"Lord Rhoda! Is Maremma going to be okay, or can she be imprisoned and left to do that or something like this...? Oh, mare mare! Mare, mare, mare!

"... calm down. Uncle Pericles."

It was Uncle Rhoda Bolftrot who scolded Uncle Pericles, who was still ugly and wobbly.

I was comforted personally in the beginning, but if I was repeatedly moaning the same as if I had had a seizure on my place for a few minutes, I would be frightened if it wasn't Uncle Rhoda.

This is the temporary bridge (bridge) of Fort Rhoda, a motorized castle.

It sounds good if you describe it as a bridge, but it's just a substitute for saying that you've managed to bring the control equipment of the Demonic Crystal Furnace into a building similar to the digging shed built on the site of Rhoda Castle, which was blown up by Red Lotus Sword Princess Hertrude and turned into a pile of rubble, so that you can move the manoeuvre castle fort.

Currently, the motorized castle fort Rhoda is already moving south, away from the No. 1 permanent bridge, gradually increasing its speed.

Although it is impossible to move, the repair status of the loader is about 15%.

At this point, only in the phase of removing the rubble from the destroyed castle and managing to restart the Demonic Crystal Furnace, the general public is housed in immigration camps on the outskirts of the capital when the factory (dock) enters, and only the soldiers are waiting with an expedition tent around the temporary bridge (bridge).

Normally, you can't possibly think of a march, but Uncle Rhoda whipped this manoeuvrable castle fort to death for two reasons.

One is that Uncle Pericles begged me to rescue my daughter.

But that's something other than that.

The real reason lies in the belief that Uncle Rhoda Bolftrott believes himself to be a 'righteous proxy'.

The cowardly extremes of taking a weak maiden hostage and taking a manoeuvre castle fort.

Given the circumstances, there was no way Rhoda Uncle Bolftrot, who calls himself a righteous proxy, could have strayed from his choice to go out.

Now Uncle Pericles and Uncle Rhoda view the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor) with crude wooden chairs lined up on bumpy pipes and crawling cobbles of steel wire.

What is displayed there is the positional relationship of each motorized castle fort.

Uncle Rhoda looks at the positional relationship once again and checks the situation.

Pericles, a manoeuvring castle fort occupied by a mysterious organization, was trying to escape from the impenetrable realm (cosm) through the southern castle gate (gate).

However, he was forced to swirl by the motorized castle fort Merclius, who had chased him from the rear. We are now changing course to the west.

Perhaps, after heading west as it is, we will move north, halfway around the capital, through the castle gate (gate) to the desert on the north side.

I can assume that's the kind of prospect you have.

The manoeuvring castle fort Merclius chasing it says, starboard oblique rear from Pericles. It travels about 1,000 zars in the northeast.

As far as the light points on the Spirit Stone Plate (Monitor) are concerned, the distance between the two manoeuvre castle fortifications is never clogged. Perhaps it's simply a matter of speed, not being able to pack that 1000 zar.

Rhoda, Pericles, Merclius.

There is another activation reaction to the Demonic Crystal Furnace.

A light point that is repeatedly blinking to fetal motion at the position of the permanent bridge no. 7.

The reaction itself is still small, and there is one manoeuvre castle fort that is not in a moveable situation but is definitely in the start-up sequence.

- Motorized Castle Fort Asmodimos.

"Can't Lord Asmodimos make it..."

Uncle Rhoda whines small, in this start-up situation as it stands, by the time Asmodimos starts, Pericles walks past the castle gate (gate) and flees to the desert. It would be better not to include this as a force of war.

The current Rhoda is best forwarded and retracted. I can only go straight south and go backwards north.

But if we keep moving Rhoda south like this, we can block Pericles' path toward the west.

If we block the path, we can take the form of a sandwich with Merclius chasing us from the rear.

But the manoeuvre castle fort Pericles shows unexpected movement.

"Report! Fort Motorized Castle Pericles! I'm starting to swirl north!

Uncle Pericles sitting next to him floats from his chair to report a bridge crew member.

"Ro, Uncle Rhoda, it's not what I was hearing! Shouldn't they be heading west?

"You seem to be aware of this move. Probably going north first, looking at this gap and cutting the rudder to the west."

When Uncle Rhoda shows his white teeth and laughs at Uncle Pericles, he gives instructions to the bridge (bridge) crew.

"Rather convenient, go with Pericles at speed. Next thing you know, predict when you're going to cut the rudder to the west and block that path."

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Around that time, in the arena (Colosseum), a crowd of people were pushing at first sight to see the execution of the wicked housekeeper (maid) who tried to kill the royal princess.

Tricia, a substitute housekeeper (maid), entered the arena (Colosseum) with two gladiator slaves (Echala), pushed by the crowd but caught by the waves.

And an audience seat in the arena, a staging stage on the third floor where the execution bench is installed. In the seats around the front, two gladiator slaves (Isharah) managed to keep their sides protected and put their hips down.

"" "Phew..." "

Together with the two stiffening their sides, Tricia exhales loudly by accident.

