“Forty days should be enough to complete the construction of Team QG 2.0.”

“After all, before the summer split, I seem to have completed the selection and purchase of five players in less than a month.”

“As for this winter transfer period… In addition to buying five starting players, it’s time to buy more substitute players.”

“In this way, not only can my tactics be maximized, but also in case of any emergencies in the future, I can also have a substitute in time… For example, if I win the S7 Spring Championship, some players want to leave the team. ”

“Besides the emergency, the players who can be the QG team’s substitute players must have enough potential!”

[email protected]/ Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui’s mood became solemn.

Because although in my mind, there are many qualified players, but the number of players I want to buy within this time period may only be a few!”Let’s make a list first and see which players I can think of for the time being.”

“If some of the players can be bought directly, then the formation of QG2.0 will be quite easy.”

Zhang Mingrui quickly returned to the base, turned on his computer, and opened an Excel spreadsheet.

The first thing to consider is the bottom lane duo, and this is the top priority of the QG2.0 reorganization!

Although the managers and coaches of other teams may not know it yet, as someone who has experienced it, Zhang Mingrui is quite clear that the League of Legends game will start from the S7 summer split and gradually become a version with the bot lane as the core.

Especially the version of the S7 World Championship, it will be called the “censer version”!

That is to say, only if the laning ability and team fighting ability of the bottom lane duo are strong enough, will it be possible to lead the QG team to victory again in the S7 World Championship stage and win the second world championship!

This requires that the strength of the duo is strong enough!

But there is still the same problem. The combination of Uzi and Xiaoming has already gone to RNG. It may be relatively easy to choose an adc player with good teamfighting ability among other players, but if you want to find an adc player who can fight Uzi on the laning end There are adc players who come and go, the difficulty is still quite high!

“From my perspective, the number of ADC players who can compete with Uzi is actually not too many.”

“Jackeylove, Iboy, Huanfeng, Gala, Smlz, and Loken, the ad quality inspector from that country.”

“But the problem is that the age of the first four players is too young now.”

“Ah Shui was born in 2001, Iboy was born in 2000, Magic Peak was born in 2000, and Gala was born in 2001.”

“These four players, after 2016, the oldest is only 16 years old, not even old enough to debut!”

“Old thief Sima was born in 1997, and now playing in the OMG team seems to be a good choice.” 21

“As for Loken… I don’t think about it for now.”

After thinking briefly for a while, Zhang Mingrui moved the small box where “SMLZ” was located to the first place in the adc player’s item, as the first choice.

As for the next four young players?

“Perhaps, it’s time to combine the QG youth training team and the second team.”

“In this way, even if players leave the team in the future, I can directly pick people from them, and I don’t need to argue with other clubs anymore!”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled in his heart, knowing that this matter is quite important.

Of course, the more important thing is to gather the starting five players of the QG2.0 team first, otherwise, in the upcoming Demacia Cup, the QG team will not be sent to participate in the competition!

After locking the old thief Sima as the first pick of ADC, Zhang Mingrui began to think about the choice of support.

The number of supports that can be thought of is also not particularly large, because in the LPL, there are actually only a handful of support players who can make their own reputations.

For the time being, Zhang Mingrui can think of a few.

Xiao Ming, Meiko, Baolan, Liu Qingsong… It seems that there are only these four.

Regarding Meiko, Zhang Mingrui had already asked about it when he traded with EDG before. EDG did not want to sell Meiko. After all, they called Scout back to form a stronger EDG.

If you buy Scout but sell Meiko, you will lose another piece of the puzzle while finding one.

For Liu Qingsong, Zhang Mingrui searched for information. He is now in the secondary league with lwx.

If you want to buy Liu Qingsong, it’s not impossible, but based on Zhang Mingrui’s understanding of these two champion bot lane combinations, they should not be separated.

This created a very embarrassing situation. Although lwx will be a world-class ADC in the future, his current level is still relatively good, and this is not a problem that can be solved by practicing a few more heroes and learning a few more sets of tactics.

So Liu Qingsong can only rule it out.

For Baolan, Zhang Mingrui directly called the IG manager Su Xiaoluo and another “card-drawing god”.

