“This world champion is definitely within reach!”

When the QG team stole the big dragon in the early 20 minutes, and used the “head iron” of the SSG team to play another wonderful team battle of 0 for 3, watching the QG people bathed in the big dragon BUFF, In the commentary, everyone was ecstatic!

What made all the LPL audience smile more than ever is that after taking the big dragon BUFF, the QG people did not rush back to the city at all, but directly gathered in the middle lane, pushed in groups, and directly pulled out the second tower of the SSG middle lane. Only by relying on the effect of the big dragon BUFF to speed up returning to the city!

“That’s right, the economy instantly expanded to 5,000 yuan. Such a lead is absolutely unbearable for SSG!”

“Because under such an economic gap, if the SSG team still insists on joining the QG team, it will repeat the situation of the previous two games.”

“That means the situation is getting worse and worse, and the fighting is getting worse until you lose the power to fight the final battle!”

Miller was ecstatic. He never expected that the QG team would show such terrifying team battle strength in the last game!

If we talk about the previous two games, the QG team won the game in the first game by borrowing Sofm’s powerful game rhythm driving ability, and in the second game by using their strong personal strength to win the game.

Then this round is the embodiment and proof of QG team’s strong team fighting strength!

From the first wave of small-scale team battles in the middle to the wave of big dragon team battles just now, in every wave of battles, the QG team can win the team battle!

In addition to the advantage of the head, you can win the team battle and gain the advantage of wild area resources one after another!

If the advantages of the three small dragons are still not obvious, then this big dragon has almost established the victory conditions for the QG team in this game!

“Three rounds of games, using three ways to win, such a QG team is the strongest team in the world!”

Although the third game hadn’t been completely won, the three of them couldn’t help saying the word “champion” and danced all over their bodies, looking forward to the real arrival of the championship moment!

“Next, I think that as long as the QG team continues to operate steadily, then this championship will really be within reach.”

“At the current stage, I don’t think the QG team even needs to take over the team with the SSG team. After all, in that case, there is still a possibility that the SSG team will play a wave of miracle teams to find a slight chance of a comeback.”

“Next, as long as the QG team continues to play their familiar four-one-point push, and let the holy gun brother crazily lead the line on the side, slowly pulling, once the high ground of the SSG team is broken, everyone in SSG will feel even more uncomfortable!”

“If everyone in SSG goes to grab the order, the middle lane will definitely be broken directly, and there may even be a chance to end the game with a wave of QG.”

“However, if SSG gathers five people to force it forward, the four people in front of QG can completely retreat directly, creating space for Holy Gun to continue to lead the line, and there is also a chance to break the high ground and even steal the crystal!”

“Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, I really don’t know how to lose for QG, unless they give away their own heads, or at least send a wave of extermination!”

“But I believe that the current QG team must be more eager for this championship than we are. In the next time, they will definitely not make any mistakes!”

Remember to say it solemnly. During the analysis, there were already faint tears flickering in the eyes.

How long will it be before the QG team wins the world championship and wins the first LPL world championship?

10 minutes? 20 minutes?

He is not very clear.

But what is certain is that as long as you wait patiently, this championship will surely be held in the hands of everyone in QG!

In Summoner’s Canyon, after everyone in QG destroyed the second tower in the middle of SSG, although only Chidi was resurrected in the middle and field of SSG, they still didn’t rush forward and chose to go back to the city to update their equipment.

When they went out again, everyone’s equipment had grown terrifyingly!

The most eye-catching one is of course Uzi’s VN!

After getting ten heads, the third piece of equipment did not directly synthesize the Mercury Scimitar, but started running towards the Sheep Knife. Although it was not directly synthesized, there was only one small piece of equipment and a synthesis of the Sheep Knife. Fee price!

With such luxurious equipment close by, even if Olaf, the head of security, rushed to Uzi’s face again, he was confident that he would not take his position, and directly slap Olaf to death!

As for the equipment of the other teammates, it was also very scary. Scout took out the second piece of equipment from the clockwork and pulled out the hat, maximizing his output in an instant.

The third member of the Sofm team also went directly towards Brother Chun, and the words “Come and kill me” were written on his face.

Brother Holy Gun’s troll is also very excessive. The first piece of greedy hydra, when the second piece of black cut was not synthesized, because the money was already enough, he directly took out the king’s plate armor first.

While improving my frankness, I also increased my belt speed. After a while, the scalp of SSG with a belt will definitely go numb!

Xiaoming Niutou here, after getting out of Keke’s Herald, the second one started to make the Box of Iron and Steel Sun.

As for the charge, the Sofm team alone is enough. As long as I also make this piece of equipment, I can provide Uzi with more protection!

