Beyond the darkness.

Miriam in her maid's clothes was quietly in a queue.

When I looked at her, she smiled a little drenched,

"Nana...... badass"

Turn your back as you say so.

A back that gradually drifts away.

After that, Nanashi tries to get out.

But I can't move because my legs are tangled in the loose darkness like Coltar's.

"Miriam! Wait! Wait!

Nanashi stretches her arms desperately as she screams, her fingertips scratching the universe empty.

"No! This is it! I can't believe I ended up sacrificing myself!

What arrogance.

Nanashi himself knows that.

I can't stand the habit of throwing my life away until now.

There's no stopping Miriam.

As she walked, when a strip of soft light was created on the horizon, it gradually spread and, at the end of the day, all Nanashi's sights stained white.

"... n, Ann said!

There is a voice calling from somewhere to Nanashi lying in a white space.

That's a terrible nostalgic voice.

"Wake up! Wake up."

I can see my consciousness surfacing so that I can be drawn to that voice.

"... Tsu, it wasn't okay!

"... it's okay. He's just letting go of consciousness thinking he's dead on his own."

Girl's voice with a little moisture and the hard voice of the man answering it.

I don't recognize a man's voice, but I still miss that girl's voice very much.

Well, I'm not dead...

The feeling that the consciousness that was sinking down to the bottom of the earth is rapidly drawn back into the body.

Oh, how heavy. He's called this body.

Hard cobblestone feel on the back. The blurb and vibration come through.

Pericles, the manoeuvring castle fort that was all that raging, is apparently back to normal driving now, too.

When it comes to normal driving, I can imagine that there is not a flat desert running at a manoeuvre castle fort that usually has little shaking, at a time when there is enough vibration to feel.

Nanashi slowly opens his eyes.

Rift into the darkness and light plunges in.

The view of each eye gradually overlaps and becomes one as the lid opens.

The first thing that jumped into my sight was the yellow sky.

Too disturbing colors dyed by the scattered sand.

Against the background of that dirty sky, one girl was peeking into Nanashi's face.


Dark hair, patoons and cut forehead that tickles my shoulders, and red eyes that I still can't help but feel uncomfortable.

It's Nanashi's sister-in-law, Xaragi.

"Xaragi...... is it?

In a sumptuous consciousness, Nanashi stares at Kisaragi.

After a brief silence, Xaragi laughed and opened her mouth as she inhaled her breath small.

"Too bad! It's me. Ahhh!

"Dokshi, hey, hey, hey!

Proudly chested xaragi, Mori Gordon (asshole who doesn't read the air).

Nanashi jumps up unexpectedly, twisting up Gordon's chest barn and poking his jaw.

No matter how warm Nanashi says it is, it's not strange that it's time to run out of bees on a boulder.

"You really are! Over and over again! Same story!

"Stay calm, brother."

"Who is your brother!

"Because Lord Kisaragi says, 'Promise is important, isn't it?'... you're reluctant as I am..."

"reluctantly!? That sounded like so much fun! What did Kisaragi say in the first place... Hmm? Xaragi?"

Nanashi unexpectedly opens his eyes to what asshole means by words.

"Um, you'll be awake already, 'cause I'm taking turns now"

That said, when Gordon closed his eyes, the atmosphere that wrapped him up obviously changed, although there was no change in appearance.

"... Anne"

"Ki, are you a xaragi...?

Nanashi accidentally rattles his throat at as he slowly opens his eyes to the figure of Xaragi.

Xaragi shyly shifts her eyes away from the Nanashi, dyeing her cheeks slightly down.

And when I looked back at Nanashi like I had made up my mind, I laughed and said:

"Too bad! It's me. Ahhh!

"Dokshi, hey, hey, hey!

Over the course of this period, it was just a superimposed mess.

Nanashi accidentally held his head and stepped on the estate waste.

Limitation of patience and bounds on boulders. Trembling fingertips explore hips gains.

But Kisaragi laughed with pleasure as he stared at how Nanashi looked like that.

"Haha, lying. Anne, it's me, it's Xaragi."

Pitali and Nanashi move stops.

"Huh... really?


"Not an old man...?

