About eight minutes later, Taobao Quan and Sunset teamed up again to catch it, and once again killed Lulu, who did not flash, and OMG got the second head.

Economy…… Still lagging behind.

On the next road, Chen Qi and Qin Rui have realized the seriousness of the problem, and have chosen a more aggressive style of play, constantly exchanging blood with Deft and Meiko, hoping to find opportunities to kill.

On the big screen, another wave of blood exchange ended, and deft suddenly came to Qin Rui, who had no skills, sideways, and played two draws A to take advantage.

There has been no spoiled wife value, although Chen Qi is already very serious, but still can’t compete with a player like DEFT in many details and operations.

“This side… It’s another wave of fighting on the road, and Atower and Qin are really uncharacteristically fierce now, but…”

“It’s just that Deft’s counterattack is even more fierce! After all, in the early stage, Lucian and Bloom’s ability to fight is still stronger, in addition, Atower players seem to have not done many details, it seems that as a new player, there is still a lot of pressure on veterans like Deft. ”

“Deft’s AD is really strong, strong and stable.”

On the commentary table, the doll asked: “Remember, you said why the Atower player and the qin player suddenly became fierce.” ”

Remember smiled: “I think that Atower players and qin players should have found that the situation is not good and wanted to rely on them to carry, but unfortunately they can’t beat Deft and Meiko.” ”

The doll nodded and sighed: “I want to carry, but I can’t fight, I can’t open the situation, it’s really powerless at this time, and I also encountered this situation when I was playing rank.” ”


Another wave of blood loss, Chen Qi gritted his teeth deadly, his expression was extremely solemn.

He was trying hard to find opportunities, but now he and Deft are in a situation like a master trying to match a king.

Try your best, but there is nothing you can do.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, there will always be a chance, and the situation is not yet to the point where we must carry.” Qin Rui noticed Chen Qi’s psychological fluctuations and comforted him softly.

She naturally knew that the situation was about to start badly, but she didn’t want Chen Qi’s psychological pressure to be too great.

“It’s not… This fuck…” Chen Qi whispered to himself unwillingly: “This will be the end of the fucking drag.” ”

A small soldier died, and Chen Qi rose to the seventh level.

Looking at the lit skill points, Chen Qi narrowed his eyes.

Logically, EZ should be the main Q and the deputy E, but after a short hesitation, Chen Qi put his skills on W… Sub W.

In eleven minutes, the economy and pressure accumulated by EDG bit by bit finally produced a qualitative change after reaching a certain level.

Qian Jue’s imprint was brushed in the opposite F4 position, this position is good, not deep, Taobao Quan chose to risk the past to eat this imprint.

But just when Taobao Quan was about to beat F4, the director of the factory appeared at the right time.

After receiving this information, Zhongdan Pawn quickly rushed over.

Icon originally supported him immediately, but his online HP has always been suppressed by Lulu, and he was slightly blocked by Lulu in the middle, and he couldn’t support Taobao at all.

His 0-0-2 Ritz is very helpless in front of Pawn0-2-0 Lulu as if he is the 0-2-0 person.

“EDG, Pawn (Fairy Witch) killed OMG and Quan (Forever Hunt Gemini)!!”

Qian Jue was set on fire by Lulu and the male gun, and his fragile body failed to survive after opening the big move, and was killed.

EDG is starting to fight back…

“Brother, why didn’t you come over.” Taobao Quan did not eat this imprint, and died home, looking at ICON with an uncomfortable face.

“No, Lulu really can’t stop me.” icon is also a little helpless, facing a 0-2-0 Lulu he was still pressed like this, he is also quite guilty.

Chen Qi and Qin Rui looked at each other when they saw this scene.

They understood that after a short period of accumulating strength, the undercurrent hidden under the EDG was finally about to be overwhelmed.

Anyone who faces this undercurrent will suffer a big loss if they are caught off guard.

Seizing this opportunity to kill Taobaoquan, Pawn and the factory director decisively gathered down, Deft and Meiko quickly pushed the line of troops under Chen Qi and Qin Rui Pagoda and rushed over, EDG directly opened the first small dragon.

“This wave is going to be fought, this wave can be fought!” Seeing this, ICON immediately said.

“I have TP, Bobby just went online TP, he didn’t have T!” Sunset reported a message.

“Hmm.” When Chen Qi and Qin Rui heard this, they abandoned the line of troops and walked towards the location of Xiaolongkeng.

Although Taobao Quan is dead, it is a wave of four to four.

The EDG four have already started the dragon.

Now the OMG four-person position is separated, Chen Qi and Qin Rui pass by the lower road, they are below the Xiaolong pit, and after the sunset TP comes down, it is Ruiz and icon who are above the Xiaolong pit.

Such a two-sided substation can give the EDG in the Xiaolong pit maximum pressure.

Qin Rui approached the past and inserted an eye into the Xiaolong pit to facilitate the observation of the Xiaolong’s blood volume, while Chen Qi continued to send Q into the Xiaolong pit, consuming the blood volume of the EDG four.

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