
The tsar had five heads, and no one could stop him.

In the OMG competition area, there is no state, Taobao right, and the sunset face is extremely ugly.

The score of the game is already 0-1.

They also knew that they couldn’t afford to lose this game, but it was unexpected that this game exploded at the beginning.

What made their hearts sink the most was that the five heads were on the tsar, this is Houye – the tsar of easyhoon.

“Steady and steady, you can still fight, no state, I won’t help you first, you are too bad in the middle to catch it.” Taobao Quan’s face was covered in sweat, constantly comforting his teammates.

But his expression and voice revealed the fact that he was more nervous than everyone else.

S5 Taobao Quan served LGD, in fact, his performance was good, but in the end, fans attributed LGD’s defeat in the S5 World Finals to him, and he also fell into the title of a runaway dog.

Coming to OMG, Taobao Quan wants to prove himself very much, but in this situation, OMG Spring Game may not even be able to kill the playoffs, and there is no proof of it.

“Brother, if you can come and help squat for a wave or two when I don’t flash in the early stage, why not.” Stateless muttered with an ugly face.

“My my…” carrying the insult of a runaway dog, plus the first arrival of OMG at the beginning, Taobao Quan is not good to say anything, just scolding in the heart, MLGB, your own solo tsar was forced out of the flash, blame your dad for not helping you squat back?

Xi Xian’s personality was slightly better, but he just said: “If you drag it back, you can still fight, not in a hurry, not in a hurry.” ”

Neither Qin Rui nor Chen Qi meant to participate in the conversation between the three.

Suddenly, Qin Rui lightly reminded: “The opposite side of the little dragon.” ”

Stateless pouted: “Tsar five heads, hit a jaguar, let go.” ”

Let not let the little dragon is a very important decision, although OMG side of the disadvantage, but in fact, there is still a chance, but in a word, this little dragon is taken for VG for nothing.

After all, the OMG side of the command is stateless.

Twelve minutes later, the wail of the little dragon resounded through the canyon, skateboard shoes, bullheads, tsars, and male guns took down the first little dragon without hindrance.

The situation has further deteriorated.

Chen Qi and Qin Rui sat very close, the two looked at each other, Qin Rui’s face was a little helpless, and Chen Qi’s face was indifferent.

If this game doesn’t get up by itself, then this iron is gone.

As long as you are taken away 2-0, it will be even more difficult to play after that!

But at present, Chen Qi, as an AD, wants to control the situation is, and he can only develop as much as possible before playing the group.

With Qin Rui, who returned to the line, to clear the wave of soldiers who had just arrived on the line in front of him, Chen Qi came to the wild area to brush off the toad of Taobao Quan, and then walked with Qin Rui to the three wolves.

“Brother, I’m not sad either, don’t grab the resources of the wild area.” Taobao Quan just came to the position of the three wolves and said dissatisfiedly.

“This puts me C, you out of the flesh as a tool man.” For the three, Chen Qi didn’t have a good face, the words fell, and the three wolves of Ping A began to fight.

“You C?” Taobao Quan Yin Yang said strangely: “Hehe, okay, you C!” Then he left the Three Wolves.

Taobao Quan walked to the position around the blue BUFF, Chen Qi beat a little wolf to the residual blood, Taobao Quan very cheaply Q towards the little three wolves, wanting to grab a monster.

Chen Qi glanced at Taobaoquan, decisively released E, and instantly put away the little wolf with residual blood.

Taobao Quan went to the middle road, in fact, Taobao Quan also knew that there would definitely be no chance to catch the middle road, but he gave up the wild area to Chen Qi, if the river crab, the opposite side just killed the little dragon, the river crab must be controlled by the opposite side.

As for the invasion of the opposite wild area, Zhongshan on the opposite side is so fat that he can rush to support at any time, and Taobao Quan does not dare to invade blindly.

To put it simply, Taobao Quan has now lost its rhythm of playing wild, and the problem is very big.

Chen Qi and Qin Rui ate the three wolves and soon returned to the lower road to develop.

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