If it wasn’t for the competition, I would have thought he was cheating! (Please subscribe

Hey, we still underestimate the enemy. “After Miller saw the female tank was killed, he regretted


The bot lane pressure was too deep, and the vision of the bot lane was not improved, so the dream monster will

so easy to find opportunities

He underestimated his opponents and played casually.

Play a game as a rank.

It’s okay, it’s just a female tank’s head, it doesn’t have much impact on the bottom lane, now the puppy is still

is leading. “The doll doesn’t care too much

With the income of this head, it is still a head of one blood.

Jhin quickly regained the previously backward economy by a lot

All of a sudden the fire in

Uzi’s eyes turned cold

Because of his first-blood economy, he was chased by the opponent because of his advantage in the early stage.

Came back a lot.

How can he bear his violent anger.

who sent

uZi immediately yelled loudly in the voice, and the blue veins on his forehead appeared.

He wants to keep the person opposite

damn it

This one is explosive

Faster than anyone else when grabbing the head

So what if the opponent has three people, the opponent’s support is already disabled, as long as there are


If he comes to support, he is sure to keep the opponent’s people.

I can’t get down. “Leitemi was restrained by Chen Hao and couldn’t go down the road.

Chen Hao put too much pressure on him

If you distract yourself a little bit, you may be beaten by the opponent

It’s okay, I’m here.

Fortunately, Xiaohu temporarily got rid of Ah P’s wandering mage, and can pass to the bottom lane.

In fact, just now he also wanted to send it down immediately.

Because he was restrained by Ah P, he

I can go back to my tower

This is what delayed the time.

Uzi, who was about to get angry, temporarily suppressed his anger after hearing Xiaohu’s response of 103

He wants to vent his anger on the enemy.

Under the tower, Xiaohu teleported to the side of the soldier in the bottom lane

Output on one side, chase on the other


2 There is no love for war here.

After killing Xiao Ming’s female tank, she retreated decisively without looking back.

Not even a uzi.

Very decisive.

They all obeyed Chen Hao’s command.

When Xiaohu landed on the ground, he was lonely for support, and came back for a while.

Everyone has retreated to the tower.

They can only watch g2’s people escape

Especially looking at. The opponent’s support has less than a quarter of its health left.

And the jungler, also has residual blood

The heads of the two remaining blood were confiscated.

This feeling is even more suffocating

This is even more angry.


When uzi saw these fleeing figures

don’t get angry

just a little bit

If these people can be retained, then his bot lane can quickly widen the gap, and then

tube game


If you can keep the other party’s people, you can take at least two heads.

The crowd is also feeling sorry for rng

The opponent is under the defense tower, and the puppy can’t fight against the flash hereharm.

This wave of bot lane was successfully gank by g2, and the impact is not big for the time being

It’s a head, there’s still a small lead here in the bottom lane

RNG has not yet reached the point of panic.

Zi’s ​​eyes are cold (bfc) don’t

His bot lane will be more aggressive

In his eyes, he still can’t see the opponent’s ad


Heads in hand.

ankor laughed

It’s easier than expected

g2 language

We are also communicating at the moment

g played too casually, even didn’t do a single ward in the bottom lane, this really didn’t take us


Nightmare who has not reached the sixth level can easily catch and kill the opponent.

Do you think rng is too careless?

Too underestimated g2

They didn’t regard g2 as an opponent of the same level at all, that’s why they were caught so easily

It’s still Chen Weiwei, this can be counted accurately, and he even knows how they should deal with it.

Chen, how do you know that the bottom lane doesn’t even do wards?

2’s jungler and bottom lane are very curious

The route that jankos took to catch people in the bottom lane just now was also guided by Chen Hao

You guys are stupid, you forgot that Chen used to be a member of rng. “It’s still Ah P’s reaction

Quickly, I’ll figure out the key

Others were stunned.

After all, it came from rng, so it must be familiar

Especially Chen Hao and Uzi are deadly rivals, let alone this.

Taking this first blood is a good start for g2, and it eased off immediately

A lot of pressure on the road.

