bloody Ike go, and continued to pursue him!

Ping A!

When another tie-A shot was made, the damage from the defense tower also hit Kenan.

Ping A!

But Brother Holy Gun didn’t have any intention of retreating at all, so he continued walking.


It seemed that he thought that he could use the defense tower to counter-kill Brother Holy Gun. Ike suddenly turned his head and was about to give him a flat A. After all, with his blood volume, Kenan had to hit A himself at least twice to die.


But Brother Holy Gun’s spirit is extremely concentrated. The moment Ike flashed his head back, he also dodged and retreated. While leaving the attack range of the defense tower, he even threw back a shuriken…

Then, this shuriken, which was originally a non-directional skill, precisely rubbed against the soldier’s body, and landed on Ike’s body!

QG.Flandre killed C9.Balls!


The game time is 3 minutes and 12 seconds, and the first blood is born!

A solo kill from Brother Holy Gun!

Although the Holy Gun brother who escaped from the defense tower was already bleeding, he didn’t intend to panic at all, instead he chuckled lightly.

“I laughed. Do you really think you can kill me?”

“If you flash for your life, I still have to flash to chase you, and I will be blocked.The tower is replaced. ”

“But you chose to flash back, so I can only accept this blood.”

Brother Holy Gun sneered. He was already prepared to risk his life, but who knew that the other party would give him such a chance!

“Don’t you need two dog tags to thank me?”

After finishing speaking, the EDG team’s sign was lit up.

“Damn it, why did you snatch the first blood?!”

Although it is indeed a happy thing for the QG team to get the first blood again, Uzi is not happy, because they have once again consumed a set of blood in the C9 duo during the solo kill of the Holy Gun brother. Beat them back under the defense tower.

Originally, as long as he waited another ten seconds, Sofm would be able to get the first blood worth 400 yuan when he came, but Brother Saint Gun actually snatched it directly!


At the same time, Sofm finally reached the grass in the river and walked towards the triangle grass.

Because Xiao Ming did wards here before, they can be sure that the C9 duo didn’t make wards, or they didn’t have time to make wards.

As long as you jump over the tower, you can kill by force!

“it is good!”

Uzi nodded, and continued to use his flat A and Q skills to speed up his line push, and then, started the A tower.

Crack, crack, crack.

One shot after another, although due to the defense mechanism of the defense tower, the level A against the defense tower was very low at this time, but it was like a heavy blow to the heart of the C9 duo, and it was extremely distressing.

Seeing that the red square soldiers were about to disappear and a new wave of cannon soldiers joined in, the bloody Sneaky chose to turn around, and was going to stay under the tower for a while, waiting for another wave of spiders to gank.

But she didn’t see at all that there was only the last bullet left in the barrel of Jin’s gun!


At this moment, Sofm’s excavator finally arrived behind the wall.


At the same time, seeing the mother of the wheel approaching, Uzi flashed forward without saying a word, and made a passive flat-A shot!


The next moment, it was as if she had been hit by a missile. The mother of the wheel, who had nearly 150 drops of health, was killed by Uzi’s fourth bullet!

QG.Uzi killed C9.Sneaky!

“Xiao Ming, save me!”

It’s really cool to flash the head, but when the defense tower hit him, Uzi panicked and asked for help.

Feast on it!

Xiao Ming naturally knew that the situation was critical, so he quickly swallowed Uzi again.

But at the same time, Niutou, head of the sea, resolutely chose Q flash, and hammered Tam up under the defense tower, making him the second attack target of the defense tower.

But with the opening of Tahm Gray Shield, this wave of Q flashes gave Sofm a chance not to hand in flashes!

Easily use the E skill to dig a hole and pass the wall, and easily use the W skill to break through the ground and fly the bull’s head.

Immediately afterwards, as Uzi was spit out again and turned back to output, the head of the bull chief was also easily accepted by Uzi!

QG.Uzi killed C9.Hai!


The game time was 3 minutes and 48 seconds. Only half a minute had passed since Brother Saint Gun completed the solo kill, and bad news came from C9’s bottom lane.

It’s fine to be double-killed. The most terrifying thing is that the person who gets the double-kill is Uzi, whom they were extremely afraid of during the BP stage!

The audience erupted.

All the European and American audiences were dumbfounded. They didn’t dare, nor did they want to believe what they saw!

The game time is less than four minutes, and they all died once on the road and on the road?

Is this the C9 team that beat SKT in an upset, wants to beat QG again in an upset, and then strive to qualify for the group stage? !

This is too delicious!

“It exploded.”

“C9 has already exploded.”

After getting three heads in four minutes, Chang Mao on the commentary stage remembered that he was so relaxed that he let out a long sigh of relief.

A minute ago, I was still worried that the success of the spider gank would disrupt the rhythm of QG’s round.

But judging from the current situation, their worries are completely unnecessary!

When facing the “underdog” team C9, not only did everyone in QG not underestimate the enemy, but they maintained a high degree of concentration!

It may be because they want to win the first place in the group with a record of victory, or it may be because of the insulting mockery of C9 against LPL before the game.

In short, the QG team in this round is fully fired!

In less than 4 minutes, C9 has been beaten to death!

