RMG is waiting for uzi to exert its strength! (Subscribe)

Both sides switched the bottom duo to the top lane.

In fact, the people in the lane haven’t changed, it’s just that the place has changed, from the bottom lane to the

It’s still a duo versus a laning duo.

In other words, what was the situation in the bottom lane before, it will be the same in the top lane.

The advantage will only slowly expand.

Count you running fast.

Seeing Chen Hao, Akali had already retreated early, and after going down the road, she also

focus on normal

If Chen Hao didn’t leave, they might have to call in the jungler to catch the opponent.

Zi really wanted to kill Chen Hao with his own hands.

But g2 didn’t give him a chance here.

Return to normal alignment.

The same is true for Chen Hao’s Akali against Laitemi’s Shen

The momentum will still slowly roll bigger and bigger

Shen can’t help Akali at all

When Akali is in the lane, she can do whatever she wants.

There’s nothing you can do about Letemi

ng here is also completely stocking him, and will not allocate part of his energy to help him

For them, what is more important now is to help u get more money.

Get out the key equipment early, and then use a wave of strength in the mid-term to gain an advantage and lay a solid foundation

foundation of victory

This is rng’s plan.

The swing bp of the g2 team in this round is indeed very good.

Nightmare of the road is also ahead of Xiaohu in terms of development

The main part of the reason is that the tiger’s wandering was not successful, which hindered its own development, but it did not

Needless to say, this change from BP also made G2’s lineup more flexible and changeable.

If it was Akali who played against the Ice Girl, I am afraid that even if Xiaohu went to support him, his development would not be enough.

won’t fall

Not to mention Chen Hao’s Akali, who even hangs up Letemi

The grasp of details, the understanding of heroes, and the operation of individuals must be controlled by Lai.


He is the only one who has made Letme feel powerless since the major competitions this year

Facing him, there will be a feeling of invincibility.

This may also be a seed planted a long time ago.

The former Chen Hao, in front of Laitemi, was also a goal he always wanted to surpass.

he has been working hard

years of great progress

I thought it could narrow the gap with the opponent.

But reality taught him to be a man again

but no matter what

Letemi wants to try

He wants to have a fair confrontation with Chen Hao.

Look at the gap between the two, how big is there?

This game is an opportunity

But he has no chance to get the hero he wants

In the game, he has to consider and sacrifice for the team, sometimes he can’t do it

, There is no way to do it according to your own ideas.

He’s not uzi, he doesn’t have much say in the team, he can’t do whatever he wants


Besides, with Chen Hao’s experience of being hidden in the snow… a certain Temi didn’t want to follow in Chen Hao’s footsteps

Sometimes all it takes is self-sacrifice

Don’t think about it for now.

While still in the game, he has to figure out how to stabilize the disadvantage

Stabilize the disadvantage first, and can no longer widen the gap in making up the knife.


Minutes, there’s a difference of 40 dollars in making up the knife

Such a gap is indeed huge

He hasn’t been beaten by such a big gap in a long time.

At this time, the director also switched the screen to the bottom lane.

That is the situation where Shen and Akali are facing each other now.

“Now rng is temporarily behind in the middle and upper lanes except for the bottom lane

If Shen’s development can be stabilized, or even recover some of the economy… then rng can be more

Come to your strong period early.

If Shen can’t hold it steady, then Akali may become a small boss in the future

Shen has nothing to do with Akali now.

This is what Miller worries about

So I think rng should ask the jungler to help and stabilize the game of Natami

But then Doll laughed, “I don’t think it’s necessary, our lineup controls a lot

It is relatively restrained by Akali. Even if Akali’s development is very good, he is in a 5v5 team

In the battle, there will not be much space to play.

If you go to help Cai Temi, the effect will not be achieved, but it will delay the puppy’s development rhythm

Why don’t you just continue to help the puppy expand its advantage, even if there is any emergency, Wright

Mi has another big move to support

The two analyzed each other, starting from different points of view

The situation on rng is actually similar to what Doll said

They are now mainly keeping uzi’s development, expanding his advantage

However, because Verus played cowardly and was protected by Tahm, uzi is really not so good

easy to find opportunities

His last knife has also been maintained at a gap of around 20 knives

But in fact, there is another point that is overlooked, that is the auxiliary Tamm.

