If it was said that Scout had selected the Dragon King before, then in the previous round, Holy Gun had selected Lucian, which was enough to make the audience’s blood boil.

Then when Uzi took out his natal hero VN, audiences all over the world were instantly excited!

Of course, the whole world excludes the LCK audience. When they saw Uzi’s VN, their faces darkened.

After all, Uzi’s Pentakill in the World Championship, the scene of “He-Still-Alive” that shocked the world is still vivid in my mind!

And now, after two years, when Uzi returned to the World Championship stage again, his VN also made it to the World Championship stage again!

The opponent they were facing was an SSG team known for its operational style!

But you must know that if the game really drags to the late stage, VN’s output ability and ability to fight meat are the strongest in the entire League of Legends!

“You say, in the later stage, is Chidi’s wheel mother stronger, or Uzi’s VN stronger?”

Sure enough, at this moment, the excited doll in the commentary seat also asked the same question.

“It’s really hard to say.”

Miller said modestly, but his face was full of ecstasy.

“Mom Wheel’s AOE ability is quite strong in the late stage. With one QW skill, it can deal explosive damage.”

“But VN’s late duel ability should be unmatched in the entire league! It is very likely that in this round, Olaf, who is in charge of security, uses his ult to cut Uzi, but before he gets close to VN, He was shot to death by the third ring!”

I remember laughing too.

“That’s right, the most important thing is that VN’s Q skill can hide from axes, and at the same time, it can also be invisible so that Zhangmen can’t find him temporarily.”

“At the same time, another key point is that in this round, the pillars of Holy Gun and the troll of VN can also have a very good synergistic effect!”

“As long as the pillars are placed well, if Uzi pins the opponent on the pillars, the QG team can instantly focus their fire on one person!”

“As for Chidi’s wheel mother, although his hand is better than VN, but against A, he will definitely not be able to beat VN!”

“This requires the head of An to start targeting Uzi in the early stage, so that his development will not be so scary, but the problem is that in this round, the SSG team originally wanted to entrust the team to fight in the later stage.”

“But if you start fighting with the QG team in the early stage, the rhythm of the game is very likely to enter the fighting rhythm of the QG team again!”

While talking, I remember laughing louder. I didn’t expect that Manager Zhang’s single-handed VN could cause such a big trouble for the lineup of SSG!

Just as the three commentators were analyzing, the player’s hero exchange officially ended, and the lineups for the third game of the two teams were finally finalized.

The blue SSG team has top laner Poppy, jungler Olaf, mid laner Snake, bottom laner Mom, and support Tamm!

The red side QG team, the top lane troll, the wild horse, the mid lane clockwork, the bottom lane VN, and the support bull head!

Taking advantage of the countdown to the final period, Zhang Mingrui made the final statement before the game as usual.

“Check the talent rune summoner skills again, and make sure you don’t bring the wrong one.”

“This game’sThe main tactical idea is to develop and fight with them in team battles in the later stage. ”

“Of course, at level six, Sofm will also try to find opportunities. It’s hard to gank before level six, but you can definitely do things at level six.”

“Then, if SSG is in a hurry and fights with us, we don’t need to be cowardly, just fight directly. If we can continue to gain the advantage in the early stage, then this round can definitely be resolved before 30 minutes!”

While Zhang Mingrui was serious, he patted everyone on the shoulder vigorously to encourage them, and then said loudly.

“Everyone, we are just one step away from the world championship. We must win this round!”

“To be honest, I can’t wait to win the championship trophy!”

“Okay, let’s shake hands.”

After speaking, Zhang Mingrui took off his earphones and walked towards the center of the stage.

And when the hands of the coaches of both sides were clenched in front of the championship trophy, the spotlight was once again on the trophy, which looked extremely dazzling!

“Okay! The players from both sides are all ready, and the third game of the BO5 of the S6 World Championship Finals will start now!”

When the two coaches left, the three commentators had already left their chairs and stood up in the commentary booth, ready to use their fullest enthusiasm to explain what might be the last round of the game!

