Jela stepped on the clamp!

Zero’s face is blue,

He knew very well the extreme output of the puppy, and when this clamp stepped on, he was absolutely dead and couldn’t struggle.

Think about it, but the movement in Zero’s hand does not mean to stop,


Also replace some of the puppy’s health, so that the puppy cannot continue to stay online, and at least lose some mending and experience!

Jiela raised her hand and walked towards the policewoman A at the same time, a QWE who prejudged the sealing position controlled the policewoman!

That’s the power of Zero.

Jela in the hand,

In rare cases, the E skill will be empty!

Even if the opponent is the peak ADC of the puppy, it is still controlled!

The policewoman was controlled, only the last amount of blood remained, and she subconsciously leaned against the wall, which was completely out of subconscious desire to open the range of the policewoman’s attack,


A green light lit up from Jela,

It’s Nami’s plane,

Finally rushed the plane!

“I can only help you get here, give you a healing technique, lest you spray me to death.”

Nami thought silently in her heart,

In fact, he didn’t want to give adjuvant therapy…

This healing technique has just cooled down, and he himself is reluctant to use it!

But he was afraid that when the game was over, Zero would ask the coach to spray him and then step down from his starting position.

Thinking that before he ruled S3 and S4, how could he think of these things without 870 chat, the rare summoner skill of healing, resolutely cannot be given indiscriminately,

But once people are fished up, they can only not seek merit, but no fault, and it is good to silently play the starting position.


Zero doesn’t think like that.

“This ADC is really bad.” Zero had already put a dish label on Nami in his heart, “Knowing that I have no way to go and will definitely die, I have to waste a healing technique…”


The minotaur chased and shot a flat A, and the policewoman shot a long-range Q skill,

Almost at the same time, Jiaoyue’s second Q skill cooled down, and a white moon energy beam flew out in an arc and rushed towards Jiela!


Three kills!

“Three kills! Or familiar taste, familiar surprise, familiar miracle! On the commentary table, Miller exclaimed, “Li Mu’s hand once again showed his consistent god-killing style, and he won three kills bloodily and violently!” ”

“The moon clockwork combination has a miraculous effect!” Misi was also surprised, she continued,

“The big move of the bright moon can be cooled down by the Q technique to record the moonlight, and it can be rushed at least twice, with the big move of clockwork, the blind monk and Victor in the big (bcce) two, the explosion, it is perfect!”

“The support from OMG is also very well done! In addition, Nar live, can not teleport, is also very critical, now OMG the whole team is very ah! The doll also said,

“I seem to see a trend that the wild moon is about to become a summoner canyon!”

The audience burst into bursts.

Especially some summoners who love the moon shout no.

“This is the first time I’ve seen it, it turns out that the moon can also be used to fight wild!”

“Kyaoyue is so strong! This assassination, this breakthrough, is simply handsome to the point of explosion! ”

“My beloved Jiaoyue is actually fortunate enough to be used by Captain Li to fight wild!”

“Black rose, ten thousand bright moons, ask for a single clockwork, and rush diamonds together!”


“I have a foreboding feeling that the moon is going to be weakened! Since Li Mu took out the Pinson’s two-level dragon stealing routine last week, now the test suit has begun to strengthen the damage and HP of the little dragon in the early stage! The point is that the fist designer tweeted that Pinson’s next version will be cut! ”

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and rush a wave before the moon weakens!”

The exclamations continued, and the players who loved the moon were surprised, happy and worried!

Playing the wild moon is destined to start from this game and become a trend, like a hurricane, hitting the Summoner Canyon!

After seeing Jela fall, the plane quickly flew away with W skill and fled towards the second tower.


“Captain three kills!”

“This wave of blood earnings! But why did I really get three assists? ”

OMG cheered for the internal voice.

In contrast, the royal team was desolate.


Zero threw out a scolding sentence for the first time,

The translated meaning is rookie ADC, why give me the treatment? Is it a healing procedure to celebrate my death? Or is the treatment not worth it?

When the next road combination is discordant, no matter what you do, you will look at each other unfavorably.

Although Nami couldn’t hear Korean, his face was a little ugly,

When you are strong, teammates are touted, and giving away people’s heads with a close face will be regarded as a small mistake. However, when you fish, everything you do is wrong, a little mistake, will be infinitely magnified, mistakes will be regarded as stupidity, spray your body to the skin.

Just like the usual ranking, when you carry, teammates all kinds of 666 kneeling licks, but when you have a handful of bad state and scoop up, a teammate with a negative record can find a reason to spray you to doubt life.

Now Nami has this kind of situation.


He can’t do anything about it!

“This moon plus clockwork combination, it’s disgusting!”

Corn complained in an internal voice,

The cooperation between Jiaoyue and Clockwork after reaching the sixth level is simply comparable to the prince’s clockwork combination, Jiaoyue QR to clockwork a big move WQ, any operation can not be used, can only leave the keyboard with both hands, give up treatment!

“It shouldn’t have flashed!”

Corn flashes of his own death, obsessed with it.

That flash of death didn’t just die himself,

It also made Jiaoyue have an extra displacement and got closer to Jiela, otherwise, Jiaoyue would be double killed at most!

Corn was annoyed, but the situation at that time, there was a glimmer of life, naturally wanted to live, any player would subconsciously flash, not counting corn’s mistake.

“Hit slowly.”

Coke, who was on the road, comforted.

Damn the big tree, after playing a wave of skills, sneaked directly back under the tower.

He didn’t want to fight to the death at all, he just didn’t let his Nar teleport to support.

“We fight dragons.”

Li Mu commanded.

The speed of four people fighting dragons is quite good, and soon, the little dragon was pocketed by OMG, and this version is also the version with the weakest attack power and health of the little dragon, otherwise the two-level dragon stealing routine cannot be successful.

“I have teleportation, do you want to go to the opposite red buff to do a wave of things?”

As soon as he returned to the city, he asked statelessly.

“I also teleport.”

Gogoing was bloody, twisting a herbivorous tree, and even said, “I feel that I can do things, I don’t ask for heads, I just want three assists.” ”

Li Mu was stunned, has the usual calm gogoing this season been deflected by his own style of play?

[The fourth more, please subscribe, please order! ] The picture shows Diana, the goddess of the moon, who hasn’t played with the moon for a long time, and misses the S4 moon. Back then, my roommates would only shout 666 behind my PG, and now they all start a family and go their separate ways. 】_

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