I've never been rubbed by a human before by a boulder.

The scheduled time of execution is about half an hour away. Nonetheless, the Colosseum audience has already filled 80% of its seats and the audience continues to push.

"Still, it's not like I can see a sword fight, but this is how people get together. Well, every day, life is cut off, I'm a swordfighter, so I can't do anything."

Stormy (Stormy) Perrin moans as he joins his hands behind his head and deposits his body on his back.

"Well, it's a touch of execution of a great sinner, so hey, you don't know. Wild horse guts are the one, Perrin."

The (Faster) Mustadio of Divine Speed responded to it with a loving laugh.

As for Tricia's personal thoughts, she feels somewhat proud to be the same housekeeper (maid) for the magnitude of this ridiculous noise.

A housekeeper (maid) on the ground floor is executed on such a grand stage, recognizing his worth just as a royal marquis. Honestly, I think it would be better for the housekeeper (maid) to let him die.

But my dear master. The man who will be his son-in-law will not try to forgive it.

If this housekeeper (maid) were herself, would the young man come to help?

Unexpectedly, I unwittingly shrug my shoulders to the conclusion that such an idea would pass my head and perhaps try to come and help me.

Tricia, who hasn't been with us that long, is so kind to you that the boy of the desert people is so sure of it.

Tricia thinks as she turns her eyes to the gates that are still overflowing with people.

The lady was changed, and that dragging lady, if for the young, began to act surprisingly bold.

At the same time that I thought about it, my neighbor Mustadio dives in and whispers to me.

"Lord Tricia, this is a call."

When Tricia drops her gaze, in the cloth bag in her hand, the spiritual stone is blinding.

When you look around and take it out while you hide it with your hands, you gently push it against your ear.

I heard the beloved Lord, Malene, from the other side of the slight noise.

"Ma'am, it's Tricia. I hear you."

Yes, he speaks to the Spirit Stone and pushes it against his ear again.

And while I was listening for a while, my blood drew from Tricia's face.

"Ma'am, are you insane?

What was told by Malane is reckless enough for a faithful housekeeper (maid) to doubt the Lord's sanity.

Women change depending on the man they love.

However, neither Tricia nor the boulder imagined that it would be enough to turn the intrusive boxed girl into a reckless hitting (gambler).

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

After communicating with Tricia, one of the bridge (bridge) crew raised his voice as soon as Malane placed the spirit stone beside the operating board (console).

"We've captured the motorized Castle Fort Rhoda. Rhoda also appears to be capturing this one, two falsangs north to begin the reverse walk. Looks like he's about to join us."

"... abandoned"

Maraine said it briefly after showing a bare gesture like thinking for a moment.

I never imagined Rhoda would have had his own father on it, etc., but even if I had known about it, the content of the instructions would not have changed.

Rhoda's aim is clear. Pericles is trying to block that route by stepping once again as he cuts his rudder to the west.

For Maraine, that's not a big obstacle. Either that or Merclius chasing us from the rear is a bigger problem.

"Sir, it's time to move."


As Maraine casts her gaze at Nanashi, who is squirming in the top seat, the boy takes his seat vigorously as he waits, pointing straight at the exit of the bridge.

I guess I simply couldn't help but want to get out of this unworthy seat for this minute. Maraine quietly lays her eyes down as she spills a crunch and a grin at the boy's reaction.

"Sir. I'm not telling you not to push me."

This very operation that Malane popped up is impotent.

I just told you not to push it now, and that word doesn't make sense.

But no matter how many thoughts you make, this is the only way I see it.

Merclius, Rhoda, disorders that appear one after the other.

Is it fate, something you can't see seems to be trying to get in the way of the marines?

Then force it down. I just have to take that way.

"... I believe"

I don't know if I heard that little whine of Malene.

Nanashi turned around once as he hung his hand against the knob at the door and smiled small as Maraine and I met each other.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

Millennium Palace (Millennio).

On the roof of its white palace, three young girls lay shoulders, sitting down.

What they're looking at is the desert as far as they can see.

Their eyes captured three manoeuvred castle fortifications in a very invisible position in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Ha ha, hey Ene. Does Marne look like she's about to change her destiny?

When the yellow-haired toddler says so with pleasure, the red-haired toddler snorts.

"I can't believe it, but it seems so. Mio's survival is about to bring back the choices he's lost."

"Ha ha, no, Ene. It's not the same choice. It's a new option."

A blue-haired toddler squirms at the exchange between the two toddlers.

"There's no one to fight against fate."

The young girl, who can only tell lies, stares at the rising smoke, following the presence of those who are trying to resist her fate.

"Indeed, the future of both Mio and that housekeeper (maid) has never existed as a possibility or as a shard until now."

"Well, it's still possible."

"The spark unleashed by that little war-mongered girl is not going to burn this country down, and we still don't know if this option is going to save this country."

When the red-haired toddler says so, the three look at each other.

"Ha ha, Ene, Sarne! Interesting."


"Yeah, it's funny."

The mouth of the toddlers was distorted into the shape of a three-day moon.

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