After the vision of the river disappeared, Sofm crossed the river majestically and walked towards the F4 of the Lightning Wolves.

And in order to ensure his own safety during the anti-jungle, and to confirm Karsa’s movements within three minutes, Sofm also inserted the jewelry eyes on his body into the grass before starting to clear the jungle.

It’s just that when Sofm cleared the field, Maple in the middle suddenly walked in the direction of the blue buff when the line of soldiers was about to be pushed into the defense tower.

Following the Maple dimensionFrom Keto’s perspective, the commentators suddenly discovered that Karsa also gave up her first blue BUFF directly to Maple!

“This… is this learning QG’s tactics?!”

Zeyuan and Xiaosan were shocked when they saw Maple slowly walking to the blue zone, and an E skill death ray directly took away the blue BUFF of residual blood!

Last time, when Scout first selected the Dragon King to face Faker’s Snake Girl, it was also Sofm’s blind monk who gave the first blue BUFF directly to Scout.

And this time, Lightning Wolves actually reproduced QG’s tactical thinking!

Give the first blue BUFF to the mid laner to increase his line-clearing efficiency!


“Although this idea is correct, the blind monk doesn’t need mana, and Victor in the middle lane can’t push the ice girl at the end of the line in the early stage, so there is no problem in giving him the first blue BUFF.”

“However, the time when this incident happened was just after the match between QG and SKT… This is an obvious steal!”

Xiaosan said in a speechless voice, although in the League of Legends game, “tactics” is not copied, but when the same tactics appear on the enemy team, this feeling is still a bit strange.

“However, the problem Karsa is facing now is the same as the problem Sofm encountered last time.”

“After the blue BUFF is dropped, my level and experience will drop a bit. If I can’t make up for the growth, the blind monk may be offline for a long time.”

He then analyzed that he naturally hoped that Sofm could use his anti-jungle skills to directly make Karsa offline permanently!

“Karsa has gone to the lower half now, and Sofm seems to be preparing to continue to fight against the Golem, but if they are blocked by the Lightning Wolves in the jungle, Sofm will be in danger instead.”

Pu Zeyuan also analyzed from the side, a little nervous.

However, when the commentators and the LPL audience were outraged by the first BUFF, and analyzing the follow-up countermeasures, the QG team had already made a timely response to this matter.

“Maple took a blue BUFF, Brother Holy Gun, Sofm, the blind monk may look for you soon.”

Scout frowned when he saw his opponent suddenly had a blue buff, and hurriedly reminded him.

Coupled with the information that he ran into the blind monk on the river just now, QG can immediately analyze some things.

First of all, Karsa must have known about Scout’s warding in Lightning Wolf F4 before, so after passing through F4 and arriving in the blue zone, he didn’t hit the blue buff at the first time. river crab.

Then he turned around and opened the blue buff, and gave it to Maple.

This means that Karsa has only two options for his next move.

One is to gank on the road, and the other is to go back to the second half of the jungle to play F4, and the stone man that will be refreshed soon.

“It should be coming back. His and Bobby’s damage can’t kill the troll now.”

Sofm glanced at the location of Brother Holy Gun, and murmured, after brushing F4, he walked directly towards the Golem camp.

At the same time, he glanced at the position of the duo, and then said to Uzi Xiaoming.

“I’ll try to fight a wave of stone men, and then try to climb the tower. If it’s too late, I’ll just hit the stone men.”

Sofm said to the two of them.

Jumping down the tower is naturally one of QG’s usual tactics, but their level is still too low now, and tower jumping is risky. If the blind monk who is driven over gets the head, then the tower jumping in the early game will not only fail. It will also directly let the opponent’s rhythm take off!

While Sofm was walking in the direction of the stone man, in order to cooperate with his anti-wildering operation to be safer, the middle and lower lanes started to press the line at the same time, so as to prevent the blind monk from getting support after a while.

When he walked outside the wall of the Golem camp, Olaf stopped suddenly, even though at this time, the blind monk had already walked out of the blue zone and was about to cross the middle road to reach the red zone.

“Why didn’t it move? Did it get disconnected?”

Pu Zeyuan immediately asked in doubt, and asked a stupid question.

“It’s avoiding the sight of the soldiers.”

“Look at the pawn line in the bottom lane. It’s just reached the second tower. If Sofm continues to move forward at this time, he will be seen by the pawns.”

