EDG. Still Can’t Escape the Curse of the Quarterfinals? (Subscribe)

EDG played too well in the first game

The middle and junior juniors played very well, leading the overall rhythm, and the iBOY in the bottom lane still performed well.

It performed well and played a very good suppressing force.

After allowing them to gain an advantage in the early stage, Harbin’s rhythm also picked up

All kinds of invasions, all kinds of arrests.

Completely control the rhythm in your hands, making FNC breathless~.

In the end, EDG won the first round by relying on the huge advantages accumulated in the early stage

got off to a good start

It’s kind of a booster for the crowd.

It boosted morale.

EDG is in a good state, if it keeps going, it should be no problem to advance.

Come on, break the curse of the top eight

Everyone’s expectations for EDG are still quite high.

This time I hope EDG can surprise everyone

The game RNG lost to G2 is really too hurt

It made many viewers and fans depressed for a long time.

Fortunately, just EDG’s first game made them hope again.

more expectations

After a short break, the second inning started again.

The lineups of the two sides have not changed, and the positions have not changed.

NC is still on the blue side, EDG is still on the red side

But in this round of BP, there have been some changes, and FNC performed very well in the last round of EDG

Shan Yaoji was banned

After being banned by both sides, the lineup was quickly determined, which was a little bit different from the previous round


Team C: top laner Victor, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner girl, bottom lane is Wheel Mom + Bu


EDG team: The top laner is Shen, the jungler is Lee Sin, the mid laner is Galio, and the bottom lane is Kai’Sa + Bullhead.

The lineup of DG has changed in this round, and it has become a lineup of four guarantees and one

This sudden change made everyone worry again.

Because. RNG has already proved the feasibility of this four-guarantee-one lineup in the quarterfinals.

Taking it out this time always makes people feel uneasy.

There is only one point, if there is a problem, it is very dangerous, there is no multi-core safety


The younger brother is actually good at the assassin mid laner, he can carry, give him this

Such a functional mid-lane hero actually limits his performance.

Now that you have chosen, everyone can only agree

G is also a team that focuses on the bottom lane, I believe in their ability

Both sides played very smoothly in the early stage, and there has been no burst of kills.

Until more than six minutes later, EDG launched a wave of offense around the bottom lane.

Take a blood.

Then chase down the opponent’s jungler Xin Zhao and win again

Another good start.

This made the audience excited again

uneasiness in my heart,


The rhythm of EDG in the early stage was very good, including ray also played a bit on the road.

Killed the opponent’s top laner in the lane

When playing against Chen Hao, it feels like Ray is weak

Actually not.

It is because Chen Hao is too strong that others will appear weak.

In fact, ray’s laning strength is still very strong

However, the latter wave was not played well in the middle, and the control chain was not well connected, so it was capped

S’s knife girl counter-killed

Then the members of the FNC team came over in a group in the middle, and then killed the elementary school boy

this becomes a hidden danger

If Daomei grows up, it will be terrible.

Later, the FNC team also realized this point, and then expanded around Daomei.

The jungler cooperates with Daomei, crosses the tower and kills Galio

Just fatten up Daomei.

What really turned the tide of the battle was the wave of small dragons in the back, and the two sides played a wave of one for five

EDG was beaten

Group destroyed

The damage of the FNC team is very scary at the current moment. They have a three-core system, and EDG

There is no damage here, the AD in the bottom lane has not developed well, so it can’t deal much damage

If you lose this wave of team battles, you will lose more things

Defensive towers, dragons and more.

NC got a big advantage.

Taking advantage of this, they began to speed up the tempo, not giving EDG any time to develop

no way

DG here. Finally lost the first

The Fang score returned to 1:1.

Hey. What a pity

Let me just say, a lineup with four guarantees and one will definitely not work.

I beg the coach not to use four guarantees and one tactic in the future, let’s use some strong mid-field combination

Is it

Everyone complained

Now when everyone sees the four guarantees and one tactic, they are very headaches

There is already a lesson from RNG, they don’t want EDG to follow in their footsteps

But EDG.. like the RNG team, is also good at playing in the bottom lane.

