This is also one of the major disadvantages of picking top laner Chogas.

Although the big bug has a strong tank, and does not need too much equipment to fill, but the soft control of Q skills is his Achilles heel, plus the top and bottom is an auxiliary wind girl, can not make up for the control, which leads to It is difficult for G2 to start some groups that should be opened.

Seventeen minutes into the game, watching his side become more and more passive, Ah P, the captain, couldn't help frowning.

Before the game, the official Boo of my own team let go of the harsh words, something like 'the sun rises from the east and sets in the west', but if we fight like this, these harsh words will become a joke...

Although it is not the first time that my team's ruthless words have turned into jokes, the players are almost used to this situation, and it will not have any impact on the team, but the problem is.... shame!

Just pick a Udyr on the opposite side, and you're still playing AP, and you haven't played on your own side yet.

Isn't this shameful?

It's almost as if Sun Wukong took a nine-toothed rake to the heaven. Not only did you not catch him, but you made him a success.

"We have to catch a wave of Udyr, or we can't fight this one."

After calming down a bit, Ah P gave the command, and at the same time pinged Udyr who was single-banding in the bottom lane.

"OK, I'll hit the front, you guys find a chance to wrap it up."

Expect, who was pressed to the ground and rubbed for a whole round, was the first to speak out, perfectly interpreting the phrase 'If I can't beat online, I can only do my best, my teammates help me and I hit hard'.

As soon as the order was issued, the five G2 people began to gather in the bottom lane where Yin Lili Udyr was.

"G2 is planning to catch Ah Li?"

The commentator with God's perspective immediately noticed G2's move.

"And they dispatched five people directly! My God!"

Rita also exclaimed slightly.

In fact, the situation of five packs one rarely occurs in professional games, because when you concentrate all your troops on one opponent, you always give the other four a lot of time and space to do things.

"The decision-making here in G2 is no problem, the big dragon will be refreshed soon, if they don't deal with Udyr's single lead point, they will only be singled to death, and they have already dealt with the army line before the pack, There's not much room for OMG to do anything here!"

"Also, Ah P's rock sparrow can cut off his back, which is very dangerous for Udyr who doesn't have the dashing skills! Ah Li's wave is likely to have an accident!"

The voice that I remember is also very solemn.

"But the rock sparrow was seen by OMG's vision, and I feel that there is still a chance for Ah Li to retreat!" Guan Zeyuan shouted.

In the game screen, a fake eye inserted at the three wolves in the blue area clearly saw the movement of the rock sparrow going down the road. Suddenly, several signal pings from the blue side were also pointed at the position near the rock sparrow. .

"That's right, there is still a chance to retreat now. Taliyah's ultimate move is only level 4500, and the distance of [*] yards is not enough to complete the siege of Ali Udyr. Ali can go now... ?"

I haven't finished speaking yet, but I remember being a little silly.

I saw in the game screen, in the ping signal from both teams, not only did Yin Lili's Udyr have no idea of ​​retreating, she was not even in a hurry...

Make up for a sports car!

At this point, I remember crying.

Sister, I know that if you die, you can be resurrected. If the gun truck is gone, there is no such saying, but the problem is that you are an adult, and the dragon is still in danger when you die.

In this case, are you going to make up for this gun truck?

Soon, due to being held back by the cannon car, G2's encirclement quickly took shape. The next second, as the big bug came from the front, a thick wall suddenly crossed out from the wild area. The pretty boy also stepped on the wall curtain and slid out.

On the other hand, with the help of the E skill, the wine barrel was also knocked out from behind the wall at Toad, and Verus and Wind Maiden rushed to the battlefield with the acceleration of the downwind, and the five packs of G2 took shape in an instant!

Ah P was the first to initiate the attack, but instead of handing over his W skill, he first used his Q skill [Stone Wear] to consume Yin Lili's Udyr's HP as much as possible...

He is very clear that most of his lineup is a soft control, and rashly using the control skills is likely to make Udyr hand over the flash to complete the escape.

"Expect to control! Trick, your ultimate move, watch her flash past the wall and blow her back!"

Ah P shouted out in the team voice, and at the same time released a W skill [Rock Protrusion] at Udyr's feet.

Seeing this, Expect immediately understood, and stepped on his Q skill directly to the side of the rock protrusion.

Due to the terrain brought by the wall, Udyr is located in the triangle formed by the wall and the blue zone wall. If you want to avoid this rock bulge, you can only flash through the wall or move forward, but if you move forward, you will definitely Stepping on the Q skill of the big bug, the follow-up Verus can complete the kill as long as he adds the big move and continues to control.

If you hand over the flashing wall, it will also be blown back immediately by Trick's wine barrel.

Without a doubt, this is a must-have game!

The expressions of several LPL commentators in the commentary booth turned a little gloomy.

They know that this wave of deaths means the loss of Dalong and that G2 can continue to delay the disadvantaged situation for at least 6 minutes.