Xiaosan immediately responded, as expected, the next moment, a wave of blue soldiers slowly walked out of the second tower, walking towards the direction of the first tower, and at the same time illuminated the pass between the front of the second tower and the stone man camp .

“How does Sofm know that the soldiers are coming back at this time? He even remembers the time when each wave of soldiers is refreshed?!”

Pu Zeyuan was shocked again, and kept asking.

“You can remember, but it’s not necessary, because the refresh time of the red and blue minions is the same, that is to say, when the red minions appear in this position, the blue minions will also appear in the same position.” ”

Following Xiaosan’s explanation, the audience immediately looked towards the red side on the small map. As expected, the next wave of soldiers on the red side just passed in front of the second tower.

It wasn’t until the vision provided by the last soldier disappeared completely that Sofm, who was disconnected in the wild area, finally walked into the Golem area and started to fight the Golem.

“That’s okay?! Is this the professional player’s understanding of the League of Legends game?!”

Park Zeyuan was very surprised when he heard this trick for the first time. He never expected that he had been playing for so many years.There are so many small details in the game.

“However, there is a price for this waiting time. The blind monk has already been seen by QG. That is to say, even if Sofm wants to forcibly jump the tower, he may not have a chance.”

Xiaosan smiled softly and continued.

In the game, the Flash Wolves didn’t even realize that Sofm was in their wild area for the first time.

It wasn’t until the blind monk Q entered F4, but there were no wild monsters Q, that Karsa hurriedly pinned the signal to the stone man area.

Snake immediately realized what was going on, and retreated immediately, ready to see if there was anyone at the stone man.

But when they finally arrived, they found that Sofm had knocked out the little stone man and was about to retreat towards the triangle grass.

Winter’s Bite!

Not only lost the F4, but also lost the stone man, and Snake was so angry that he directly Q’d Sofm.

But Sofm also responded to Q to show respect, forcing the snake back.

Because at this time, Uzi has already pushed the pawn line into the defensive tower, and it is impossible for NL to give up the pawn line because of Olaf, who has a high probability of being unable to kill.

At the same time, Xiao Ming’s Nami also sneaked into the wild area, ready to meet Sofm. Even if Karsa chased him, there was absolutely no way to do it.

So, Snake could only watch as Olaf got into the triangle grass and disappeared, but he didn’t dare to chase it in at all.

Because the ornament on his body was sitting on the bushes just now, if Olaf and Nami didn’t leave at this time, if he dared to look into the bushes at this time, he would be the one who was in danger.

On the other side, although Kasa was angry, he had no choice but to stand by the wall of the Golem camp and start returning to the city.

But what he probably didn’t expect was that after Sofm and Xiao Ming got into the triangle grass, the two didn’t go in the direction of the river at all, but chose to circle around and ran in the direction of the lightning wolf’s red BUFF again!

“This…is this the legendary daring artist?!”

Seeing this scene, Zeyuan Xiaosan was shocked again.

Looking at Karsa who was returning to the city, and the two of QG who were circling around, they were all stupid!

Knowing that another usual tactic of the QG team is two-two-three-four again, but the problem is that so far, it has never been done like this. Just after leaving the wild area, I turn around and want to continue to trouble the enemy jungler. Two three four” Ah!

“Xiaosan, I didn’t agree with your statement just now that the QG team has been evolving, but now, I am really convinced.”

“The tactics and routines of the QG team are really more and more as the game progresses, and they become more and more flamboyant. If I were Casa, and I saw my teammates driving the enemy away, how could I expect them to turn around and come back? Already!”

“Next, let’s look at the operations of QG Nosuke and the others. If Kasa really can’t detect it, this wave can at least come out in a flash.”

Pu Zeyuan was amazed again and again, because the location of Casa’s return to the city is not particularly good, it is at the crossroads in front of the red BUFF, a little closer to the wall of the stone man camp.

In this place, unless Sofm Xiao Ming doesn’t enter the grass and walks directly against the wall, otherwise the two of them will never be seen coming!

Sure enough, Sofm and Xiao Ming walked into the grass first. While walking forward, they didn’t even need to check if there was anyone in the next grass, and they directly saw the blind monk who was returning to the last second!

Prison of Blue Waves!

Apart from anything else, Xiao Ming directly threw out the Q skill blister.

Throw against the current!

At the same time, Sofm also came out with a Q, because Olaf’s Q flew faster than Nami’s Q, so he interrupted the blind monk’s return to the city first, and then blew up the blind monk.

