The overall color tone should be a cool dark color, and at the same time, light and shadow were added to Yin Lili's delicate face. With these slight changes, the original "Yu Jie Fan" in the photographer's mouth was transformed into a direct change. A utterly gloomy wind.

The Yin Lili in this poster fits perfectly with the 'bad woman' that fans call it.

This is not the end, at [*] noon, the official blog of the seafood live broadcast platform gave a new message.

#Starlight in the dark, you are the moon out of my reach#

Welcome to OMG.Moon's official entry into Seafood Live. Tonight at 19:00, my scumbag, your baby, see you at 714xxxx in the live broadcast room.

A revised dark wind poster was attached under the brief message. Yin Lili, whose figure was half hidden in the darkness, only had a pair of cold pond-like pupils that exuded attractive light.

As soon as this news was released, the comments below exploded almost in a short period of time.

"Bad Woman finally started live! Do you know how painful it is for me to wait for the Bad Woman's 357 game every week, it's just like chasing the new anime show, one episode a week!"

"But this way, wouldn't I be able to take classes every day? I'm getting more and more diligent in the live broadcast of bad women, and I'm afraid I can't find a girlfriend?"

"Brother, whether you are becoming more and more refined, or more and more refined, I will ask carefully about this."

"By the way, this slogan is too much, my despicable, your baby? Are you a master of revamping the seafood platform?"

"And also, the starlight in the dark, you are the moon that is out of my reach, wow, did the seafood platform invite a master copywriter for this wave?"


The message is full of all kinds of spoof comments, expressing the laughter of the seafood platform.

However, Yin Lili herself didn't know about these things. She is a person who is afraid of trouble, so when the team asked her about posters and slogans, Yin Lili also threw them all to deal with.

However, half an hour after the Weibo was posted, she received a call from Li Qingnian.

"Hahaha, Li, I didn't expect you to do it like this?"

Li Qingnian on the other end of the phone laughed exaggeratedly, just listening to the laughter Yin Lili could imagine that she was lying on the bed at this moment, rolling like a maggot.


Yin Lili looked puzzled.

"Huh? You don't know?"

The voice on the phone choked.

"what do you know?"

"My despicable, your baby!"

Yin Lili, who was holding the phone, frowned and replied, "What do you mean?"

"You really don't know? Then you go and see the official blog of Seafood Live~"

Li Qingnian's tone lost a bit of laughter and more schadenfreude.


While talking, Yin Lili clicked the mouse and quickly entered the official blog of Seafood Live, and the Weibo that was pinned to the first article was also printed in her eyes at the first time.


Yin Lili's iceberg darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That sentence: My despicableness, your baby, has turned into a fire of joy at this moment, and will melt the iceberg of Yin Lili.

However, before the iceberg was about to melt, Yin Lili regained his usual calm.

Without Li Qingnian's interference, the absolute rationality given by the system still functions normally.

Today's Yin Lili is still as calm as ice!

Soon, it was time for the evening.

Although the broadcast has not yet started, because the official blog has given the room number, a large number of viewers in Yin Lili's live broadcast room have already taken up the small benches, which is very obvious.

Sit and wait for the broadcast!

Yin Lili has already started to operate, but all she has to do is click the button of [Start Live]. As for other live broadcast equipment, they were debugged by the staff in the team as early as an hour ago.

Finally, when 59 became 00, the time finally completed the jump.

The title reads: Starlight in the dark, you are the moon that is out of my reach. The live broadcast room officially lights up.

At almost the same time, all kinds of gifts flew down, all kinds of rockets and planes took off, and all kinds of characters also filled Yin Lili's live broadcast room.

This should be regarded as an industry rule. As long as some well-known anchors or players have just arrived on the new platform, other anchors will give some opening celebrations on the facade.

Although Yin Lili is only a player who has just appeared in two matches, her performance deserves such treatment.

As for why it is called the facade, the reason is very simple, because a large part of it is arranged by the platform. After the subsequent premiere ends, most of these gifts will return to the pockets of these people.