So, after the five members of QG were all equipped with such terrifying equipment, they walked out of the spring again in a mighty way, and with the line of soldiers accelerated by the dragon BUFF, they headed towards the high ground of the SSG team and pushed forward with 41 points. Walked in a menacing way.

At the same time, on the SSG team side, all the players looked solemn, and the atmosphere was jittery.

Although they had lost the previous few rounds of team battles, they actually didn’t lose much. That’s why they gave them the illusion that they could also take on the big dragon team battles.

But who would have thought that in this wave of big dragon team battles, they no longer had the effect of “small loss”, but the effect of “blood loss”!

Now, except Brother Crown’s Snake Girl, who can still keep up with the normal level of everyone in QG, the other four are all quite backward. If there is another team battle, it is impossible to win!

So, knowing this clearly, everyone in the SSG team began to choose to collect, and they didn’t even plan to go out to the high ground, trying to wait until the effect of the dragon BUFF ended before making another plan.

As the front four of QG arrived at the high ground tower in the middle with the big dragon buff, the long-range artillery soldiers also stood far away and began to attack the high ground tower with bang bang bang.

Although the damage wasn’t particularly high, it couldn’t hold back the extremely long range of the gun carriage at this time. As long as it fired a few more shots, the high ground tower could be knocked out sooner or later.

But SSG’s double C’s defensive will is very firm, especially the long-handed wheel mother. Although one Q could not solve the cannon pawns in the past, but with three Qs, the cannon pawns will still die.

As for the front four of QG, because of their relatively short hands, no one dared to touch the high ground tower even once. After all, such a move is quite dangerous.

But everyone in QG wasn’t in a hurry at all, because although they couldn’t go up to the high ground in the middle lane, they had a lot of fun pushing the tower on the bottom lane, Brother Holy Gun!

QG. Flandre destroyed the blue defense tower!

So, when the wave of cannon soldiers in the middle lane was finally cleared by SSG, Brother Holy Gun also successfully took down the second tower in the lower lane.

As for Cuvee Bobby, he didn’t dare to defend at all. After all, once his position was blocked by a troll pillar and he was beaten up, he probably wouldn’t be able to defend his bottom highland tower!

And when another wave of pawns arrived from the middle lane, on the scene, a situation where the middle and lower lanes were pushed together directly formed.

This made everyone in SSG a little bit uneasy for a while.

Here in the middle lane, the double Cs must never leave, because the minions enhanced by the dragon buff have high resistance. If it is not for two people to output together, it is impossible to clear the minion line in a short time.

It is even possible that when there is only one C position, the men and horses on the other side who are staring at you will rush over and forcibly jump over the tower!

It is precisely because of this situation that Anzhangmen and CoreJJ dare not leave the middle lane at all. After all, if one of them goes to the bottom lane, the three in the middle lane will still be forcibly opened immediately!

This caused Cuvee’s Bobby to suffer again, so he had to forcefully output to the troll of Holy Gun to stop him from Tower A.

But how could Brother Saint Gun, who has turned into a tower-demolition maniac, care about Bobby who tickled him? as long as the middleIf he doesn’t come, he will continue to demolish the tower!

And still driving the W skill Frozen Field to speed up the demolition of the tower!

But he didn’t have the ironclad to the end. When the middle lane was about to be cleared by the double C again, Holy Gun immediately began to retreat to prevent Cuvee Bobby from forcing him to stay, and then he was killed by the SSG crowd.

In that case, if the teammates in the middle cannot come to support in a short time, and there is no line of soldiers to destroy the tower, I will die in vain!

But still the same sentence, the QG team is not in a hurry at this time, if the first wave of soldiers is gone, then wait for two waves of soldiers, if the two waves of soldiers are gone, then wait for the third wave of soldiers!

After all, the duration of the big dragon buff is as long as four minutes!

So, in the temptation of the two sides coming and going, the SSG team went down to the Highland Tower and broke through it first!

QG. Flandre destroyed the blue defense tower!

Cuvee thought that Holy Gun would retreat after pushing down the high ground tower.

But who would have thought that this guy would continue to walk towards the Highland Crystal as if he had no reason to forgive anyone!

Such recklessness finally made the four of SSG’s middle laners unable to sit still. Security leader Olaf left the middle lane first and walked towards the bottom lane, trying to cooperate with Bobby to take down this ignorant troll!

But the moment he left the Highland Tower in the middle road, here in the middle road, the situation that he had been dreading all along finally happened!

As the ult of the Sofm team improved again, seeing that there were only three people in the middle of SSG, he directly activated the E skill Destruction Impact and rushed towards the high ground, and even directly activated the ult, trying to kill SSG directly with his teammates Double and Auxiliary!

Such a terrifying situation really shocked Chidi and the others.