It seems difficult to make them abandon this tactic

So in the third game.

The lineup of the two sides changed again

NC took Ornn as the top laner, and the mid laner took Yasuo

On the EDG side, they took out the dark leader mid laner and the jungler Qinggangying.

Much stronger than before.

In fact, in this round, the two sides played very evenly from beginning to end.

Until the last moment, I still don’t know who will win

It dragged on for more than 40 minutes, and when it was time to fight the big dragon, EDG grabbed the big dragon

But correspondingly, two of their men were killed.

If you die during this time period, it will take a very long time to revive

And FNC took advantage of the time when their people were killed, and directly pushed down EDG’s


The score of the two sides came to 2:1.

After losing two games in a row, EDG’s situation is not good.

The opponent got the match point, and they need to stabilize it.

So in the fourth round, many people expected to be replaced by the factory manager.

But EDG didn’t change the lineup, it was still Harbin playing.

They put their hopes on the young player Ha Huang.

Instead of letting the factory manager come to the rescue.

This disappoints a lot of people.

Why didn’t the factory manager come on?

The factory manager sitting in the waiting room at the moment is sitting with Abramovich, watching the game


The factory manager did not play because he knew that if he played… the effect he could give would not be too great

Big, can’t do better than Harbin

So it’s better to let the young players go up and fight.

In fact, their hearts are more nervous than the players on the field

Whether EDG can break their own curse this time depends on how they played in today’s game

Brother, can you defeat this opponent in front of you?

This opponent is also stronger than I expected

Especially their middle laner Caps, who is known as the new generation of European and American law kings, it is conceivable

how talented is he

In terms of lineup selection, EDG has not changed too much, but the top laner has been replaced by Austrian.

They are on the blue side.

However, FNC’s lineup has changed quite a lot.

They came up with a three-core lineup, and also grabbed the enchantress

Looking at the game, FNC’s lineup advantage is even greater.

But in this round, Ha Huang directly grabbed the second level and helpedThe bottom lane has established an advantage.

Then in the middle of the three minutes, he used the matchup to kill the opponent solo

The dark head of state killed the enchantress.

This is an even more exhilarating thing.

One’s trump card wins the opponent’s trump card

The moment the elementary school boy used the opponent to rush over, he directly pushed the opponent

This reaction speed is not generally fast.

Then the Enchantress fell down under his set of attacks and ignition.

This is his personal laning ability, which is really strong.

This single kill brought about a change in morale and boosted morale

Behind him, the junior middle school boy wandered away, went on the road and took another head.

It took off again in this game

When the dark head of state develops, it will be very terrifying.

However, the other party has been biting to death in terms of economy.

Not sure who will win.

This game is too important for EDG.

If they lose this game, they… will still stop in the quarterfinals.

Still can’t escape the fate of the top eight.

but if this game

They still have a chance.

Although EDG is leading in kills now, the economies of the two sides are biting each other to death.

The situation dragged on.

But when a wave of advancement in the middle lane, iboy’s Kai’Sa was overshadowed, and was directly attacked by the demon

Ji gave a spike.

Let people see the terrible harm of the enchantress.

The economy of the NC team also unknowingly surpassed that of EDG, leading instead.

They have fewer people, but their economy is bigger than EDG.

This is where it gets scary.

Their up and down lanes have more CS, far ahead

Later, EDG pushed forward in a group in the middle, and also encountered huge resistance

The two sides fought again

But… At this time, the crow on the road has developed, using the big move, in the mid-term

It’s scary when you’re in a group

Although EDG’s first move was good and killed the opponent’s AD first, but the opponent’s backhand was also

It was the dark head of state who killed the elementary school boy

Killed one of the fattest points of EDG.

The rest were defeated by the FNC team

There is no power to fight back.

They were all beaten to a pulp, and the rest of the FNC team were in good condition.

The defeat of this wave of team battles also made them feel the terrible fighting power of the crows in the mid-term

is generally strong

This round… the situation of EDG has become complicated.

No one knows if they can win. pill




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