Of course, there are some exceptions to this.

for example.....

The royal family Wh1t3zZ sent five rockets: "The retired god of war greets the goddess of war!! That sword girl is simply terrifying ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah - batch!"

The PDD with the mermaid line is about to send five planes: "Welcome to our LPL's first female player!"

In addition to these two people, the four commentators who commented on Yin Lili's game, Wang Duoduo and Miller Doll all contributed their gifts.

Although their gifts are not so precious compared to those famous people in the circle, they are still considered a distraction.

And just when the audience was waiting for Yin Lili's cold voice to say the lines of thanks.

Live screen...  

Yin Li left the game.

That's right, she didn't make a single sound, even a simple thank you, or a monotonous thank you.


There is no other sound in the whole live room except the background sound of waiting for ranking!

"What's wrong with the bad woman's Mai? Why is there no sound at all?"

"Fortunately, it's just that Mai has a problem. I thought I was deaf."

"It's probably not adjusted, it's easy to have problems with the live broadcast equipment when you start it."

In the barrage, the audience explained one after another.

But what they don't know is that it's not that there is a problem with Mai, but that Yin Lili is pure...

did not speak.

At this time, Mingzhe, who was in a hurry, quickly walked behind Yin Lili.

"Ali, give some feedback, the audience is giving you gifts!"

Yin Lili turned his head and looked a little puzzled.

"Why? Didn't they come to see me play games?".

Chapter 79

In fact, apart from not interacting with the audience, there is another reason why Yin Lili failed in the live broadcast before.

——She has basically never been in contact with this industry.

Yes, even in her previous life, she only stayed in the live broadcast of professional events when she watched the live broadcast. As for some other anchors, even the very well-known ones, she never knew about them.

Therefore, in her basic cognition, game anchor = others come to watch you play ~ games.

It is precisely because of this that Yin Lili doesn't know anything about the thanks for the gift and the interaction of the live broadcast.

At this time, Mingzhe had the urge to support his forehead, although he had guessed that with Yin Lili's temperament before the premiere, the process of this live broadcast must be very difficult.

But he never imagined that it had not yet reached the process, it had just begun, and something went wrong!

Although what you said makes a lot of sense, others do come to see you play games, but others also pay to watch you play games!

Do you understand feedback?

Throwing money into the water can still make a sound and a wave come out, but you don't even have a wave?

Because it was still in the live broadcast, Mingzhe also directly pressed the mute button, and then coughed lightly, preparing to popularize this knowledge for Yin Lili. Of course, his tone was still like a loving father.

"Ali, the live broadcast industry is different from other industries. There is a feedback chain between the audience and the host. Maybe you have a certain popularity because of some characteristics at the beginning, but this thing is just like love. It's just that one party's individual contribution is doomed. It won't go very far."

"Or with the author of the novel, if there is no feedback and support from readers, how can the author persist?"

"So, basic greetings and thanks are still required."

Mingzhe is very sincere, and even put forward the values ​​of love as an example.

After listening, Yin Lili wrinkled her beautiful eyebrows and said three words softly.

"It's very troublesome."

"Trouble is also necessary. With this process, there will be follow-up income, right?"

Mingzhe's tone was gradually induced, and if he put the mirror in front of him now, he would be able to see his face that looked like an abductor.

But obviously, the word 'income' in his sentence captured Yin Lili's lifeline.

In the end, with a slightly struggling expression, Yin Li left and said, "I will try my best."

Until here, Mingzhe nodded with satisfaction, and after teaching a formal thank you, he canceled the mute and left behind Yin Lili.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Lili's unique voice finally sounded in the live broadcast room.

Cold, without emotion, as calm as a cold pool.

What the voice said was...


There is no other superfluous flattery, and no other superfluous purpose, this sentence is only the most direct expression of Yin Lili's thoughts at this time.

"Is the bad woman's microphone tuned? And this voice... Brothers, I'm a little embarrassed to say it, I'm fine."

"One thing to say, I have a strong sense of substitution. I feel like I have been trampled by a bad woman."

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