At the same time, I saw that Udyr, who was in the dead end, did not hand over the flash behind the wall, but moved forward, avoiding the [Rock Bulge] of Taliyah's W skill.

Seeing this scene, Ah P couldn't help laughing.

In fact, this is not a complete dead end. As long as Trick is the weaker side of the two that has flashed the blue zone wall and flashed the Taltar wall, there is still a chance to use Udyr's own high-money move. Quickly leave the explosion range of the barrel of the ultimate move.

This is also what Ah P was worried about when he made this containment strategy, but in the current situation, although Udyr moved forward to avoid the rock bump, it also meant that she would be hit by the big bug's Q skill. .

This wave of containment has been successful.

In the picture, just as Yin Lili and Udyr stepped into the range of the big bug's Q skill, the rock bump behind her disappeared, and the spikes were about to rise under her feet.

But the next moment, with the burst of rockets under Udyr's feet, Yin Lili's figure suddenly returned to the position where the rock protrusion just disappeared!

Orchid Butterfly Sliding Clouds and Swimming Moves and Shadows!


Chapter 361


Looking at Udyr, who was like a phantom jumping back and forth twice in the game screen, Ah P couldn't help but exclaimed.

This... can this be avoided?

Rocket belt forced displacement to hide control! ?

At this moment, even the representative of the new North American mid laner was not shocked.

This female player.....

So confident!

You know, in the situation just now, how long does it take for the spikes of the big bug's Q skill to appear?

0.3 seconds? 0.2 seconds?

Then, in this limited time, the woman still held the flash without using it. Instead, she first moved to avoid her rock bump, and then used the rocket belt to forcefully return to the seat just now!

Although this operation seems simple, Ah P knows that the calmness and confidence required to complete this wave of operations is beyond his ability...

This is... the top 1 player rated by the fist official?

Not only the opponent, but also the LPL commentator at the moment exclaiming constantly.

"My 03 days! Ah Li's position!! It's so scary!!"

"In that case, A Li can just dodge and leave, Zven's Velus is still a little short of his seat!"

I remember shouting excitedly with Guan Zeyuan, but the next second, the direction of the game was again out of their expectations.

I saw that Yin Lili's Udyr used the displacement effect of the rocket belt to evade the Q skill of Kegas and did not choose to retreat. Instead, he turned and slapped a bear-shaped slap on the forehead.

Relying on the economic advantage in the early stage, at this time, Udyr of Yin Lili has the advanced equipment of Fa-wearing Shoes + Rocket Belt + Lich's Bane + 10 Layers of Killing Book, and with the rune talent, it has reached 278. Spell power!

In the early 18 minutes, with a power of 278, this is absolutely terrifying!

At this moment, Yin Lili's Udyr also played the output he should have.

The first thing that broke out was the damage of Lich Peace A. The blue number of -218 and the red number of -88 jumped out of Taliyah's head respectively. In addition, the previous rocket belt push back the damage to Taliyah, itself. It is a crispy rock sparrow's blood volume dropped to half in an instant.

The next moment, a loud phoenix chirping sounded, and with the rising flames, Udyr switched to the phoenix form, and the hot flames spread out with Udyr as the center.

That's right, each of Udyr's forms has an active effect in addition to the persistent effect.


This is definitely not a low bonus, at least not low for a crispy Taliyah!

The next second after switching to the phoenix form, the blood volume of the stunned Taliyah dropped to the last drop.

In the next second, the heavy fist with the flame slammed down, just to completely empty the blood of the rock sparrow.

——OMG.Moon (Beast Spirit Walker) killed G2.Perkz (Rock Sparrow)!

- Dominating!



With the sound of a series of system prompts, the game site suddenly fell into a state of boiling.

"Wow! Ah Li... Ah Li killed one out of five!!"

Rita directly staged a wave of 'beauties staring at beads' on the commentary seat, which was quite an angelbaby-style acting.

"And it can be operated here! The wind ride is triggered, switch to the bear form, and hand in a flash to open the position! My God! Ah Li ran!"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't believe his eyes.

If you catch one of the five and you don't die, you still kill one and run away! ?Outrageous!

Stop it, you woman, this is a professional game, or the S7 World Championship, don't take the World Championship as a rank!

"Wait... That means the reason why Ah Li doesn't run is not because he thinks he can't run away, but because he thinks he can kill at least one and then run?"

I remember suddenly remembering that at the beginning of this wave of five packs, Yin Lili did not choose to retreat after noticing the other party's things, but made up for a gun truck with his backhand.

Hearing this, Guan Zeyuan showed a black question mark face, and that expression seemed to question the memory: I treat you as a brother and you treat me as a fool?

Five people from the other side came to arrest me, not only did I not run, I even had to kill the other person before leaving?

Brother, this is not the king going to the bronze game to fry fish, this is the S7 World Championship!

Can we be a little more mature when we tout the players, and don't treat the audience as fools?

"Uh...I don't think so, maybe this wave is A Li's greed for a gun truck?"

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