Then I got two “bad news” directly!

First, they have bought Duke player from SKT and are preparing to show their talents in the S7 season.

Second, Baolan is not for sale, because Baolan has just proved its strength and achieved results.

Thirdly, Ah Shui has already signed to the IG team in the 2016 Spring Split. Although he is not old enough to play now, as long as he waits until the 2018 Spring Split next year, when Ah Shui is old enough, he can form QG The last piece of the puzzle for the team!

Although the support candidates immediately lost their optional targets, Su Xiaoluo’s words really reminded Zhang Mingrui of two other things.

That is, Theshy and Ning are not in the IG team yet, as long as they act early, they can bring them to the QG team!

“Let’s think about assistance first.”

But after this idea appeared, Zhang Mingrui immediately suppressed it for the time being. He continued to look at the rosters of the LPL and LSPL teams, thinking about potential players he might find.

Finally, in a team named ZTR in LSPL, I saw a very familiar ID.


“greenhair? ! ”

“Lu Mao is indeed a good supporting player!”

Seeing Lu Mao’s name, Zhang Mingrui’s eyes lit up.

Although the popularity of the JD team in the future is not particularly good, it has to be admitted that the five players of the JD team are all good!

Especially Captain Lu Mao, his overall view, command ability, and field assistant linkage ability are all first-class and powerful!

“The assistant is temporarily green haired. Team ZTR should sell it, right? After all, I’m also a world champion coach.”

Zhang Mingrui chuckled. He didn’t think that the teams and players in the secondary league would reject his invitation.

After highlighting the names of Old Thief Sima and Lumao, Zhang Mingrui began to think about candidates for the road.

When thinking of Lumao, one can naturally think of Zoom. He is also in a team called WYD in the secondary league. At the same time, Zhang Mingrui also found another player in the TBG team with the ID XMN Wolves.

As for Theshy, the world’s No. 1 top laner in the future, if I remember correctly, he is still a member of the youth team in the WE team, and he can’t even be a substitute for .

“Theshy has to act quickly, otherwise, if it is bought by IG, it will be really difficult for the QG team next season.”

“If you can’t beat Uzi and Xiaoming in the bottom lane, can’t beat Theshy in the top lane, can’t beat Sofm in the jungle, and can’t beat Scout in the mid lane… the championship or something becomes wishful thinking.”

Zhang Mingrui sighed softly. Although the departure of the five players did make the team earn a lot of money, it will also become very difficult for the QG team’s future competitions!

“Jungler, Ning Wang also has to go to PDD to make an appointment, he can’t be bought by IG, but this season he is still an adc in YM, if he directly transfers to the jungler, his level will definitely not be able to keep up, so the jungler needs to find a better player. suitable.”

“I don’t know how Karsa is doing now, I have to find a contact information and ask him.”

“If the mid laner…”

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui became worried again.

Using the “God’s perspective” to count the familiar players in the domestic mid laners, the number is actually not many.

RNG’s Xiaohu, WE’s Xiye, Taobo’s Knight… Among them, the golden left hand was born in 2000, and now he hasn’t even gone to YM, let alone come to LPL.

Then there are top foreign players like General Pwan, Scout, and Rookie, but Pawn has returned to China, and Scout has returned to EDG. Broilers are also not for sale on IG.

“Could it be that you choose the mid laner of the second tier?”

Zhang Mingrui frowned and said, there are quite a few mid laners on the second level, such as OMG’s Icon Lengshao, and SN’s mid laner Angel in the future, but he was also born in 2000.

There is also a player named Mole Xiaobei, also born in 2000.


“Why are these players so young? Isn’t this too young?!”

Thinking about the ages of these players, Zhang Mingrui couldn’t tell whether to laugh or cry. I have to say that 2017 was really a bit embarrassing. Although I knew which players were good, but I wanted them to be the starters of the QG team, but I had no chance at all!

“So who will the mid laner choose…”

Zhang Mingrui continued to frown, and continued to search the player list.

Five minutes later, he finally ushered in the bright moment again!

“How did you forget him!”

Seeing the LGD team’s substitute mid laner whose ID is GODV, Zhang Mingrui’s eyes suddenly burst into scorching brilliance!

