When Xiao Ming picked up the white-bearded hero, he didn’t lock it immediately, but waited for Manager Zhang and Scout to discuss it for a while before finally finalizing it.

Time Guardian Kieran is locked!

I have seen your death before, and your death at that time was horrible!

The next moment, Old Man Time officially appeared on the fifth floor of Team QG!


“Scout even brought out a new hero in the first match against ROX!”

When old man Guang was locked, the audience exclaimed, even the commentators were shocked!

Not only because this is the third unconventional mid laner selected by Scout in the World Championship, but also because the commentators didn’t know how the hero Shiguang played the mid laner for a while!

And in fact, until the five heroes of the QG team were all selected, they didn’t quite know who the fan mother and the old man Shi Guang would play in the middle and who would play the support!

“I’ve seen this scene before.”

“In the summer finals, Sofm’s grasshopper jungler also made WE dizzy and won!”

On the commentary stage, Wawa was shocked and said, “I don’t know why the members of the QG team can frequently come up with these strange moves.

And according to the historical record of the QG team, once these “strange tricks” are used, they can produce quite good results!

“There is a high probability that Kieran will go in the middle, because if it is a support, the ability to push the line is actually not as good as Fanzi’s mother.”

“After all, if the two bombs blow up together and line up the troops, the long-range soldiers will be gone. Although the ROX duo can’t press the line, Uzi’s development will also be gone.”

“As for Time’s mid laner, it feels like Fanzi’s mother, who uses his Q skill to output and push the line, and after upgrading to 2 and learning the W skill, two bombs go down, and a wave of soldiers will soon disappear. gone.”

“And with the improvement of the Q skill level, Kieran’s line clearing speed will also become faster and faster. It can be said that in terms of pushing ability, he will always suppress Victor!”

Wawa and Miller may not be able to understand the meaning of the single in Time, but after thinking about it with a smile, it is easy to think of it.

“And Time’s E skill, Time Clockwork, can give yourself an acceleration to avoid being gank by Peanut. At the same time, because the W skill travels to the future, it can reduce the QE time. If you accelerate yourself with two E skills, Scout can be faster. Go to the sidewalk for support!”

Smiling lightly, he said, although he doesn’t know what the effect of Time Lane is, but in theory it is absolutely fine.

“now thatBut if this is the case, Scout can actually choose Lissandra? Anyway, it’s all about pushing and roaming. ”

Wawa suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly asked, because before that, Scout also used an ice girl.

“Scout has already tried it, and the effect is not particularly good. At that time, he was almost solo killed by Maple at level six, did you forget?”

Miller on the side immediately reminded that the question about the doll was very low-level.

“And because of the existence of Time’s big move, if Little Peanut wants to rush in to cut people during a team battle, he can also throw the big move to the team members, so that the teammates get an extra life, and it is almost equivalent to a six-on-five team battle. !”

“It’s just that there is no way to cooperate with teammates to enter the field to start a team… But it seems to be possible. If Sofm hits the target, or the enlarged Gnar jumps in to shoot someone, Scout can give a big move in advance to prevent the team from being seconded.”

“And as long as the time’s big move is used to attract ROX’s main firepower and activate the resurrection effect, then it will be easier for the QG team to win in a wave of team battles.”

Miller laughed lightly. When he lamented that Manager Zhang had brought out these heroes that had never appeared before, he was looking forward to Scout’s performance in this game using Old Man Time!

And after the QG team locked the old man Time, the last chance to select players was handed over to the ROX team Semb.

This time, ROX thought for a long time.

Apart from the fact that Gnar is a hero who is not afraid of counters, it is difficult for Semb to choose a hero who wants to defeat Holy Gun.

Secondly, the appearance of Old Man Time really made it difficult for ROX to choose the top laner.

In ROX’s original plan, they wanted to use their personal strength to gain a laning advantage in the early stage, and then fight a perfect team battle in team battles.

But after the emergence of time, it became almost impossible to beat the opponent. You had to fight QG for two consecutive rounds to win!

Therefore, if ROX wants to win the team battle, it must have an explosive output, which can kill QG in seconds first, and force the big move of time, so that it has a chance to win in the subsequent team battle.

