The Light in the Darkness! (Subscribe

Don’t help me?

When firing the second shot, Letemi hesitated in his heart.

While going to help UZ keep people, at the same time, I saw teammates being blasted and targeted

he is a little confused

If you go to help block the gun, Xiao Ming and UZ alone can’t keep people, there is only one

If it is clear, it may not be possible to protect UZ well

Yaoji and Qinggangying can directly fight backhands.

The loss may be greater.

UZ is too important to them now.

That is, in this process of hesitation and entanglement

Jhin’s fourth shot was fired.

Jhin’s fourth shot does too much damage, the fourth shot with critical damage also has the worst damage

for horror

Almost knocked down the incense pot with half blood left, and knocked down the effect of the resurrection armor

The fourth shot does super high damage.

because of this

fixed crit

い虎’s state is similar to that of the incense pot, and there is no way to help the incense pot.

Tiger dared not take the risk.

Rather than betting on your own head, let XiangTry it in the pot and see if you can resist it


Even if you can’t resist, Xiangguo still has resurrection armor on his body

and I want

If it is not blocked, it is directly killed.

If they are killed at this moment, RNG may lose the baron.

Tiger must ensure that he will not die.

So he couldn’t go over to help block Xiangguo’s gun.

Xiangguo wanted to use his position to hide, but unfortunately he was unlucky, he didn’t dodge his position, and was still caught


The blood volume is cleared, and the resurrection effect of the resurrection armor is released

See Nightmare lying on the ground.

Xiangguo frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart

Seeing that Resurrection A had just entered the cooling down, he still felt a little uncomfortable.


Others didn’t come over to help block it.

He gave up his development for the sake of his teammates in this round.

The economy on the body is pitifully small.

The Resurrection Armor, which he produced with the only money he had on his body, was taken by this man before it even played a role.

so knocked out.

His role in the next wave of team battles will be greatly reduced

G2 doesn’t care about his succubi at all.

Without the resurrection armor, how could he dare to fly to the opponent’s back row?

If you enter, you will be caught in an instant

With the Resurrection Armor, at least it can delay time and let teammates rush over to support

Now that Resurrection A is destroyed, they have no way to continue chasing G2’s people.

Once the formation is dispersed, only their RNG is in danger.

They have no advantage

The reason why the team battle was good just now is because the narrow terrain is beneficial to them

After chasing down, the formation spread out, and it was time for G2 to play.

It was too easy for Yaoji and Qinggangying to cut their back row.

You can kill them in seconds if you get close

G can only retreat here, and retreat after the incense pot is revived on the spot.

fleeting opportunity

Wawa and Miller were also very excited after seeing the resurrection armor effect of the incense pot being activated.


It would be great if someone full of blood came to block it.

This resurrection armor is a bit of a waste.

But it doesn’t matter, judging from the two waves of team battles, RNG still has the power to fight, and there is still a chance to turn the team.

disk of hope

In these two waves of team battles, RNG did play well.

Once again brought hope to everyone.

A hope for a comeback


Unfortunately. ”

Isn’t it too pitiful for Xiangguo? All the money is used to produce a resurrection armor, and it’s just like that


Indeed, it would be nice if someone just came to block it

Will this become a hidden danger of RNG?

Some people are also worried that after Xiangguo’s resurrection armor is gone, it will become a hidden danger for RNG to lose the game

After all, the importance of the incense pot is still quite large. If you open it up and cut the opponent’s back row, you can give him

they pose no small threat

But without the resurrection armor, the threat level is greatly reduced.

There is always a feeling of uneasiness in my heart, but I can’t express it

Continue to watch the game.

In this wave of team battles, RNG took advantage of the terrain to take a small advantage

Let them once again raise the hope of a comeback

If this game can really come back, their confidence will definitely come back.

Then the follow-up game is hard to say

Maybe it can really make the second chase the third and make history

hope to come back again

This game has really touched the hearts of too many people, and many people are paying attention

They all want to know, this game… Can RNG reverse the game?

It is a pity that UZ did not take this opportunity to catch Chen Hao to death.

G2’s people withdrew too fast

Seeing that the situation is not right, don’t get entangled with RNG people at all, and quickly distance yourself


Don’t sloppy.