The wheel mother’s big move hunting instantly started and hurriedly retreated. The crown brother snake girl also directly gave the big move and the hinterland, trying to prevent the charge of other QG people, but was swallowed by CoreJJ Tam, for fear that their only adult head would be killed by QG Take the shut-down!

But when the three of SSG retreated in a hurry, and Olaf, head of security, hurriedly turned his head, they suddenly discovered that the goal of everyone in QG was not actually a human head at all, but the precarious mid-lane defense tower!

QG.Uzi destroyed the blue defense tower!

The next moment, the highland tower in the middle road fell down!

But everyone in QG was still not satisfied, and continued to walk towards the high ground crystal in the middle!

This behavior does seem a bit unreasonable, but the SSG team has no temper at all. After all, the double C big move has been handed over to save their lives. In addition, without the protection of the defense tower, this crystal, they Can’t defend at all!

QG.Uzi destroyed the blue square crystal!

QG. Flandre destroyed the blue square crystal!

Just when the game time finally reached 24 minutes, the middle and lower highlands of the SSG team were all broken!

But this time, everyone in QG finally didn’t continue to have more thoughts about the front tooth tower of the SSG team, and retreated directly. After all, they won the two highlands in this wave, and they have already earned enough!

It is because at this time, the fourth small dragon, Huolong, in the Summoner’s Canyon will also be refreshed soon!

Only this time, everyone in the SSG team can only let QG take it down easily, and never dare to have any desire to compete!


With the screams of the fire dragon, the QG team successfully took down the fourth little dragon. At the same time, by taking advantage of the last few seconds of the big dragon’s BUFF effect, they returned to the city faster!

“Win, win! I’m about to win!”

When everyone in QG directly broke the two highlands of SSG through this wave of big dragon BUFF operations, and even won the fourth small dragon, although they didn’t take a single head, but in the commentary booth, as well as all the people on the scene and in front of the screen The audience all understood that there is really only one step left before the QG team wins the game!

“One tower on the top road, three towers on the middle road, three towers on the bottom road, and two highland crystals.”! ”

“Now the QG team has knocked down seven SSG towers just because of the number of defense towers. In addition to the resources looted from other places, this big dragon BUFF has brought them a total of 4,000 yuan in revenue!”

“Now, the QG team holds an economic advantage of 9,000 to nearly 10,000 yuan, and the blessing of four dragons. If everyone in QG is willing, I even think they can directly push and end the game in one wave!”

In the commentary seat, Doll’s excitement was beyond words!

“It’s true that the winning ticket is already in hand, but QG obviously still wants to stabilize, because Uzi’s next piece of equipment is also rushing to the resurrection armor.”

Miller’s face was full of smiles. It was the same sentence, as long as everyone in QG remained steady, there would be absolutely no chance of winning this game!

“Next, even if the big dragon BUFF has disappeared, the QG team can still adopt the tactic of four-one-point push, let the holy gun brother lead in the top lane, QG four people push the line in the middle lane, and let the super soldiers advance by themselves in the bottom lane.”

“Once the three highlands of the SSG team are broken, it will be even more impossible for this round to come back!”

“Now the winning percentage of both sides, it’s okay for me to give it a 91, right? The only remaining 10% winning percentage of the SSG team is that Cuvee and Crown Brother are two big players.”

“If Cuvee Bobby can directly hammer away the two QG players, and then Crown Brother will make a big move to petrify the remaining three players, and cooperate with his teammates to instantly beat the QG three players to attrition, especially if Uzi is killed in seconds, then there is still a chance to come back.”

“butI think this may not be a big deal, after all Uzi flashes Mercury is all there now, if this can be driven by Brother Crown and killed in seconds, then he is too ashamed of his Uzi name! ”

Miller clenched his fists and said loudly.

“Come on, QG! Come on, QG!”

“Over this mountain, the world will hear your stories!”

“The name of this story is Miracle, and it’s called QG!”

The memory on the side was so excited that his voice began to tremble, and he uttered a classic sentence that would have been spoken many years later!

As for the match scene, all the spectators who supported the QG team had already stood up, laughing wantonly, waving the lights and banners in their hands frantically, and even started to celebrate for the QG team in advance.

But even though everyone outside the arena was extremely excited, in Summoner’s Canyon, everyone in QG was as calm and calm as ever!

“Both the little dragon and the big dragon will be refreshed in about 30 to 31 minutes. We will continue to split push four by one, and first break them on the high ground on the road.”

“If they want to fight us to the death, don’t take it for now. After we get the big dragon and the little dragon, we will fight them in the final team!”

When going out again, Uzi said solemnly to his teammates.

If it is qualifying now, then Uzi will definitely send a “on the way” signal in the direction of the SSG base crystal.

