Predictive Ability'(Subscribe

G, is the next difficulty to face.

The strength of this team isVery strong.

Every player’s strength is top-notch, their laning ability is very strong, everyone is at the top

under peak conditions.

Especially after playing against the KT team, their aura and self-confidence were all revealed.

They are good at fighting and they are fierce

never that easy to deal with

G2 must be well prepared.

Never be careless

My opponent will be this man who will be nicknamed ‘Send Ginger’ in the future

But Chen Hao knew very well that Itheshy was at its peak right now.

If you have not traveled through rebirth, in another parallel time and space at this moment th

shy, is about to set foot on the throne of the world’s number one top laner

He is called shy daddy by many fans.

This is a formidable opponent.

It deserves to be taken seriously.

But before that.

Chen Hao still has one more thing to do.

There is still a super gift bag in his hand that has not been opened.

This is the reward after winning the RNG and completing the Renegade Mission.

He had been busy before, and he didn’t have time to take care of it.

Now that you are free, you can also open it and see what good things are inside.

The things in this super big gift bag should be better than the things in the previous few gift bags.

Take a breath and prepare to open this gift pack of 19

[Do you want to open the super gift package now?

The system issues a query.

open now.

Chen Hao has already made preparations.

Open the spree

[Congratulations to the host for gaining the ability to ‘predict’

[Congratulations to the host, get 1 point of physical enhancement

Congratulations to the host, get a lucky card.

Congratulations to the host for winning a cash reward of 100 million US dollars (remitted to the black card account)!

After the big gift bag was opened, a bunch of information appeared in an instant, and various rewards were obtained

The rewards are indeed much better than the ones in between.

This is the reward for the A-level task completion evaluation

The first of these is precognition

This predictive ability does not mean that with this ability, one can predict what will happen in the future

What, you can predict which stock will rise or fall, where disaster will happen, tomorrow the lottery will be drawn

what’s the number

This is more like a seventh sense, a perception based on the sixth sense.

is a keen predictive ability

As for the specific effect, Chen Hao will have to perceive it slowly later.

Anyway, after acquiring this ability, he always felt something different

And the second is the ability to strengthen his body, so that his physical fitness can be improved again

For a professional player, having a good body is also very important.

For professional players, there are two most feared things

One is that as the age increases, the state declines, because the age increases and the individual grows older.

The reaction speed of the brain and body will decrease, and the body function will also decrease

It is precisely because of the decline in physical function that the state will decline

Another thing is injuries. Professional players also suffer from long-term high-intensity training.

If the body can’t stand it, there will be more injuries. Lumbago and hand pain are common occupational diseases.

Some injuries will have a great impact on the state.

Like the fat general of EDG, he was troubled by back injuries

As a talented mid laner, if there is no injury, I am afraid that the honor he has received

At once

will be more

This ability must be good

Chen Hao also felt that his physical fitness was getting better and better.

After that is a lucky card, get this card, you can change your luck

Well, it’s just a time limit.

Then there is a cash reward of 100 million US dollars, which is ten times more than the original reward

It used to be a cash reward of 10 million, but now that the task is completed, a cash reward of 100 million is given


still in dollars

Now Chen Hao has completely realized his financial freedom.

His globally accepted black card already has tens of millions of dollars in it.

These rewards are very good.

Chen Hao is also very satisfied with this reward

really good

The rewards are great.

Chen Hao’s reward for the completion of this treachery mission is still very good.

If he continues to complete the task like this, the reward money alone will be higher than his salary

don’t know how many times

His current salary in G2 is about several million dollars a year.

And the money he is now rewarded after completing the mission is about 156 million U.S. dollars.

Probably about…30 times.

In other words, Chen Hao has to play games for thirty years before he can earn more than one hundred million US dollars.

ok, close

The career of a professional player is too short, only a few years.

After the golden period, you can only watch your state continue to decline.

Chen Hao put away this reward.

Love is exceptionally good.

What’s more, this reward is the reward obtained after winning RNG, even if it is a mediocre reward

Chen Hao will also be very happy.

Revenge succeeded.

Stopping the opponent in the quarter-finals completely shattered the opponent’s championship dream.

It is indeed a very cool thing for a favorite team to win the championship to fall to the quarterfinals like this


Especially after winning the game, seeing the expression on his deadly rival UZ after losing the game

I feel better

As for the bet with UZ, that will be a later matter.

Chen Hao was not worried.

He believes that he can easily beat them now, and in a year, it will be easier to beat the opponent


Waiting for the ending of UZ only

That’s a fiasco and then retirement.

Final four, top eight, if the opponent can enter the World Championship next year, then give it to him

Round of 16

I hope that when the time comes, the luck will be so good that they will be divided into one group.

When talking about this, Chen Hao’s eyes

Didn’t he just get a lucky card?

Maybe he can use this lucky card when the next world group draw is held

Just keep it

Chen Hao put away the things

The super big gift bag has been opened, and the rewards are alsoreceived all


Chen Hao has to start preparing for the final four match with G

Before that, his system released a new rebellion mission

Renegade Mission Nine: Defeat 1G in the semi-finals, and evaluate after the mission is completed. (


A new mission came out again.

The task this time is to defeat IG.

It is still the same as defeating RNG, also after the task is completed, the task must be completed

degree assessment

Rewards are also issued according to different evaluations

These are all follow-ups.

The focus now is how to prepare.

Chen Hao is dissatisfied with his own strength.

He also wants to play against theshy.

As for other ways.

A P in the middle may have to be careful, because he will face the most stable and strongest IG

person, the man called ‘chicken god’ rookie

Rookie is very strong and stable

This is very rare.

top line strength

He is currently the top mid laner in the world.

Unlike theshy, although very amazing, very strong

Weaknesses are also obvious

So when the time comes, how Ah P will line up with rookie, this is a difficult point

There is also IG’s bot lane, the combination of Ah Shui and Baolan.

Although Ah Shui just made his debut this year, he is a rookie, but he is very talented. He is a newcomer to LPL.

Of the Three Great ADs of the Zodiac

But newcomers also have the disadvantages of newcomers, that is, they are easily impulsive.

G fights fiercely, and his style of play is fierce and reckless.

Chen Hao and the others are also discussing the countermeasures at the moment.

150 Five days later, the semi-finals will be between them and IG

During this time, they can train well and prepare for their big moves.

RNG lost the game, life is not so easy

The RNG club has suffered the biggest crisis ever

They were stormed by angry fans

Under the official blog, there has long been a bunch of scolding, they were forced to turn off the comments

There are too many people scolding.

In this World Championship, they pinned too many people’s hopes, but the result… is that they performed well

No one would have thought that this is the result of RNG

A favorite team to win the championship, only won one quarter-finals, if you say it, you will be laughed to death.

The entire RNG club is very depressed now, and the atmosphere is gloomy.

After the game, there are a bunch of bad faders behind

Including some endorsement advertisements, the cooperation contract is also canceled at this moment

After all, the condition before the signing of some contracts is that their RNG will win the championship

Without winning the championship, this contract will naturally not be established.

Canceled the endorsement , which means the income of the club

This is second.

At this moment, there are things that make the RNG boss even more angry

That’s what UZ made a bet with Chen Hao

He’s also heard from other people at the club about it.

When he heard it, his expression changed.

Want to know who UZ is?

It can almost be said to be their RNG cash cow.

Not only the strength is super strong, but also the commercial value is huge.

With UZ, their RNG can make a lot of money.

This is why RNG relies on UZ for everything, to create such a superstar player

hands-on figure


Think about it, if UZ can reach the level of Feike, will his commercial value be different?

How many levels can it go up?




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