“After this wave is over, Uzi has already taken off, and the first small armor-piercing piece of Youmeng Spirit has been made. Even if it is not the fourth bullet, whether it is A on the wheels of Mom and Bull Head, it will Make them miserable!”

“Also, in that wave of going on the road just now, even if Brother Holy Gun and Balls fought one for one, Brother Holy Gun made money. After all, in team battles, Kenan’s role is much greater than that of Ike. He rushed in with a big move. , it can make C9 feel what it means to destroy the world!”

Because the two waves of battles were too close to each other, the director didn’t have the opportunity to show continuous playback shots until this time.

While watching the wonderful operations of the team members, Changmao smiled happily.

“However, looking at it this way, Scout actually doesn’t need to pick Ryze’s hole card at all. He can win by just picking any hero.”

“Then I think it’s actually okay.”

Hearing what Changmao said, remember to smile softly.

“Scout must have won this round, sinceIn this way, he doesn’t need to show too much understanding of the hero Ryze, just use his skills to push the line, and others can’t see how powerful this hero is. ”

“It can also allow Scout to use the game to continue to test his proficiency with the hero Ryze.”

I remember saying this, and Changmao deeply agreed, after all, who wouldn’t use the hero Ryze’s skills to push the line? He can explain everything!

If Ryze never confronted the Dragon King head-on, and let everyone see how strong Ryze is, even if this card is revealed, it will only let other teams know that he might use this hero!

“And I’m even thinking, is this one of Scout’s hole cards? What if Manager Zhang asked him to use it to deceive other teams’ bans?”

“After all, there are only three ban positions in each team. If one of them is given to Ryze, it means that more heroes from the QG team will be released!”

I remember laughing out loud as I talked, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized it was possible.

The two commentators were thinking that the QG team might be fighting a psychological battle with other teams.

But at this time, everyone in QG only wanted to kill the C9 team, end the game as soon as possible, or not as soon as possible, and vent their anger in their hearts!

The game time is 5 minutes and 20 seconds. When the frustrated spider wants to go to the road to do things and help Ike find a place, Xiao Ming’s Tam takes advantage of the time when the spider is on the road and walks to the opponent’s stone man camp. Insert an eye position to detect the movement of the spider for a while.

But at this time, the “opportunity” was seized by the C9 duo!

Just when they went home to make up for the door, the two were about to go to the triangular grass to make eyes, but they bumped into Tamm who was coming alone, and when they saw Uzi stuck in the center line, which was quite far away, they decided to fight immediately!

But when the two of them handed over their WQ skills one after another and hit Tahm with half blood, they heard Jian Huang in the middle continuously sending them signals that “the enemy has disappeared”. When they looked up, they found Scout’s Ryze Has disappeared in the middle for a long time!

Want to retreat, but how can Xiao Ming do it?

Wheel Mom has the E skill, so there’s nothing she can do about it. Can a little bull head still want to run? !

Tongue Lash!

So, Xiao Ming started chasing the bull’s head and licking it wildly, and even handed over his weakness to chase him, swallowed it directly, and then spit it out to the stone man.

The next moment, Scout, who had already handed over the sprinting hurriedly, began to face the keyboard across the wall.

However, Ryze was only at level five, and his output was too low. Seeing that the bull head was about to run away, without further ado, he handed in another flash to play the second set of skills, and then the bull head’s head was taken away.

QG.Scout killed C9.Hai!

“It has appeared, and the familiar QG style of play has appeared again.”

“Niutou just went home and went online, and he was directly killed back. As for the unprotected wheel mother, she doesn’t dare to enter the tower at all now, and can only wait in the autistic grass.”

“After all, he doesn’t know if there will be an excavator waiting for him on the other side of the grass.”

“Or Ryze, who seems to have just taken the head upgrade to 6 and is about to return to the middle lane, suddenly drives behind him and kills him!”

From the God’s perspective, the commentators naturally knew that Scout was reading a message back to the city, and Sofm was fighting with the toad, which was a thousand miles away.

But the strength of QG, for the C9 players on the field, the psychological pressure can be described as extremely terrifying!

It seems that this League of Legends is actually not a moba game at all, but a horror game!

“Uzi and Xiao Ming are showing their dog tags again, and it’s still RNG and EDG.”

“I believe that the current C9 will definitely regret saying those words before the game, and even taunted them with their dog tags at the beginning of the game.”

“But it’s too late to regret it now. At this time, they were used by QG to vent their anger, to comfort RNG and EDG, and to get back the LPL scene!”

“As for the QG team in this state, when they face SKT for the second time, I believe they will unreservedly beat SKT again, and then advance to the quarterfinals as the number one in the group!”

Changmao and Remember made a loud voice, which also made all LPL audiences have full confidence in QG again!

But what they didn’t know was that at this very moment, “infighting” had occurred within the QG team!

“Scout, are you still human? You came all the way from the middle to grab my head?”

“Can’t you just kill the Dragon King alone? You killed my cow, and now I can’t even kill Mother Wheel!”

Uzi complained repeatedly, and was about to die of anger. Originally, he controlled the pawn line here, but he wanted to wait for the opponent to go online, and then join Xiao Ming in a wave of double kills.

But who would have thought that they would have directly crossed the line of soldiers and killed the opponent halfway!

Co-authors only care about their own enjoyment, and don’t care whether they are happy playing this ADC or not, are they happy to play high? ! .

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