This is also a foreshadowing for the implementation of their plans later

This is the first gank

Later, when the succubus reaches level six, the real killing move will begin.

Still proceeding according to the original plan.

G2 continues to show weakness.

Letemi’s heart skipped a beat for the burst of first blood in the bottom lane

But he quickly withdrew his mind

Just now the puppy asked them to teleport to the bottom road, but he really couldn’t do it

His Urgot was completely restrained by Chen Hao.

Don’t dare to relax your vigilance

If there is a slight mistake, Chen Hao might beat him up

The damage of this sword demon is too high.

he has to be careful

In addition, if he backed up and found a safe place to teleport to the next road to help, he will wait for him later.

It’s impossible to get online.

At least a few waves of troops have to be lost

Economy and level will all be pulled away by Chen Hao’s Sword Demon

Then he really can’t play when he hits the road.

This time, Letemi also has a little selfishness.

He wants to compete with Chen Hao

Let’s see who is stronger.

with grade

The two sides fought back and forth on the top lane, and Letemi was slightly under pressure in the last knife.

Knife left and right.

Seeing that Nightmare grabbed the bottom lane just now, Kasa is also going to grab the top lane

Does the road have eyes?” Kasa asked Latemi

There might be a spot here.

Temi marked a place where there might be an eye position, in the grassy place of the river.

After receiving feedback from Laitemi, Casa planned a gank route in his mind

He walked up the road between the opponent’s red buff and the dragon.

Avoid this possible eye position

It was when he walked to the grass next to the red buf.

Chen Hong’s Sword Demon walked back rarely.

Casa paused

found himself

Could it be that there are eyes here?

Or did the other party smell something?

In the early stage, he was wearing an accessory eye, not a scan, so he is not sure.

After hesitating for a while, Casa decided to continue on the road.

It’s about this time, let’s grab it first and have a look.

In case it is really successful, it will also be of great help to relieve the pressure on the road

The director also switched the screen to Casa’s body

Casa can be seen heading up the road.

After seeing Kasa moving, everyone cheered up.

I was caught by the jungler of g2 just now, and after losing one blood, everyone’s heart is still


At this moment, they also hope that Kasa can return the favor and catch the opponent’s top sword demon to death

Kasa goes on the road to catch the Sword Demon

If this wave can catch the Sword Demon to death, it will be much easier for Letemi to fight on the road

This sword demon is obviously a weak hero against Urgot, why did he fight in the hands of Chen Hao?

so strong. ”

When the line of sight shifted from the bottom lane to the top lane, everyone realized that it was the lane of the top lane.

Such a disadvantage.

When Kasa was rushing up the road.

Chen Hao also threw back

He will back off.

It is a subconscious operation, smelling the approaching danger

For top players, not all players can sense danger.

Of course, Chen Hao didn’t just retreat for no reason.

One of the reasons why he retreated was based on the timing

One is because of Letemi’s position

Letemi’s position suddenly moved forward, which is a bit different from his previous style of play


Others may not see it.

This subtle difference cannot escape Chen Hao’s eyes.

There must be teammates on the road to help.

At this point in time, the only ones who can come on the road are rock sparrows.

Chen Hao’s withdrawal made Casa’s gank plan come to nothing.

Hao’s top laner is really strong.

It’s great for the sense of danger too.

The commentator was also stunned by Chen Hao’s response

If it wasn’t in the game, I would have thought he was cheating, or he was cheating all over the map.

This kind of hacking is impossible to appear in the game.

The baby was just making a little joke to ease the atmosphere.

Just like when Casa was in MSI, his performance was so good that he was also known as the screen-peeping jungler.

For rng, the most dangerous point is g2’s top lane.

This is what they care most about

The other positions pose no threat to rng.

They think so.

After some time to develop

The two junglers also gradually reached the sixth level.


It is a rhythm point for the junglers of both sides.

The junglers on both sides are all junglers who can support the whole map, it depends on who can make a big move

This rhythm is also very important

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