“I hope QG can really win! It’s been four years, and all our LPL audiences have been looking forward to it for four years!”

“In fact, Uzi himself has been looking forward to this championship for four years!”

“In 2013, at the age of 17, he reached the stage of the World Championship finals, but because there was also a Faker called a genius boy in the LCK division, Uzi fell to the runner-up.”

“In S4 in 2014, it was Uzi again, and it was the finals again, but when he met the SSW team that may be the strongest in the world so far, he once again missed the championship!”

“In 2015, many things happened to this 19-year-old kid, making him the target of many people’s criticism for a while, and many black spots even appeared!”

“But this year, in 2016, the 20-year-old Uzi once again followed the guidance of Manager Zhang and re-entered the stage of the World Finals with the QG team, and led temporarily with a score of 2 to 0, only one game away from the championship. Game win!”

“I don’t know what to say if I have more to say. I just want to say, Come on, QG! Come on, Uzi!”

Miller spoke loudly, and there were tears in his eyes.

“It’s not just Uzi, come on! Xiao Ming, too! Scout, too! Sofm, too! Saint Gun, too!”

“Uzi’s story is certainly quite inspirational, but in fact, the stories of the other four players in the QG team are also legendary!”

“And when the five players with different backgrounds were brought together by Manager Zhang, we have seen the energy they erupted!”

“Except for Uzi, the other four are actually playing in the World Championship for the first time. If they win the championship in one fell swoop, their stories will also be famous all over the world!”

“So in this round, I believe that all the players of the QG team will put in 100% effort to fight for the third and last round!”

“As long as they win, they will be the new world champions, they will be legends!”

I remember that I was so excited that I clenched my fists and raised them high in front of me. Then, I shouted to the two of them again.

Come on, QG!

When the sound of cheering fell, the third round of the game officially entered the screen of Summoner’s Canyon!

Because the lineups of both sides are late-stage team battle lineups, in this round, both sides used the five-star Lianzhu stance to go out to prevent any accidents from happening, or even collapse at the beginning of the game again.

In such a peaceful opening stage, the director’s camera naturally focused on UziVN, just like the audience all over the world, quietly watching this hero who appeared in the S6 World Championship for the first time.

And when Uzi’s VN walked to the river and had a face-to-face meeting with Chidi’s wheel mother, an icon rose directly from his head!


When Uzi saw Chidi, he immediately lit up the RNG icon!


When this icon lit up, all LPL audiences were shocked again!

“RNG! Uzi turned on RNG!”


“Handsome! Uzi is definitely going to avenge the World War I two years ago today! It was the Samsung team that defeated the royal family back then!”

“It’s a pity that there is no RYL icon this year, only RNG’s. If there is, Uzi will definitely highlight RYL!”

“I’m touched, I’m so touched, Uzi, come on, I must cry Chidi today!”

Immediately, countless emotions arose in the hearts of the LPL audience, their hearts were pounding and they were extremely excited.

However, in the game, after seeing the RNG icon, Chidi is not a vegetarian. First, he directly threw a Q skill whirling blade at Uzi to force him to leave, and then lit up the SSG icon, already SKT and ROX icons.

Chidi’s meaning is also very obvious. In this round, they are no longer just fighting for themselves.Fighting, fighting for the entire LCK division!

“Although no troops have been dispatched yet, both sides have already told each other their belief in victory.”

“Then whoever wins this game is really a game where the brave wins when they meet on narrow roads!”

“Of course, QG will win!”

In the commentary seat, the three commentators spoke again.

“Army attack!”

At this time, the soldiers from both sides mobilized and walked slowly towards the three battlefields.

It wasn’t until this moment that the director’s camera finally switched to the two junglers.

It was quickly confirmed that the jungle routes chosen by Sofm and An Zhangmen in this round were all routes that wiped out all six groups of wild monsters. After all, the normal situation of the three lanes in this round will be very stable, and it is unlikely that A certain player moves too aggressively and is caught by the opponent’s jungler.