Shock tide!

The Blessing of Summoning the Tide!

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ming handed over all WE skills to Sofm.

Ah ah ah ah ah!

At the same time, Olaf also yelled and rushed towards the blind monk who was close at hand with his ax in hand, slashing the ax frantically.

Although Kasa’s blood volume is full, under such a chase, the blood volume is still lost very quickly. Coupled with the deceleration of the red buff, Kasa’s situation suddenly becomes precarious!

But when he was trying to get support from his teammates, he realized that Snake had just turned around, and he was still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from him!

Touch the eye W!

Kasa hastily used the accessories on his body to move for a while.

But at the same time as he landed, Olaf’s second ax hung on his body, which further reduced Kasa’s blood volume.


Under such circumstances, Kasa didn’t dare to make a fool of himself, and just flashed into the tower, which was considered a escape.

But Sofm seemed unwilling to give up. After continuing to pick up the axe, he dropped Kasa’s axe again, and then slowly retreated to the wild area and started returning to the city.

Xiao Ming also went back to the city directly, because if he returned to the line from the triangle grass at this time, he might be stuck there by the lightning wolf duo, which would be risky, so he didn’t choose to go around the river.

It’s just that Uzi suffered a little bit, and he didn’t dare to push this wave of soldiers. He was stuck in front of the defense tower by the policewoman, so he had to choose to return to the city as well.

But it’s not a big problem. After all, the two of them fight more and more easily, and the more they fight, the more they press the line. On the other hand, if the policewoman chooses to push the line while he is home, not only will she not be able to send the line of soldiers into the tower, but she will be stuck by him instead. Live, more harm than good!

The game lasted five minutes, and the first wave of games between the two teams officially ended.

Although the QG team finally did not complete the five-minute first-blood achievement as before, Zeyuan and Xiaosan did not have any full of surprises.

Because although the QG team didn’t get the head, the advantage they got now is actually better than getting the head!

Among them, the most advantageous position is the jungler!

At this time, Kasa’s blind monk only has 12 dollars, but Sofm’s Olaf has already reached 21 dollars in supplementary damage! At the same time, he was ahead of a summoner skill!

This means that in the next five minutes, even if the blind monk is upgraded to level 6, it is impossible to use the gank god level such as R flash round kick. On the other hand, once his Olaf reaches level 6, Sofm can open The big move plus sprinting, chasing and slashing people!

“The QG wild area still has a great advantage, but it’s a pity that it didn’t get a kill.”

Xiaosan laughed, because if it was the group stage now, Sofm would definitely get first blood.

“But it also proves that while QG is evolving, other teams are also evolving.”

“For example, the planning of the clearing route at the beginning of the game, and the fact that Kasa immediately returned to play after the blue BUFF, these are very rare in the group stage.”

“Of course, QG is still superior, otherwise Sofm wouldn’t be so much ahead.”

Xiaosan smiled and was very confident that QG would win the first game and win the BO5.

In five minutes, all ten people on the field almost completed their first return to the city, and updated their first batch of equipment. Basically, they were all the same, only Sofm took the lead, and went home directly to produce the Bright Boots.

On the other hand, on Kasa’s side, there was still only one hunter’s broadsword. The director caught the camera, only to realize that he did not go home immediately after being forced out of the flash, but returned to the blue zone, waiting for the refresh of the three wolves.

When Kasa returned home after beating the toad again, he took out his first small piece of Caulfield’s Warhammer, which was also a CD-reducing piece of equipment.

But at the same time, Sofm, who returned home early, had already completed brushing along the route of the stone man, F4, and three wolves, and then rushed to Casa’s F4 without caring about Toad.

It is still the familiar bandit-style jungler, which makes the LPL audience happy, and makes the LMS audience feel sad. The only good thing is that Casa has obviously studied Sofm and knows that he will come to play his own F4 at the first time, so go home Then go straight to F4.

But in terms of time, it was still much slower.

When he reached F4 grass, Sofm had punished F4 and was about to retreat.

But it was not without good news. At this moment, Maple in the middle lane took advantage of the blue BUFF he had obtained before, and was upgraded to six in advance with experience leading, and directly threw out W and the big move to suppress Scout’s blood volume!

With the E skill handed in, Scout can only be forced to dodge into the river and join Sofm. After all, if he dodges into the tower, Maple will definitely dodge with him!

