Mobile Fortress Saratoga ~Silvery Sword Princess Became My Servant.

Episode 104: No Piece of Repentance in My Life

"The inversion of the two worlds, Léviersvillovanier!

Schmelvi's glossy voice echoes in a dim alley.

In the meantime, Bachi! and the three Nanashi, Bhagabutu and Zaji, who had been pressed against each other, bounced by something like a flowing current through the surface of Xaragi's body, accidentally let go of their hands and lagged behind.

Shit! When something cold slips down Nanashi's back and at the same time Kisaragi's mouth distorts into the shape of a three-day moon in Nanashi's sight, there is a "haha" and a small (straw) voice zero (spill) from it.

Nanashi is already full of creativity. If we set Kisaragi free here, there's no room left to twist it down again.

We can still make it now. Nanashi reaches out desperately to hold down Kisaragi again. but it was the giant's (giant) bagabut that moved into action earlier than that.

Like Nanashi, he managed to stay on his feet while being bounced by the current and said, "Oops! When he raised his roar, he pushed his right shoulder out and hit the little body of Xaragi.

Shoulder charge from a position that is also almost equal to zero distance. But nevertheless, thinking that Xaragi twisted his body softly, as if it had slipped through, Bhagabutu struck his face strongly against the wall behind him and turned his body upside down, without even touching Xaragi (I wonder).

"Mr. Bugabutt!

Unexpectedly speaking Nanashi. There is no sign of Kisaragi beside the groaning bagabut. If you felt the signs and turned around, when did you move, where Xaragi stood against his chest?


To Kisaragi's laughter, Nanashi and Zaji, plus on the other side of Kisaragi, Hertrude sets himself up with a stiff expression on each side.

Worst case scenario. Schmelvi's magic ended in failure.

Think so. Nanashi bites his lower lip hard. Turn your gaze toward Schmelvi, wondering how to push this dreaded sister-in-law again.

Again, that's the first thing I want to know if I can redo the magic I just did.

But when did Schmelvi get along, he's having some fun with Tricia, the proxy housekeeper (maid) he should have met for the first time?

If you listen to what you hear leaking, you have a hard time talking about each other's Lord. "It's totally better compared to (...) of that w (...)," said Tricia, who laughs out of her voice.

If you look good, behind it you can see Maraine shuddering in puffy little pieces.

Looking closely, Maraine roughly took out the pen and swung it around to stand on Tricia's ass.

Mr. Tricia, run. Yes, sir!

... not!

"Mr. Schmelvi! Do it seriously! Let's do the magic again…"

Looking at Nanashi's desperate shape, Schmelvi gives a Kyotong look. I heard Tricia's "Ha!?" breathtaking voice from behind it, but now it doesn't get stuck. That's not the point.

"Why? It took a lot of magic."


Unexpectedly looking at Kisaragi, Kisaragi stuck his finger at Nanashi and said away.

"Kid, I don't know what you mean, but isn't it a good gut to be attacked by this me! If you think you can win again because you won once, it's a big mistake."

Nanashi unwittingly stiffens the words that Xaragi releases with loud voice.

"Also, could it be Mr. Gordon?

"Maybe something with a snag! You forgot to see my face!

Whatever you see, it is the face of Xaragi.

When Nanashi is not told two sentences, Xaragi (probably Gordon) puts his shoulders away.

"Fair enough, if Omae wants to fight me again, it's the fate of the fighting Han (cousin)! Why don't I lend you a boob whenever you want!

I have a bad feeling about Nanashi's head in a familiar phrase.

"Come on! Rub it thoroughly!

"Stop messing with my sister-in-law's body. Yes!

Nanashi screaming unexpectedly.

"Yes, okay?

"There's no good reason!

Nanashi stares at Zaji, who asks a little excitedly. But the next moment,


"Mr. Hertrude. Huh!?

"Is that good?

"Until Mr. Schmelvi!?

The "Ten Bowl" comes bogged down by the Saratoga group all the time with promises.

There is no hesitation around here at all.

They were like hyenas against bokeh.

"But is that lady really Gordon?

Bagabout inquired as he rubbed (rustled) the face that hit the wall from behind. But Kisaragi (no doubt Gordon anymore) opens his mouth faster than Nanashi answers.

"What are you talking about, Bugabout! Did you forget to look at my face?

Many times I have seen it, it is the face of Xaragi.

For now, the Gordon thing goes through, and Nanashi turns back to Bhagabutu.

"I'm pretty sure Mr. Gordon's soul was in the golem..."

"That's what's on the table, is that what this is about?

Bagabutu frowned at his beard (a lot) and Xaragi (henceforth called Godragi) replied, scratching the back of his head, however unintentional.

"Well, Lord Marilu and Lord Kisaragi have fallen asleep, so I can't help it."

"Marilou? Is that the guy the main body of the golem?


Hertrude raised his voice unexpectedly, gathering everyone's gaze at the same time, as he dismissed Nanashi's inquiry.

"Do you know that?

"I know nothing, but before the Lord comes to Strasbourg, Clifthan says. Kisk Han's slave daughter, Marilou, gave him two glasses."

Maraine pinches her mouth without waiting for Hertrude's words to break.

"Daughter of Elastenes"

"Marilou is now the name of the daughter of the lord of Elastenes, a manoeuvre castle fort that has already sunk. They say."

"I've never met him"

"I've never met him, but I hear he died when Elastenes was sunk by Merclius. They say."

As usual, Schmelvi and Hertrude could be seen bewildered by Tricia showing off her amazing proxy skills, regardless of the gladiator slave (Eshara) group she was used to seeing.

Still, Tricia had a little tear in her eyes and was holding her butt in a flippant position.

"But you look surprisingly fine, Gordon"

Zaji, who could not stand the subtle air or barely opened his mouth until then, asks Godragi to change the subject.

"Well, it's nothing to worry about."

"No, Mr. Gordon? Are you eating me?

The answer to "Nothing like trouble" is just odd, even though you are eaten and your soul is trapped in the golem. Godragi said with a distant eye to that question of Nanashi.

"In a way, I can tell you that years of dreams have come true."


"Oh, yeah. If you're a true Han, think about it once."

"If Han..."

"Yes, Han! I want to be reborn into a beautiful girl for once. You must have thought so!

"No, I don't know exactly what you're talking about..."

"Stupid...... Zaj, Bhagabt, you guys know what I mean!

Fumbling, Zaji and Bhagabutu are snorting emotionally. Seriously......

Is it something that makes me have the desire to say that when I've been in a man-smelling world for a long time?

Godragi lifted his fist high in anticipation of Nanashi, who lost his words, and he proclaimed in good spirits.

"No remorse in my lifetime!

Nanashi, with his dead fish-like eyes, looks back at Shumelvi in the applause of Bagabutu and Zaji's patsy.

"Mr. Schmelvy, isn't there at least a way to separate just Mr. Gordon?


panicking Godragi. But Nanashi points to it and complains to Shumelvi.

"'Cause you are. My own sister gets a little mixed up with an old man with a desire to transform!

"Don't talk nonsense, brother."

"Who is your brother!

To Nanashi, whose voice is absurd, Schmelvi said, smiling gently, placing his hand on Nanashi's shoulder.

"Too bad. Wow, I don't know how to disconnect this asshole. Think of it as incurable and give up."

Schmelvi's sole, sounding so desperate, stabbed Todome in even the full-blown Nanashi.

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