For example, in this game, although OMG gained a certain advantage in the top lane in the early stage, it was quickly recovered by LGD using the lineup characteristics. In the end, with Yin Lili's team like 'red lotus bow and arrow', this game Completely announced the end.

"Okay, let's congratulate OMG for winning this game, and congratulate Moon for winning this 'Sword Immortal Showdown' at the top of the Forbidden City."

At the end of the game, Guan Zeyuan did not forget to mention the 'Battle of Sword Immortals' at the beginning.

But even if he didn't mention it, the audience would take Yin Lili's performance in their eyes just now.

Whether it's Poppy's turnaround, or Qinggangying's 'Red Lotus Bow and Arrow'.

Yin Lili's performance is obviously better than that of j380inoo.

The name of Sword Immortal, even if there is no official statement of changing owners, but in fact there is already a new owner in the hearts of the audience.

"Although LGD lost, I have to say that their performance in these two games has been much better than last season, whether it was the card vision in the first game or the stateless card in the second game. Tiaohu Lishan is amazing."

"It's just a pity. Moon's game is even more amazing. She used her hard power to resolve LGD's various tactics. How do you say that?"

Chang Mao thought about it, and Guan Zeyuan next to him picked up the words.

"As long as you change, I will break it with one move."

After he finished speaking, he raised his head forty-five degrees and pointed his right hand to the ceiling.

"That's right, she never seems to disappoint. She always stands up when OMG needs her. That's the case with Poppy in the first one, and Qinggang Ying in the second one."

"Yes, before this, I thought that OMG was taking a line of four guarantees and one, but now I think I was wrong. What is four guarantees and one, this is obviously one guarantee four!"

Guan Zeyuan said in a joking tone.

"But I still have a question. Where did the Q of Qinggangying come out?"

Longhair frowned, thinking.

This is a question that IMP has thought about but has not come up with an answer to. At this time, it was also raised by Longhair after the team battle.

Because this is the more critical point.

If the team battle Qinggangying just entered the field without the high real damage of the second-stage Q skill, the precise etiquette of the second-stage Q skill, then the imp's rat in the previous wave is completely possible to survive. It can even be said that LGD can play the second-stage Q before Qinggangying. Get rid of her.

Thus ushered in the victory of the team battle.

So such a crucial point, long hair is still on the mind.

At this moment, in the replay of the team battle given by the director, Long Mao got the answer.

In the picture, Yin Lili's blue steel shadow bypasses F6's field of vision, from the field of vision at the red buff to the trail in the high ground.

During this period, she did not have any attack actions, nor did she have any attack targets.

At this moment, Qing Gangying kicked the explosive fruit, and the cold light on the leg blade was also caught by the long hair during the slow playback.

The second stage Q was saved by playing the explosive fruit? ! !

Looking at this scene, Long Mao's eyes flickered in disbelief.

He is clear that Qinggangying's second-stage Q can only last for a short second.

That is to say, Yin Lili's Qingsteel Shadow must enter the arena within seconds and come to the mouse's face!

How confident does this have to be?

In the middle, if you get a control, or the E skill is blocked by Morgana or a spider, then this wave of violent deaths is not IMP's Varus, but her Yin Lili's Qinggangying!

As the 'one' in the team, once killed, this wave of team battles is not only a simple failure, but even their own high ground and dragons will be threatened.

How much pressure does this have to take?

But even so, Moon still did it, and it worked!

At this moment, Chang Mao remembered a line from Jian Ji.

"Others have tried, but only I have succeeded!"

At the same time, Chang Mao also understands why this female player can gain such a large number of fans in a short period of time.

Not only her beautiful face, but also her upper limit of strength that you can never guess.

Let me ask: Who doesn't like a girl who has hard power and can say the most powerful words in the most insipid tone? !

The answer is: no!

At least I'm a fan!

Longhair sighed in his heart.

On the other hand, watching the elegant figure of Qinggang's shadow flashing across the wall in the replay, Guan Zeyuan was also shocked.

He has never seen such a way of crossing the tower, so condescending and murderous, telling you unabashedly that you are a lamb to be slaughtered, but you cannot refuse!

