Both waves of rhythm RNG played well.

With the cooperation of the incense pot, he first won the first blood tower on the lower road, and then took the canyon pioneer.

The disadvantages in the early stage were chased back all at once.

The two sides seem to be back to the very beginning of the game.

That's a good thing for RNG.

Their lineup in this game is to drag the late stage with G2.

The later they go, the greater the advantage of their lineup.

In the first two games, they suffered losses in the late stage, and once they didn't play well in the middle stage, they would be completely gg.

This game is to learn from the experience of the previous two games and increase the ability in the later game.

If they really don't play well in the early or middle stage, they can also drag it out to play with each other in the late stage.

Chasing back the disadvantage, RNG has hope of winning again.

A group of spectators and fans also watched the game excitedly.

Nervous and worried.

Before, after they saw that the puppy and the tiger were both caught and killed, their hearts were pinched.

Fortunately, after the incense pot had a big move, these two waves of rhythm played well.

Faith is back.

They expect RNG to win this game and start the comeback rhythm.

As a favorite to win the championship, RNG pinned the hopes of too many people.

"If you win this game and you win two more games, it's really perfect. "

"I think today we may have to witness the history of letting two chase three. "

"I have a hunch of that too. "

"Roar, RNG Duck!"

Some fans are still firmly optimistic about RNG and think they will win.

"In the last game, it should have been replaced with a fragrant pot. "

"One thing to say, the pot in the last game is not Casa's ......"

There are also people who feel that RNG is too late to let the incense pot play, and if they had let the incense pot come on earlier, maybe they would not be the current situation.

Maybe the score is 1:1 or something, not the current 0:2.

With the disadvantage of RNG playing back, after rediscovering the rhythm.

The crowd began to discuss again.

Most people are optimistic about the current situation with RNG.

Some people feel that RNG should have let the incense pot play a long time ago, and maybe it wouldn't be as difficult as it is now.

It's very lively on the Internet.

After RNG regained its rhythm.

Uzi regained her confidence.

He played fiercely against the line.

Ember was crushed under the tower by him.

He knocked out a lot of blood.

Uzi is still very terrifying in terms of his ability to steal damage from the lane, and his grasp of the attack distance is obviously a notch higher than that of the opponent.

In order to ensure the development of Uzi, the incense pot also gave up the wild area resources on the road to Uzi.

Give him the toad to eat.

As the core of the team, the treatment enjoyed is also very different.

His teammates gave him the best resources.

The commentary is also temporarily relieved, not as nervous as at the beginning.

When Xiaohu was killed before, they really sweated, and almost thought that RNG was going to be the same as before.

Fortunately, the rhythm of the incense pot in the back rose and beat the disadvantage back.

Hope to come back again.

"Now it's time to wait for the rhythm of the incense pot. The doll is also looking forward to the incense pot in the back to continue to bring the rhythm up.

"If the incense pot is good, the threat to G2 will be greater. "

"The lower lane Letmi is against Chen Hao on the line, don't worry about it for the time being, the line is very stable, and it is almost impossible for the opponent to kill him alone, unless the jungler comes to catch it, there is a chance. "

"But I don't think Olaf is going to spend too much energy trying to catch a Thane right now, it doesn't make much sense. "

"It's the little tiger in the middle lane, and it may need more attention. "

Doll and Miller are more worried about Xiaohu's side.

Only his mid lane, which is easier to target.

Xiaohu's summoner skill is teleportation, not purification.

Just like before, after being chained by the enchantress's chain, there was no chance to run again.

On the route, Uzi has Xiao Ming's hammer stone protection, and there is no problem for the time being, even if it is a jungler to catch, you can light a lantern and leave.

Xiao Ming's position is also relatively backward, ready to throw the lantern and pick up Uzi at any time.

So Uzi is also very relieved to press the line boldly.

After switching to the top lane, they were pushing the tower at a rapid pace.

The defense tower on the opposite side, under their attack, the blood volume is also rapidly decreasing, and soon only about half of the blood defense tower remains.

I believe that it will not be long before this defense tower will be taken by Uzi.