But now, it is the stage of the world finals. As long as you win this game, you can win the stage of the world championship!

If you charge directly, you may end the game one wave earlier, but you may also be caught by SSG and continue to persist for a longer time, or even come back!

Continue to be steady. Although the time to win the game will be delayed by at least five minutes, you can definitely win the final victory!

It’s a person who will choose the latter at such a critical moment!

Therefore, even though the five members of QG are extremely anxious, in order not to give the SSG team even a chance, they must continue to follow the steps until the final moment!

The next game time fell into a boring state again.

In the absence of any neutral resources to compete for, the teams on both sides were extremely cautious.

The QG people are not in a hurry because they are waiting for the big and small dragons to refresh, and the SSG people are not in a hurry to counterattack, hoping that they can buy another five minutes of development time to update their equipment, and then go to the decisive battle with QG!

Only the top road is more lively here. Holy Gun and Cuvee fight back and forth. After all, in the time period, when the trolls do not have a big dragon BUFF, it is easy to push the tower, but you need to always be on guard against the head Grabbing orders, so the promotion process is not particularly smooth.

But Brother Holy Gun’s goal was only the second top tower. With five of the six outer towers lost and the entire blue zone in darkness, the SSG people were not particularly resolute in defending this tower.

So two minutes later, Brother Holy Gun successfully pushed down the second tower on the road, allowing the QG team’s economic lead over the SSG team to officially reach 10,000 yuan!

However, at this time, it would not be an easy task to rush to the high ground on the road alone, so Brother Saint Gun immediately retreated, and then completed the lane change with his teammates.

Uzi, Xiaoming, and Sofm appeared on the top lane together, and Scout’s double-strength mainspring led the line in the middle lane, and Holy Gun’s troll went to the bottom lane to lead the line. SSG team pressure.

This kind of split line really made everyone in SSG quite uncomfortable, because the clockwork and the troll seemed easy to catch, but if it was just 1 catch 1, it was absolutely impossible to succeed.

But if two people go to trouble with a single-line hero together, the situation that happened when they were broken before will reappear.

It’s a trivial matter that the high ground on the road may be destroyed in an instant. Once SSG takes the initiative to attack and try to arrest people, then their front tooth tower may be in danger!

So under such circumstances, the SSG team also had to choose the split line method, and “growth” against the QG people.

And just as the boring time passed, two minutes later, the SSG team’s broken Highland Crystal was the first to be revived.

However, the Highland Crystal in the bottom lane was quickly targeted by Brother Holy Gun, which continued to put pressure on the bottom lane of the SSG team.

Another two minutes later, when the three of Uzi really couldn’t push down the high ground tower on the top lane, everyone in QG directly huddled together and turned to the middle lane, and then broke the middle lane crystal again!

“QG is ready to go home!”

Just after the crystal in the middle lane was broken again, everyone in QG retreated collectively, and then returned to the city.

Seeing this scene, the three people in the commentary seat cheered up again, because they knew quite well why everyone in QG wanted to go home at this time!

The apparent reason is that their equipment can be updated again.

But the more critical reason is that the little dragon who was killed in the early 24 minutes before, and the big dragon who was killed in the early 20 minutes will be refreshed one after the other!

As long as the QG team can get the second big dragon again, or even win the fifth small dragon and the third earth dragon, then this game will never be overturned by the SSG team!

“The little dragon has to refresh about 15 seconds earlier than the big dragon.”

“But looking at the direction of the QG team, they don’t seem to be planning to take the lead in fighting this little dragon.”

After everyone from QG went home, Miller immediately saw them walking directly towards the big dragon pit. He didn’t care about the fifth little dragon.idea.

“For sure, if they go to fight the dragon first, then the SSG team will have the opportunity to rush the big dragon directly. Once the big dragon is taken down by SSG, then they can develop for a while!”

“But if QG takes the big dragon and SSG takes the little dragon, it doesn’t matter to QG, because as long as they get the big dragon BUFF, they can directly flatten the SSG base.”

“Or continue to choose to be steady, and after breaking the high ground on the road, bring the three-way super soldiers together to smash the SSG base crystal!”

I remember saying ecstatically in my heart, I can be sure that the QG team’s decision at this time is the most correct!

At the same time, the SSG team was once again caught in a tangle.

Because at this moment, they are really in a dilemma.

On the one hand, after the QG team wins the big dragon, they can definitely use the existence of the big dragon BUFF super soldiers to end the game in a wave, so they must fight for this big dragon to find the last hope in checkmate.

But on the other side, it was the huge pressure from the middle and lower lines!

If they are held back and pulled by the QG crowd, then these two lines of super soldiers alone may blow up their base!

And under such circumstances, everyone in SSG made the most correct decision!