When they compared the CS gap between AD and AD, they didn’t count the support.

Tamm went out this time with the Relic Shield.

This equipment has a feature, which is the passive of this equipment belt—combat power

there is a nearby

When a friendly hero, the basic attack will execute less than 50% of the maximum health value (30% for long-range heroes)

pawn, and provide kill gold coins for the friendly hero

This effect gains a charge every 45 seconds, up to a maximum of 3 charges

That is to say, in fact, some auxiliary damage can also be regarded as AD’s supplementary damage.

The knives they make up will provide ad with economics

At this moment, the assistant still has 24 knives of supplementary knife, the deductions are due to the fact that the ad is not around

Then a large part of it can be counted on AD

according to fifteen

In other words, in fact, uzi’s lead is not as big as imagined.

But the commentary did not say it here, but selectively ignored it.

Zi is indeed the leader online

Verus wouldn’t dare to line up with Lucian without Tamm by his side

I’m afraid that if I’m not careful, I’ll be single-handedly killed by Lucian

In addition to the hero mechanism, there is another reason because the operator is uzi

There is nothing to say about uzi’s personal strength, his style of play is very fierce, and his operation is very powerful.

Otherwise, a professional player like Big Brother wouldn’t keep blowing uzi

But a person has advantages as well as disadvantages

Uzi’s advantages are obvious, but his disadvantages are also obvious.

Ui took advantage of its laning advantage and continued to advance.

Xin Zhao of Kasa went to the middle lane to grab once, and exchanged heads with Ah P.

He also wants to do something to help the team expand its advantage.

He went to catch Ah P because he didn’t want the Dream Demon to have a big move to fight against uz

In the last game, they had a deep understanding.

This time there must be some countermeasures

To limit the nightmare

In fact, if there are enough ban seats, they probably will reserve a spot for the succubus.

Now there are heroes who are more threatening, and this is something that can’t be helped.

There are only so few ban positions

Can choose to ban some more threatening ones

Apart from being in line with Laitemi, Chen Hao will also roam.

Time passed slowly.

Both sides are looking for opportunities.

Yes の”9 The current situation is not very stable, they only have one いzi is the advantage, this

Leaning on the door

At fourteen minutes.

g2 found the opportunity first

When I saw that Xiaohu’s position was near his own f6.

Ap, who was holding Xiaohu, handed over his big move to fly Xiaohu.

At the moment Xiaohu’s condition is not very good, only half blood, that’s why Ah P dares to fly


Of course, there is another reason why he made such a decisive move, that is…Tam Ke

bring people over by car

When the Dream Demon’s big move was released, Tam brought people over to block the road at the same time, just not to give Xiaohu a chance to escape.


Kasa tried to save Xiaohu, but he had no choice but because there were too many people on the other side

He rushed to support in an instant, and the speed was very fast.

Huji (Dede) used his own life-saving means, but was still defeated by Wei Wei who came later.

Adams received the head.

This wave of arrests, uzi can’t come in the first time

this is impossible

After all, Lucian is not like Tamm, who can drive and can get to the battle scene so quickly

g2 can instantly form a situation where more players play less

This is where their roster first showed lineup dominance.

Let others know how this lineup plays

Just to catch you.

As long as you place an order, you are finished, I have countless ways to catch you

After killing the little tiger, the people in g2 retreated decisively

By the time the other rng people arrived, they would have already withdrawn

safe place.

Let the rng people rush to nothing.

They can only continue to go back to the line

After Z returned to the line, while Tam and Verus were going out, go to tap the tower

Successfully take down a defensive tower again

be regarded as

make up for the economy

Zi alone also eats the economy and resources of two towers

well developed

The body has also been ruined, and it has begun to take shape.

rng is waiting for uzi to exert its strength!

lead them to win the game.




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