"Why can't IG even win G2......"

"Is G2 really that strong, and why can't any team beat them?"

"Actually, RNG can win, but they don't deserve it. "

"I'll just say it.,This IG's top list is the world's No. 1 good top order.,Catch once and die once.,Look at other people's top orders.,It's really too obvious.。 "

"Please, theshy, don't send it. "

Some netizens blamed theshy for sending too many heads in the game just now.

If so many heads hadn't been sent in the early stage, the crocodile's development would not have been so terrifying, and it would not have become the engine of rhythm in the middle term, then the situation might have been different.

"Is this to blame, Brother Shy? You try to jungle Infinity and live on the upper road. "

"That's right, we usually play games and know that we have been caught all the way, and we have no game experience at all, and our mentality will be bombed. "

"If I am caught like this, my own jungler will not come, and I will hang up. "

"So, why can't the jungler come up and help out?"

"Didn't go to the jungler?"

"King Ning has also been on the road several times, and he can't be blamed. "

After losing the game, netizens began to complain and abuse them in various ways.

The live broadcast room of the competition was very lively.


In the first game, G2's military training style played a great role.

Let the crocodile play a lot in the early and middle stages, and do a lot of things when he is strong.

became the best player in this game.

One person leads the audience.

Become the most beautiful boy in the audience.

When he needs to stand up, he can stand up.

This is the absolute core of the team.

In this World Championship, Chen Hao did this perfectly.

Become the best player.

In this World Championship, it shines.

Rise strongly.

Let everyone's eyes focus on him.

Many professional players have recognized his performance and believe that he can be called the best top laner in this tournament.

Theshy also performed very well, but in some ways, it was still weaker than Chen Hao.

On the whole, it can't compare to Chen Hao.

This is what many pros think.


The ten-minute break passed quickly, and it was almost time for the second game.

After a break.

The players from both sides returned to the field.

The second game was crucial.

It's about both teams, who can have the last laugh.

If IG can win this game, you can chase the score.

If G2 wins, it will be an early match point.

In this game, IG changed the top order.

DUKE was replaced.

Swapped theshy out.

This is IG's tactic, different tops mean different ways of playing.

Theshy didn't play well in the last game, so I wanted to let the more steady Duke play.

Duke's strength is also not weak, and he is the champion of S6.

IG is also planning to try changing the formation to see if it can get results.

"Whew...... Changed to duke. "

"I hope IG can win this game. "

Many people also hope to change to IG after duke, so that this crucial game can be played.

Soon the two sides entered the BP state.

In this game, IG still chooses the blue side, and G2 chooses the red side.

IG's ban on the first three hands is still the same as before.

They banned Big Head, Nightmare, and Tam off.

These three hands are the most critical, and there is no way to become.

These three heroes are the key to the G2 lineup's style of play, and they certainly won't put it.

The first three heroes on the G2 side are Kasumi, Kaisha, and Enchantress.

IG grabbed the bull's head here at the first time!

Grabbed a support first.

They plan to see how the other party will respond after they choose support.

And G2 here is the selection of the knife girl and the ember.

As soon as the knife girl came out, it immediately aroused a discussion among a group of people.

"Sister Dao, do you want to choose G2's top order this time?"

"It's a little unbelievable that G2 would choose the hero first, and I thought he would stay at the end of Conte. "

"No, this knife girl may not necessarily play on the road, but also in the middle lane, and G2's mid laner is also very good at playing knife girls. "

Someone said what they wanted.

Saying this, many people think about it.

In the group stage, G2's mid-laner did have a good record with Dao Mei.

This is also a point that cannot be ignored.

So this knife girl was selected as a key swing position.

IG is also wary of this.

Originally, they also planned to choose a traditional mage midlaner.

But in the traditional mage, it is not easy to fight the sword girl alone.

Rookie was also a little hesitant to choose.

Choosing a sword demon?

And even if the other party sways and changes formation, their sword demons can also change formations.

Although Rookie has never taken out a sword demon in the competition, he has practiced in private, and his proficiency is still very good.

This is his one-handed move to press the bottom of the box.

Just right...... At this time, you can also take it out to deal with it.

Even if you don't use it yourself, you can use it for Duke on the road.

After deciding, IG chose the Sword Demon and the Rock Sparrow in the second and third hands.

Rock sparrows are definitely used for junglers.

In the past, they suffered a loss in the support speed, and this time they plan to change it.

If you take down the rock sparrow, you can better support the line.

And the third hand of G2, the barrel was chosen.

Jungler positions were also chosen.

The choices of the first three hands of both sides have been determined, and then it comes to the forbidden choice of the second hand.

IG banned Lo and Akali.

Don't give G2 a chance to take Akali.

Because Akali is a hero, he can also swing.

If it's banned, it's easy to deal with it on your own.

An Akali, a Lo.

It's IG's response.

He just wants to see if G2 will choose Galio this time.

If you choose Galio, then the knife girl is on the list.

And Rookie can also choose a wandering mage.

It's just that...... Before rookie could come to his senses, G2 chose the Wandering Mage on the fourth hand.

That's right, it's the Wandering Mage.

A surprise choice.

"Uh......" Rookie was stunned.

That being the case.

They didn't hesitate to pick Jace and EZ.

G2's last move was to pick Blonn.

That's it.

The line-ups for both sides were decided.

As for which hero plays which position in the end, this is what still needs to be considered.

The two sides made final lineup adjustments.

Finally, it was decided.

Blue side IG: Top single sword demon, jungler rock sparrow, middle lane is Jace, bottom lane is EZ+ bull head

Red side G2: Top laner Ruiz, jungler keg, mid laner is Knife Sister, bottom lane is Ember + Bron

IG's side still has the style lineup they are good at, that is, a strong lineup online.

On the G2 side, their next path is still unchanged, it is such a down road, and everyone is used to it.

Mainly in Kaminakano, this one has changed a bit.

However, Chen Hao took out Ruiz's order, which surprised many people.

Ruiz singles the Sword Demon?

It's not easy to fight.

Originally, many people thought that the top order would take the knife girl, but they didn't expect this knife girl to be a mid laner, and Chen Hao was Ruiz.

"This time I think it's the other way around. "

"Ruiz on the opposite side will definitely be trained by IG!"

Everyone expects that this IG will target the other party's road.

Give someone a taste of their own medicine.

In the last game, you trained me on the road.

Then this game is my way to target you.

Just this time...... There is no other way in G2 that has global support than the road.

Then G2's support ability in this game must be much worse than before.

It all depends on how G2's jungler moves in this game.

As long as you always pay attention to G2's jungler movements, IG will play well.

"I think this IG should be aimed at G2's top order. Longhair made his point of view.

"It really should be targeted, and he can't be allowed to develop. "

"However, G2 took out Bronn in the lower lane, and I think they will also play the midfield in this game, so we should be careful of the jungler's anti-squat. "Remember to choose from G2's bottom lane combination to analyze and judge G2's play.

He thinks that G2 will still play Nakano's style of play in this game.

Everyone knows that this game is going to be aimed at Ruiz, who is on the top list, so ...... Perhaps the protection of G2 will also increase.


"Ryze?" Duke felt a lot more at ease when he saw that his opponent was Ryze.

Ruiz is a hero who needs to develop urgently in the early stage, and he is not strong, which gives him a good place to play.

Duke felt like he could play well early and then get the rhythm up.

As long as this Ruiz is pressed to death, then G2 will have no power in this game.

What is G2 the strongest?

It's on the road.

Then as long as they are crushed to death, they will have no one to play.

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