By the time Schmelvi arrived, an attack on the castle gate had already begun.

A broken lock hammer that can be struck while making a sound that echoes in the belly with Zushin Zushin.

A crack runs near the center of the gate, which extends to the height of more than ten zars, sounding meshing.

"This is a mess."

You can see that there is no moment of respite either.

When Schmelvi rushes to the castle gate, he concentrates his consciousness on the other side of it.

The object is an area (area), the range is as wide as possible, and the image is a bubble that can stand in.

"The Paralysis Cloud!"

As soon as possible, from the other side of the castle gate, I hear a panicking voice, screaming, squeaming, colored by various emotions.

One person after another falls paralyzed. I can tell you deserve a little panic.

Even right in front of the castle gate, there is the sound of a bump and something falling towards the ground.

Eventually, the silence that struck the water descended near the castle gate.


Wipe the sweat off your forehead, exhaling small.

I am not tired of using this amount of magic, but my breath is a little raised when I ran a few zars just before that.

Because I'm a magician. Needless to say, Indoors.

Instead, I'm concerned about the stomach puffiness of the habit of not leaving the room, and every time a new indoor exercise device is released, I can practise it to the point that I'm a three-day boy and dusty in the corner of the room, and say I'm a first-time magician.

As Schmelvi looked around, several gatekeeper soldiers looked at her with a flashing look. Although I'm confused about something, I guess some of the story goes by from Malane, as it's not the wind that particularly blames her.

"Hey, you there, why don't you open the gate?"

I want to check outside the castle gate just in case. With that in mind, when Schmelvi speaks to the soldier nearest him, the soldier, bewildered, salutes him and gathers several soldiers to remove the giant (kanji) of the castle gate.

Just in case, wear the example black triangle headscarf neatly to hide your face.

Yeah, the mask is good. I get a mild excitement about this little breathlessness. Next time I try to make a skinned mask, Schmelvi's thoughts derail in a somewhat nasty direction.

In the meantime, a heavy noise called Zuzu begins to open the door. Beyond the door is a pile of folding people. At least no one is standing and walking.


As soon as Schmelvi nodded so satisfactorily, there was a shadow jumping out of the shadow of the gate. The white blade flashes, a stunningly eye-opening cut through Schmelvi's throat. Even though he leaned back, Schmelvi bounced back the attack by sounding a flashy metal sound like a slap of iron, where he had thinly damaged the skin of his neck when he activated the physically defensive magic "Schood di Fello" with no chant in his aggressiveness.

As the Raider flies, he drops his hips low and rests his sword blade (Sword Breaker) on both hands.

"You said you registered my 'Paralysis Cloud'?


The raider laughs with his nose at that amazing mixed whine of Schmelvi.

"I'm your sister, there's no way that stuff works!

Wow, surprise. I don't know exactly what that means.

The Lord of that voice binds his tight-eyed eyes, his long dark hair behind him, his swinging rabbit ears, and his long skinny 'THE Sister'.

Killier Alsard. It was that person.

But Schmelvi was somewhat convinced the moment he found out the other person was Killier.

You can't do a few things in Saratoga unless you think it's possible.

Killier comes closer with her sliding feet as she sets up a sword-breaker with both hands. I'm not at all distracted by just flying off my feet if I lose my mind.

But, Lord Schmelvy, why does your lord keep you in a mysterious organization?

Schmelvi was in a hurry.

They're finding out. Killier didn't seem to get lost at all when she purposefully said she was even wearing a triangular headscarf and hiding her face, and ran out of saying it was Schmelvy.

"Human chicken, eagle, schmelvinaillo"

Schmelvi changes her voice in an attempt to mislead her. But......

"Well, I used to tell you not to hide your head and milk. If you don't want to find out, hide your milk! Milk!"

"Hey! Don't tell me like a crazy bitch!

"I don't remember Lord Schmelvi's face in the first place. Lord Schmelvi's body is milk. And it just grows a lot out of it. That's how I recognize it."

"What kind of monster is that?!

The gaze of the soldiers of the gatekeepers watching the interaction between the two concentrates in one place. But who the hell can blame it?

If this happens, the headscarf is useless, and he pulls it and throws it to the ground, Schmelvi stares at Killier.

Inside and outside with the castle gate as a border. The two staring at each other. This is just a hang-up. The rich and the poor were destined to bump into each other one day.

It was Schmelvi who moved first.


When you point your fingertips at Killier, a burst of lightning strikes Killier as she takes the shape of a spear. Quickly jumping away Killier. But he jumps away, another blow, 'The Magic Spear (Javelin)' flies in.

The second blow is decreasing in power just because it's unleashed unchanging, but if it hits, I'm just not sorry.

Kirier, however, instantly rolls back to sleep and flies away from the surface of her body.

"Such a cod!

Schmelvi is stunned by Killier's rate of dehydrated reaction.

