I can't even give my hair time to pass through the shackles, and Mio, waking up, climbs up the stairs dressed like he's just hooked a shawl on top of his night clothes, so he can be drawn to Kirier.

"Earlier this morning, a crime statement and video appeared to indicate that Pericles had been captured from a mysterious (...) group (...)."

"That being said, it's Killier. Pericles has Nanashi and Shmervi, right? I don't think we're going to be late for a hundred of them..."

"So, but there's a statement coming that you actually occupied it. Of course, I trust my brother, but in case you think about it, you're worried and you're gonna rip your chest off."

"Ugh... my chest... Ugh"

Mio swallowed the bokeh that came to mind.

Kirier himself is very serious, and what he tries to do here is be careless with boulders. Regardless, one of the reasons why I didn't get bogged down is that if I had breast poverty, it would definitely bounce back on me.

In doing so, they reach the bridge.

When Kirier tried to kick the door open and rolled into the bridge, he called out loudly to the bridge crews who would circle their eyes on something.

"Hey, put the earlier footage on the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor)! Come on, now!

As Kirier's voice plays, and the bridge crews begin to move in a hurry, a sandstorm (white noise) runs on the spiritual tablet (monitor), which until then was black, and only audio sounds without video.

"Hey, you guys, what are you doing? Hurry up, it's already showing."

"Hmm?" Mio frowned.

This voice heard from inside the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor) clearly sounds familiar. That's a little sweet woman's voice on her nose.

"Liar! Akan! The headscarf. Oh, shit. My headscarf.

"It's already red! What are you doing? Yours must be here. '

As soon as something called pants sounded rubbed (scrubbed),

"Ho ho! Thigh - mummy thigh!

And I heard a woman like a groan.

"Ah, how long has it been so messy? I'm tired of footage already. Standing position is soko, yes, it was properly bami, uh, time! Three, two, one, yes, cue!

At the same time as I heard the cue and thought (obo) shiki, the screen of the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor) lit up.

Killier is small and breathtaking.

On the screen were three figures, standing against a stone wall.


Mio squeaks bossy.

Standing in the center of the three figures is a white girl.

White hair, clear white skin.

A girl with a short knife stuck to her neck and a sleepy red eye.

He is Maraine, daughter of Uncle Pericles.

But the problem is who's on the left and right.

It is the person with his right hand toward him who is poking a short knife at the neck muscle of Malane.

The person has holes only in his eyes and mouth, covered his face suffocated with a black triangular headscarf, and similarly weaves black robes.

It's going to be in the story, and it was dressed like a member of a secret society.

And extreme is the person on your left.

I dress almost the same as the person on my right hand side, but there are no holes in my face that give me eyes or mouth.

Whoever sees it, the headscarf is back and forth and vice versa.

It is very surreal that the cloth is swollen or dented every time you breathe.


Mio got lost.

I was wondering where the hell to start.

"Hey Killier, what kind of redundancy is this..."

"Shh! Dear Mio, the statement begins"

Control Mio's words as he inquires with a frightened half-eye, Killier stands his index finger in front of his lips.

Serious and serious.

My dearest brother's life may be at stake.

Kirier was serious on top of this.

Killier watches the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor) breathlessly against Mio.

But the three people on the screen have no movement.

It's like a still image staring at this side of the monitor.


After a while, the gaze of the person in the screen moved up just a little at the same time.

The next moment,

"Ah, Gome, it's me," said the headscarf on his right hand, rushing to his mouth.

Apparently, Campe is out.

I cough one up with Cohon, and the headscarf on my right hand, I shake up my arm and raise my voice.

Apparently, he forgot his line.

"Dear Capital Residents, We are a mysterious (...) group (...) weave (...)!

Ho ho, I didn't know you were going to name your own mysterious organization.

To this extent, Mio is not surprised.

"This time we have taken possession of this manoeuvring castle fort, Pericles,"

"Chicken Thigh Thigh"

The headscarf is on the reverse of the back surface. I put in something more like a hand, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

However, the headscarf on his right hand does not look particularly concerned, and he continues the conversation as it is.

"Our demands are only one!

"Thighs, thighs. Ah, thighs."

'That's why!