In the bottom lane, Chidi Lunzi’s mother and Crown Brother Snake Girl pushed the super pawn line together. The speed was very fast, and they bought about half a minute for the bottom lane.

In the middle, the other three cleared the soldiers. Although the speed was very slow, when the double C returned to the city and arrived at the middle, the center line was quickly pushed forward a lot.

It was clear at a glance what the SSG team wanted to do.

They wanted to delay the arrival of the two lines of super troops at the Front Fang Tower, so that they could buy time for the Longkeng team battle.

But how could everyone in QG make SSG’s idea come true easily?

Just when the fifth dragon was finally refreshed, 15 seconds before the second Baron Nash was refreshed, Holy Gun’s troll reappeared in the bottom lane and began to lead the line.

At the same time, here in the middle, the QG four also appeared together and continued to advance. It seemed that there was no intention of occupying a position in advance!

The idea of ​​the QG team is also very simple. As long as the pawn line passes, everyone in SSG must go back to defend. As long as SSG is short of frontal personnel, they can immediately go to Dalong to start rushing!

As for the troll with the single belt of Brother Holy Gun, he is not afraid of being attacked by the four people in front of him when he has TP.

In the game of operations, it is obvious that the QG team has the upper hand again.

When the SSG people entered the blue zone and fumbled forward, for fear that the QG people would use the two earth dragons to rush the big dragon, the four QG people advanced in the middle, and quickly brought the pawn line to the position of the second tower in the middle.

Such a situation, not to mention how embarrassing it is for SSG!

Even if they want to go back to defend at this time, they don’t dare to go to the middle. After all, that position will definitely be blocked by the four QGs. The four of QG can also retreat immediately, taking off the time of the two’s ultimate moves.

And in that way, the four of QG can directly choose to fight back, and they can end the game in one wave without even hitting Baron!

If you go back to the high ground on the detour, you will definitely not have enough time, so if you want to “defend”, you must read the article and go back to the city now.

But once they return to the city, everyone in QG will definitely fight Dalong immediately!


At this time, the five members of SSG were in a heavy mood.

Immediately afterwards, they finally made the most critical decision of the game!

Regardless of the pawn line, go directly to rush Dalong!

As long as they QG everyone to take down the big dragon first, and then use the buff acceleration effect of the big dragon to return to the city, they still have a chance to defend the front tooth tower!

“They want to fight the big dragon!”

The QG team originally wanted to force the five SSG members to return to the city, but at this moment they suddenly discovered that they had decided to rush Dalong!

“Brother Holy Gun is back, let’s play a team!”

After estimating the speed at which the 5 members of SSG rush to the baron, and the speed at which the 5 members of QG push directly regardless of the baron, Uzi also made this crucial decision!

Although the five members of QG can push the tower very fast with two earth dragons beside them, but after the equipment update of SSG people, the speed of fighting the dragon is absolutely dissatisfied. Once they rush the dragon Successfully returning to the city, it is really possible to be counterattacked by SSG again!

So Uzi immediately decided to play a team!

And besides that, the pressure on the middle and lower lanes of soldiers is actually quite high. As long as they drag the five SSGs head-on, even if Dalong is really taken down by SSG, the two lanes of super soldiers are very likely to directly attack him. Explode the base crystal of SSG!

The five members of the SSG team naturally reacted to the countermeasures of the QG people immediately, and did not dare to think about anything more. Taking advantage of the time difference in the journey, they rushed to the position of the Dalong Pit first, and then started to fight the Dalong without hesitation!

Five seconds later, QG’s front four arrived, and Holy Gun’s troll, even with the acceleration effect of W skill Frozen Domain and Dead Man’s Plate Armor, still had at least ten seconds to arrive!

On the other hand, the speed of the SSG five-person second dragon, I have to say, is really fast. In terms of speed, it only takes about 15In about a second, the dragon can be knocked down!


However, the dragon-fighting speed of everyone in SSG was temporarily slowed down by the arrival of the four members of QG.

When the front four of QG were still some distance away from the big dragon pit, Cuvee’s Poppy finally had a chance to safely open the ult, and started reading the article directly, and crazily rounded the hammer in his hand!

Never come back again!

The next moment, with Bobby yelling loudly, the verdict of the ultimate guard also went directly to the QG four!

But at the same time, the four of QG reacted one after another!

After seeing the direction of Poppy’s ultimate move, Uzi’s VN direct Q skill dodges the surprise attack to avoid the path of the ultimate move, and rolls to the side.

Scout clockworks immediately accelerates himself with EW, twists to the right and leaves.

Xiaoming Niutou didn’t say anything, and directly handed over the flash diagonally forward, while avoiding Bobby’s big move, he even came directly to the outside of the Dragon Pit!