However, it is true that it is stable, but in fact, the undercurrent has been surging.

On the top road, the troll of Holy Gun has a natural advantage in hitting Cuvee’s Bobby, so he fights fiercely, but not particularly fiercely. He gets stuck in front of the minion to make up the last knife. If Cuvee dares to come, then he You can play a set of AQA.

At the same time, it can be found that Brother Holy Gun’s second-level troll did not learn W to increase movement speed and attack speed, but learned the E skill pillar!

This means that even if Olaf, who is the head of security, may come to gank himself, he will be directly stuck by his own pillar!

If you don’t come, you can use a pillar to block Bobby’s body and hit him with a lot of blood!

In the middle lane, Scout’s laning is a bit weak. After all, Clockwork is not comparable to Snake Girl in the initial push ability. Especially in the first game, Olaf, who is in charge of security, often comes to the middle lane to find His own troubles raised Scout’s vigilance.

But in fact, Brother Crown didn’t dare to push the line too far. After all, he, a snake girl, doesn’t have any displacement skills. If he was kicked by Sofm, his life would be confessed on the spot!

On the contrary, the down road is the most vicious road.

At the first level, Uzi and Xiaoming were still in the state of releasing the line. After all, the wheel mother who learned Q at the first level was faster than VN’s line pushing speed, but because Uzi Xiaoming was careful enough, he did not get caught by the 2nd SSG duo find opportunities.

But when VN and Niutou were upgraded to level 2, the situation immediately reversed. Xiaoming’s Niutau began to move forward to force him out of position. At the same time, VN also frequently used the small displacement of Q skill to steal points during the air strike time of the last knife. Chidi’s wheel mother.

And during this process, Chidi seldom had the guts to turn his back on A, because the bull head beside him was really scary!

What’s even more frightening is that after Uzi upgraded to 2, he didn’t learn the E skill, but directly learned the W skill third ring. Tam, you have to suffer a set of three-ring damage!

But Uzi and Xiao Ming’s fierceness is limited to this. After all, if they fight too fiercely, it is unlikely that the two of them will escape back to the defense tower when Olaf, the head of the security, comes.

So, during the laning process, which was calm on the surface but was actually undercurrent, the game time slowly came to just over five minutes.

Although this is the first time in the World Championship that the QG team did not get first blood five minutes ago, none of the LPL viewers feel anxious at all. After all, the lineup of this round determines the rhythm of this round. Very slow.

But there is a surprising thing. In terms of making up the knife, the QG team has achieved an overall advantage!

Although the CS leads in the three lines are all within double digits, as long as they develop step by step, then in the middle and late stages, the development of the QG team will be better!

“Master Dog, I’m ready to fight the dragon, is that okay?”

At this moment, Sofm’s voice sounded slowly, asking Uzi…

In the past five minutes, in addition to clearing the jungle, he also tried to gank, but it was obvious that the SSG team’s defensive positioning was quite good, and they never gave him a chance to gank.

There’s nothing to do, so naturally they can only clear the jungle and accumulate advantages through resources in the jungle!

“Wait until the two of us go home to update a wave of equipment and fight together.”

Uzi responded immediately, after receiving a wave of soldiers, he saw that the next wave of soldiers was artillery soldiers, so he directly chose to return to the city. The tower can also resist damage for a while, so that you can save yourself from losing a few soldiers.

As for the competition for dragon resources in this round, it must be done. After all, this round must be delayed until the mid-late stage to fight team battles, so there will be no kills in the laning phase, and there will be no way to accumulate too much advantage in making up. Under such circumstances, the acquisition of elemental dragons will be crucial!

The fire dragon can provide 8% attack power and magic power, enhancing the fighting ability.

The water dragon can provide recovery ability, which can restore 10% of the lost health and mana every 18 seconds.

Earth Dragon can provide wild area control ability, gain 10% damage ability to epic wild monsters and defensive towers.

