AmazingJ stood up and shook hands with the C9 team members who came over.

This year’s IM experience is legendary, from LSPL to S, completing an unprecedented triple jump.

But that didn’t stop there.

The director stared at the screen and muttered: “IM was bombed by the wave of Rizzi on the opposite side, and the scorpion didn’t make a big move in the early stage, so he could only look at the opposite side to do things.” ”

The director’s expression was a little worried, and the scorpion could only be said to be decent in S6, and the T1.5 level was selected.


Luo Xuyan knew what the director was worried about.

Just like the previous director himself said in the bathroom, in fact, he himself knows that his hero pool is not suitable for this version.

Fist slashed barrels and excavators before the S6 World Championship.

The two director’s signature heroes retreated to T2 or even below, and had to make way for Olaf, the blind monk, and the leopard woman.

The director of the factory can now really rely on T1 level wild heroes only one Spider Queen.

But the hero of the spider is also afraid of Olaf, in the history of S6 semifinals SKT played ROX, Bengi before choosing spider must ban Olaf.


In fact, the easiest way to break the game is for the director to practice Olaf, and the director of the plant in history has also done this.

But it didn’t work out in reality.

This has little to do with hard work or not, and the director works hard This is still not dark.

Just like the top three levels of the S4 world, the single version of S5 punishment becomes a carousel;

S9 invincible wild Xiaotian, in the S10 wild nuclear version how to practice can not practice the male gun;

Rookie, who has been stable and strong throughout his career, was stunned in the single version of S11 Warrior;

Each player has a different personality, has its own suitable heroes and playing styles, and the director will only stun himself if he trains Olaf.


It sounds like a dead end, but Luo Xuyan still has some plans in his heart.

After all, players’ understanding of the game is always improving.


In the live broadcast room of the S race, the live broadcast continues.

Miller commented regretfully: “Let’s give the applause to the IM team members too!” They are also encouraged! ”

The doll commented: “I hope the IM boys continue to cheer!” ”

Miller: “So for the next draw ceremony, the LPL team was EDG and RNG. ”

The doll nodded: “That’s right, so don’t worry about the audience friends watching in the live broadcast room, the next thing will be Wild Turle, a legendary veteran player, to draw lots for everyone.” ”

The doll said and patted her chest: “Wow, I’m so nervous.” ”

Miller explained: “In fact, I personally think that as long as EDG and RNG do not have a civil war, it is a good sign. ”

The doll was stunned: “You this person, I was frightened by what you said, and my heart clicked, indeed, in short, don’t smoke the civil war, everyone acts separately, it’s best to draw to different sides, and see you in the final!” ”

Miller smiled to the doll, it is too difficult for LPL teams to meet in the final, but it makes people feel a little happy to say it.

The number of barrages has not decreased in the slightest in these minutes, and many RNG and EDG fans are specifically watching the live draw today.


Without waiting long, with the lens everything, the picture came to a brightly lit live broadcast hall.

WildTurle, dressed in a suit and tie, stood in front of the draw box and waved to the audience.

The doll whispered: “Don’t civil war, don’t have a civil war ~~”


“Don’t go to war, everything else!”

“Let LCK civil war!”

“The three LCK teams are the first in the group, and there is no civil war…”

“This piglet is not panicked at all, my EDG state has improved in the second round, it is not worthwhile!”

“This emperor fan is extremely calm, there is a kind of direct SKT, right? Who is afraid of whom? ”

“The front, I’m really not afraid to keep brushing, I see that you two are the most panicked.”

“Brother Wild Turtle gives some strength, and dividing RNG and EDG into two regions is a peerless signing.”

“Woo-hoo, in fact, I can accept the civil war, keep the top four, don’t wipe out the eight finalists like last year.”

“Don’t fight a civil war, it’s pointless if you can’t win the championship and stay in the final four.”


The drawing ceremony soon began.

Brother Wild Turtle reached out and fished out, took out a ball, showed it to the camera and gently unscrewed it, and then took out the paper inside and rolled it up.

SKT’s red logo appears.


I have to say that SKT’s team logo has its own deterrent power in the past two years, and Doll Miller is also tight.

Doll: “Phew, SKT…”

Miller’s hand touched his chin: “In this case, SKT is in the left half.” ”

On the large screen on the right, the SKT is placed in the first position in the left half.

The draw continued, and the EDG players watched attentively.


The next team logo drawn by Wild Turtle Brother is RNG, and according to the draw rules, the RNG team logo appears at the top of the right half.

Before the final, teams from the left and right halves will not meet.

Luo Xuyan raised his eyebrows, the results of the draw had changed, so that RNG’s opponent in the quarterfinals was definitely not SKT.

Brother Wild Turtle’s hand speed in twisting the draw ball has become more and more proficient, and this one is SKT’s opponent.

The audience paid attention, the team logo was rolled out, and many spectators at the scene burst into cheers.

Miller: “Huh? With a sound, the doll came directly to the groove.

The team on this logo is H2K.

The first match of the S6 quarterfinals has been decided:

October 14, 16:00;

Left half: SKT vs H2K;

The battle of the two robbers reuniting.


Brother Wild Turtle unscrews the next draw ball, this one is RNG’s opponent.

ROX-Tigers appeared with a Tigers logo.

Miller pursed his lips as he explained.

Doll: “Strong enemy.” ”

The third match in the chronological order of the quarterfinals has been decided:

October 16, 16:00;

Right half: RNG vs. ROX;


The next match is determined quickly.

When the SSG appears in the left half, C9 automatically appears in the right half because of the same group avoidance principle.

So the remaining two were decided together:

October 15, 16:00;

Left half: SSG vs ANX;

October 17, 16:00;

Right half: EDG vs C9;

The camera gave the C9 team members who were still on the scene a look, successfully avoiding all the LCK teams, and the C9 team members looked very happy.

Luo Xuyan: “Just what I want.” ”

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