The last match ended in thirty-five minutes.

Chen Qi’s output was more than 55,000, which was 15,000 high, opening up a huge gap.

“Chen Qi, besides Han Bing, do you have any other AD?” Bai Yueya was a little worried, worried that the reason why Chen Qi played well in the last game was to get his own true hero.

For many national service firsts who specialize in one hero now, it is not uncommon to get the native hero and kill the opposite side into a dog, and the native hero is inferior to the bastard.

“No problem, I have a lot of AD.” Chen Qi spoke.

Hearing this, White Crescent nodded and went to help others make BP decisions.

BP ended quickly.

LGD selected, Marin directly took out his Rambo, which is one of Marin’s proudest heroes.

He is also considered to be Marin’s original hero.

It’s just that seeing Marin take out Rambo, Chen Qi couldn’t help but laugh.

Marin, who has just transferred to LGD from S6, does not yet know how miserable Rambo’s hero is in LPL.

It’s not that Rambo can’t play singles, but in LPL, but anyone who takes out Rambo will be targeted like a madman to curb Rambo’s development.

Seeing Ma Run take out Rambo, Sunset took out Jian Ji, and the Taobao Power Gang on the second floor snatched Lisandra without state.

In order to target Rambo, the subsequent field position selected an excavator with a strong gank rhythm in the early stage.

On OMG’s side, as the stateless helped Taobao Quan select the excavator, the white crescent walked towards Chen Qi.

“Is there any AD you want to use?” Because Chen Qi played well in the last training match, the white crescent was also on the snack.

“Wayne.” Chen Qi thought about it, this training match has Lisandro, a hero with strong ability to open the group, and there is no shortage of other aspects of the lineup, Chen Qi wants to take Wayne out.

Hearing this, the white crescent frowned slightly: “It’s not impossible to choose Wayne, the key is that the lower road combination on the opposite side of this game has not yet been taken out, and it is easy for you to be countered if you take Wayne first.” ”

Although Bai Yueya said so, in the end, Chen Qi still locked Wayne.

Sure enough, LGD on the other side saw that Chen Qi actually took Wayne first, imp directly took the policewoman out, and Hiranolin chose Bloom.

It seems that he intends to crush Chen Qi to death in the early stage of the line period.

Because on the red side, the last hand selection of the audience was handed over to the auxiliary Qin Rui.

“How about I take Lulu?” Qin Rui asked Chen Qi’s opinion.

“Lax.” Chen Qi thought about it and spoke.

As soon as these words came out, the white crescent behind Chen Qi directly pressed Chen Qi’s shoulder: “Chen Qi, Wayne + Lax, do you want to be completely crushed to death by the policewoman in the early stage?” ”

“Don’t worry, we are strong.” Chen Qi slapped away the coach’s hand and motioned at Qin Rui.

In fact, this is the inspiration given to Chen Qi by the wind girl in the last game.

After Qin Rui’s Wind Girl Murder Book reached the twenty-fifth layer in the last game, the shield was pervertedly high, but it was limited by the hero’s own skills, and the damage was not very high.

If this is replaced by a hero like Lax, the twenty-fifth layer of the murder book, not only will the shield be high, but the damage will also be extremely terrible.

Under the premise that Chen Qi would give Qin Rui a head, Lax had undoubtedly become a good choice.

And Chen Qi is very clear that Qin Rui usually does not play auxiliary when he is in a single row, and he will play Zhongshan Lax to score points, and he is extremely familiar with this hero.

In the end, Qin Rui still listened to Chen Qi and locked Lax.

The game starts and both sides enter the loading screen.

OMG (red square) vs LDG (blue square).

Upper single: Matchless Sword Ji vs Mechanical Public Enemy

Fight the wild: Void Retreat Beast vs Zuan Madman

Medium single: Frost Witch vs Clockwork Devil

Lower Road: Night Hunter vs Pi City Policewoman

Assist: Shining Girl vs Freyr Draud’s Heart

At the beginning of the game, the LGD chose a relatively aggressive invasion field at the first level.

However, when entering the blue BUFF area, he was consumed by Qin Rui’s Lax Q skill Q, and was consumed by the stateless Lisandra Q skill and retreated.

The two sides did not fight at the first level.

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