“The top order for G2” (for subscription

Why can’t 1G even win G2?

Is G2 really that strong? Why can’t every team beat them?

Real RNG can win, but they don’t deserve to win

I just said, this IG’s top laner is the best in the world, easy to catch the top laner, catch once and die

For the second time, looking at other people’s top orders, the contrast is really too obvious.

please theshy don’t give it away

Some netizens blamed theshy for sending too many people in the game just now

If so many heads were not given in the early stage, the development of this crocodile would not be so terrifying, no

will become the engine of rhythm in the mid-term, then the situation may be different

Can this be blamed on brother shy? You can try to play in the jungle and live on the top road for a while.

Yes, we usually know when we play games, we have been caught all the way, a little game

Without any experience, the mentality will be blown up

If I was caught like this and my own jungler didn’t come, I would definitely hang up.

So, why didn’t the jungler come up and help?

Did you go wild?

also went several timesLet’s go, it’s not his fault.

After losing the game, netizens started to complain and abuse

It’s very hot in the game room

The military training style of G2 in the first game played a big role.

Let the crocodile play a big role in the early and mid-term, and do a lot when it is strong


Became the best player in this game.

people drive the audience

Be the prettiest boy in the audience.

When he needs to stand up, he can stand up 157

This is the absolute core of the team

In this World Championship, Chen Hao did it perfectly.

Become the best player

In this world championship, shine

Strong rise.

Let everyone’s eyes focus on him.

Many professional players recognize his performance and think that he can be called the leader of this World Championship.

The strongest top order

Theshy also performed very well, but in some respects, she is still weaker than Chen Hao.

All in all, it can’t compare to Chen Hao

This is what many professional players think

A few minutes of rest passed quickly, and it was almost time for the second game.

After resting for a while.

Both players returned to the field.

The second game is very critical.

This is about the two teams, who can have the last laugh.

If IG can win this game, they can review the score.

If G2 wins, it will get the match point in advance

In this round, 1G changed the top order.

For Duke to play.

Replaced theshy.

This is IG’s tactics, different top laners mean different styles of play.

Theshy didn’t play well in the game, so I want to play the more stable Duke

Duke’s strength is also not weak, and he is the champion top laner of S6.

G is also planning to try a change of formation to see if he can get the effect.

Phew.. changed Duke

I hope IG can win this game.

Many people also hope that the IG after the duke will be able to win this crucial game

Soon the two sides entered the BP state.

In this game, 1G still chooses the blue side, and G2 chooses the red side

G’s ban in the first three hands is still the same as before

They banned Bighead, Nightmare and Tahm.

These three hands are the most critical, there is no way to become

These three heroes are the key to the G2 lineup’s style of play, and they will definitely not let go

And G2’s top three heroes are Xia, Kai’Sa, and Yao Ji.

G snatched the bull’s head here first hand

Grab an assistant first

They plan to see how the opponent will respond after they choose a support.

And G2 here chose Daomei and Jhin

As soon as Daomei came out, it immediately aroused a discussion among a group of people

Daomei? Is G2’s top laner going to be selected first this time?

“It’s a little unbelievable that G2’s top laner will pick a hero first, and I thought he would stay at the end

No, this sword girl may not necessarily play the top lane, she may also play the middle lane. G2’s mid laner is also very good at it.

Long hit the knife girl.

Someone has made their point.

Having said that, many people thought of it.

In the group stage, G2’s mid laner did have a good record with Daomei

This is also a point that cannot be ignored

Therefore, the selection of this knife girl is a key swing position.

G is also very wary of this

Originally they also planned to choose a traditional mage mid laner.

But it is not easy to fight against the sword girl in the traditional mage

Rookie was also a little hesitant about what to choose.

Sword Demon

And even if the opponent is swinging and changing, their sword demon can also change

Although Rookie has never brought out Sword Demon in the competition, he has practiced in private and is familiar with it.

Practice is still very good

This can be regarded as his bottom-of-the-box move.

It just so happens… at this time, I can also take it out to deal with it

Even if you don’t use it yourself, you can use it for Duke on the road.

After the decision was made, 1G chose Sword Demon and Rock Sparrow in the second and third hands.

Rock sparrow is definitely used to play jungle. (bjfc)

They suffered a loss in the speed of support before, and they plan to change it this time.

After taking down the rock sparrow, you can better support the online

And G2’s third hand, chose the wine barrel

The jungle position has also been chosen

The choices of the first three hands of both sides have been determined, and then came the ban of the second hand.

G banned Luo and Akali.

Don’t give G2 a chance to take Akali

Because the hero Akali can also swing

If you ban it, you can easily deal with it on your own side.



This is IG’s response.

He just depends on whether g2 will choose Galio this time.

If you choose Galio, then Daomei is the top order

And rookie can also choose a wandering mage.

Before Rookie could recover, G2 chose the Wandering Mage in the fourth move.

That’s right, the wandering mage.

unexpected choice

uh” rookie froze

That’s it.

They also chose Jess and EZ without hesitation

G2 chose Bron in the last move

that’s it

The lineups of the two sides have been determined.

As for which hero will play which position in the end, this still needs to be considered

The two sides make final lineup adjustments.

It was finally settled.

Blue side 1G: top laner Sword Demon, jungle rock sparrow, mid laner is Jess, bottom laner is EZ+Taurus

Color side G2: Top laner Ryze, wild wine barrel, mid laner is Daomei, bottom laner + Bron

G is still getting the style lineup they are good at, which is a strong online lineup

As for G2, their bot lane still hasn’t changed much, it’s just this kind of bot lane

Everyone is used to it.

Mainly on the upper middle field, this is a bit changed

However, Chen Hao took out Ryze as the top laner, which surprised many people.

Ryze singles sword demon?This is not easy to fight.

Originally, many people thought that the top laner would take Daomei, but they didn’t expect this Daomei to be in the middle lane. Chen Hao

It’s Ryze.

This time I think it should be the other way around

Ryze on the opposite side will definitely be trained by IG

Everyone expects that IG will target the opponent’s top lane in this round.

Treat the person with the way of the person

Instruct you to train me on the road

Then this game is my top lane against you

It just so happens that this time G2 has no other roads with global support except for the top road.

Then G2’s support ability in this game must be much worse than before

Everything depends on the movement of G2’s jungler in this game.

Always pay attention to the jungle movement of G2, 1G will play well

I think this round of IG should target G2’s top laner. “Long Mao expresses his views

It is indeed necessary to target it and not allow him to develop.

However, the bottom lane of G2 took out Bron, I think they will also play in the middle field in this round, and

It is to be careful about the back squat of the jungler. “Remember to choose from G2’s bottom lane combination, so as to analyze

Judging G2’s style of play

He felt that in this round of G2, he would still play the midfielder.

Everyone knows that this game will be aimed at Ryze, the top laner, so maybe G2’s protection is also strong

will increase.

Ryze?” Seeing that his opponent was Ryze, Duke felt more at ease.

Ryze is a hero in urgent need of development in the early stage, not strong, which gives him a good

play situation.

Duke feels that he can play well in the early stage, and then bring the rhythm up.

If you want to kill this Ryze, then this round of G2 will be useless

What is G2’s strongest

Just hit the road.

Then as long as their top lane is killed, they will have no one to play




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