Verus’s deterrent power climbed to its peak.

C9 also knew that it could not continue to fight like this, otherwise no resources would be able to compete with EDG.

In just twenty minutes, Verus had his armor-piercing bow in hand and got the third large piece.

During this time, the Impact weapon has developed a three-phase armor shoe and a small machete, and the confrontation with Nar gradually prevails.

In this case, if the teammate is balanced, he has a lot of room to play, but now the C9 is defeating too quickly to give him room for development.


The blue square went down the triangular grass, and the policewoman was hit by an arrow from Verus, and two-thirds of the blood bar disappeared.

Sneaky turned into a mask of pain in seconds, and a second ago he didn’t even know where Verus was, and this second he turned into blood.

Horror game.

Before the fight was fought, the C9 shooter was bloodied first.

Medeos threw the Sky Sonic wave into the Xiaolong pit, but the director had already pulled the wind dragon out and beat it.

At the same time that the blind monk Q’s skills failed, the director punished and controlled Xiaolong.

After getting the little dragon, the EDG’s formation began to approach the upper half of the area.


At this time, on the road, the weapon was able to push the line first, allowing Nar to clear the line he pushed over.

As Impact returned to the city, he marked an eye position on the C9 side on the middle route.

At this time, the four EDG people were huddling in the river and leaning towards the center, keeping a distance from the four people in front of C9.

However, just on the back road of everyone, this blue TP whirlwind suddenly appeared!


It is from the teleportation of the weapon after the winding.

Impact is experienced and calm.

Poke heroes are strong if they keep their distance all the time.

But the weakness is also obvious, that is, once it is pulled close and strong, then this kind of hero is easy to be directly seconded!

Impact updated the Watcher armor to improve the tanness while TP.

It had been more than twenty minutes, and the weapon master teleported to the ground, stepped on the two strings of sparks of the homeland guard, and immediately cut straight to the EDG formation.

And on the front, smoothie Kalmar released the RE acceleration C9 four, blind monk Victor in front, and wrapped EDG four in the grass position on the right side of the middle road!

Weapon Master: “Open and fight!” ”

PDD commentator’s expression changed: “This weapon wants to be strong!” Protect Verus! ”


Impact’s combos are quite smooth, and as soon as the weapon lands on the ground, it opens a big move to improve the double resistance, and raises the trophy above your head to spin.

With the help of the acceleration effect under the feet, the weapon quickly jumped and slashed Verus, and used the second stage E in advance in the air, completing a wave of aerial stun combos.

The meteos blind monk also approached with speed, and the Q skill Heavenly Sonic shot to hit Verus.

Luo Xuyan just smiled: “Left and right protectors!” ”

Director: “I control weapons, I control weapons!” ”

The director and Meiko were 100% concentrated at this time, and there were almost bruises on their foreheads.

In the next second, the weapon master was stung by the factory director scorpion!

And Meiko Jela quickly raised her hand, and the E skill Winding Root volley intercepted the blind monk who Erdan Q wanted to fly over!


Luo Xuyan charged an arrow, and the sneaky who rushed over to export was sent back to the spring by an arrow.

Kill the enemy hero, the white god of death, Verus, and the arrow in his hand suddenly lights up with a white chill.

Verus passive “Vengeance” takes effect, the effect is to kill the enemy unit after a short period of time increase the attack speed, if it is to kill the enemy hero, it can increase the attack speed by 30% for 5 seconds.

The 30% attack speed is already comparable to the bonus of the attack speed shoe.

At this time, Luo Xuyan was wearing armor and walking madly in the team battle!

With eyes as bright as stars, Verus’ corrupt chains hit the blind monk and spread to Victor Kalmar’s feet.

At this time, Verus’s team battle output was invincible.

It not only has the high attack power and high armor piercing of the armor-piercing outflow, but also has the high attack speed that the general attack flow ADC can have!

PDD explains: “Don’t even try to escape! Verus doesn’t engage in consumption with you, fight with you in a wave of your C9 can stand up! ”

C9’s frontal teammates were all blocked, and Impact was crippled by Scout’s set of skills.

Verus arched an E on his back.

Taking advantage of Verus’ current high attack speed, Luo Xuyan used Verus’ AAEA’s combos.

After the E skill arrow rain shot, the third general attack was A to the weapon.

The rain of arrows of Verus was delayed, and while the rain of arrows was still in the air, Verus’s third general attack had already fallen on the weapon.

This E still triggers the three-layer wilt effect after falling, directly killing the weapon.



Looking at the black and white screen, Impact picked up the water cup next to him and raised his head to take a sip.

The first inning seems gone.


This ADC on the other side didn’t take his detour seriously at all….

This wave of team battle C9 was completely defeated, and only Meiko was beaten by Jensen in a set of chaotic storm seconds.

Verus kills weapons, passive time continues, flashes general attack plus seconds Q seconds to kill Viktor.


PDD commentator responds the fastest: “Are there five kills?” Give Rainstorm a five-kill ah! ”

The blind monk Medeos gave the scorpion a kick and fled towards the wilderness.

Luo Xuyan only opened the dream at this time, and the white death god flashed with silver starlight, and his movement speed skyrocketed.

Medeos couldn’t run, and wanted to use the red buff he had just brushed to escape, throwing a Sky Sound Wave into the red buff pit.

Luo Xuyan snorted gently.

In the next second, Luo Xuyan shot with an arrow, and the blind monk was killed by an arrow in the red buff pit.

Medeos shook his body and smashed his mouse.


Four kills!


Red Fangverus is already super-godly!

Koro1 in the headset shouted excitedly: “I’ll help you keep Kalmar!” Five kills can be taken! ”

Summer three-day promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: August 13th to August 15th)

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