As for Sofm’s team, the way to deal with Bobby’s ultimate move is more resolute!

Let’s see the power of the Shadow Isles!

Shadow Impact!

The next moment, in response to Bobby’s big move, the Sofm team brazenly pressed their own big move that could not be controlled!


Immediately afterwards, when all four members of QG avoided Cuvee Poppy’s big move, the Sofm team rushed into the Dragon Pit first!

Several people were frightened, but no one could see clearly at this moment.

But what is certain is that the five members of SSG were quite surprised. They never imagined that when there were only four people in front of QG, they would dare to charge directly at them!

Without a shield, I can also be a shield wall!

But just when everyone in SSG was about to clean up Dalong and QG, Xiao Ming’s Bull Head, WQ Erlian rushed in, and in an instant, all three of them were knocked into the air!

The most frightening thing was that when Xiaoming Niutou rushed in, Scout immediately closed the distance between himself and Niutou with Shan and gave him the E skill. The next moment, he brazenly pressed his big move!

Command! Shockwave!


Tons of damage exploded at this moment, and in an instant, the three SSGs who were knocked into the air lost nearly half of their HP!

In this situation, how dare Olaf, head of security, continue to export dragons? Directly open the big move and cut it back.

At the same time, after landing, CoreJJ Tamm also released the control directly with mercury, then swallowed Crown Snake Girl in one gulp, and then spit it out towards the top road outside the Dragon Pit, trying to create a good output environment for him.


At this time, Chidi’s wheel mother’s big move was also launched brazenly, and successfully gave three teammates except Bobby the acceleration effect.

Then start to choose to fight back!

After all, at this time, even though Dalong’s blood volume is only half, if he continues to fight the dragon, he is giving the QG group of four a chance to destroy them. It is better to kill them first and then take the dragon!

But at this moment, Uzi, who successfully removed the stun effect of Bobby’s E skill Heroic Charge with mercury, finally pressed the ultimate moment of VN’s big move!

Let’s hunt those who fall into the darkness!

The next moment, the Q skill was directly pressed to dodge the surprise attack, and VN immediately disappeared from the sight of everyone in SSG!

Brother Crown subconsciously thought that Uzi was touching him, and immediately handed over his big forward move!

It’s just that while successfully petrifying people, bull heads, and even clockwork, it’s not clear at all that Uzi’s first target at this time is not Snake Girl at all, but other people in SSG!

And while VN was rolling to the right and rear, not only was it outside the range of Snake Girl’s ultimate move, but it also immediately touched Olaf, the security leader who wanted to kill Scout’s clockwork first!

Snapped! Snapped! clatter!

With the three pieces of attack speed equipment, the dilapidated, the green fork, and the sheep knife, the three rounds of flat a hit Olaf almost instantly, knocking out a lot of his health!

In this situation, Anzhangmen and Cuvee naturally didn’t dare to give Uzi the opportunity to continue to output, and directly tried their best to chase VN!

But two short-handed melee, want to touch the flexible VN under such circumstances, not to mention how difficult it is!

Snapped! Snapped! clatter!

Uzi continued to export An Zhangmen.

On the other side, when Xiaoming Niutou pressed the big move to strengthen his will, he immediately canceled the petrification effect, and at the same time pressed the box of the iron blazing sun to give Sofm and Scout a layer of shields to prevent them from being wheeled by the snake girl Mom killed too fast.

At the same time, after the E skill War Stomp stacked up, he directly ignored the existence of Chidi Wheel Mom, and walked in the direction of Crown Brother Snake Girl first.

Although Chidi Luzima’s output is not low now, Snake Girl’s output is even higher. As long as he can’t output, then he can create more output time for teammates and Uzi!

While Uzi continued to walk A Olaf, in the Dragon Pit, Sofm and Scout were fighting with the ruler CoreJJ crazily, and no one was willing to take a step back.

And just when Scout’s clockwork was finally put in jeopardy by Chidi A, Uzi finally got the good news first!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Ambition!

In this wave of decisive team battles, the SSG team’s jungler An was the first to die!

But right after, Scout’s clockwork was finally killed on the spot.

But he didn’t die in the hands of Emperor Chi, but in the hands of Brother Crown..

Although Xiaoming’s bull head was always close to him, his E skill stun time was limited after all, so after the stun ended, Crown Brother Snake directly joined the Dalongkeng battlefield, and a Q skill went down, which immediately poisoned Scout’s spring.

On the other hand, Chidi Lunzi’s mother, although her blood volume was also hit by the dragon to a very low level, but with the pressing of the healing technique, when he walked out of the dragon pit, her blood volume also increased a little.

CoreJJ Tamm even licked the Sofm people into red at this moment, and then spit it into the dragon pit, but let the big dragon start attacking the people!


