The combination of classic wild core and stable control tank, and they all have big moves!

As long as it is held by a big tree, in the absence of mercury or purification, changing Uzi to operate the space is also zero!

In this case, not only did he not want to retreat, he even dared to fight back...

As expected of you!

"In this way, although Teemo's health is not good, but the male gun has no means of keeping people, this wave of Ali should be able to retreat directly."

As soon as the voice fell, Guan Zeyuan's expression suddenly solidified.

I saw that in the game screen, Teemo, who had dealt with the big tree, did not retreat to his own line of troops, but walked straight towards the factory manager's male spear.

Not only Guan Zeyuan, but even remember his expression was a little stunned.

"Ali, this is.... still want to kill?!"

I remember the exclamation full of disbelief.

Because Teemo's health is not really healthy at this time, although Mouse's tree was killed just now, but he played all his skills before he died, and he also successfully hit Yin Lili's Teemo's health to five. two-thirds.

On the other hand, although the factory manager's male gun stepped on three mushrooms in a row, since only one Dolan ring on Teemo provides AP bonuses, and the damage of mushrooms does not stack, these three mushrooms are only It is one-third of the blood of the male gun.

Like the two commentators, the factory manager was also a little confused when he saw Teemo coming towards him.

This is....

Is the jungler coming?

The first reaction of the factory manager without God's perspective was to think about the support of world6.

But soon he glanced at the big moves and flashes he still had in his hand, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

This wave must be killed!

If this wave does not get any profit, then his own road is tantamount to an explosion.

But if he completes this wave of kills, he will at least give Dashu 150 yuan in economic revenue. Although it does not have much substantial significance, at least after winning this head, he will be able to do it again later. capital!

And even if the opposite jungler comes, you have your ultimate move and flash in your hands, even if you can't kill it, there is no reason for you to die!

This wave... can try!

At an extremely fast speed, the factory manager weighed a wave of pros and cons in his mind.

At the same time, his male gun also made a move.

A smoke bomb took the lead and landed precisely on Teemo's body. Then he slid forward and pulled the distance, hitting a face-to-face flat A that maximized damage.

But because of this, because of the closeness to the face, the figure of the male gun also appeared in the field of vision of Teemo, who was in a state of myopia.

And just when the male gun raised his hand and was about to fire the second shot, the cute-looking dwarf also played his Q skill.

Blinding blow darts!

This hero that almost all AD heroes will frown on, at this moment, this skill still exerts its own unique characteristics.

The flat A that should have harvested some of Teemo's HP and let him enter the ultimate kill line, but at this time became a very embarrassing...


A flat A was missed, and the male gun that shot the empty bullet also entered its own reloading state. The factory manager also threw out the Q skill [End of the Road] during the reloading, but before the flame was ejected from the shotgun, and Yin Lili, who was not in a hurry to output, had already made a move ahead of time, subtly leaving his own path.

Not only did this end of a dead end not hit an instant explosion, but even a period of damage never touched Yin Lili's Teemo.

Ping A failed and Q skill was empty, but the factory manager was not in any hurry because of this.

Because Teemo's HP is too low, as long as he hits a face-to-face flat A, he can directly use his big move to finish the kill.

Wait.... It seems that since the Spring Split, A Li hasn't been killed once?

Suddenly, this somewhat startling fact popped out of the head of the factory manager.

That is to say, if this wave is completed by oneself, wouldn't it be taken...

Ahem, this idea is a little outrageous.

Just when his thoughts wandered a bit, something that made him stunned happened.

I saw in the game screen, when the factory director's male gun was about to finish reloading, Teemo, who was still aggressive before...

Just turned around and ran away!

That's right, it just ran!With the movement speed bonus brought by turning on W, the fleeing figure seemed somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, the factory manager was a little stunned.

what does this mean?

What's the matter just now, you still had the aura that I am the only one in the sky and the world, and it seemed like I was going to be killed by a knife, but now you turned your head and ran away with a dart at me?

It was the factory manager who was caught off guard by this reversal.