But if this happens, it means that Semb has almost given up on the idea of ​​playing a big advantage in the lane.

After all, there are not many top laner T1 heroes who can appear on the stage now. The best choices are Kenan, Troll and Rambo.

Facing Gnar of the Holy Gun, if he wants to rely on his personal strength to gain an advantage, the best choice is naturally Kenan, but in team battles, if Kenan really enters the field to play output, it may be after cheating Shi Shi’s big move , I will die first.

But if you choose a troll, it’s impossible to beat everyone in a team battle…

So, after thinking for a long time, Team ROX finally decided on their last hero.

Public Enemy Rambo!

In team battles, as long as you can unleash a perfect ult move at a constant temperature, you can let the heroes of QG, who have no displacement and are still very crispy, feel what is called an instant explosion!

Of course, Semb has to make sacrifices for this. In this way, he is unlikely to kill Holy Gun solo on the road, but if it is suppressed, there should be no problem. After all, as long as Gnar dares to attack him, Lan Bo can drive WQ to chase Gnar!

So far, the lineups of the two sides have been officially determined!

The blue side QG team, top laner Gnar, wild leopard girl, mid laner Shi Guang, bottom laner Jhin, support Fanzima!

Red side ROX team, top laner Rambo, jungler Olaf, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Ashe, support Zyra!

“On the surface, I think the lineups of the two sides are actually pretty much the same.”

When the players on both sides exchanged heroes, the three commentators on the commentary stage began to analyze the pros and cons of the lineups of both sides.

“In the lineups of both sides, there are points for laning and teaming, and to be honest, they are relatively brittle, and at the same time, the control is not too much.”

“The top lane may be a bit disadvantaged, but in the jungle, I think Sofm is stronger. After all, he can always brush, lead by a lot of last hits, and get kills at the same time.”

“Although ROX has a bit of hero attributes in the bottom lane, I don’t think Uzi and Xiaoming’s laning strength needs to be questioned. They should be able to stabilize and even gain an advantage!”

“So, under such circumstances, the performance of the two mid laners is crucial!”

“Looking at the lineup alone, I think Old Man Time and Victor are 50-50. Moreover, in team battles, we tend to protect and Victor tends to output. We can’t say who is good and who is bad.”

“However, if Manager Zhang asks Scout to play the time mid laner, if it can really play a miraculous effect, then overall, QG’s lineup is more advantageous, and this is also in line with Manager Zhang’s consistent results in BP.”

“That means never losing, winning every time!”

On the commentary stage, Baby Miller’s commentator chuckled softly. As the commentator of the opening game of the summer split, they almost watched the QG team fight game by game until now, so they definitely knew a lot more about Manager Zhang than they smiled!

“I hope that Shi Guang’s mid laner can really play a miraculous effect, so that if he wins the first game, the 3-0 I mentioned will be possible.”

Smile also looked forward to it. In this kind of BO5 where either you explode or I explode, victory in the first game is very important!

Although there are some remarks that the first game is not important, you can play casually, first test the opponent’s state, the second gameThe second game began to play seriously.

But from Xiao Xiao’s point of view, if he can win the first game, he doesn’t need to think about these twists and turns at all!

Besides, while winning, I can also test the opponent’s state, so that in the next two games, I will have a better mentality and perform more excitingly!

While the three commentators were analyzing the lineup, Zhang Mingrui was routinely making the final instructions before the game.

“Rune talents, summoner skills, etc., check them out at the end.”

“Scout, remember to bring Thunderbolt, two Q’s and A’s, the damage is still very high.”

“Brother Holy Gun, although Gnar was selected for you in this one, Rambo is still not easy to play. If you feel wronged in one round, I will choose a better hero for you in the next round.”

“Uzi Xiaoming, let’s not talk too much. You must pay attention to your position in this round. It is best to let Gorilla deactivate his E button.”

“Sofm, it’s fine to play according to your ideas, but pay attention to the position of Little Peanut, this guy is quite powerful even in the wild.”

“By the way, Scout, swim away if you have the chance, and remember to bring teleportation.”

“In the end, everyone must pay attention to their vision and communicate more. As long as they play steadily and win ROX in the first round, there will be absolutely no problems!”