Spread out the formation, which is very beneficial to G2.

RNG is very careful, they are worried that their back row will be found by the enchantress

Don’t dare to rush over again.

Anyway, it prevented G2 from fighting Baron, and they retreated safely again

As long as G2 can’t beat Baron all the time, that’s fine.

At present, it is necessary to procrastinate, stabilize the situation and develop well.

The situation has ushered in a turning point, and now they have hope again

UZI has two moves in his hands, and his self-protection ability is not bad. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to be hit


Let him not make any fatal mistakes.

Chen, we are at a disadvantage when playing with RNG near Dalong.

The opposite support puts a big move at the intersection, and then the top laner stands in front, we can’t touch it at all

to their back row.

After these two rounds of team battles, RNG played well, and G2 hardly took any advantage

Their economy is so much ahead, and they are not ineffective.

Wouldn’t it be more difficult to fight after the opponent catches up with equipment and experience?

Ah P is also a little worried.

The role of Enchantress and Olaf gradually decreased at the beginning as time went by.

Fortunately, they still have a great lead, and they still pose a great threat to RNG

Not in a hurry. “Chen Hao is still very calm.

Because he knows that there are people in RNG who are more anxious than them.

Regrouping the team again, Chen Hao used Dalong to make a fuss

At this moment, Dalong is the best resource to force the group

But this time, Chen Hao didn’t plan to fight near Dalong, but wanted to attract Kuangkuo

the route to play

Without the limitation of terrain, RNG is very small

When you get to UZI, the damage is also very high at this moment, so you can directly hit UZ

half blood

But also UZ also knocked out a lot of blood

His blood volume is not good, so he can only choose to retreat.

The Enchantress has been staring at them, and they can’t do without retreating.

UZ is second, they have no chance at all.

So the first task of RNG is to protect UZ from being killed by the opponent

UZI goes back to get the red BUFF to see how much blood can be sucked back with the blood-sucking stolen goods

On the other hand, G2 decisively took the dragon.

They asked the enchantress to contain the opponent in the middle, to attract the attention of the opponent, and the other four went

Take the dragon.

Wait until RNG reactscome, it’s too late

The search field of view lights up, and you can see the little dragon’s blood left.

The RNG people also quickly double-teamed to see if they could grab the dragon.

The opponent will definitely not stop at this time, and must fight hard.

However, their speed is still slow.

Baron was taken down by G2

In G2 after the big dragon, there were two players who were in a mediocre state.

is the jungler,

is auxiliary.

hold him

Don’t let them get away.


Make a decision.

In this wave of shots, they want to keep people, otherwise they will really suffer too much.

If they are allowed to take down the big dragon, and then all retreat safely, then RNG’s hope will be jeopardized


With the big dragon BUFF, G2 can go to their high ground.

Take the big dragon BUFF and want to leave easily?

think too much

Wright is at the forefront, G2 can’t beat Wright

It’s still hard to beat meat

Unless it is replaced by Vayne, or other late AD

RNG is aggressive, G2 is also decisively retreating, without any hesitation

Going head-to-head with RNG in this state is not a good decision

It’s better to go back to make up the state, and come back in 5.2 to fight to the death.

Take Baron B

they are also advantageous

that’s it.

G2’s support and jungler were left behind by RNG. In order to protect their teammates, they withdrew and handed over

out of his own head

The dragon buff is saved.

As for RNG, it is not too bad for them to kill two people.

RNG makes people feel hopeful again

RNG’s current team battle will only get better and better

It doesn’t matter, we won’t lose in this wave.

Be sure to stay steady, delay the time of G2’s big dragon BUFF, then you will win for sure

That’s right, don’t be in a hurry, now our lineup is gradually showing its power.

Hold on tight, our late game is stronger than G2.

Doll and Miller are also at Ann.

They all regained their confidence.

They are all extremely optimistic about this round of RNG.

I think there is hope for a remake.

These few waves of team battles seem to be going well

It’s nothing compared to what it was in the past.

The next thing they need to do is to stabilize, and then think about how to resist this wave of G2 with the big dragon BUFF.





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