He really can't do anything about it, his male spear E is still on cooldown, and his W skill is also used up at the beginning. If he pursues, he can only use flash to make up the most critical A level, and then use his big move to finish.

But with flash chase...

What if the blind man comes?

Although he got this head, but he sent an assist and a head to the other side, is this kind of exchange meaningful?

This woman is not the same and got (Nuo Wang Zhao) a wave of extra economic accounts?

Under the measure, the factory manager did not hand over his flash, but chose to chase hard.

And the next second, he was a little dumbfounded.

I saw Teemo, who was still retreating, suddenly turned his head and shot at his man...

A whistle blows!

But the reason that made the factory manager dumbfounded was not Teemo's courage to resist, but that Yin Lili's Teemo could reach him, but his male gun couldn't reach Teemo!

As we all know, the level A distance of a male gun is only embarrassing yards, and although Teemo only has an attack distance of 500 yards, but because Yin Lili was the first to buy attack speed shoes, and there is also the movement speed increase brought by the W skill. to make.

So every time she makes an A, she can use her high movement speed to leave the attack range of the male gun.

In a nutshell...

What is pulling?

This is pulling!


Chapter 288

The mood of the factory manager is very delicate, extremely delicate.

Obviously, he was just one step away from leveling A to take out this residual blood Teemo with his big move, but he...

It's just that A can't come out!

Just now, his male gun had already made three straight A-hand movements, but it was abruptly interrupted because Teemo walked out of the attack range!

Can you feel the depressing feeling of the water suddenly stopped when you are about to finish washing your hair?

At this time, the factory manager was probably in this state of mind.

But the difference is that although the water stopped, he couldn't put his head out of the tap!

"Wow, Ah Li's pulling! My God!"

"The factory manager is so uncomfortable. He should have wanted to use a big move to end it, but he couldn't make a key A, and there were no other skills that could supplement the damage!"

The amazing reversal made the tone of the memory even more excited.

"And he's already half-blooded by Ah Li. Isn't the factory manager here to follow up? It feels like he's going to die soon!"

Guan Zeyuan's tone was very incomprehensible.

It was probably his cry that reached the ears of the factory manager, and when his health had dropped to the last two hundred points, a golden light burst out from the bottom of the male spear's feet.

He finally pressed flash!

Lifting the gun and firing, the ultimate 967-pole bomb exploded.

When he played this series of combos, the factory manager even had a ruthless energy, his eyes seemed to be burning with anger, as if he wanted to vent all the unhappiness just now in this combo.

With the completion of this set, at this time, he was quite helpless in the desolation and helplessness of 'even if we fought side by side in another land and splattered blood, as long as you stand in front of me, you are my enemy'.

But soon, this desolation and helplessness turned into deep consternation.

In the game screen, Teemo, who suffered the blow of 'a lot of resentment' by the factory manager, did not fall to the ground, but survived with the last trace of blood.

"It's not dead!?"

The factory manager shouted in surprise.

Of course he didn't feel that he was empty just now. If it was empty, then Teemo's blood volume must be higher than it is now, but if there is no empty space, what is the situation?

Although the factory manager is not a player who is good at wild core heroes, he is confident that he can rank among the top in the LPL in terms of damage calculation.

Just now, Teemo's blood volume was only in the early [*]s, and his attacking male gun flashed to his face and level A, and it made no sense to take this tail.


what happened?what's the situation?Why?

At this moment, the factory manager staged a wave of doubts in his heart.

But at this moment, more than the inner doubts, the factory manager is more concerned about the handling of the battle situation.

Looking at Teemo, who was still blowing a whistle arrow at him with only a trace of blood left, a drop of cold sweat left on the forehead of the factory director.

This wave.... something big happened!

Because of the recoil brought by the big move, the distance between the male gun and Teemo once again returned to the initial situation, but there was a little difference.

——The identities of the two have been exchanged.

The factory manager's male spear changed from a hunter to a prey, while Yin Lili Timo changed from a prey to a hunter!

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