Zhang Mingrui shouted loudly at the team members, and patted them on the shoulder one by one to encourage them. Then he took off his earphones and walked towards the center of the stage.

It is worth mentioning that the stage at Madison Square Garden is not like the previous stage. The seats of the two teams are arranged on the left and right sides of the stage, facing the audience.

In this venue, the players from both sides are sitting opposite each other, and the distance between them is less than five meters. That is to say, during the match, as long as the players raise their heads, they can see the expressions of the opponent’s players!

This design is very confrontational, but it also increases the psychological pressure on the players, but Zhang Mingrui is not too worried, because the psychological quality of the QG players is quite good.

After walking out of the competition seats and coming to the stage, Zhang Mingrui and Nofe, the coach of the ROX team, shook hands without saying a word. They just smiled and went back to their respective lounges.

At the same time, while waiting for the game to load, the fans of the two teams finally rang out cheers like a tsunami!

And in such a foreign country, when the QG players heard the voice of “Go QG”, the smiles on their faces couldn’t help but show up!

“Come on, brothers, we must win the first game!”

“As long as we win the first game, we will win the next game, at least on a psychological level.”

“On the contrary, it’s ROX. They really haven’t lost much to our LPL before the LCK, but as long as they lose, their mentality will definitely explode!”

While waiting to load, Uzi, as the captain, encouraged the players again.

When his words fell, the figure of spring water finally appeared on the computer screen!

Team QG, the first BO5 match against Team ROX, now officially begins!

In this round, because the QG team’s lineup was not well controlled in the early stage, they didn’t think about playing a first-level team, and continued to position in the financial five-star lineup.

On the other hand, the ROX team wants to play a first-tier team.

After going out, the five of ROX went straight to the bottom lane, trying to slow down and keep people with Olaf’s ax and Ashe’s arrows. If they can really keep people, then Gorilla can let his Zyra learn in seconds E skills.

In this way, even if you can’t hit a blood, you can still force the opponent’s flash.

However, the plan is good, whether it can be realized depends on whether QG agrees or not.

In the case of adopting the five-star Lianzhu positioning method, as soon as you go out, you will go directly to Scout at the front entrance of F4, and you will see five people rushing aggressively at a glance. After placing a Q skill time bomb at the intersection, you turn around and leave .

In this way, Little Peanut didn’t forcefully pick up the time bomb and carried it on his back. He just threw the ax into the grass across the river wall, and after looking at the view inside, he immediately retreated.

And Team ROX’s first-level group attempt also gave Saint Gun and Sofm an opportunity.

While Semb was heading towards the upper half of the jungle, Sofm’s leopard girl walked towards the red zone of Peanut, pretending to have a vision.

But in fact, the person who really did the field of vision was Saint Gun who walked into the jungle from the top road, and put his first accessory eye on the grass next to the red BUFF.

If Peanut still chooses to open in the upper half under such circumstances, he will be quickly determined by QG.

But Semb was also unequivocal. He didn’t go straight back to the triangle grass like a stunned green man, but went around the wild area. At the same time, he also left a defensive eye at the red buff position to prevent Sofm from stealing red at the first level.

“It seems that the ROX team was really frightened by Sofm.”

“If Sofm’s level 1 directly opens Xiao Huasheng’s red, but Xiao Huasheng doesn’t know about it, then his wild field start will be broken again.”

“However, ROX deserves to be ROX. In terms of defense in the jungle, it is quite in place!”

On the commentary stage, the baby gave the ROX team affirmation, but the QG team was more affirmative. After all, when facing a strong team like ROX, the QG team not only showed no signs of timidity, but instead wanted to play offensively and gain an advantage!

just thisAn indomitable momentum is enough to surprise all LPL!

After all, before this, all the LPL teams that lost to the LCK were always timid and submissive, and if such an LPL team can’t beat the LCK team in terms of momentum, it is even more impossible in the game Won!

“In terms of momentum, the QG team is still full of confidence, which is a good thing.”

“Next, it depends on whether the QG team can rely on their momentum to gain an advantage, and then turn the advantage into momentum!”

Miller on the side said looking forward to it.

“Army attack!”

With the sound of great momentum, the first wave of small soldiers from both sides finally set off from their respective bases and headed for the three battlefields.