The wind dragon can provide movement speed. After leaving the battle, an extra 15 points of movement speed will be added to strengthen the running speed.

If the game time reaches 35 minutes, then all elemental dragons will no longer be refreshed, and a small dragon named “Ancient Dragon” will appear instead, which will refresh every 10 minutes, which can provide burning effects for skills and ordinary attacks, and other Elemental dragon buff.

In other words, if the earlyAfter accumulating enough small dragons, once you get the ancient dragon, basically every team member can get a piece of equipment equivalent to a large piece of equipment!

However, although the elemental dragon is so important, when the four of QG Nakano and Xia started to fight the first small dragon together, the SSG team did not have any desire to fight for it.

Because the first dragon in this round is the wind dragon, which is called the most useless elemental dragon by the majority of players.

But in fact, Fenglong in this round is quite good for the QG team. After all, the overall situation is development. If the running speed is fast enough, they can push the line ahead of time and provide support.

QG.Uzi killed the cloud dragon!

So, after 6 minutes of game time, the QG team successfully got the first dragon, and even tied A in the last round, all because Sofm let Uzi go to A.

The reason is very simple. Although the elemental dragon mainly provides attributes, when it is killed, 25 gold coins can also be credited, which is equivalent to the economy of a small soldier.

“The QG team got the first wind dragon in six minutes. According to this calculation, if every elemental dragon QG is stuck here, it is very likely to accumulate five small dragons!”

Although the game content of this round is relatively boring, everyone knows that the really exciting part is the team battle at the end of the game!

And it is very possible to see the situation where the QG team faced the ancient dragon for the first time. After all, in all the QG games before this, there was no game time that exceeded 35 minutes!

“That’s right, a little dragon spawns every six minutes, the first one in six minutes, so it happens to be the fifth one in 30 minutes.”

“In this way, even if the SSG team gets the first ancient dragon at that time, QG should not be too afraid because of the accumulation of five small dragons.”

“But if QG gets the ancient dragon, it will not be good news for the SSG team.”

Miller smiled softly, and at this time confirmed the attributes of the second little dragon, which was an earth dragon.

“The second earth dragon, SSG, should compete for it? After all, Uzi’s VN damage is already high. If it provides 10% wild monster damage, QG is likely to rush the dragon in 20 minutes. !”

Seeing the appearance of the earth dragon icon, the baby said in surprise.

But in the game, the SSG team didn’t show too much thought for the time being. After all, it’s still early, and there are still six full minutes left!

However, as the game time came to six minutes, when the mid laner reached level 6 first, and the two junglers were about to level up to level 6, the atmosphere in Summoner’s Canyon, which had been calm for a long time, finally began to move around!

In the middle lane, Scout and Brother Crown exchanged blood frequently, and when they were all at a loss, the junglers of both sides also set their eyes on the opponent’s hand to catch the mid laner!

However, when Sofm’s team slowly walked from the lower channel to the middle lane, preparing to cooperate with Scout to take down the first blood of the crown brother Snake Girl, all the LPL audience suddenly became nervous.

Because from the perspective of God, they immediately discovered that at this moment, not only is the head of the SSG team ready to wind up from the F4 position, but CoreJJ Tamm, who was temporarily liberated because Uzi and Xiaoming returned to the city, is also about to swim at this moment. Came to the middle!

If QG Nakano makes the first move, then what follows will inevitably be a wave of 2v3 battles. With the numbers at a disadvantage, it is absolutely impossible for Scout and Sofm to survive!

(Thanks to “Banshi Liuli” for his 1000-point reward and 500-point reminder for support!!!)

(Thanks for the 588 rewards and support from the boss of Ai Past!!!)

(Thank you “Master Demon King” for your 1000-point reward and support!!!)

(Thanks to “Xiao Hanhan ^O^” for the 500 points reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “183xxxx7626” and “喵~~” for their 100-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “Xin, CR7”, “Fat Tiger v”, “181xxxx5632”, “Dongfang Mingyue”, “bb Liangzi” for their monthly support!!!).

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