But at this moment, Sofm wasn’t worried at all. He didn’t lose much blood, but he punished him with one mouthful, and brought his blood back to 2/3!

As for the big dragon?

At this time, who still cares about the life and death of Dalong!

But then, the Sofm team suffered damage from the SSG trio again, and their HP dropped very quickly.

But Cuvee’s Bobby is the one whose blood volume drops faster!

When he finally chased after Uzi, he was directly nailed to the wall by Uzi with the E skill, and then started to output crazily.

Even though Bobby was covered in meat clothes, he still couldn’t bear the damage from VN’s third ring!

It’s just that although Bobby’s blood volume dropped rapidly, he was full of blood at the beginning, so in this wave of front row swaps, in the end it was the Sofm who died first and was killed by Chidi!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Cuvee!


Two seconds later, Uzi managed to kill Cuvee’s Bobby as well!

But at this time, Chi Di’s wheel mother finally came not far from Uzi!

As for CoreJJ and Brother Crown?

After Tam pressed his big move, Brother Crown immediately got into his stomach and rushed towards VN’s back!

Although in the past two seconds, Xiaoming Niutou has tried his best to block it, but the three of SSG have a very clear mind, knowing that killing Uzi can only win this wave of team battles!

But at this moment, a stern smile appeared on Uzi’s face!

Healing technique!

First use the healing technique to give yourself an acceleration effect, dodge Chidi’s mother’s precise Q skill, and then use the Q skill to dodge the surprise attack without retreating and rushing towards Chidi!

The moment he distanced himself from Tam Snake, he quickly brought Mother Wheel within his range!

The next moment, output, immediately follow up again!




Going down the third ring, the already low blood volume of Lu Zi’s mother instantly bottomed out.

Then, he handed over a flash in an attempt to distance himself, but it turned out to be a flash of death, which was directly taken away by Uzi’s another flat A!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Ruler!


Five people went to three, CoreJJ and Brother Crown panicked!


Feast on it!

CoreJJ immediately handed over the flash and Q skills, licking the VN from a long distance to give a little deceleration effect, and at the same time using the weakness prepared for Uzi at all times, finally making it difficult for the VN, who has not been restricted all this time, to move on the spot.


At the same time, Crown Brother Snake also immediately flashed forward, and at the same time directly used the WQE skill, instantly knocking out more HP of VN, trying to kill him instantly!

But at this moment, Xiaoming Niutou’s WQ second company had already turned around again, and directly hit the snake girl, allowing him and Tam to ascend to heaven again!

Even at this moment, the troll that Brother Saint Gun had been on his way for a long time finally arrived at the battlefield!

Pillar of Ice!

The E skill stood up from the ground, blocking the snake girl Tam, forcing their positions back a little bit.

On the other hand, Uzi’s VN, at this time, did not evade at all, instead of retreating, he turned around to find trouble with the snake girl!

Brother Crown hated this scene so much that he gritted his teeth. After landing, he continued to give him skills.

However, following the troll’s Q skill of Holy Spear Brother, who bit Snake Girl, his attack power dropped a lot!

But even if he didn’t reduce it, he still couldn’t cause secondary damage to Uzi, because Uzi was a nimble roll and avoided Snake Girl’s skills!

Snapped! Snapped! clatter!

The third-ring damage was dealt again, and he used the Blade of the Ruined King to suck Tamm, and his blood volume immediately returned to half blood!

Seeing that Brother Crown gave him a prediction that the Q skill was about to blow him up, the flash that he had kept for a long time finally handed over at this moment!

Even though he won’t die even if he gets this skill, Uzi doesn’t want to give Snake any chance to hit him!

Snapped! Snapped! clatter!

Snapped! Snapped! clatter!

The huge damage of the third ring, combined with the weak output of the troll and the bull head, the blood volume of the crown brother and the snake girl has finally bottomed out!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.Crown!


Therefore, when CoreJJ was the only one left outside the dragon pit, with the cheers that almost overturned the roof, the holy gun brother troll ignored the last Tamm, seeing that the middle and lower lines had already He rushed to the high ground and began to hammer the front tooth tower, his TP was finally pressed at this moment!

When the first incisor tower fell, Uzi’s VN also completed the final kill of CoreJJ!

QG.Uzi killed SSG.CoreJJ!



The audience finally erupted with the most enthusiastic voices at this moment!

Audiences all over the world are also bursting into world-shattering cheers at this moment!

Because they all know that the world champion, the world champion of S6, the new world champion, the first world champion of LPL, is about to be born!

“¨. Pentakill! Uzi took the pentakill!”

“Championship! We are about to win the championship!”

“QG won! QG really won!”