Nannie, can't you hear the demands?!

And Mio turned away from the boulder.

It's not about novelty or anything like that anymore.

'But if you're trying to get in our way...'

"Momochi, thighs. Ah, go-ho, go-ho! Oye! '

'It will be in the eyes of…'

So, what kind of eyes? Yeah, then?!

I mean, I let him swallow too much at the end, and he was just following me!

"As soon as we're ready, we'll move Pericles and leave the capital. Don't attack me unless I get in the way of that, Drill. '

"Thighs, thighs, thighs, thighs?

'That's right. Exactly.'

So what?!

Mio was at war.

Unexpectedly, I rattle my throat with gokuri. What horrible people they are.

Anyway, so far, there's nothing they want to say.

And it pisses me off that the guy with the right hand is a doya face that can be seen over the headscarf.

As I stared at the screen that it would never end like this, the video gradually began to show Malane's face up.

"Uh, uh."

Maraine had a slightly illuminated bare gesture, throwing a gaze outside the screen asking for instructions, then with a flat voice as usual,


and groaned bossly, flexing (yawning) as small as it was.

At the next moment, at the bottom of the screen, I'm like, "* Help! They say," The tellup flows.

It was an annotation that no matter what anyone thought was necessary.


"Chicken Thigh Thigh"

'Well, good day to you all!

and waved 3 (...) people (...) at the end, the screen switched to sandstorm (white noise) again.

"What a bunch of cowards! I can't forgive you! Hey, Master Mio... What, Master Mio?

Killier, who turned her eyes toward Mio, makes her body jump and stiff.

While he was lying down, shaking his body with a pull, Mio was rising from all over his body.

"Mi...... Master Mio? Um..."



A voice that leaks to squeeze out of Mio's mouth, Killier overhears.

And the next moment,

"What the fuck? Ahhhhhhh!"

Mio peeling his white eyes and screaming.

"Oh, what are they thinking! I thought the trial for hookers was over. Make this noise!

"Ha... Dear Mio, but it's a mysterious organization"

"What... then?

"'Cause it's a mysterious organization, and one or two of the noises, naturally, I thought it might wake you up"

"No way, Killier... Lord, don't you realize who they are?

"Who is it?


Mio accidentally drops his shoulder.

It goes without saying that in those breasts there was a whirlpool of thoughtful, profound jealousy for the bogged sword princesses.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

"Well, good day to you all"

Footage of interruptions with bumps.

In the meantime, Uncle Pericles said, "Mareme, yes, yes, yes, yes!" and raised a mysterious scream.

A room in the Millennium Palace (Millennio).

There were some lords there who continued to drink from last night's banquet.

Specifically, Uncle Pericles, Uncle Carlon lost the time to get back tangled up in it. Uncle Asmo Dymos was delighted while drinking with a little one. And four of Uncle Rhoda, who had just woken up early drunk.

Uncle Asmo Dymos pushes the discomfort watered down by the end of the corner all the way to think about what's going on once again.

If you're moving to help that housekeeper (maid), it's Saratoga's.

If Saratoga has any movement, he should be contacting Uncle Asmodimos immediately from the men he's keeping watch.

But there's still no movement there.

Instead, somehow there is an anomaly in Pericles.

But watching the footage now doesn't make any sense whatsoever about what they're trying to do.

Assuming the current footage is a ploy by Saratoga's people, 'Yang Dynamics' if you can't help but assume its intentions. That's all I can think about.

I mean, he's got eyes on Pericles, and in the meantime, he's taking action somewhere else. It would be reasonable to think so.

It would be better to expedite the execution of the housekeeper (maid) before he gets hit by something.

Uncle Asmodymos thinks so and speaks to Uncle Carlon.

"Uncle Carlon, I think this smells like something kina. The guys in the footage right now could be the ones trying to take away the housekeeper."

But Uncle Carlon said in return Uncle Asmodimos with a strange face.

"Example housekeeper (maid)...? What was that about?

To that reaction, the astonishing colour darkens as the expression of Uncle Asmodimos sees it. By its side, Uncle Pericles cried and cried and bewitched Uncle Carlon, begging him to send soldiers out to rescue Maraine.

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