Sure enough, Maple didn’t pursue after seeing Scout’s dodge. Instead, he let Kasa and Sofm fight for a while and pulled each other away.

When Victor was about to push the line, Scout had already returned to the city and immediately pressed TP, trying to protect the bloody minion who was already stuck in the position of the line, but the teleportation position was placed by Maple again, and he was stunned immediately after landing, and was beaten again A flat A.

Although there were still no heads in the middle lane just now, it already explained another thing.

That is, the Flash Wolves are really well prepared for this match, or in other words, Maple must be in very good condition!

Because the wave of Level 6 just now shows that Maple has been planning this operation for a long time since the first blue BUFF!

Of course, this can’t be blamed on Scout’s poor state. It can only be said that he was a little careless and didn’t take the experience of the blue buff into account, so he was flashed out by Maple.

“¨. If Sofm hadn’t been wandering around in Kasa’s wild area, this wave of Scouts would be really dangerous.”

The middle road once again entered the development stage of “nothing happened”, but on the commentary stage, Park Zeyuan frowned. After all, this was something they could see. It was the first time for the QG team to suffer such a big loss in laning.

“It can only be said that the Lightning Wolves have planned for a long time. Haven’t you noticed that Kasa has been revolving around Maple from the beginning to now? He just wants to hold down Scout’s development and prevent him from radiating to the side lanes.”

“But QG’s response is even better. If Scout and Sofm hadn’t cooperated equally brilliantly, maybe after QG’s reorganization, the first blood in team history would be taken away by the Lightning Wolves!”

Xiaosan chuckled lightly, her tone still relaxed.

“However, QG has to do something. The game time is now six minutes. If QG can’t open the situation again, I worry that the rhythm of the game will enter the operating rhythm that Flash Wolves like.”

Park Zeyuan took up the conversation again, hoping that QG can speed up the pace.

“It seems that the effect of our drawing Lightning Wolves (Wang Le’s) is not bad. I feel that their operational ability is not much worse than that of SKT. Sure enough, as Manager Zhang said, they are a good training target.”

While the two commentators were worried, Uzi’s tone was relaxed.

He and NL have been on the line for more than six minutes, and he desperately wants to fight NL.

But what is speechless is that as long as Xiao Ming blows up NL, Snake will immediately jump to NL’s side and raise a shield to protect it. The co-author selected Bron is not an offense at all, it is used for development!

“IAlready at level six, the blind monk is only at level five, so I can do things first. ”

Sofm immediately responded that, in fact, according to his personality, he had already crossed the road tower several times.

But Manager Zhang said before that the early stage of this round should be steady, don’t fight so hard, let the Lightning Wolves develop for a while before attacking, so they can only fight according to the number of ways just now.

Unexpectedly, Scout was almost killed in the middle lane!

How can everyone in QG bear this? No matter what, I have to find some space first, and then fight with Lightning Wolves!

“Come and help me catch it. I’m also six. Mr. Dog is not six, and Scout is not flashing. It’s easier to help me here.”

Brother Holy Gun who was on the road smiled and “recommended himself”, and even went to the blue area of ​​Casa in advance, and placed a spot between the toad and the blue BUFF to help Sofm give an early warning of the location of Casa.


Sofm nodded, first cooperated with Xiao Ming to make a few visions in the red zone of the Lightning Wolf, and then directly crossed the middle lane in a grandiose manner, and walked towards the top lane with Scout, pretending to trouble Bobby.

But in fact, they just made an eye position in the grass in front of the three wolves, and then went directly to fight the toad.

On Casa’s side, the response was really fast. Before Sofm could hit the toad a few times, he quickly punished the three wolves. With the help of the wolf spirit’s detection ability in the wild area, it was confirmed that Sofm was leaving his blue zone.

“Go up immediately.”

Although it was determined that Wolf Spirit was in the blue zone, Sofm still gave Holy Gun a signal.

Brother Saint Gun immediately nodded and began to push the thread.

Sofm took this opportunity to hit the river crab first, and at the same time, relying on the eye position that the holy gun brother left in front of the toad, Kasa did not have any intention of moving the toad, and even saw it from the grass in front of the three wolves. The figure of Sa walking down the road!


So, after being patient for seven full minutes, Sofm finally decided to kill the members of the Lightning Wolves!

(Thanks to “159xxxx2326” for the reward and reminder support!!!) County.

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