"I think the LPL team can no longer treat this player in the same way as a girl."

At the end of the playback, Guan Zeyuan made this conclusion. .

Chapter 109

At the end of the game, the two sides also entered the handshake session.

But this time it was different from the past. Not only did the LGD people not have any depression on their faces, they even greeted them with a smile when the OMG people passed by.

"You son of a bitch, you're good at licking dogs."

Looking at the icon who came to shake hands, he laughed and scolded statelessly, and squeezed his shoulder forcefully.

Stateless was talking about the wave of three guarantees on the road. At that time, he had a chance to leave, but was accepted by the icon and juej-ue who came later.

"I didn't say anything about you playing such a dirty routine yourself, and why am I licking a dog? Isn't it just right to help a teammate who was caught? You can all call it licking a dog, the world is unfair and the world is unfair. what."

He replied with a smile, and the icon also walked forward.

"you're good."

When it was his turn to shake hands with Yin Lili, Stateless said something.

This is what he said from the bottom of his heart. Although he left OMG, as a veteran of the founding dynasty, Wuzhou still has feelings for his old club. At this time, seeing that his previous family is getting better and better, he naturally feels Happy.

Of course, in addition to happiness, there is a trace of regret and imaginary in the stateless heart.

If she had joined OMG earlier, wouldn't there have been something like that at OMG?

If she hadn't left OMG, was she not the one being ganked when she came to the mid lane just now, but the one being helped?

But these are just stateless assumptions.

At this moment, he just wanted to sing the song "Unfortunately No If".

Another word to describe it with chicken soup for the soul: How can there be so many ifs in life, and what regrets are there if there are too many?

Hearing the stateless words, Yin Lili was also stunned, nodded slightly, and replied in a cold tone:

"Thank you."

After she finished speaking, she walked forward.

Her eyes followed the slender back of the girl leaving, and there was another hypothesis in her mindless mind.

"If I didn't leave, wouldn't I be able to be teammates with such a beautiful girl?"

what!Thief angry, the more you think about it, the more angry you become, the more you think about it, the more you envy these bastards.

Not only can I hold my own thighs, but my thighs are still very beautiful. …

If regret is a poison, but the statelessness at this time is probably lying on the ground with poison.

Although he was a little surprised that Stateless would communicate with himself, Yin Lili was not too surprised. After all, he is a former OMG mid laner, so it makes sense that he would say something.

But what surprised Yin Lili was Jinoo, who was opposite him.

At this moment, this fat boy with glasses was standing in front of Yin Lili. His expression was neither the helpless relief of Mouse nor the real depression of Brother Sheng Gun, but rather a... ?

That's right, this Sword Immortal, oh no, it should be said to be the former Sword Immortal. At this time, his face not only did not have any negative emotions, but was full of determination.

"You, you are amazing, but I will win it back."

In his not very fluent Chinese, Jinoo said this sentence, and then shook Yin Lili's hand very solemnly.

In such a scene, Yin Lili was a little stunned, and finally replied in a daze:


0 ・・・ Flowers ・・・

This is.... being targeted?

And this scene was also captured by the director's camera, and passed to the audience and the live broadcast room through the camera.

"Dare to face the bleak life, dare to face the dripping blood, Jinoo is really a real man."

"Real men dare not be afraid of bad women's skirts, jinoo6666."

"I wonder what the hell jinoo said? 'I'll be back'?"

"One thing to say, jinoo seems to be the first player who can't shut up after playing against a bad woman."

...... 0


There was a lot of discussion on the barrage, although the director couldn't convey the conversation during the handshake session, but from Jinoo's mouth shape and expression, they could still guess a rough idea.

So a group of people have expressed their views.

A group of people admired Jinoo's unyielding spirit, and even gave Jinoo the title of a real man.

Another group applauds Jinoo's upbeat attitude.

What to say: "If you can hold two games in the hands of a bad woman, I respect you as a man." and so on.

But what they didn't know was that Jinoo was able to maintain his unyielding mentality because a month ago, a psychology crocodile taught him a good lesson.

There is a saying that if a person has experienced hardships, when they experience it again, he will be much tougher.

That's one of the reasons why Mouse was so relieved after losing a game.

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