Is RNG going to stop at the quarterfinals? (Subscribe

Rng’s team fighting ability in this time period is too poor.

What the tiger released is a double development outfit, Time + Tears of the Goddess, such equipment is in this time period

It doesn’t do any harm, how does it compare to the four witches with their heads in their hands?

The damage is several grades worse.

The most important thing for tigers now is to develop, to make up for their own development.

Make up your own experience level and equipment.

Their idea this time is very good, three peopleGo catch Chen Hao.

People’s ultimate move to catch a Qinggang shadow is basically a certainty.

But Chen Hao had a stopwatch in his hand.

If there is no this stopwatch, the situation may be different.

But with the existence of this stopwatch, they couldn’t kill Chen Hao in the first second, it delayed too much

time, so that the enchantress can rush to support in the first time

As soon as the Enchantress arrived, the incense pot was instantly smashed.

The level difference between the two sides is too much.

The witches are all level 13, but the succubi of Xiangguo is only level 10.

Xiangguo sacrificed too much for his teammates in this round

The toad in the Luye area is given to ∪Z to develop, and the stone man in the Luye area is given to Laitemi to eat

Do you think his level can not fall behind?

On the other hand, in G2, Olaf brought the rhythm to the sky, and his personal development is also very good.

many assists

The difference between the two is a bit big, and the level of the jungle position is one level apart.

Hu also had a headache when facing the demon girl who was two levels higher than him.

he is already timid

Facing such an enchantress, he has no chance of winning

I want to withdraw as soon as the demon girl’s skills are cooling down.

He can’t control too much about Letemi’s side, he can only rely on himself and ask for blessings

Brothers are birds in the same forest, they fly separately when disaster strikes

better than two dead

He himself can no longer die.

His level is only eleven, two levels behind Enchantress

As a C position, his development is too poor

I thought that this time the three of them went to catch a Chen Hao, which could supplement some development, who would want to eat it again by themselves?

A big loss.

This wave of RNG lost money again, losing two generals

He was played 2 for 0 again.

They didn’t kill Chen Hao, Chen Hao escaped with blood in the end, but they sent

There came out the Incense Pot Nightmare and the head of Wright Misan.

The tiger ran fast in the end, but was not caught

The head ratio has reached 1:9.

The situation is getting worse for RNG

The economic gap has reached more than 5,000, and the economic gap is almost 6,000.

Fortunately, they took the late lineup in this round, if they still took the early and mid-game lineup like before

lineup, it is almost impossible to play now

In the later stage of the lineup, they can still delay the development, as long as they can delay, they still have a chance.

I thought that Chen Hao would be a breakthrough, but in the end they were still taught to be human by reality.

Chen Hao’s performance made them see the horror of a top laner.

It is definitely not that easy to be killed.

How do you fight this?

The development of this enchantress is so terrifying, she has taken so many heads, she is two levels higher than Xiaohu

Except for Laitemi, who really sees everyone in seconds

“RNG is getting cold

At this moment, a bunch of RNG fans are feeling really cold

Seeing this scene, he

I don’t know what to do with RNG, how to make a comeback.

The development of the two C positions is very general

Look at other people’s enchantress, this development is very scary.

The two points they are most worried about, one is the enchantress and the other is Olaf, these two positions

development is very good

This is where they have the most headaches.

How is this limited?

Is RNG really going to stop at the quarterfinals?

The hearts of the fans are also at the bottom of despair at this moment

I can’t imagine such a scene

They feel that RNG has very little hope of winning now.

Believe in puppies!

And the last shred of hope rests on the puppy.

RNG will definitely create miracles

Hold on, hold on now.

don’t worry anymore

At this moment, everyone’s hearts were raised one after another, and they raised their throats

They feel that they are more nervous than the players

This situation will last for a while, and we can no longer find each other to fight. “Miller also sees

Helpless, he felt that RNG just wanted to stabilize the situation and look for opportunities to develop and improve their equipment.

charge up

In today’s game, RNG’s play was really mediocre, and they were abused by G2 in various ways.