“God Wei! How could I have forgotten God Wei!”

Zhang Mingrui blamed himself very much.

In S5 last year, Wei Shen led the LGD team to the World Championship with his amazing talent, but regrettably stopped in the group stage.

And this year’s S6, because of the turmoil in the team, and he also started to get a little bored with the League of Legends project, so it seems to be getting worse and worse.

But Zhang Mingrui is quite clear that this is just an illusion of “Wei Shen is dying”!

If Wei Shen can correct his attitude and devote all his energy to the League of Legends instead of Tianya Mingyue Dao, or the popular chicken eating in the future, then it will definitely not be difficult to return to the top!

Thinking of this, Zhang Mingrui became excited and rearranged his form again!

For the top laner position, Theshy is the first choice, and Zoom and Wolf Walk are the alternatives.

For the jungle position, Karsa is the first choice, Ning is the backup, Condi is the backup, if WE is willing to sell…

For the mid laner position, Wei Shen is the first choice and Icon is the backup.

For the bottom lane position, SMLZ is the first choice, and LWX is the second choice.

For the auxiliary position, Lvmao is the first choice, and Liu Qingsong is the second choice.

After confirming the candidates for the five positions, he glanced at the time and found that it was already late, so Zhang Mingrui did not immediately contact the managers of the major clubs, but first contacted the deputy manager of the QG team.

“Manager Niu, is the bidding at LSPL over?”

“I mean, if I want our QG to form a second team in the secondary league, is it still too late?”

Zhang Mingrui called Manager Niu and asked.

“It’s too late, Manager Zhang, but if you want, we can actually buy a team.”

“Recently, there just happened to be two sub-league teams looking for sponsors.”While talking, Manager Niu sent a message to Zhang Mingrui in the work group.

There are two teams, one is called DS and the other is called NON, both of which are the names of the teams that made Zhang Mingrui’s eyes smeared.

But then, when Zhang Mingrui saw the rosters of the two teams clearly, he was overjoyed!

For the DS team, the top laner is called DS.Zoom!

On Team NON’s side, the support is called NON.Lvmao!

“Wow, why did these teams change their names casually?!”

After seeing these two pieces of information, Zhang Mingrui realized that the information he saw just now was about the LSPL team in the 2016 Summer Split, and now what Manager Niu gave him was the latest information about the LSPL Team in the 2017 Spring Split!

But this good news is also bad news!

Because Zoom and Lumao are in two teams respectively!

But under the circumstances that Zhang Mingrui wants to get two people to join at the same time, it is impossible to buy two teams at the same time!

“Which of these two teams has the worse result?”

Zhang Mingrui immediately asked Manager Niu.

“DS is not close. If you buy them, the price will definitely be lower. I suggest Manager Zhang to buy DS. After all, you just want a second team, and the performance requirements may not be very high.”

“And with your card-drawing ability, there is absolutely no problem in letting the second team perform well.”

Manager Niu said with a smile, it is naturally impossible to feel Zhang Mingrui’s eyes over the phone.

But what Zhang Mingrui thinks about is not money or not, but which of Zoom and Lvmao the QG team needs more now.

“For the top order, Theshy is the first choice. If you don’t win IG, then there is a wolf line that can be used as an alternative.”

“As for the support, the green hair is the first choice. If you can’t get the green hair…the support position, it is really difficult to find another one that I can see in 2017!”

Thinking of this, the answer to which of the two teams to buy is almost ready.

The acquisition of NON will allow Lumao to enter the talent pool of the QG team!

“Manager Niu, go talk to the NON team and try to buy it as cheaply as possible.”

“At the same time, we are starting to prepare for the youth training team, posting advertisements for recruiting youth training players on the Internet. Our QG has just won the world championship, so it is still very attractive to young people.”

“Once there are some talented players in our QG youth training team, in a few years, they will be the new world champions!”

Zhang Mingrui said flatly to Manager Niu that although he knew that these two things cost a lot of money, he might even spend all the money he had just earned in one go.

But now Zhang Mingrui really doesn’t care about money!

After all, as long as a dynasty belonging to QG is successfully established, making money will become easy.