It's not Killier who misses that gap. As he rotates his body like a pawn, he gets up. No, he repeatedly jumps with added rotation, and in an instant he stuffs it to Schmelvi and it slashes him with the momentum of rotation.


Killier's swordsmashing knife (swordbreaker) pierces Schmelvi's shoulder and, along with the gushing blood, zero groans similar to screams fall from Schmelvi's mouth. But Killier can't rest his blaming hand. Push the knife still pierced further.

Schmelvi grabs Killier's arm as he protests, but the difference in arm strength from his ex has always been that the blade through his shoulder sinks deeper as he looks at it.

"Surrender, Lord Schmelvi! And tell me everything! Your arm's gonna fall off your shoulder like this!

Schmelvi stares as he distorts Killier in agony urging her to surrender.

"Ugh! You de lactating! You don't know anything, you're not doing well!

Nasty curse that doesn't look like her from under her painful breath. Kirier is distracted by the yelling as if her personality had even been replaced.

"Fuck you! Shock wave (impulso)!"

For a moment, I passed on Schmelvi's hand grabbing my arm, and my fright (ooze) crawled up Killier's body until it was awesome. The battle that runs on my back. At the next moment, make sure you drink them all and shake the contents of Killier's body with explosive momentum of propagating vibrations.

Kirier can focus more on the sword-breaker (sword-breaker) he protrudes in his shivering body and near-flying consciousness.


It was Schmelvi who screamed. However, although the magic of "Shockwave (Impulso)" has lost its potency, the damage Killier has taken is not much. The two fall to the ground as they intertwine, disturbing each other's breath.

Schmelvi and Kirier stared at each other's foreheads at close range.

"Who is de lactating...... tits haunted"

"Shut up, full flat body. I've never seen an economy like that before."

"Well, it's not as flat as I say. And I'm still growing up."

"How old are you going to be? Look at the reality."



Two people poking their horns at each other eating and tying their teeth. Eventually it erupts from either side and starts laughing.

Killier releases her hand from the knife and from above Schmelvi's body, rolls down to the side as she is and falls asleep to the large letter.

The morning sun is on its way up to Jomtien. Burn the skin of two lying people from the sky like it falls out blue.

"Hey, Lord Schmelvi..."


Killier opens her mouth and Schmelvi responds.

It's already hard to just twist words out of each other.

"… At first, I thought your lord was replaced by the Golem, just like Lord Bosmus."

"You're not stupid. You're bleeding from the first blow, so notice."

"No, I was aware, actually. But then my brother told me that he was hiding something from me, and I couldn't help but get angry that it wasn't me next to him, it was you."

When Schmelvi turned to Killier, he softened his expression.

"I was frightened. Did you just get jealous? Nanashi, who do you think you're fighting for?"

"What do you mean?

"... I can't tell you right now. But there are things you can do for Nanashi."


Killier gazes at Schmelvi.

"Whatever happens next, keep Master Mio out of it"

"Is that going to be good for my brother?

Schmelvi nods silently.

And a long silence lay between them.

"Then why don't you pull out your shoulder knife?

"Sman's the limit. I can't move a finger."

"... I can't help it."

When Schmelvi exhales heavily, he reaches down and touches Killier's body.

"Play (Linashente)"

At that moment, the three colors of blue, red, and green light poured into Killier's body, turning Killier's body back to the state it had been a few minutes before. Killier pulls a sword-breaker (swordbreaker) out of Schmelvy's shoulder at once when he wakes up, helping his body. But Schmelvi seems to have already lost consciousness, and his arms drooped sloppily.

"Hey, you Soko!

"Ha, yes!

All of a sudden, Killier says away, staring at the called and bewildered soldier.

"Take him to the infirmary now and make allowance! So, close the castle gate as soon as I get out! Good!"

"Wow, I get it!

Is it because he was watching the earlier struggle, when he deposits Schmelvi with a frightened soldier, Kirier leaves the castle gate and descends into a permanent bridge where those who still fall fall fall fold.

Behind him the castle gate made a noise and closed, Killier turned around, looking up at Pericles and smiling slightly.

It was about that moment.

Three colors of blue, red, and green light leak out the gates of the castle gate, and at the next moment, a magically enlarged voice echoes around Killier.

"It took, de lactating! I got Nanashi-kun's sister's seat!

"Hey, what's not!

At the next moment, the manoeuvre castle fort Pericles begins to move away from the permanent bridge.

Of course, this is Schmelvi's harassment. Nothing. I don't really want to be Nanashi's sister. It's just a statement after I thought about what Killier hates the most. He was angry that he had a knife stabbed in the shoulder, even though he said something about it.

"Damn it. Whoa, come back. Whoa, whoa!

The voice, which Killier cried out as if he were to jump, never reached the inside of the castle gate of Pericles.

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