Although there is still a long time before Xiaobing goes online, the game on the bottom lane before the official match has already begun.

After confirming that Peanut wants to open wild monsters alone, Pray and Gorilla went directly to the line, and Zyra put the first accessory eye into the grass, so that even if Xiao Ming’s fan mother stood on the grass, she could have Vision is consumed.

And when Uzi saw the position of the opponent’s duo through his eye position in the grass in the river, he also gave up the opening of the stone man and chose to go online directly.

On the road here, it is impossible for Holy Gun to push the line in the early stage faster than Rambo who has learned the Q skill, so he chose to help the jungler to start the game.

On the middle side, Kuro walked directly towards the center line, trying to grab the right to the line before Shi Shi upgraded to level 2, so as to facilitate his subsequent actions.

Everything looks normal.

But the only abnormal point comes from this old man of Scout!

After hearing the voice of “the whole army is attacking”, Scout not only did not choose to grab the line, but walked to the F4 position of ROX and waited quietly.

And when F4 was refreshed, the first time bomb was directly hung up, and it was not a soldier, but one of the three little birds!

Didi Didi, boom!

The next moment, the time bomb exploded directly, plus a flat A, a bird’s experience and gold coins, and Scout took it into his pocket!

Afterwards, Scout was not greedy, and directly retreated back to the line, firstly because he had no skills, and secondly because after Kuro went online, he would directly start A-pawns. If he didn’t rush back, the pawn line would be disadvantageous for him.

“It seems that Scout’s time old man has designed a routine!”

“Level 1 directly eats an F4 bird!”

“In this way, Scout will reach level 2 a little earlier than Kuro, instantly strengthening the ability to clear the line, and at the same time prevent Peanut from upgrading to level 4.”

On the commentary stage, Wawa exclaimed again, although it was only a small bird’s economic lead, it was enough to prove that for this round, for this BO5, Manager Zhang and the entire QG team have made a lot of preparations!

“That’s right, but how to use this little lead to achieve more things still depends on the players’ follow-up actions.”

Smiling at the side, he said calmly, not too surprised by this small opening routine.

But soon, what happened on the next road made Smile surprised.

As soon as they go online, the bot lanes of both sides will exchange blood frequently!

Relying on his own RQ, Xiao Ming has a strong consumption ability at the first level, and he is constantly looking for opportunities.

Gorilla relies on her Q skill, Huahua hurts people, so she is also looking for opportunities.

But push the line, because Ashe of level 1 Pray only has a W, and Uzi’s Jhin has a dancing grenade, so the A pawn is very fast.

“Grab two!”

As the ninth soldier of the second wave was about to die, Uzi reminded Xiao Ming.

The next moment, as Xiaoming’s fan mother threw out another RQ, Gorilla’s blood volume dropped by more than one-third in an instant.

Fatal Brilliance!

Uzi has quick eyesight and quick hands to learn W and release it.

But Gorilla turned around and moved away while decelerating.

Seeing that Uzi wanted to rush up to consume himself, Gorilla, who was upgraded to 2 a little later, also learned the E skill in seconds, and threw the entangled root with his backhand in an attempt to stop Uzi.

But Uzi not only took precautions against this, and started to move ahead of time, but at this time, he was accelerated by Xiao Ming’s fan mother’s E skill shield, and even opened a considerable position in an instant!

Not only allows Uzi to continue to A to Zyra, but also prevents Pray from being able to A to himself in a short time!

And Uzi is not greedy, he just retreated immediately after A two shots, perfectly winning this wave of exchange!

“The off road condition is really good!”

“Although Pray and Gorilla came up with a very strong combination of Ashga and Zyra, as I said, in the face of Uzi and Xiao Ming’s stronger laning strength, the advantage of the hero combination is not so terrible. ”

“Even at this time, we have an advantage in blood exchange! Because Zyra has already knocked out her blood bottle!”

Smile and laugh, although Uzi is his junior, every time he sees such a wonderful performance, he will lament that he is old.

But I still hope that Uzi and other LPL ADCs can inherit his brilliance and glory!

There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years. I hope that Uzi and this QG team can realize their unfinished dream of WE back then and win the first LPL S championship!(Thanks to “Fantasy.”, “totti211” for their monthly support!!!).

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