And how to establish a dynasty belonging to QG? A system like the second team and the youth training team is absolutely indispensable!

Otherwise, I would go shopping every season, not to mention spending a lot of money, and the effect of those who buy it may not be good!

“Okay, I’ll do it now.”

After receiving Zhang Mingrui’s instructions, Manager Niu immediately went to complete these two tasks.

As for Zhang Mingrui, he went to rest directly, preparing to recharge his batteries and fight against several target clubs tomorrow for hundreds of rounds!

“Suddenly regretted selling all five contestants so quickly.”

“If I exchange them for the person I want, the efficiency will definitely be higher.”

“But the team where the person I want is not necessarily the team they want to be in.”


There is indeed no solution to this problem, but Zhang Mingrui will not waste his time trying to solve it. After all, as long as he completes the establishment of QG2.0 in 660, the matter of recruiting troops will become easier in the days to come.

Early the next morning, Zhang Mingrui woke up from his sleep, turned on his computer, and started sending emails to various clubs.

The first is the OMG team.

“Hello OMG, I’m Zhang Mingrui, manager of QG. May I ask if your mid laner Icon is for sale? I want to find a substitute for Scout.”

Then there is Team WE.

“Hello WE, I’m Zhang Mingrui, manager of QG. May I ask if you sell your top laner and jungler Condi? I want them to join the QG team to join the rotation, which can guarantee to win the S7 world championship!”

Finally, there is the LGD team.

“Hello LGD, I’m Zhang Mingrui, manager of QG. May I ask if your ad player IMP sells? Uzi needs a substitute ad, or the mid laner Apollo is also fine.”

In these three emails, Zhang Mingrui left his contact information. After clicking send, he temporarily shut down the computer in satisfaction.

Although he doesn’t know whether the three clubs will respond to him, as long as they respond, Zhang Mingrui can be sure that his goal will be achieved smoothly.

After all, in my “drunkard’s heart is not drinking” buying tactics, if he is really rejected, it can only show that his personal charm is not strong enough, and he needs to win more championships.

As expected, within an hour after the email was sent out, the OMG team was the first to call Zhang Mingrui.

“Manager Zhang, do you want to buy Icon? Are you serious?”

On the phone, Manager OMG said in surprise.

“That’s right, in fact, I was optimistic about Icon during the summer split.But then EDG contacted me first, so I bought Scout. ”

Zhang Mingrui said very honestly.

“Manager Zhang, are you really optimistic about Icon? Do you know your nickname of the card-drawing god?”

“So, does Icon also have the potential to become a world champion?”

The manager of OMG thought that Zhang Mingrui’s words had been tricked out, and said in ecstasy.

“This…not necessarily, it still depends on the level of the coach.”

“How about it? I’m very sincere. You can make a price.”

Zhang Mingrui smiled and waited for the OMG manager’s reply.

“This…” Sure enough, Manager OMG hesitated.

“Manager Zhang, to tell you the truth, it is his honor that Icon can be favored by you.”

“But you may not be clear. Our previous mid laner left without status, so we had no choice but to move Icon from the bench to the starting position. If we sold it to you, we would have to find a new mid laner that we are not familiar with.”

OMG said resentfully.

“Is that so…”

“Then will the old thief Sima sell it?”

“We, QG, are planning to acquire a second team recently, and we need a decent ADC.”

“You shouldn’t refuse this, right? I see that you have two ADCs, one is called SMLZ, and the other is called Chelly.”

(Thanks to “ccc” boss for his support of 4000 reminder votes!!!)

(Thanks to the “Eunuch author is Erha” boss for his 1000 point reward and support!!!)

(Thanks to “159xxxx6886” for the 500-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “Wuzhi” and “灬清风@” for their 100-point support!!!)

(Thanks to “A.Story” and “1355xxxx9255” for their 100-point reminder support!!!)

(Thanks to “Qinkong Wanli”, “It’s the fourth child!”, “Fatty Xiao”, “Maybe the real beauty is in the heart”, “Bath in the spring sunshine”, “Smoke disappears”, “Xuanyuan and YY Monthly ticket support from the big guys of No. 1”, “A. Story”, and “Zi Fei Jian Yu”!!!).

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