The rhythm seems to be completely controlled on the RNG side.

They were all playing comfortably during this time.

As long as you avoid playing with G2 during this time period, then RNG can develop well.

But there will always be some differences between ideals and reality.

Olaf moved, ready to move on the road.

When the game screen switches to the top road, you can see Olaf walking up the road after taking the red buff.

"Olaf...... It's time to hit the road. "

"The vision on the road is also okay, Xiao Ming's position is also good, relatively backward, there should be no big problem. "

Miller also noticed Olaf's movement on the minimap.

But they didn't have any worries.

It is believed that the hammer stone can be protected on the road uzi.

When Olaf had just reached the triangle grass on the top road, the director also switched the screen to the top road.

Everyone's eyes also saw the situation on the road.

After listening to what was said, everyone was basically not worried.

I don't think it's too much of a problem.

When Olaf sped up and rushed out of the grass, Xiao Ming also spotted him immediately, and then threw a lantern in front of Uzi.

"Puppy go away. "

Xiao Ming's reaction speed is fast enough.

"Good. "

Uzi also walked back, ready to light the lantern and leave.


This is the time.

Bron's ultimate move was thrown at the same time, trying to block the opponent's move.

Uzi's pupils shrank.

He was about to take a step forward to be able to tap the lantern's hand, and subconsciously walked back, intending to turn around and move to dodge Bron's ultimate.

He was worried that he would be interrupted by the other party when he was lighting the lantern.

It's just a fraction of a moment.

He was still made big by Bron's ultimate, and the shields on his body were not blocked.

The whole person was knocked into the air.

"The puppy didn't go away, and was made big by Bron's ultimate. Everyone saw that Uzi didn't light the lantern, and was made big by Bron's ultimate.

And when he was knocked away, there was no way to light the lantern.

Olaf and the G2 duo also killed at this time.

is still the same as before, directly inserting the eyes on the lantern.

By the time Uzi recovers from the flying state, there is no way to light the lantern.

A real eye and a false eye are all on the lantern, how can this be pointed?

I can't light a lantern at all.

And at this time, there is no need for Uzi to cross-flash, and the flash has the same result everywhere.

At this time, he also had to die.

It's just a flash of moving graves, and it doesn't mean much.

The moment he didn't light the lantern and left, it meant that his fate was already doomed.

Under the attack of the three big men, Uzi could only hand over his head.

Killed again.

His upper road was once again overshadowed by G2's small routine.

"Damn. Uzi couldn't help but scold, and his face darkened.

He was really disgusted.

But there was no way to do it.

Even in the usual rank, there are many people who have done this.

It's just that this time it's a personal experience, and it's not a good feeling.

The narrator also sighed after seeing Uzi killed.

Just now they felt that they were very stable on the road, but they didn't expect an accident to happen in the next second.

G2's small eye-plugging routine made Uzi not light the lantern again.

"Puppies still have to be careful, it's not the first time they've been sanctioned by such a routine. "

"I feel that the puppy is still a little too confident, a little ignoring the control ability of the other side, and feels that it is all slowing down, as if it can slowly light the lantern and walk. Miller analyzes the situation just now.

He thought that maybe the puppy was in this state of mind at that time.

Underestimated the opponent.

will not run away.

Otherwise, when you see the other party, you will definitely be able to escape by lighting the lantern and leaving as soon as possible.

There's no need to move to dodge Bron's ultimate.

Even at critical moments, you can use your own flashes to dodge the opponent's skills.

Either way, it's easy to escape.

But it's ......

Uzi was still killed.

He used the move dodge skill, but he didn't dodge.

Bron's ultimate range is still a bit wide.

After he was knocked away, there was no more chance to run.

In the live broadcast room of the game, everyone was in an uproar when they saw Uzi being killed again.

"Why did the puppy die again. "

"The online photo says that there is a hammer stone protection, and the probability of being caught and killed should be very small. "

A lot of people can't figure it out.

In the game, AD with hammer stone protection will generally be more difficult to catch.

But Uzi was caught twice and killed both times.

It's kind of unbelievable.

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