On the other hand, G2 played very methodically, and when it was time to counsel, they were completely able to counsel.

When it’s time, Thunder strikes.

This G2 is much stronger than what they originally thought

They thought maybe they really underestimated G2

This team is not that simple.

And the player Chen Hao

Although the number of shots in this round is not too many, every shot is played by RNG

seven inches

He is the most important person

Under the rhythm of G2’s group advancement, RNG can only passively defend now.

A tower in the middle, finally broken

G has no way to defend this tower, so he can only let it go

After knocking down a tower, G2 pretended to retreat

When UZ was clearing the line, Chen Hao suddenly moved. He cut in from the side and used his big move


Everyone’s eyes are on Enchantress and Olaf, how can they notice that Chen Hao is squatting

Chen Hao suddenly exerted his strength at this moment.

The moment UZ saw Chen Hao, his eyes changed


UZI’s level is one level lower than Chen Hao’s. After being blocked by Chen Hao’s big move, his situation


He wants to operate.

But Qinggangying’s development is better than he imagined

If the set damage is down, just give him a second

Unprotected UZ, it is impossible to escape from Chen Hao’s hands

When UZl died, bursts of sighs came

How can this be fixed?

Apart from the Enchantress, there is also this Qinggang Shadow who is also terrifying

They suddenly discovered that there were two heads in Chen Haoqing Gangying’s hands.

2/0/1 data.

Coupled with the far-leading number of last hits, it is also terrifying

The death of UZI made RNG worse again

The situation is getting more difficult.

You have to be careful everywhere even when you brush a line and send a hair.

Enchantress, Olaf, and now add a blue steel shadow

“RNG’s mentality is a little bit broken by G2 now.

I can see that RNG’s style of play is a bit flustered now, and there is no such thing as calm.

There’s no rhythm left.

Before, there was an incense pot to drive the rhythm

Everyone is lost now.

Their wild area is also completely occupied by G2

Xiangguo’s brows also frowned.

Now they don’t even dare to go to the wild area, for fear that once they enter the wild area, they will encounter

Olaf the Enchantress or Qinggang Shadow

He played hard too

If RNG wants to make a comeback now, it has to build up its vision step by step

Only after having vision can we develop better.

Without vision, they dare not even go out of the range of the tower, how can they eat the line and develop.

Hold on… the more urgent this is, the more you have to hold on

Don’t be in a hurry.

Don’t want to kill the opposite person too much like before.

The two commentators are also cheering for RNG, hoping that they can stabilize the situation.

Now the disadvantage is great

Not as big as expected

There is still hope for RNG

RNG needs to defend the tower well now, and use the defensive tower to hold back the opponent

That’s right, RNG can only defend towers now, and some resources should be released as needed

Except for the dragon, all others can be released

Like the little dragons, R (got it) NG is completely incompetent

Under Chen Hao’s command, G2 began to attack in groups to unplug the opponent’s second tower, and then

Then use the dragon to make a fuss

Chen Hao could also see the other party’s thoughts.

The two sides are now doing the final contest to see who is stronger.

Under Chen Hao’s command, G2 also played very orderly.

Do what you have to do.

After pushing down the defensive tower, he quickly retreated without delay or thinking about staying

see if you can hit


Played very rhythmically.

After leading the economy by nearly 8,000 yuan, they played very relaxed overall.

RNG can only defend passively.

Fortunately, they have a wheel mother. This hero’s ability to clear soldiers is very good. If you don’t get the big dragon B

Before, G2 did not have the idea of ​​going to the high ground.

But RNG’s outer towers were slowly pulled out one by one, which was the most uncomfortable.

Without the outer turret, the vision behind them is more difficult to do

Chen, RNG is hard to stop us now

Ah P is also very relaxed

So far, their advantage has been great

The next game is only a matter of time.

I don’t think RNG can come back




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