The condition is to kick UZ out of RNG! (Subscribe)

If he could stay in the LPL division to play, how could he join other divisions?

team to play

Everything he has now is given by RNG

Abandoned and hidden in the snow.

Want to leave, but he is restricted by RNG’s contract, other LPL teams

And he was not willing to spend a lot of money to buy him.

Either he has been hidden forever, or he can only leave LPL.

As a professional player, Chen Hao definitely wants to play games.

The golden age of a professional player is only a few years, no one wants to waste

Going to other competition areas is his last resort.

So he is very grateful to G2 for saving him when he was at his lowest point

Thus activating the traitor system.

Where to play the game is not to play

In G2, he can actually enjoy the task completion rewards of the Renegade System.

Since he joined G2, he has received a lot of rewards for such a long time.

Don’t worry about anything.

Cary also has more than 100 million US dollars in it, and has achieved financial freedom

It was the other party who didn’t want him back then, how could he return it. I am not a licking dog

Could it be that after the opponent threw a bone, he ran back in a hurry

that’s too disrespectful

Besides, he is very good in G2 now

At present, he has led the G2 team to the finals, and is only one step away from winning the championship.

where does he need to go

has a good chance of winning

Winning the championship is something that many professional players dream of.


Chen Hao and RNG have long since broken up, so why give each other face?

This time, I just wanted to see what the other party wanted to do.

Hahahaha, 170 is the same, young people really need to go out and experience it. ”

Seeing myself with a hot face and a cold ass.

The boss of RNG didn’t mind, but laughed instead.

I don’t feel embarrassed at all

People like them have long been used to various scenes

To him, Chen Hao’s attitude was just an appetizer.

He picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then continued.

But…the outside is the outside after all, if you want to come back, the door of our RNG will always be open

You are open. ”

If there was any unpleasantness in the past, please don’t take it to heart.

The boss’s understatement of a word, just want to expose the past grievances, as what?

Nothing happened.

And also want to try to dig Chen Hao.

Now Chen Hao’s value is not low, if he can find it, it is indeed very good, for them R

Definitely good news for NG

This calculation is very good

But the question is. Do you think Chen Hao will agree?

It’s like when you stab someone with a knife, instead of apologizing, you tell him not to be angry

when nothing happened

Do you think it is possible?

When Chen Hao was still a newcomer before, he was fooling around like a fool.

He and RNG did not break up peacefully, they broke up a long time ago

There is no need to describe too much what it was like when he was in the RNG team.

That was definitely the low point in his life.

He didn’t expect RNG to disband on the spot, so he was already benevolent enough.

I want him back to RNG

You really think your RNG is a dynastic team like SKT.

Who cares

With Chen Hao’s current value

Worry that there is no team to ask for, a lot of teams are behind

chased after him.

It’s up to him whether he wants to go or not.

The treatment that can be given to you will definitely not be worse than other teams. ”

The boss didn’t give up, and offered Chen Hao a condition that he wouldn’t give up

Miss any chance.

Oh? Really?” Chen Hao looked at the other party, his eyes full of ridicule.

If you can return to our RNG, the conditions are up to you

The boss of RNG’s eyes lit up, if he can settle the matter of U’s bet by coming here this time, then

Calling Chen Hao back to RNG will really make a lot of money.

There is nothing more bloody than this

Any conditions are fine?” Chen Hao confirmed again


Boss G vowed

Ask Chen Hao to tell his own conditions, he will try his best to meet them, as long as it is not that kind

The kind that picks the stars and the moon.

What about kicking UZ out of RNG?

But what Chen Hao said made his face freeze.


Chen Hao’s condition is just to slap him in the face

Didn’t you just say whatever the conditions are?

Then I’ll just mention one for you to see.

And this condition is indeed impossible for the RNG boss to agree to.

Although Chen Hao is younger than ∪Z, but in terms of commercial value, UZ must still be higher.

It is impossible for him to abandon UZ for Chen Hao

Besides, why did he come all the way here this time?

Naturally for UZ!

You said you have to give up UZl now

it’s even more impossible

If you want me to go back, I have to give up UZ. In RNG, there is me without him, there is him without me

Chen Hao will definitely not return to RNG, he is deliberately embarrassing the boss of RNG.

Such an instant slap in the face made RNG’s boss twitch.

How could he agree to such a condition.

He also knew that Chen Hao was playing tricks on him.

But it doesn’t happen again

Uh huh. We can study this issue further. “Just change the subject.

(bfc) “war, yes

I heard you still have a bet with ∪Z?

finally come.

The boss of RNG saw that he couldn’t go on chatting with Chen Hao, so he could only throw out the topic

yes. “Chen Hao nodded without any hesitation.

The boss of RNG took out a card from his pocket and put it on the table in front of Chen Hao

Can you cancel this bet? There are 300,000 in this card.

Spend 300,000 just for a bet

For him, the deal was a bargain.

He felt that Chen Hao would not reject his proposal.

After all, 300,000 is a lot of money for many people.

Who can not be moved.

Is he still underestimating Chen Hao?

Chen Hao’s face remained unchanged, and a trace of ridicule flashed in his eyes

If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first

He didn’t look at the card in front of him at all, got up directly, and was about to leave

five hundred thousand

If you cancel this bet, the half a million is yours.

Seeing that Chen Hao was about to leave, the boss of RNG became impatient and raised the price immediately

Increase to 500,000 again.

Really bleeding this time

But Chen Hao didn’t care about him, he didn’t even look at him, and walked out of this box

I came here just to make a bet.

After Chen Hao knew what was going on, he felt that there was no need for him to stay any longer.

here it is.

He has no friendship with RNG’s boss.

Originally, I just wanted to come over to see what the other party had in mind.

Anyway, RNG is his former ‘old club’

He still wanted to see what the other party would do.

I didn’t expect it to be a bet with UZ

The boss of RNG would come here in such a stupid way to persuade himself to cancel the bet, I’m afraid

The opponent can’t help UZ

Or UZ doesn’t listen to him at all

Looking at Chen Hao’s back

The boss of RNG’s face sank

The other party didn’t give him face at all, and just walked away.

Didn’t promise to cancel the bet

This means that he ran for nothing this time.

But there was nothing he could do.

Could it be that he can still force the other party?

The opponent is not in the LPL now, so he can’t threaten him at all.

As for the previous contract, it is even more useless.

Anyway, he came here this time to be deflated.

Nothing was done.

The betting matter has always been a hurdle in his heart

If this matter is not resolved, he will always feel uneasy in his heart, as if something will happen.

same as life.

ListAfter Hao left here again, he returned to the hotel.

When he went back, he knew that his teammates were waiting for him to have a party together.

The crowd also went out to the party together.

Celebrating their victory over IG and entering the final

Chen, I’m waiting for you.

Ha, let’s go then.

Then everyone went to the party together

The boss of G2 personally led the team, and went to a good local restaurant to have a party and eat seafood.

After winning the game, everyone’s emotions are high and they are in a good mood

It was almost eleven o’clock in the evening after the party, and everyone returned to the hotel.

After coming, everyone is doing various things.

Some people are resting, some people are playing games

On Chen Hao’s side, he is going to check out the reward of the super big gift bag

Now that I’m done with my work, I finally have time to check it out

Do you want to open the super gift package now?

The system sends a query

Chen Hao, who was already resting, naturally planned to take advantage of this time to open the super big gift bag.

see what rewards

Judging from last experience, this reward will definitely not be bad

He is also looking forward to this reward.




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