Like a small animal immediately after being attacked by a natural enemy, Xaragi unwittingly laughs at the appearance of an alert rounded nanashi.

"It's okay, I'm not an old man. Inside, Mr. Gordon said, 'Who's the old man!' Cause I'm mad, but I'm not an old man."

But Nanashi still doesn't try to de-alert.

There are three occasions when there are two. There is no denying the possibility that the replacement of the tempura bowl will come.

"Then ask a question. What's your favorite thing about xaragi?

"Fire Ant (Fire Ant) with Sweet Vinegar"

The three souls in the xaragi, if you think calmly, cannot distinguish the xaragi from Gordon in this question because they also share their memories.

But Nanashi was convinced.

Definitely. It's Xaragi right in front of you, he said.


Without even wiping the thin tears floating on his eye head, Nanashi accidentally hugged him to Xaragi. Xaragi opens her eyes for a moment, then smiles gently, rubbing the back of the Nanashi as if to soften the nagging child.

"Heh heh, Ann, it hurts, hug me so hard..."

"Oh, I'm sorry"

"Mm-hmm. That sounds weird. It's been a while since I've heard Anne while Lou was on the table."

With his forehead on Nanashi's shoulder, Xaragi closes her eyes happily.

Nanashi's eyes moisturize even more at the appearance of such a xaragi.

Cold body. Golem body without body temperature.

However, it is undisputed that she is now in Nanashi's arms, and she was the sister-in-law she sought.

"... I was worried about you."


"I thought I'd never see you again."


Nanashi slowly looks up, holding Xaragi in his arms.

"Welcome back, Xaragi"

"I'm home, Anne"

The two smiled as they pressed their foreheads together.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

How long has it been?

After letting go of each other's bodies with a little residue, Nanashi opens his mouth as he remembers.

"Kisaragi, by the way. Why did you pretend to be Mr. Gordon just now?

"Because Don said, 'This is a promise'." Because my brother will be absolutely delighted to say something... "

When Xaragi tells her upper eye that, Nanashi pulls her pimples and cheeks.

"... one day I'll definitely, I'll tighten you out of Xaragi's body"

It was once again a Nanashi that cemented its resolve.

That's when I suddenly heard voices coming from behind Xaragi.

"Boy, I understand it's an inspiring reunion, but can we do that?

There he was, a boy with a purple robe, a man with a head.

A man with a disappointing physique, but no sign of him, so long as he doesn't realize he's been there before now.

"... xaragi, what about this guy?

The vigilance also answers the enquiry of the dewy Nanashi, Xaragi with a full smile.

"Mr. Shorts."

It's Schultz.

There's no sign of a man moving at all to crack the worst mistake he's ever made.

He was a strong man of hearts.

"Yeah, Mr. Shorts..."

It's Schultz.

"I'm Lou's guy, and he helped Anne get blown over here."

A man who silently corrects without any signs of movement and a xaragi who has not heard that correction at all.

It is a surreal sight inside, but for Nanashi it is a sight that feels somewhat visionary.

"Looks like you helped...... oh, thank you"

"Thank you is fine. I'm not going to get used to you."

Schultz cuts off cold without changing one expression.

"Marilou told me to save you this time, so I gave you a hand. That's all."

"... marilou?

"Yeah, yeah, I asked Lou to help Anne,"


Nanashi unexpectedly frowns.

The woman with that name must be the undisputed enemy.

Another soul in the xaragi.

He is the tent who ate the xaragi, and the opponent of many times Nanashi fought against Gergios and Merclius in front of the castle gate, as well as downtown.

"... that guy used to ask me that favor"

"Yeah, well, it's conditional, but it was more of a convenience story."


"Yeah, the woman who was fighting Anne until just now. Uncle Merclius."

"Huh? Yeah......"

Nanashi turns a bewildered glance at Xaragi for the sudden rise in the subject of Krulu.

"It's conditional on me and Don helping Lou butch the woman's person. I saw that woman beat Anne up, and I thought, well, she better kill her."

That's too noisy a statement.

Kisaragi was a girl who couldn't even kill a bug.

Critical flaws were born in the xaragi in front of him and in the xaragi in Nanashi's memory, and Nanashi, not knowing what to say, just mumbled at the magnitude of the unbridled gap.

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