At the commentary seat, the three commentators who had been waiting for a long time had their voices hoarse at the moment. They used their most indecent voices to roar the most excited (Wang Lizhao) words!

“3 to 0!”

“Who would have thought that on the stage of the S6 World Championship finals, the QG team would beat the SSG team with a crushing score of 3-0!”

“Who would have thought that when our LPL experienced the darkest moment of the S5 World Championship, and experienced S6’s RNG and EDG stopped the group stage, our last hope, the QG team, stood up!”

“First, double kill the SKT team in the group stage!”

“Then eliminate the FW Lightning Wolves team in the quarter-finals!”

“Again in the semi-finals against the No. 1 seed ROX team in the LCK!”

“Finally, the bloodbath of SSG, the last team in the LCK team, has been completed!”

“Who would have thought that in a World Championship, the QG team would actually complete revenge for the LPL against the entire LCK division, and equalize the humiliating record of the LPL and LCK in the past!”

“Although the SSG base crystal has not been pushed away at this moment, there are still 20 seconds before the resurrection of the first SSG leader An Zhang, the hope of the SSG team’s comeback has really become zero!”

“Here, we can congratulate the QG team in advance for winning the world championship in the S6 World Championship!”

“It’s been five years! Since S2, the LPL has participated in the S competition. Until this year’s S6, our LPL finally won our first world championship!”

“Let’s congratulate QG!”

“Let us also thank QG!”

“If it wasn’t for them, we in the LPL would have to wait for many more years to win the world championship!”

“Let us remember the five players of Team QG!”

“Top order Flandre!”

“Jungle Sofm!”

“Mid laner Scout!”

“Get off Uzi!”

“Auxiliary name!”

“And the most important person!”

“The manager Zhang Mingrui Zhang who was about to be sold in QG turned the tide and brought these five talented young people together!”

“As a coach at the same time, he also gave us too many surprises this season!”

“He is not only the god of card draw in terms of player selection, but also the god of tactics in terms of tactics!”

“Let us thank Manager Zhang. Together with the QG team, he brought us this long-awaited world champion!”

Just when the voices of the three commentators were trembling, and even crying, they announced in advance that the QG team had won the world championship, but the game was not over yet!

In the game, Brother Holy Gun had already pushed down an incisor tower, but he didn’t push it later!

Instead, they stood in front of the SSG team’s fountain and danced wildly, while frantically lighting up the QG team’s icon!

“He’s waiting!”

“He is waiting for the arrival of Uzi and Xiao Ming!”

At the first moment, the audience was still a little confused, but when they saw VN and Niutou rushing towards the high ground from the middle road, they finally understood that Brother Holy Gun didn’t want to enjoy this last moment to himself, he wanted to be with him. The two teammates clicked the last hit of the SSG base together!

And when Uzi and Xiao Ming finally arrived at the high ground and the second front tooth tower was announced to be broken, as a large number of super soldiers hammered the SSG base crystal, the two finally arrived in time before the final moment.

Then, together with Brother Holy Gun, A made the last normal attack!

The next moment, the game time stops counting.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching whirlwind gushed out from the crystal of the SSG base, and then, there was a loud bang!


When the SSG base crystal finally exploded, the words of victory also jumped up on the big screen at the scene!



Team QG! Won!

“Let’s congratulate Team QG!”

“we are the champion!!!!!!!!”

The next moment, the three commentators shouted “champion” in unison.

In the competition room, the five contestants also jumped up in ecstasy, hugged each other, shouted to each other, and vented their ecstasy after winning the championship!

Even at this moment, Zhang Mingrui, who was already getting ready backstage, couldn’t hold back his excitement anymore, and rushed to the competition room together with all the staff!


“we won!”

“We are world champions!!!”

While shouting at the top of his lungs, he hugged the team members vigorously. While his face was full of smiles, tears of excitement flickered in his eyes.

“We won! Manager Zhang! We really won!”

The team members were equally excited, especially Uzi, whose eyes were filled with enthusiasm at the moment!


“Let’s go hold the trophy!”

After a brief celebration, Zhang Mingrui pushed the five of them towards the center of the stage.

While feeling the incomparably loud cheers from the scene, the six of them walked quickly to the surroundings of the trophy throne.

The next moment, sixPut your hands on the world championship trophy together, and then raise the trophy high!


“Champion of champions!”

“We are world champions!!!”

At this moment, the whole world is focusing on this body!

At this moment, the QG team won the S6 world championship!

At this moment, LPL has won its first world championship!

At this moment, Uzi finally fulfilled his dream of becoming a world champion!

At this moment, the names of the five players of the QG team will be remembered by the world!

At this moment, the world champion belongs to QG! Belongs to LPL! Belongs to every LPL audience! .

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