While the GRX team was struggling with it, Verus finally decided: open the hammer stone!

After all, if this wave doesn't even kill the hammer stone, then this wave is a blood loss!

In addition, although the canyon vanguard on the side of the IG team crashed headfirst into the defense tower, the middle lane tower of the GRX team still has nearly one-third of the blood left!

Obviously, the defense tower in the middle lane can hold out for a while!

As a result, Verus unleashed his ultimate move at Hammerstone, which had just recovered from Sindra's control, and once again controlled Hammerstone!

Then, Sein also turned on his ultimate and crashed into the hammerstone.

The bull head is also a WQ double hit that flies the hammerstone, and then opens the ultimate to start resisting damage.

Olaf took the opportunity to open the ultimate, and then started to output crazy with Verus in the back row!

However, at this time, the disadvantage of the lineup on the GRX side came out!

The hero of the bull head doesn't have much damage in the first place, and Olaf's early damage is okay.

However, how much damage can a collapsed Verus do?

After the four people of GRX threw all their skills on the body of Hammerstone, they found a very serious problem!

That is, they can't drop the hammer stone in an instant!

That's when Ning got his hands dirty!

Ning's Zack jumped and jumped directly to Verus's side, and then charged up with a big move, directly bringing Verus out from under the red defense tower!

Draven first unleashed his ultimate move towards the crowd, and then he activated the three axes, slashing at Olaf's body one by one!

With just three swords, Olaf was killed!

The Glory Executioner has slain the Berserker!

Knife Sister and Ruiz initially output Sain and Bull Head and Olaf.

However, when Zach brought Verus out from under the tower, Knife Sister and Ruiz killed Verus "easily"!

Verus's head was also taken over by a Q skill of the knife girl!

Blade Dancer has killed the Arrow of Punishment!

At this time, with the death of Verus and Olaf, there was no one left on the GRX side to do damage.

At this time, Han Tian's hammer stone blood volume still had a full fifth of his blood volume left!

Seeing this, Han Tian couldn't help but sneer and said:

"Sindra didn't even release the ultimate, why do you dare to start a group!"

However, as soon as Han Tian's words fell, one of Sain's charged Q fell!

Han Tian's hammer stone instantly left only a trace of blood!

Han Tian: "I'm sorry, the damage is still not enough, I still can't die!"

However, at this moment, the bull head who turned on the ultimate desperately ran in front of the hammer stone, and then hung a fire!

When Bull Head and Sain were about to make the last A shot, Han Tian's hammer stone just recovered from the vertigo of Sain's Q skill, and then hurriedly pushed Niu Head and Sain away with an E!

After pushing away Sain and the bull head, Han Tian immediately manipulated the hammer stone to retreat!

It's a pity that Ah Shui added a treatment to Han Tian as soon as Han Tian was set on fire, and Han Tian had already handed over his W skill when he was set on fire, adding a little shield to himself!

At this time, Han Tian no longer had any skills to save his life!

So, Han Tian began to use the most powerful move he had hidden in his hand!

"Whew, whew!"

Han Tian manipulated the hammerstone to retreat while he began to blow frantically at the computer screen, intending to blow out the ignition on his body through such an act.

On the other side, Rookie, Ah Shui and the others also successfully killed the bloody Sain and the bull head, and then everyone also shifted their attention to Han Tian's hammer stone.

Everyone saw that the amount of blood of the hammer stone fell little by little, and finally at the last second when the ignition effect disappeared, it was still cleared!


The Minotaur Chieftain has killed the Warden of the Soul Lock!


Ah Shui: "..."


Han Tian: "..."

Ah Shui and the three of them were silent for a second or so, and then suddenly burst into laughter!

Ah Shui smiled, and said while learning Han Tian's appearance:

"Hmph, I'm sorry, the damage is still not enough, I still can't die"


With Ah Shui's wave of imitation, everyone laughed even more happily!

Even Theshy, who barely understood what everyone was saying, couldn't stop laughing shyly!

Han Tian was suddenly embarrassed!

So, in order to alleviate his embarrassment, Han Tian said to Ah Shui and the others:

"Laughing fart laugh!"

"You've wiped out the dough on the other side, why don't you take the opportunity to push the tower quickly?"

"Be careful, I'll tell Coach Kim when the game is over, and then ask him to deduct your salary!"

It's a pity that what Han Tian said didn't threaten Ah Shui and the others!

After all, there's no way Coach Kim will deduct their wages for this reason!

So, in the midst of "laughter", the four Rookie directly followed the Canyon Vanguard to take down the GRX team's mid lane highland defense tower in one go!

At the same time, in the LPL live broadcast room, eleven commentators were made:

"This is Team IG!"


"This wave of IG teams directly wiped out the GRX team, and then also took down a highland defense tower!"

Commentary: Rain Boy:

"That is, the people on the GRX team are about to be resurrected, otherwise IG can directly take down the mid lane crystal!"

"But that's fine, it's still too early!"

"The big dragon hasn't been refreshed yet, and if IG takes a crystal directly, it will be eaten directly with one less line. "

Commentary Eleven smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, to be honest, IG has already taken it!"

"I really can't think of how IG can lose. "

Narrator Eleven continues:

"Having said that, this newcomer of IG is really strong!"

"The opening of this wave and the blind vision of the previous wave are fascinating. "

"I feel like Uneven is really a rhythm engine!"

Commentary: Rain Boy:

"You just found out?"

"To be honest, I didn't expect Uneven to have today's performance!"

"If the Uneven player is not strong, it will be impossible for UZI and others to help him on the day of the broadcast!"

Obviously, Yu Tong and Eleven have been paying attention to the situation of the game, and they haven't seen the small detail of Han Tian's "blowing and ignition"!

However, although the two commentators did not notice this detail, many viewers in the LPL official live broadcast room noticed this detail!

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